Do your kids have TV's in the bedroom?

United States
January 12, 2007 11:10pm CST
Just wondering how many of you allow your kids to have TV's in the bedroom?
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25 responses
@mgmagana (3618)
• United States
13 Jan 07
yes they do! because my son likes to play his video games and we don't want to watch him! but as long as u set limits i don't c a problem with it!
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• United States
13 Jan 07
I don't plan on letting my daughter have a tv in her room. But I don't think that it is bad for some kids to have them. I think it comes down to whether the parents can control their tv usage and they make sure they aren't in front of the tube 24/7.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
14 Jan 07
I think a tv in their room would be ok as long as it didn't have cable! maybe a dvd player or something for older kids.. that way you can choose what they watch as well as have a few minutes to yourself
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@wahmoftwo (1296)
• United States
14 Jan 07
Yes, both of my kids have a TV in their room. I monitor how much they watch and make sure that they aren't just sitting in there by themselves watching all the time though.
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• India
14 Jan 07
yes my children have tv in their bed room...
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@sylvrrain (659)
• United States
14 Jan 07
I have always allowed my children to have tv's in the bedrooms. When they were younger, we spent a lot of family time together and they didn't really watch them that much. As they got older, they had special shows they liked to watch and they had their video games. They were stil active in sports and we still had our family outings. By the time they were 15 and older, they were not at home as much, so too much tv was never a problem in our home. I feel like if you spend a lot of time doing things with your children, giving them opportunities to join outside activities, a little tv is not going to hurt them. Neither of my children were obese, or did they want to watch the tv all the time.
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@utanyto (413)
• Romania
14 Jan 07
I allow my kids to have TV`s in bedroom, but only from the age of 5.Before that the TV will be in other bedroom.I will be careful with the programs. I will not alow him to watch 15 movies.Later it will be
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@breezie (1246)
• Canada
13 Jan 07
My daughter is 8 and does not have a tv in her room, but my 5 year old son does. He does not get any channels or have a DVD player or VCR. He uses it only to play his V Smile (educational video games) and we have never had a problem with it so far. One of the rules of him having it in his room is that he must ask before he plays it.
• United States
13 Jan 07
Yes both of my kids have tv's in their room. BUT we don't have the cable hooked up to it. It is really only good for their game systems, DVD players and the VCR. When we put them to bed, we turn it on and we go back in a half hour or so and make sure they are sleeping. If they aren't, then we turn it off for them. My kids don't sit in their rooms all day and watch tv. Nor would they be allowed too. We give them things but a lot of things have limits. They are still happy playing good 'ol board games. My son is learning to read and my daughter likes to play with dolls and other imaginary type things so I don't think it has hurt them any.
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@amber81 (288)
• United States
14 Jan 07
I know this might sound crazy but Both our kids have tvs in their rooms... ones five and ones three.. they only use them though atnight time to go to sleep... and then we shut them off... but it helps wonders .. So, other than that they play all day and dont get tv.
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• United States
13 Jan 07
My ten year old daughter does, honestly, because the Dance Dance Revolution music drives me crazy, lol. But she's restricted on how long it's allowed to be on, and what channels she can watch. My eight year old definitely not, he would turn it on every chance he got no matter what I said.
13 Jan 07
My sons have a TV in their room the remote is in the kitchen (right outside their room) so my husband and I are the ones who control what and when they watch it. They play their VSmile in there and they have VCR and DVD hooked up to it. There's only so many times I can stand to watch Bob the Builder or Thomas the Train! I've also found if they watch the movies in the living room they just sit and watch. If they watch them in their room they play while watching. There's no food allowed in their room so they don't sit and watch TV and eat like someone else mentioned in their reply. My boys are very active so I'm not worried about them watching too much TV and not getting enough exercise.
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@ahsan15 (334)
• India
14 Jan 07
i have a T.V in my room....coz i think there is no problem having a t.v in one's room
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• United States
13 Jan 07
I do allow my children to have a tv in their room. They are sent to bed at 8:00 every night and are allowed to watch some TV before drifting off. When I go up to bed ususally and hour or so later they are already sleeping and I shut the TV off
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@celray (141)
• United States
13 Jan 07
My teenagers do but they are only allowed to watch tv when there is no school , because if i allow them to watch tv all the time they will not do anything else including homework plus they will be awake must of the night.
@briennekb (610)
• United States
13 Jan 07
May daughter is only 20 months old, so she doesn't have a television in her room. But, when she gets older, I am not going to allow her to have a television in her room. Television seems to consume peoples lives entirely to much. Kids are always watching useless shows and video games. Television promotes a sedentary lifestyle which is leading to obesity in our children. Now I'm not saying that she will never be allowed to watch television, because she will. Even I have a few favorite shows that I do not like to miss. But I want her to use her time better by reading books or doing something else that she is into. Not to mention, I had a television in my room growing up and I can't even tell you how many nights I stayed up until 2 in the morning watching silly shows. As a child, I watched way too much tv and I have learned from that. Now I want to promote better activities for my daughter to do.
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@GardenGerty (162770)
• United States
13 Jan 07
This is a trend that is really bad for kids' learning. I did not let my kids have TV in their room. If it is in their room, you lose the opportunity to monitor what and when they watch. Sleeping with the TV on is not good quality sleep. Eating in their room in front of the TV makes for fat kids. If I had it to do over, I still would not allow it.
• United States
13 Jan 07
I had a tv in my bedroom from when I was 9. My parents allowed things like that. I dont really see a reason why not for it. Just need to make sure that they dont watch more than they should, and keep to a schedule.
• United States
13 Jan 07
Well, my kids are older now, 23 & 24 and have TV's in their rooms. Yes, they still live at home and have good jobs and help around here and pay rent. :) When they were younger I did not allow tv in their rooms until they were 17. We had 1 tv and most of the time we all watched together. When they got their own, I limited the TV, Video game times and I never heard any flack from them about it. I do not like when they sit in front of the TV and watch silly, meaningless shows or play video games all day. I prefer they get out and do something or read. Now that they are older they are pretty good about making responsible choices as far as tv.
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• United States
18 Jan 07
Yes, my kids do. They have always had tvs. I can only watch so many cartoons before I go crazy.
@candygurl24 (1880)
• Canada
18 Jan 07
My children do have a tv in their room. They are 7 & 4 years old, which some may say is too young, but I see it as them having something that they enjoy in their own space, a responsibility. They have only a vcr in there, not even a dvd player. I don't watch enough tv to pay for cable, so they don't have cable, and they only watch approved movies. It also is a benefit for myself. I now have time to sit and put a movie on in the evenings without them complaining that they wanted to watch whatever movie for the millionth time.