Road Rage~!
By Jusred
@Jusred (1578)
United States
January 11, 2007 5:28pm CST
Do you, or anyone that you know, suffer from intense 'Road Rage'?
Have you ever been a 'serious' victim of it~?
It is becoming an increasingly problematic problem..As speed limits increase, and the amount of drivers on the road, especially in highly populated areas, i have noticed more road signs that say "Calm" or "Relax.." as opposed to the more frequent ones "Slow down..Save a life"
What's your say on the "Needed Anger Management Behind the Wheel" or "Did You Obtain Your License from a Cracker-Jack Box!?"~
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41 responses
@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
11 Jan 07
i myself get road rage sometimes..but not dangerous..just well..mouthy lol..I hate it when i get tail gated..that actually scares me..especially when i have my 4 yr old in teh back..if they get too mad and not pay attention they could crash into my car and he would get hurt first..but then there are days that i have to follow someone with they're blinkers on for 3 miles..and no where to pass..and u have no idea when they will turn..and then they go to turn..and they take forever!!!! AWWWW!! as a friend once said..ITS A TURN NOT A FRICKIN CAREER!!!!!!!!UGGHHHH!!!lol..i usually show a finger ot 2..maybe some honking..but i dont show it often because my sons always with me..and he doesnt need to know those kind of words!!! hahahah!!! but i ahvent seen those signs in my town..actually its a great idea!!!take care!!
@Jusred (1578)
• United States
12 Jan 07
Thank you for your response!
I think there are too many drivers at both ends of the extreme..Some can't seem to get to where they are going fast enough, even if it's just to the store to buy a pack of gum..Then there are those who seem to be scared of driving, and drive 10 or more miles under the speed limit. I think driving too slow is as dangerous as driving too fast -especially in a metropolis area. It's places like that where signs like these are being put up~

@pookie92 (1714)
• United States
12 Jan 07
I've never been the victim of road rage, I keep a VERY low profile on the road. If someone is having a control problem I just let them go by. I don't wish to be a statistic. I did see it happen one time though. I was sitting at a light at a busy Seattle intersection when a fella got out of his car, opened the trunk, removed a baseball bat and proceeded to break out the windshield of the car in front of him at the light. I was terrified, we were all in line to turn left, so you have to drive over the cement divider if you want to get out. We all did......... didn't want to be next, I suppose.
@pendragon (3348)
• United States
12 Jan 07
People feel more equal with eachother, or anonymous and strong behind a wheel, it's like strapping on a superbody of sorts, and it just takes your skill to make it work, so i think a LOT of rage manifests itself inside these mentally volatile instances, when the road feels like an arena, and the underdog who feels even more persecuted goes to fight back,only their fighting their whole day, just not a jerk in a buick, etc.I have been a victim of it, when someone chased me for miles , gesturing and screaming etc, because to avoid one accident I had to pull out in front of them whihc they obviously took as a personal act of contempt.
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@elusivedarkness (531)
• United States
12 Jan 07
I've seen some pretty bad road rage. I've seen people get out of their cars at traffic lights and all sorts of crazy stuff. If someone does something stupid to you when you're driving you need to try to let it go. I don't even usually honk unless the other person does something really insane. There are just too many crazy people out there who may be already on the verge of snapping whom you could provoke with your actions. If someone comes after you, the best thing to do is try not to escalate it and pull over to a public place.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
13 Jan 07
That's the way my thinking is! Just a matter of time before you come across that crazed road rager, and you're the last straw in his day..

@mpvanwagner (165)
• United States
12 Jan 07
I used to get really mad when I first started driving. I always thought I had to go like 5 above the speed limit, I couldn't go exactly what the sign said or less, or I was just going nuts. Then as I got a little older and I started making the same trip every week to see my husband in school, I realized sometimes I sped, and sometimes I had to go the speed limit because I was stuck behind people, and really, I got there in almost exactly the same amount of time. So, after that I just stopped worrying about it, and I am very calm. Except when people cut me off, or do something like running lights that can endanger peoples lives. But then I also realize that they cannot hear me, so it just makes me angry inside, and I don't yell because my son is in the car and I don't like him around that sort of hostility. But then I also think about my bad days, and sometimes you just zone out, everyone has done it, and you do something stupid without thinking, and it isn't technically like you were trying to do it on purpose. So I think a lot of it could just be avoided if people weren't so quick to react.
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@MrMoney21 (47)
• United States
12 Jan 07
i do sometimes have road rage because some people just be stupid enough trying to speed past u like they are in a hurry. sometimes i do get a little upset when someone is driving so slow in front of me, like going ten miles under the speed limit. but i do try to be calm and just let things go. but its just how people are on the road. i think i middled fingerd someone once lol and they middle fingerd back, but it was a little kid in the back seat of the other car that did the middle fingering. it was kind of funny at the same time. but i'm a better person and i don't get mad as much now.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
13 Jan 07
Wow. This is sorta sad. To have public service driving signs advising calming down rather than driving safely! A sign of the times, I guess. I can occassionally be impatient when I drive, but not road rage or angry at other drivers. My hubby though has had two mild incidents. He's a truck driver and comes across lots of drivers. But he's had two times of expressing anger towards other drivers when behind the wheel of his own vehicle. Once two women were not letting him pass when he was trying to.. speeding up, not letting him pass, but then slowing down when he pulled back behind them. They were playing a game with him, I guess, then they pulled into the parking lot of a bar (a strip club, he said "figures") and he followed them and gave them a piece of his mind. They called the cops and he got a ticket, but he reported them also and the other driver got a ticket too. The second time was early in the morning on the way to work, a gal pulled out in front of him on snowy roads, because she had not cleaned the ice off any of her windows except two small inch spots, one on her windshield and one on her driver's side window. He rolled down his window and yelled at her after almost running into her at about 50 miles an hour. And someone called the cops, and he got another ticket. I'm sympathetic to him tho. Especially the second case, as he was yelling at the girl so she wouldn't do such a stupid thing again. I tell him not to be yelling at people though, because he could come across a crazed road rager!
@Jusred (1578)
• United States
13 Jan 07
Thank you to everyone for your responses..
Hopefully some of these personal stories submitted will make someone think twice the next time they get behind the wheel..Despite how good of a driver you may be, it's the other million+ drivers on the road with you that make the real difference.. 'Driving defensively' is taking on a whole new aspect as times are changing and 'road rage' continues to worsen~
@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
12 Jan 07
Road rage is a very serious problem here and it drives me crazy to see how people are driving these days. People should be required to take some kind of class to help not cause or be a victim of road rage. Many people here should not be driving and for many reasons. Fortunately, I have not been a victim yet and I am a careful driver. I wonder all the time how people got their drivers licenses. Maybe they should be given personality tests to see if they should be driving or not.
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@micheller (1365)
• United States
12 Jan 07
I believe that people do need to control their tempers while driving these days. We recently had a case where I live where they had road rage and one of the men was shot two times in his chest and killed.
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@Tweety2035 (662)
• United States
12 Jan 07
My husband has really bad road rage and I tell him that he needs to calm down and he tells me that those people need to learn how to drive.And most of the time he's behind someone who is old and I tell him to just keep living and when your driving that way I will yell at you.But if you think about it most people with road rage do not have alot of patience.
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@SarahEC (545)
• United States
12 Jan 07
I get a little bit of road rage, but not a 'serious' amount. I usually just honk and curse at people. My mom, on the other hand, really goes crazy sometimes. lol. I've seen her follow people to where they were going just to curse them out. lol. It's sad that this world is becoming so violent and people are becoming victim of road rage more and more often.
@Jusred (1578)
• United States
12 Jan 07
My father used to do that..He would follow people to their 'destination' and really chew them out..As a child, i would sit in the car watching him scream and shake his fist at others many times..He was lucky someone didn't 'kick his a**', but he was also a bit on the neurotic side with many other things in life too~
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@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
12 Jan 07
I was the manager of a group home and one of my employees/friend got arrested for road rage. She was at the end of her street and some young girls wanted to take a right but didn't want to wait for her they were beeping and yelling. She got mad and didn't move, rolled down the window and one of the girls gave her the finger. She jumped out of her car and the other driver had the window down and called her something. So my friend Yanked open the car door and pulled the girl out of the car. Then they got in a fist fight. Finally the police came and broke it up.
Come to find out the girl was only 17 and my friend was 38.
She didn't get in trouble because the girls father was so mad at his daughter that he conviced the police not to pursue it.
I still think she should have been punished in some way. That wasn't right. But I guess that's how it goes for some.
@sammiril (21)
• United States
12 Jan 07
my dad is the worst ive ever seen. he is a safe driver but he gets so mad. he says the most awful things. i got his temper to a point but i dont think of myself as the best driver so i think i am more understanding of other drivers. some people are scared to dive so they are slower and more caucious of the road, which in turn make all those drivers that are confedent on the road and drive faster upset.
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
12 Jan 07
I did spend half a hour writing my thoughts on road rage and mylot lost the message. As this was my first post... I am really not impress.
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@shogunly (1397)
• Libya
12 Jan 07
I am frequently a victim of attacks of road-rage fits, i drive my car at high speeds , slipping in openings in traffic between other cars ,one time a passenger in my car actually passed out (fainted) , i also listen to heavy metal music which makes me speed even when i am driving slowly , just from the "energy" of the music !
all the accidents i have had , and all the cars i wrecked ,I was never on the wrong side ! can you believe it ?
driving fast USUALLY makes you pay more attention to the road!
like a professional driver , you actually enjoy the driving ,making it less likely to make mistakes and cause an accident .
however , if possible driving slowly AND attentively is better .
@shogunly (1397)
• Libya
12 Jan 07
i thought road-rage meant driving excessive speed, i never atacked anyone for speeding though ,
on the other hand ,
i was once driving my fathers AUDI , very fast , i overtook two cars by driving in the middle , they were almost my same speed so i could see the drivers in the mirrors,one of them swerved with his ugly pickup and bumped my tail !
i stopped the car , very angry , and BOTH cars stopped !
they were filled with very older guys who it turns out were in a picnic and eagre for a fight !
I swallowed my anger and escaped with my skin , so it turns out i have been a victim of road-rage after all .
@balasri (26537)
• India
12 Jan 07
Every day I take out my car I speak to myself about the virtue of being a good and cam person and the bad things that you can cause to your self with anger.
Down the road some rouge driver make me loose control inevitably.I dont know what to do.
@Jusred (1578)
• United States
13 Jan 07
Unfortunately, that is the risk we all take everytime we get behind the wheel, including others in the car with us, like family and friends..It's not always easy to get someone else's license plate #, but if you can -have paper and pen with you at all times in your glove compartment..Wear your glasses when you drive, if they are needed, as in short-sightedness, and carry pepper-spray or Mace for defense. A cell phone is also very handy to have on you at all times..You don't even need service to dial '911'~
@sharon613 (2321)
• United States
12 Jan 07
Unfortunately, a friend of mine and my husbands got killed on account of road rage.
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@blinkyberry (223)
• United States
12 Jan 07
my friend is a serious road rage i be afraid to ride with her sometimes especially if i'm taking my son with us.
@arlerambabu (1079)
• India
12 Jan 07
Lack of civic sense and the absence of severe penalty for the offense are the main causes for the road India,50 year old junkies are also allowed on the road jeopardizing the lives of the pedestrians and the vehicle drivers. Don't think Pedestrians are an innocent lot. They too contribute their mite in the road rage.Gay walking ,leaving the foot path (if there is one)and walking in 3 or 4 file causing inconvenience to the fellow pedestrians and the vehicles above all indifference and incompetence are in a big way contributing to the road rage
@WebMann (4731)
• Canada
12 Jan 07
I had a guy try to cut me off as I was on my way home one day after work and at the best of times I get ticked off at other drivers for being idiots.
So this guy decided to cut me off, well attempt to cut me off, as I didn't let him. Well he was upset and followed me home. DUH!!
Why do people in the wrong always take the defensive and get up set and make it look like someone else is at fault.
Anyways he followed me into my drive way. I jumped out of my car and was at his car door before he could get out. His window was down and as soon as he realized I wasn't backing down and that he couldn't get out of his car he changed his whole attitude and started apologizing.
I would say that it is lucky for him that I am not a violent person or I could have ripped his head off before he would have gotten out of his car. :)
I wonder if he thought twice before trying to cut someone off.
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@WebMann (4731)
• Canada
12 Jan 07
This is one story I just remembered. Kinda cute.
We were driving from New Brunswick Canada to Ontario Canada
I do get upset with other drivers and yes I have yelled some not so nice things and even waved using just one finger, but I try to control my emotions on the road.
This guy came flying up behind us and flew right past us only to slow down to less than the speed I was already going. Idiots. :(
My son said I should do it to him because the bible says to. Of course I asked him what he meant and he said that in the bible it says to 'Do unto others' and Dad I think he wants you to do it to him.
Well that just calmed down instantly and both myself and his mother laughed.
Like they say: Kids say the darndest things.
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