What is/was your favorite subject in school/college?

United States
October 3, 2006 12:46pm CST
mine was restorative art.
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147 responses
@bimal10p (1218)
• India
4 Oct 06
mathematics and phy.edu
1 person likes this
• United States
4 Oct 06
i hated those classes but more power to you!
@MellieC (783)
• United States
8 Oct 06
oh i hand it to you i'm NOT good at math at all! i am envious of anyone thats good at it!
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• India
10 Oct 06
math my all time favourite
• India
16 Oct 06
my favourite subject in school was maths
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@Bugsey (775)
• United States
17 Oct 06
so must be spelling right?
• India
16 Oct 06
hey maths is little tough
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@Doaa17 (242)
• Jordan
6 Oct 06
Sociolinguistics, that was a really interesting class, never missed one :)
• United States
6 Oct 06
wow. that does sound interesting..
• United States
6 Oct 06
yes, i am very interested in that now .. when i go back to college i will look that class up.
@Doaa17 (242)
• Jordan
6 Oct 06
Yes, it is. My professor was a young dude, so he kept us awake. Also the subject itself is interesting, it deals with how language can effect your world or reflect it, for example how you can tell if some one is poor or rich from his/her language.. Cool right?
• India
8 Oct 06
like compiler design, design and analysis of algorithms,automata,computer organisation ...n al related to computers
• United States
9 Oct 06
wow sounds really hard.
• United States
26 Oct 06
Thanks to you for responding. ;)
• India
9 Oct 06
well its not hard but really interesting ...these subjects r really worth studing
@satish_g (79)
• India
11 Oct 06
i like physics computerscience,design i love web desiging this is my first website http://techstuff.co.nr
• United States
11 Oct 06
wow. very cool.
• United States
26 Oct 06
Thanks to you for responding. ;)
• India
11 Oct 06
this is the screenshot
• India
16 Oct 06
CHEMISTRY ..nothing else can catch ones imagination like chemistry ..
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• India
16 Oct 06
hemistry how the hell did u like it????? r u out of ur mind???????
@code_11 (902)
• Nigeria
5 Oct 06
engineering maths
• United States
5 Oct 06
eugh!!! god. i would die!!!
• United States
26 Oct 06
Thanks to you for responding. ;)
@sunsham68 (1376)
• India
5 Oct 06
I liked Biology - would have loved Psychology but never got to take it up..maybe sometime..
• United States
5 Oct 06
biology is good. i liked that class too.
• United States
26 Oct 06
Thanks to you for responding. ;)
@MellieC (783)
• United States
8 Oct 06
i took ap biology in high school! i love it!
@lihuajing (2054)
• China
10 Oct 06
• United States
26 Oct 06
Thanks to you for responding. ;)
• Hong Kong
10 Oct 06
it means physical education ..or political education
@bblessed (1822)
• United States
7 Oct 06
• United States
8 Oct 06
i never was in band..
• United States
9 Oct 06
My neighbor plays the trumpet. its funny ,, i can hear it al the time. i just got used to it. im glad that he is improving now. gosh. lol
@MellieC (783)
• United States
8 Oct 06
i liked band too but i was never really good at playing the trumpet.
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
6 Oct 06
in high school English College i had a few: Study of Language, Philosophy, Seminar in Yeats and Joyce, and Creative Writing....(I was an English major).
• United States
7 Oct 06
wow that's great. Are you always critiquing (sp) other people's gramar and spelling.. :) ;)
• United States
8 Oct 06
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
7 Oct 06
I try not to but there are things that make me cringe like when a guy is hitting on me via internet and uses the wrong words like "write" instead of "right". I correct when ppl ask for it ;)
@j_thomas (957)
• India
26 Oct 06
i like computer science
• United States
26 Oct 06
Thanks to you for responding. ;)
@DanaN21 (177)
• United States
22 Oct 06
I Think Math Was My Favorite Subject, Atleast In High School. Once I Really Started Paying Attention In Class It Became So Much Easier And I Actually Started To Enjoy It.
• United States
26 Oct 06
Thanks to you for responding. ;)
@kckalesh (1181)
• India
26 Oct 06
my favorite subject is biolagy
@gjains (90)
• India
26 Oct 06
Previously I liked Mathematics but now I like Enlgish more. But both the subjects are very good. But I did not mean to say that other subjects are not good. Whatever we are today that does have contributions of all the subjects.So basically one or the other way all subjects have got their places.
• United States
26 Oct 06
Thanks to you for responding. ;)
@vipul20044 (5793)
• India
26 Oct 06
For me it was Physics and English
• United States
26 Oct 06
Thanks to you for responding. ;)
@sambosch (843)
• India
26 Oct 06
Science during school days. I use to get good marks in it.
• United States
26 Oct 06
Thanks to you for responding. ;)
@uzaircs (2318)
• Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
26 Oct 06
mathematics dude
• United States
26 Oct 06
Thanks to you for responding. ;)
@asmurthy (2461)
• India
26 Oct 06
maths. i am good at maths. it is useful in life.
• United States
26 Oct 06
Thanks to you for responding. ;)
@naha123 (1265)
• India
26 Oct 06
my favourite subject is always science but iam week in that
• United States
26 Oct 06
Thanks to you for responding. ;)
• United States
26 Oct 06
I always liked English...
• United States
26 Oct 06
Thanks to you for responding. ;)