Comment on responses
By neilf49
@neilf49 (809)
January 13, 2007 2:43am CST
I have noticed that some members post a lot of discussion points, good for them its one way of earning money on here. I have also noticed that some of those members take the time to go back and make comments and rate the responses they have received, well done them because I don't think you get paid for doing that. A lot of members don't take the time to do that, hey, why waste time when you don't get paid?
How do you feel when you go back to the discussions you have responded to a few days later and find that the poster has not taken the time to comment, even if its only a 'thanks'? Would it be unfair to say you won't respond any more to those who don't take the time after to comment?
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51 responses
@shoelover (896)
• Australia
13 Jan 07
I always take the time to make a comment after somebody has answered one of my posts. I think it is the polite thing to do. That way they at least know you thought their response was worth while. Sometimes though I think people get carried away with posting questions they forget that there are people who are interested in seeing what their response was like. I do get sad when my responses don't even rate a thankyou though. Mylot is all about contributing isn't it?
Thankyou for such a good discussion. I don't know if we get paid for making comments and rating the discussion but as I said before I think it is only polite if we do.
@neilf49 (809)
13 Jan 07
Thank you very much for taking the time to respond. I always try to post a comment to every response because I agree it is the polite thing to do. What I try to follow this up with is to go to the respondents profile and find one of their discussions that I like to place a response there. I hope that helps everyone. I also try to rate all the responses, although some don't deserve it, but I'm giving you a + for this.
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@intellection (22)
• United States
14 Jan 07
That's fine if they actually say something of substance, but if it's someone just trying to get another comment in for their numbers or a few cents, then I won't respond.
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@rosey3223 (1566)
• United States
13 Jan 07
I will say that I have gotten "butt-hurt" a couple of times when I have gone back to a discussion and there isn't a comment left by the poster, even made a discussion myself about it, but no that hasn't made me stop responding to their discussions. To me that would not only be stupid but childish as well. I figure that people do what they want just like I do and I just carry on with my business. And if I run into another discussion they have started I will probably leave another comment. As far as anyone else, if they feel like not responding to that person anymore, shoot, by all means don't. But I can probably bet that discussion poster won't really care.
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@rosey3223 (1566)
• United States
14 Jan 07
I know that I sounded pretty mean, and I am sorry if I came across that way. I personally like to talk and discuss issues or to help and give any advice if I can. I also love starting topics that actually MEAN something to me and I will ALWAYS go back and respond to the comments that are left...even the one worded ones!! That is why I get so mad and frustrated sometimes because I feel that everyone should be doing that, not just a selected few. But what I said in my previous comment, is how I get over my frustrations!!
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@neilf49 (809)
14 Jan 07
No I don't think you sounded mean at all, I too like to create meaningful discussions but realise that I probably won't get many, if any, responses. I do like to get involved in discussions and share my experiences and knowledge. It is generally these discussions where you tend not to get the comment back, thats when the frustration sets in. I responded to one such discussion a couple of days ago which had got something like 20 responses already. I went back and found that lots of good points had been made but no comments added by the member who had started the discussion. If that member hadn't been online for some time then I would accept that, but they were currently online and posting. Surely if you are going to start something that will get meaningful responses you should go back to it to carry on the discussion?
When I say I won't go to their profile to post on one of their discussion points it is because I've usually found that theirs are something like 'Do you drink coffee?' which is against the myLot guidelines anyway and against my principals of giving yes/no answers.
Thanks again for your time.

@balasri (26537)
• India
14 Jan 07
I always check the comments I made and the responses I get.Likewise I do check dutifully the discussions I made and read the responses.I give the pluses and best responses to the appropriate ones and thank them or respond to them .This only makes the mylot interesting.You can count your blessings later leisurely.
@CatVegas (709)
• United States
13 Jan 07
I try to go back when ever someone has responded to one of my discussions..But the problem I do have is that sometimes I'm not on for a few days or I get real busy and then forget to go back. I know MyLot says we aren't suppose to go and give a respond, but I think we should as that is one way to keep the discussions going. Isn't that why we are here to have discussions??
I hope to do better the longer I'm a member here on responding to everyone....
@neilf49 (809)
13 Jan 07
Thanks for your time CatVegas, I realise it is time consuming to keep going back, what I tend to do is try to go back every other day that I am on here and post replies, I don't find that too difficult because I don't start that many discussions. And you are quite right, we are here for discussions, but that doesn't necessarily mean that we have to remain a part of it once we have started it, many great discussions have been started between lots of people as a result of one small comment from someone who has never made any further contribution, look at the political field for those examples.
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@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
13 Jan 07
I try my best to come back to the discussions and make comments. Sometimes the list gets so long that I have to spend a lot of time making comments that I have to leave it for a while and answer some discussions I find interesting. I would rather do that than simply say thanks because I was told that there are many users are offended especially if they took effort to type long discussions and all they read is thanks for a comment. I agree. Making feedbacks is a must as a gesture of politeness.
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@neilf49 (809)
13 Jan 07
Thanks for your contribution here. I entirely agree with you, espaecially if we are lucky enough to have a good response rate it can be very time consuming. I am still going back to discussions started weeks ago to add comments, which can be good because it brings the discussion to the fore again.
@WebMann (4731)
• Canada
13 Jan 07
I take the time to respond to responses. It's only polite after all they took the time to respond. Now if the answer or repsonse is a dud or a cheat well I rate them and if need be report them.
but other than that I try to respond or reply to each.
do unto other, so I respond to you, being the polite guy that I am, and you respond to me.
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@neilf49 (809)
14 Jan 07
Thank you for your time in responding to this topic. Again another member with similar morals to myself. I also rate dependent on the contribution, and I have reported some of the cheaters here too, I feel that myLot do need assistance in maintaining the good standards of the site and I have noticed a marked improvement over the last couple of weeks. Keep up the good work.
@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
14 Jan 07
If there are tons of pages of responses then it would be very difficult to respond to everyone but I try to respond to as many as I can on my discussions and also give plus ratings to everyone that gives quality answers to my topics and also best responses. I give minus ratings for short, rude, tasteless and copied and pasted responses and topics.
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@ladygam (562)
• Philippines
13 Jan 07
I share your sentiment because I am one of the people here who choose the discussions they want to participate in. And when I do respond to topics, I make it a point to check later on if the author have something to say about comment because it's supposed to be a discussion. There are some people here who never even bother to acknowledge your interest in their discussions and I have to admit it sometimes puts me off. I don't even know if they read the responses or not.
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@neilf49 (809)
14 Jan 07
Thank you ladygam for your contribution. I recently visited one discussion with over 100 responses, not one comment had been posted by the member who had started it. I know that a discussion doesn't necessarily mean that the poster has to continue with it but at least some acknowledgement would be nice, even if it was only to one or two of the contributors.
I always go back to my discussions on a daily basis and check if there are any responses and try to post a comment, and I would reflect your comment that some may not even read the responses.
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@nuttmeg (440)
• United States
14 Jan 07
I haven't made very many discussions, but I do try and say at least 'thank you' if I have nothing else to really comment on, or find myself repeating things. It just seems like the polite thing to do, not to mention when we get paid because of the people responding to the discussion in the first place. I always rate, however, even on discussions that aren't my own but were thoughtout well and helpful. I don't necessarily expect anyone else to comment on my response, but I do admit that it does feel nice to get one.
@neilf49 (809)
22 Jan 07
Thank you for taking the time to respond to this and I like the way you do things. Politeness doesn't cost anything and its nice to get just a thank you from time to time, but I do realise that some people are in this just for the money and are not really bothered whether people respond to their discussions or not. I can't really argue with that but then this is supposed to be a discussion site.
@Shelley9451 (254)
• China
14 Jan 07
i dont always care wether i will be paid when response,as i like the topic.i will giev my opinion if i like the topic.sometimes when i response but not paid i feel sad,but not so care.
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@danielcatastrophy22 (775)
• Philippines
20 Jan 07
well i always leave a comment to anyone who response to my discussion to give them incentives for replying to my discussion..and commenting also add earnings so it is good..
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@neilf49 (809)
22 Jan 07
Thanks for this, but do you actually get paid for posting a comment back to someone's response, I'm not too sure because myLot keep things very close to their chest when it comes to informing us what we actually get paid for. What I do like to do is go to the respondents profile to see if they have a topic that I would like to respond to, so I hope you have one in there, I know I get paid for that, and if its a good one then maybe get paid a little extra.
@vivek_max_vivek (373)
• India
13 Jan 07
Ys many people do this
idont feel bad if some one hass not commented on my response on his discussion it ok he would have some thing else to do so he woul have not did
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
13 Jan 07
Well I still don't know how you make money here as I have only been here since 18 hours ago.
But on Yahoo Q&A the rating system was pretty good. It was actually costing you 5 points to ask a question... but you got 3 points back when you choose a best answer. And the guy with the best answer got 10 points.
Besides that you are getting 2 points everytime you answer a question.
You also get one point each time you vote for a best answer when the asker did not choose a best answer.
So does anyone can tell me about the point system here?
@neilf49 (809)
13 Jan 07
Thanks for you response, I sometimes wonder too how they work out the payments.
Your earnings are updated daily at about 15.00 GMT. You basically earn money by posting discussions, posting a relevant picture with your discussion (you can't post picture to other discussions until your rating is 500+) and responding to other discussions. If you just post short answers like 'yes', 'no', 'who cares' then you will get little or no payment. Try to choose discussions that you can post a reasonable response to, and then you will start to see your earnings grow. I'm at $10 now with just over 300 rating, some do better, some not so well.
You will get the feel of ot soon, oh and by the wau, they do pay.
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@bonnielass (484)
• United States
14 Jan 07
yahoo pays you for posting? This is news to me. Please explain?
@Trace86 (5030)
• United States
14 Jan 07
I try to go back and respond in general to several posts at a time in a discussion. It gets tedious to type thanks for your response over and over. I try to address specific points in each post and a thank you in general. I am trying to be more diligent in this.
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@neilf49 (809)
22 Jan 07
Thanks for your comments Trace, I will always go back and at least read the responses and try to make a relevant comment, but of course not all responses deserve one. I always try to rate the responses, some get a +, a few get a - if its deserved, some don't get any. You've earned a +, keep up the good work.
@angelicEmu (1311)
14 Jan 07
I'd certainly think twice about responding to further questions by a member if they consistently gave no feedback, especially if they'd been asking for advice or information, and I'd taken the time to give a thoughtful answer. I think it's only polite, and shows that they really wanted people to answer, not just to earn themselves points. I've no problems if my answer warrants no response, if lots of people have responded, or if they respond after a week or so - that's only practical.
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@Perry2007 (2229)
• Philippines
14 Jan 07
For me, I respond to discussions that catches my interest like yours, not because that I'm paid, or i'll be rated, although, it is nice to see that your response have been rated or commented to. As much as i can I comment to all the response i get, however I do not rate them, its just my choise not to.
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@jbones32103 (717)
• United States
14 Jan 07
I'm new to all this, but still will comment on whatever subject just to try to help some of these out if possible.
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@strawberrymudd (330)
• United States
14 Jan 07
I guess it doesn't bother me either way. I mean, some times some responses don't have much to respond to,and if you're going to take the time to thank everyone, for even a 'yes or no' type response, then that's a lot of time that could have been better spent.
However, I AM in favor of a general "thank you" a few days later aimed at everyone who responded.
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@dextrophobia (155)
• United States
14 Jan 07
Right on man. If you actually have something to say, say it. Otherwise, don't post.