By tralfaz1025
@tralfaz1025 (21)
United States
6 responses
@kabella50 (309)
• United States
13 Jan 07
I think some kids need more attention then others.I think some kids have more energy than some parents have the patience for.I also feel that the world is so fast now and we all move with less patience and tolerence for one another and some kids are picking up on these behaviors.I really don't believe in medicating kids because it seems that when the child stops taking these meds for whatever reason,someone suffers.
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@tralfaz1025 (21)
• United States
13 Jan 07
I believe ever word you said the high school kids here that are on meds. for it are not even taking them the are selling them to other kids
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@momof3inTN (89)
• United States
30 May 07
A little hyper? How about you babysit my oldest for a day and then tell me he is "a little hyper" and doesn't have adhd. There is a lot more to adhd than just being a little adhd. You know, my mother-in-law (MIL) refused to believe that her favorite grandson has ADHD. She insisted there was nothing wrong with him.
- Of course there's nothing wrong with him. That's why you have to go to him and look at him and say his name before he will acknowledge that you were talking to him (if you can catch him that is).
- He doesn't have a problem, that's why getting him to sleep for 5 hours a night is a good night.
- There's no problem with my son, that's why he cannot sit still long enough to read one page of his reading book without getting frustrated and throwing the book across the room.
- No problems here, that's why my son cannot find his shoes when we need to go out, even though they are right in front of him.
- There's no problems, that's why his karate school has basically given him his own teacher because he was distracting the other kids in the class (they are incorporating him into the class but he has an individual teacher to help keep him focused).
- No ADHD here, that's why my son doesn't know there is a difference between an indoor voice and an outdoor voice. That's also why getting him to stop talking so we can get through schoolwork is a major hassle that requires much focus and patience on my part.
- My son has no problems, that's why he is constantly interrupting people but I am one of the few people who tries to correct this behavior.
- He doesn't have a problem, that's why when we go hiking we have to pick a place that doesn't have a huge drop-off, because he doesn't pay attention and has a tendency to run right to the edge before anyone can stop him.
My MIL got to watch my son for a weekend. Two nights and three days. She admits now that she was wrong. He is not a normal 7 year old boy. He is a normal 7 year old boy who has ADHD and requires constant supervision and careful attention so that he does not hurt himself or others.
Maybe Doctors, who aren't specialists, do overdiagnose ADHD. BUT, the medications that are used do not work the same way is non-adhd as they do in those with adhd. In an adhd child the stimulants given actually calm the child down and help them to focus. In a non-adhd child the stimulants would have the opposite effect.
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@tralfaz1025 (21)
• United States
30 May 07
i just dont understand why DR.'s are all saying this about the kids we had nothing like this ADHD when i was growing up and we all tured out fine
what is causing it the damn food is all i can think of
@momof3inTN (89)
• United States
30 May 07
Thanks for the encouragement. I admit that it is hard at times, on some days I just want to run out of the house and not look back but I take a deap breath and get back to work. LOL. I just keep plugging along.

@LoriODay (31)
• United States
14 Jan 07
Whether you believe in God or not, it is clear that people with ADHD are made that way. ADHD is not the result of poor parenting. There is some evidence pointing to the idea that ADHD may be a dietary result. Americans especially lack a lot of important items in their diets - like Omega 3 fatty acids and B-vitamins, for example. If you do not understand I am glad to answer any questions you have. I can explain the psychopharmacological side of ADHD as well as the brain deficiencies, behavioral tendancies, how public school can help your AHD child, etc.... I am a mom of three great little kids. One of my children has ADHD and until meds he was a mess. His ADHD is becoming controlled and we may opt to take him off the meds soon and replace them with therapeutic doses of natural suplements like Omega 3's. I assure you, those people who say there is no such thing as ADHD have never met ADHD. I have it. My son has it. My husband has it. I know it too painfully well. I publish articles about ADHD for ( - check them out. Let me know if you have questions.

@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
26 May 07
Some kids might really have ADHD but not all of them. Doctors are just giving the kids medicine because they dont really no what is wrong with them

@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
26 May 07
I think that doctors are doing this because they dont no what else is really wrong with the kids.I dont think that all kids need to be on medicine at all. Some kids are lots more hyper than others but who cares, they just got more energy than others.
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@kelly60 (4547)
• United States
2 Jun 07
Doctors do diagnose some children who do not actually have ADHD, so you need to make sure that they are tested properly to be sure that they actually have ADHD. If you have actually ever seen a child with ADHD, especially one who is not taking their medications, you will realize that they are not just "a little hyper."
I have two children with ADHD, and one with ADD. None of them are just "a little hyper." I also believe that God helps those who help themselves. If we can help these children, I do not believe that we should allow them to suffer anymore than I would allow someone to suffer with any other disease without at least trying to help them.
@cowgrl_luv79 (41)
• United States
29 May 07
LMAO if u met my youngest you would realize that ADHD is more then just being Hyper!! Yes most children are hyper but not to this level. My 6 yo will go out of his mind if he has to sit very long! He has to beable to run...wich makes school very difficult. He is on medicine and it has helped him beable to concentrate more...I had ADHD as a child and still do to a small extent.. so I understand how it is to not beable to sit stil and listen when so much s going on around you also. I dont believe in over medicating kids or giving it to kids who really dont need it but it is needed in some situations.

@cowgrl_luv79 (41)
• United States
29 May 07
Yes that is true, but there are also children that do need a lil more help being able to concentrate
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