Fear of the Dentist

United States
January 12, 2007 8:01pm CST
I can't remember a time that I wasn't fearful of going to the dentist. They say that when you have a bad experience with the dentist at an early age that it carries over to your adulthood. This is true with me. With a raging toothache and infection causing swelling in my face, I entered the office of a dentist that my friend recommended. The smell of the office nearly drove me back out the door. The receptionist greeted me with a friendly hello and asked me to take a seat. Once in the office with the dentist and assistant by my side, I began to interview him. I wanted to know everything. He said I needed a root canal. I asked how much pain I would be in. He said that a root canal was much like labor pains. I sat up from the chair and was ready to leave. He stopped me and with a laugh explained further. No labor is the same and no root canal is the same. That was honest enough. I then told him of my fear of needles. I told him that before he was even going to think of giving me a needle he needed to make sure that I would not see or even hear speak the word "needle". I told him that I had great peripheral vision. He laughed and promised me he would do his best. With a prescription for anti-biotics and an appointment card in hand, I left the dentist's office. The following month I returned. As I entered the office, again the smell that wafted through my nostrils nearly drove me back out the door. The receptionist greeted me with a smile and even started having a conversation with me. Within a few minutes the dental assistant called my name. My palms grew clammy, my heart began to race. I took a deep breath and followed her to the back room. As I sat in the chair, I gazed at the butterfly mobile that hung on the ceiling along with the butterfly posters. I took another deep breath. The procedure began. The dentist and assistant were talking with me about my kids. The dentist revealed that he too had twins. He talked while he was preparing me for the inevitable. He put a clovey tasting substance in my mouth and waited a few minutes. Then he told me to close my eyes. Breathing through my nose, I found it was a little painful, but within a few seconds bearable. Once the procedure was over, I released my deathgrip on the arms of the chair. I sat slowly up and swung my legs over the side of the chair. I had to sit for a few minutes to get my bearings. Once settled I thanked them. It wasn't so bad. I still use this dentist. He has pretty much gotten me less fearful of dentists. I go every 6 months for my cleaning. I even see him when I have a problem, before it gets worse. Face your fears....who knows, you just may be okay.
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73 responses
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
13 Jan 07
Oh I can relate to this so much it's not funny! I can honestly say that there is not much in this world that I am afraid of or dread but the Dentist is certainly one of them! I have rarely had a positive experience aqs a result of going to a Dentist and it has never been any act of the Dentist themselves it is more the problems that I always seem to attract after being there! I get a root canal and I get an infection. I avoid a root canal and have the tooth pulled out instead and I have compications from it...... My wisdom teeth are removed and I suddenly get something called "dry socket"..... It goes on and on. And the pathetic thing on my part is that if I attended the Dentist regularly I probably wouldn't have these issues in the first place! It is just a major mental stumbling block for me that I will hopefully one day overcome.
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• United States
13 Jan 07
Dry socket....omg..that is horrible!
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@ahsan15 (334)
• India
13 Jan 07
yo it's horrible indeed!
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@pradesh13 (287)
• India
13 Jan 07
Your Exprience reveals that you will now able to go to the Dentist regularly. Subsequent Visits to him will lead to lesser and lesser apprehensions. I had similar experience in the Childhood when my teeth were extracted. But now I am very much confident about going and I do my Regular preventive checkup from my dentist.
• United States
14 Jan 07
I hate going to the dentist. My heart races and I get a panick attack. It hurts and always costs a fortune for something or another. I am glad once the whole thing is done and finished.
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@Muslimah (811)
• United States
13 Jan 07
i hate the dentist goodness. its the sounds and the smell of the office i dont know. but i keep on top of my appointments i would rather put up with it than having no teeth in my mouth.
@thekiwi (588)
• United States
13 Jan 07
Quote "They say that when you have a bad experience with the dentist at an early age that it carries over to your adulthood" This is true with me too! When i was little, my teeth rotted because of the milk that i was given in my bottle when i was young at night...My teeth were so bad they had to put me to sleep, says my granny who raised me, and fix them...Since then i cried each time i got in that chair... Since then, i have been getting better, but as soon as i sit in that chair i will shake or when they start to poke me with that needle i will start to tear up...I am soo terrified of going but i know i have to get my teeth fixed...or cleaned.
• United States
13 Jan 07
I cry when I see a needle coming toward my mouth. My dentist is great with that. He tells me that "I may want to close my eyes". He doesn't order me to do it. That has a calming effect.
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@villageanne (8553)
• United States
13 Jan 07
I hate dentists! Like you, I had a bad experience when i was growing up. I had never been to the dentist before in my life till I was in high school. I had a terribe tooth ache and had to seek help. Now you must be aware, back then, they did not numb you like they do today. it was not painless dentistry. He did numb my mouth or at least that is what he said he was doing as he ran the needle into my mouth. OUCH! it hurt and no it never did stop hurting all the time he was working on my tooth. Seems I needed a rootcanel. Ok..what is a root canel. Remember, this is my first time at the dentist. He assured me that it had to be done and all I was thinking was "I will have to do more than work in my lunch break to pay for this one." Anyway. My mouth hurt for months after he got finished with me. After he was finished, i walked outside on the sidewalk...and....PASSED OUT! I never went to the dentist again till my first daughter was born and again, I was in pain. Seems my wisdom teeth were growing inward and pushing all my teeth forward. Oh DEAR! i cant do this again. I had to have all 4 wisdom teeeth cut out and had to have it done as soon as possible. Now I must tell you, I have developed a new problem since that first time at the dentist - I GAG - Yep, as soon as they get in my mouth - I gag to the point of throwing up. I have trouble just letting them get an exray adn they run as fast as they can out of the room. I warned them...they will listen to me in the future. Now I have a tooth ache again. I called a dentist to make an appointment. I have to go the first week of Feb. No I do not have a dentist. I am scared of them - why would I have one! I have a mitral valve prolapse so I have to be premedicated before I have dental work done so I have to go to my family dr to get a prescription for that too... I hate dentist! Serina, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
• United States
13 Jan 07
I still get light-headed at the dentist. Even though he is good at what he does. When there is a needle involved and it is in my mouth....I'm nearly a gonner.
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• United States
13 Jan 07
I dont think a dentist could handle you and me in the same day! LOL I just hate dentist. I have an appointment to see a dentist from our church but I am still dreading it like the plague! LOL
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• United States
25 Jan 07
Thanks for "Best Comment"
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
13 Jan 07
i know what you mean and i have the same feeling with you... i also fear of needle and i also dislike to go to the dentist because it is so painful... especially when they drill your teeth to clean it up before they start doing the filling... unfortunately, i still have to go and bear with the pain rather than having infection in my mouth and cannot eat... so, yeah... i try to face it and it is ok... it is painful, but still bearable...
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@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
13 Jan 07
I have never been afraid of going to the dentist as my friends dad was my dentist when I was a child and I knew he was very good and he took good care of me. Now my former babysitter is my dentist and I trust her as well with my teeth and gum. I have not had any serious problems with my teeth other than having cavities once in a while and never had any surgery.
@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
14 Jan 07
Great analogy. Wish all our problems would anesthetize us first, though. Sometimes worrying about something is harder than doing something about it. Glad you are getting your dental needs met. It does go a long way when you find someone you can trust.
@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
14 Jan 07
I have a terrible fear of the dentist. I am so glad you have been able to find a good dentist that understands My fear started very young as I had to have 6 baby teeth removed when I was 4. I had a terrible dentist. He would tell you it wasn't going to hurt and then about kill you with pain. He would threaten if you didn't keep your mouth open he would keep it open for you. Then he would show this contraption used to keep peoples mouths open. Oh how I hated going to the dentist. I don't think my parents did a very good job teaching us about brushing and oral hygiene also. As I got older I would only go to the dentist if it was an emergeny to me. As a result I have a mouth full of rotten teeth, it's not pretty and I am ashamed. I now have come to realize no matter how much I hate the thought, I have to get my mouth in order. So I am lookiing at removal of all my teeth and getting dentures. Oh how I dread the thought.
• United States
13 Jan 07
I was afraid of dentists for the longest time too. I had a bad experience when I was a child and ever since then I dreaded going to the dentist. I had a bad bite, and finally when I was in my 30's I decided I wanted to correct this, so I got braces. That was rather painful, but I was determined to improve my looks and I am glad I did. Fixing my teeth really helped my self-esteem. I have had 4 root canals in the past year and at first I was fearful of having that done. I had heard root canals are very painful. But they were no different than getting a filling. So now, I still don't enjoy going to the dentist, but I am no longer afraid.
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
13 Jan 07
Firstly, I'm so glad that you've found a dentist that you can trust who has helped you to fear dentists less! Secondly, it is true that so many people have a fear of the dentist - including me! I have not been in a very long time, and I'm certain that my teeth aren't in the best shape. I'm really a bit lax about brushing my teeth, which isn't good I know. Thankfully, I've almost never had any pain due to my teeth. Even when I did, I just put some ice against my face and got rid of the pain after half an hour or so. Lately I haven't had anything like that at all. My mother is the same. She's lost teeth and all kinds of things and has never had that much pain.
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@cjsmom (1423)
• United States
13 Jan 07
When I was little I didn't like to go to dentist either. Somewhere along the way, I must have had a gentle one, because now, when I have to go, I'm all right. Here's a suggestion to everyone; next time you see someone with nasty looking teeth, instead of going, 'yuck', like I used to, you may want to consider the fact that that poor individual is probably petrified of dentists and say a quick prayer for them...LOL
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• India
14 Jan 07
i fear dentists a lot....never ever i wish to go to a dentist....
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@annieroos (1845)
• United States
13 Jan 07
I hate going to the dentist.. I get freaked out, i hate the sound of the drills and just sitting in the chair freaks me out.. and I don't like the needles.. I hadn't gone for a long time.. and when i didi had a couple of cavities.. and needed my molar removed.. OMG.. that was horrible.. they had problems removing he had to pull it hard.. and i could hear it .. ooooooo and then i got air that hit the hole where they extracted the tooth and every time air would hit it or i would drink somthing.. ouch.. and they had to put some gauze and some liquid inside the hole.. and it healed.. but it hurt bad.. but i went back a few times.. for cleaning and i haven't been back since.. i just get freaked out.. and i know i will have to go eventually whether i want to or not..
• United States
13 Jan 07
You have just described my last extraction. I got the willies from reading your description! I was moaning so loudly that I apologized to the dentist. I know that it was just the sound and the pressure of the extraction more than the pain, he gave me 3 shots.
@patootie (3592)
13 Jan 07
Ohh dear what an experience you had .. For many years I had a real fear of going to the dentist .. and it all stems from my old school dentist .. we called him 'The Butcher' he was plain nasty ... he never gave any of the numbing injections time to work and if we wriggled about too much he would simply put his knee on our chests and carry on regardless ... I hated him .. But finally I have overcome my fear thank goodness .. and modern instrmunets and gadgets make most dentistry practically painless too .. so other than a few butterflies just before I go in I am usually nice and calm ..
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@timou87 (1638)
• Singapore
13 Jan 07
Ack I am very curious to find out how your old school dentist got such a horrifying nickname. But you are right with modren machinery and techniques there is entirely no reason why people should be afraid of dentis visits anymore.
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@yrteja (651)
• India
14 Jan 07
actually i dont have any fear but i feel fear when the dentist picks out our teeth only.
@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
13 Jan 07
I had a root canal when I was a kid, and it was not enjoyable. I remember being very scared, and the dentist I went to, wasn't really that nice, when I cried he told me to stop being a baby. (we never went back to him...) I just got 2 teeth pulled (2 days ago) and it's not much fun either. I couldn't have any real pain medicine because I am nursing my four month old, had I realized it, I problably would have still had it done, b/c it hurt pretty bad, but I may have waited until my hubby had more time off. I can deal with the pain, it's the pain plus being a loving and sweet and patient mother that is wearing on me! (: hopefully it'll start getting better soon.
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• United States
13 Jan 07
Huggers to you for not having extra pain meds.
• India
14 Jan 07
u right i fear fo dentis
• India
13 Jan 07
omg dentist...that the word that scares me a lot...wen i was a kid my mom used to scare me by sayin that behave otherwise i will call a dentist to take ur teeth's away...i am very much afraid of the tools they use while operating...and the fact that they work on ur gums by lookin at the mirror...this makes it more scary...one mistake and u r gone..
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• United States
13 Jan 07
My mother practiced scare tactics too. Maybe that is why I am so fearful of needles.