By doingit4fun
@doingit4fun (917)
United States
January 14, 2007 12:09pm CST
I was reading a newspaper article today about how today there is a lot of "over-treatment" of symptoms of sickness. Like people get worried about the smallest things and then get diagnosed and treated with medicine for them. Twitching legs has become "Restless Leg Syndrome." Sadness is judged as "Depression" even if it's only temporary. Kids are being taught in school about all the allergies, diseases, and other things in the world; some say they're afraid that we're frightening children too much and making them think that it's very easy to get sick.
Do you think people get worked up too much nowadays about their health? Now that it's easy to go to the hospital do you think people are being too hasty about going for every little thing? Do you think we're turning into a society of hypochondriacs?
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26 responses
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
14 Jan 07
Very good point here. Everyone is quick to think the worst, to blame something for how they feel, or to just feel the need to have a label. There are times when it can be just a cold or what have you.
What I've really noticed is the habit to label kids really early with things. They can't sit still for two hours they must be ADD or ADHD, the fact that they are 3 is beside the point. This is just one example of the labels that they love to place on kids. Society wants a pill to make everything easier instead of actually trying to deal with it. If we put a label to it and others have that same label then it can't be that bad. I'm not the only one. I'm not to blame for whatever it might be.
I don't know if we are becoming hypochondriacs but we are becoming a society of quick fixes and blame avoidance. This is rubbing off on our kids and they are following our examples.
@doingit4fun (917)
• United States
14 Jan 07
Yes! I know so many parents who argue with school officials for labeling their kids as ADD or ADHD and forcing them to get "tested." It's almost like we're beginning to look for problems where there are none.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
14 Jan 07
For some if they can get a label on them and meds it makes them easier to handle. Why bother teaching them right from wrong or not to do things if they can just give them a pill? It's sad but true that many teachers will do this. They don't want to deal with a classroom of 6 year olds that are normal. They want them to be nice and settled and listening to what is being told for hours on end. Not going to happen with most kids I know. Most adults have a hard time sitting still for a meeting that is over 30 minutes, why should we expect kids to be more tolerant?
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@4monsters4me (2569)
• United States
15 Jan 07
I personally never go to the doctor and my kids have only ever been to them for well visits. As a child my mom took me to the doctor every time I had a fever. And each time the doctor gave me penicillin even though they didn't know if I had a bacterial infection or not (it was just routine then). By the time I was 10 I was allergic to penicillin.
To a point I think many people are quick to jump for the medication to cure what ails them, but then again it has been like that since the advent of medicine. Before penicillin it was Asprin and now we know asprin can be dangerous and they don't recommend using it anymore (especially with children and I remember taking asprin any time I was sick).
And as some one with "restless leg syndrome" it is more then just twitchy legs. It is one of the most annoying things I have ever experienced. I haven't gotten treatment for it but it drives me nuts. When my legs get that way I feel jittery and can't sit still. You can't sleep or even relax. There is a constant urge to get up and move around, no matter how tired you are and eventually I end up with a headache because of the stress it causes.
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@4monsters4me (2569)
• United States
15 Jan 07
I understood you, I just thought I would put that out there for people who thought anyone who says they have restless leg syndrome are just making it up. It is very real and until those commercials on TV I had no idea there was a medical term for what I had been feeling off and on for years. There were times I thought I was losing my mind because I couldn't get the feeling in my legs to go away. It is a very frustrating feeling to not have control over your own body.
@doingit4fun (917)
• United States
15 Jan 07
Well I was just quoting the news article about the restless leg syndrome. Didn't know too much about it. But I guess I meant more that even people WITHOUT it (to the extent you describe) are quick to think they have it just because their legs twitch once in a while. Maybe that's what the article meant I guess.

@angel_1202 (129)
• Canada
14 Jan 07
I think we are- people don't like pain and suffering, and want things to be fixed as quick as possible. In this case, we invent as many medicines as we can to fix our 'problems'. Of course it's good to be aware of your body and health, but sometimes we do get too obsessed with medicines.
@feelinggood (217)
• Canada
14 Jan 07
I see this all the time. I am in business in the health field, and what I see is that, some people, just NEED to be sick. If they didn't have their poor health to talk about, they would have nothing to talk about. It is quite self centered, and an attention getting tactic. The other thing is, that someone may not be a hypochondriac, but they just want the quick fix. We seem to live in an instant gratification society, these days.
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@doingit4fun (917)
• United States
14 Jan 07
Yeah it could definitely be an attention-getting tactic. Maybe they feel like they need to be in the limelight and need other people to feel sorry for them all the time.
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
14 Jan 07
Yes! I also believe that we have medicines out there for every tiny little ache and pain, when there are herbal remedies that are so much less dangerous that can also be of benefit to our health. I really wish that more people would realize that medicines for every little thing, especially for things like depression, are not always the answer. I too agree that people are getting treated for things that they really shouldn't be. It is just sad.

@doingit4fun (917)
• United States
14 Jan 07
Thanks for your response! I hope more people can realize how bad our addiction to the quick fix in a little pill is! Also, it's a big waste of money to be pouring into medicines, placebos, and hospital visits when there isn't a need to do so. That money could be better spent than obsessing over not feeling perfect all the time. I mean, humans were not meant to ALWAYS be pain-free or happy all the time. I think people get too worried too quickly nowadays. The media really helps with that too.
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@korek222 (701)
• Poland
14 Jan 07
Actual society is full of hypochondiracs - well almost everyone now is a hypochondriac comparing to what was it like dozens years ago. When he cough we think it is something bad happening to us. When he have headache in the winter - we think it's flu ;) Well that is what modern society have made us - we care about our health very much and we are able to spend any penny to be in a good heelth - that is what was given to us by a pharma companies and doctors :) I think we cant fight it anymore - only thing we can do is to make a promise to never think too much about our health and be concerned about it only in the serious cases :)
@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
15 Jan 07
This is funny...because my family thinks I am a hypochondriac...but I'm not! I do worry a little too much...but I have suffered with anxiety/panic and have been very ill a few times with pneumonia and other viruses...so I get scared a little. However...I do think some people are over the top...they run to the doctor and flood the emergency rooms with every little thing. I think that if you are truly sick or injured then you should go to doctor/hospital...but if you just bump your head..or cut your finger...get over it...
@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
14 Jan 07
heck yessss!!!i have a good friend thats like this and my mom and sister are as well and it drives me insane!! everything has to be BADDDD!! AND DANGEROUS..give me a break! yes i agree tha there are more diseases now than there ever has been..but i do believe that people are taking these fears too far,.just like obesity..yes there are alot of cases but they are taking it to the extreme when in many cases just 10 years ago they ate and weighed the same and no one had problems with this..its because society sees all these skinny models and say..hey wait..so and so is 20 lbs more they are obese and disgusting..give me a frickin break..now we have like you said the leg twicthes..lol i saw that the other night and laughed..i think its just your body saying get off your as$ and do soemthing im bored!! lol..and yes we are frightening children too much..its just another never ending cycle of BS if you ask me..
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@shooie (4984)
• United States
15 Jan 07
Yes I think we are. I use to work with this one lady if she wasn't sick it was her husband. She was missing work when she was sick and then have to take time to deal with her husband. My boss said on her tombstone it's gunna probably read. told ya I was sick.
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
15 Jan 07
I think that as a society we have invested the mysterious doctor with too many powers. We think modern medicine should be able to cure everything, and there is a pill for it. We should, heaven forbid, never,ever experience pain. The kids I know still prefer to be kids. If they get sick enough, they will sit still awhile, or sleep a lot, then hurry to get back to school, cause that is where their friends are. I have known a few that really were treated well when they were sick and it is one of their fondest memories. They become little hypochondriacs, enabled by their mommies. My kids, on the other hand, will probably wait too long before seeing the doctor, because that is the way mom is.
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@areeb124 (243)
• Pakistan
15 Jan 07
Hypochondria (or hypochondriasis, sometimes referred to as health anxiety or health phobia) is a somatoform disorder in which one has the unfounded belief that one is suffering from a seriuos illness. Hypochondria is often characterized by irrational fears of being diseased/dying, obsessions over minor bodily symptoms or imperfections, doubt and disbelief in doctor's diagnosis, constant self-examination and self-diagnosis and preoccupation with one's body. Hypochondriacs often require constant reassurance, sometimes from multiple doctors, family and friends.
Hypochondria is often associated with obessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and anxiety, and can also be brought on by stress. It is not to be confused with Factitious disorders such as Munchausen syndrome in which an individual intentionally fakes, exaggerates, or induces mental or physical illnesses, in order to assume the role of a "patient", nor should it be confused with any other form of malingering.
@car0811 (184)
• Philippines
15 Jan 07
I seemed to be like that sometimes. Whenever I feel something is wrong with me physically, I'd go to the doctor at once or worse, even self-medicate. I don't know why but I just don't want to leave the manifestations unnoticed & untreated so I'd see a specialist immediately.
@xair88 (80)
• Pakistan
15 Jan 07
I think people have now become too worried about too much. I mean previously you would let a cold be a cold and let ur system fight it out. Now you just get a few pills and its gone. This has resulted in our immune system getting weaker and weaker, and i think somethin needs to be done about it.
@evilpupil (7)
• Philippines
14 Jan 07
Funny. I used to work for this insurance handler and we used to check information on how some insurance policies design their plans. Some of them actually let their cardholders pay for a higher deductible, mostly for the reason that some of them are not exactly in need of these medications, yet for counter measures, they tend to abuse the plan and come up with so much medications that they would either discard, or maybe something that's not fully contributory to their health. Maybe it is the fact that since life is so fast paced, we can't afford to lose a minute of our lives and spend it becoming ill that we make sure we're in tip top shape.
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@hi_shobhit76 (679)
• India
15 Jan 07
I think people are getting scared of even the samallest disease out there...reading in the newspaper or the magazines that these mild disease can even take one's life...it has become a major concern amongst them and they look out for doctors even if its a small cold...
@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
15 Jan 07
I think that people do get carried away a lot more these days, then in the past. There seems to be a label for everything action and situation now. So, people look up symptons on the computer and diagnose themselves alot with this and that. It may be a form of hypochopndria, or total health awareness.
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
15 Jan 07
I have been treated for depression before, and it worked for me. The sad thing about what society is doing is that real ailments are being hidden by fake ones. That is to say, so many people are being treated for conditions they don't have, that they only think they have, that those with serious complaints are being missed, and accused of "crying wolf." When there really is a wolf roaming around, we don't see it, because of all the fakes!!
@tigereyes (74)
• India
15 Jan 07
i think that its a psychological thing. people often think that they sick due to various reasons. some of them are like trying to get attention. also if thjey recover from a severe sickness they tend to think that they are having a relapse..though sometimes people just overdo it.
@smartraz (128)
• India
15 Jan 07
Hypochondriacs are those people who actually dont have any disese but feel as having one.Now a days these syndromes are more as the mental health is affected and people are are more aware of health and think widely about it.It is a mental disease
@aniket2007 (120)
• India
15 Jan 07
am 21 years old and i am the biggest hypochondriac of all i will seriously go see my doctor several times a month because if i sneeze and maybe i have a little blood from my nose i must have lung cancer. if i have a bad headache like you i think it is a tumor or an aneurysm. I have asthma too so i am the worst it sucks. i am always thinkin i am sick and i cant stand it it drives me crazy. I think i need a pill that can make me stop. I will have a pain in my pectoralis muscle and think it is chest pain(angina type) keep in mind i am a healthy 21 year old. Also i have convinced myself recently that i tore my ACL because my knee hurts i think i actually did tear it. I have an appointment to see an orthopedic surgeon on monday. I obsess all the time that i can't breathe and it makes me anxious all day. I am always so obsessed that every time i feel my heartbeat i feel like it was my last, Im not kidding it really freaks me out because i will be running at the gym or something and i will start to feel my heart beat and i think that i am going to die. I need to stop this nonsense but when i see people die from this stuff everyday it makes me paranoid. Thanks for letting me vent on this stuff a little hope i gave you a good laugh.