Do You Take An Active Interest In Crafts?
By Darkwing
@Darkwing (21583)
January 15, 2007 8:00am CST
I bake and decorate Celebration Cakes, from Christenings, through Weddings to Anniversaries and Retirement.
It all started when my sister asked me to make my nephew a birthday cake, and I loved doing it so much, that I followed it through. The cakes caught on, and I started getting orders for them. I can't do too many in a day, so I didn't advertise; I took orders by word of mouth. I have built up a great reputation since then... thanks to my sister for opening my eyes to my talents there!
I also make my own greetings cards. I got fed up with looking for special cards in the shops and not being able to find cards to match particular people, so I decided I'd bring the Mountain to Mohammed, and practice making my own. That's a very rewarding pastime. I enjoy it very much.
I also make soft toys, and at one time got into Care Bears. These are still very popular, especially as mine were bigger and perhaps more personal than the manufactured ones.
I dabble in quite a few other crafts as well... I love to make things, and one of my traits is that I should be artistic.
What Crafts to you indulge in and which are you also interested in?
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29 responses
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
16 Jan 07
hahahahaha Darkwing I guess lol
And yes I would have never thought that someone can have that many Talents
My Book is about my Life my Friends have persuaded me to write it because the Way I write E-Mails lol
At the moment it is on Stand Still though until I know what is happening
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@maikeeho (196)
• Philippines
16 Jan 07
i love crafts and baking... i made two living room lamps for my home.. i do wedding give awayas as well as birthdays and invitation cards too. I made quilt blanket and i bake cakes for my sisters 18th birthday and cristening of my sisers kids..i sell assorted cookies and bars too and it was fun to do really.never get bored doing that
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@js_thomas02 (131)
• United States
16 Jan 07
Wow, that's awesome! I love crafts too. I love making wedding giveaways, invitation, beads jewelries and digital scrapbooking. I even made our wedding invitation and giveaways! We really save money from doing it.

@minxy67 (2707)
18 Jan 07
Since reading posts that you have written before it has encouraged me to do a little baking myself, so far I have managed to do a victoria sponge that came out quite nice even if I say so myself, also I baked a chocolate cake with a little help from my 7 year old daughter Lauren and tonight we are going to attempt to make a banana cake. I thank you for this because it has given me extra time to spend with my daughter on something we both enjoy doing. I still have not tried carrot cake yet, but I will. :)
Thank you again for mentioning cake baking as it really has bought something new to our house, and it was your discussion that gave me the idea to cook with Lauren.x
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@Darkwing (21583)
22 Jan 07
You're very welcome, my friend. You see, you don't know what you can do till you try! Hopefully, this is helping with your recent problems too, in that you're filling your time with something which satisfies you and you are able to do with Lauren.
If you want any tips, you know where to find me, Minxy. Happy baking... and dooooo try the carrot cake... it's gorgeous!!! :-)
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I do alot of different kinds of crafts from sewing to knitting and cooking. I love to do things like this. I used to make cakes too but I had carpal tunnel surgery twice and my hands have never been the same.
@Darkwing (21583)
18 Jan 07
Oh, no... carpal tunnel injury is very painful. I'm so sorry to hear that you suffer. I had rsi for two or three years, but I'm much better now, due to my physio giving me acupuncture treatment.
Knitting is very good because you can do it whilst watching television or listening to the radio, quite easily. Sewing to, I guess.
Good luck with your craftwork and I hope your injury is cured after this second operation. Bright Blessings.
@butterflygirl (498)
22 Jan 07
I love crafts and have tried my hand at many different types of craft so far in my life. I have tried candle making, which then turned into candle sculpting. I have also tried glass painting but never really got into it because at the time the paints we too expensive and very difficult to get hold of. Then I turned my hand to cross stitch which I found to be very relaxing but I didn't feel it left much scope for originality. Now I make fully jointed mohair bears which I design myself ,I love bein able to personalise them to suit the personality of the person I am giving them too.
@Darkwing (21583)
23 Jan 07
Yes, I'll have to get into candle making, I think. As for the glass painting, I'm sure you'd find the paints on E-Bay at a much cheaper price, or in one of the E-Bay Shops. Cross stitch, my Mum used to do, but her arthritis prevents it now. She too got a bit fed up with the "stereotype" designs but you can get your own designs put onto transfers and work them out, and she also transferred photos onto canvas.
The bears sound fantastic. You should have posted a pic... I would have loved to see one.
Thank you for your contribution Butterflygirl. Brightest Blessings. :-)
@Darkwing (21583)
16 Jan 07
LOL. I like your humour.
It's a pity you're not a knife smith... I'm looking for a particular knife, at a reasonable price, with sheath, and it's a very difficult task.
However, I love iron work. I have black candle sconces and stands throughout my home, and I love all that stuff. Carpentry as well? You're very talented. How long did it take you to learn all those skills and do you have a workshop?
I found your response very interesting.. thank you very much for your contribution. :-)
@MGjhaud (23240)
• Philippines
16 Jan 07
i don't do cooking. im so 'not' of a kitchen person. crafts in terms of crafts. embelishing clothes, recreating old albums -- sort of that stuff. if im idle and i dont have a book to grab then i'll open my cabinet and search for something to craft to..
@Country_Girl311 (194)
• United States
16 Jan 07
Well I used to work at a craft store (bad idea for those who get hooked on new ideas) I have been scrapbooking for about 8 years, and I knit. Im not too good at knitting yet I can only do scarves. lol. I also do a lot of decopage and wood painting and staining.
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@madmax2crazy (1569)
• United States
16 Jan 07
nah took an active interest in witchcraft once but after I sent fire to the house I kinda gave up interest if ya know what I mean lol
Seriously though, great for you celebratin' cakes and building vast reputations in the card and care bears industries that are very rewarding, its always great to have more bigger and popular soft toys acknowledged, but let us not boast. As James says, ""take pride in your beliefs, not in your wealth."
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@Darkwing (21583)
16 Jan 07
Ha ha ha... very amusing. I like it.
Perhaps it would have been better to practice the witchcraft out of doors, then you can only set your robes alight! lol.
Thank you for your contribution... it made me smile even if you don't practice any crafts regularly, and even if your efforts went sorely wrong.
Seriously though... thank you for making me smile. Brightest Blessings. :-)
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
16 Jan 07
well yeah...i like also to bake but not profesionally..and still a beginner ..but im good at crocheting curtains, bags and coin purse...but for our family used only not for into cross stitching also..and finish one its the last too is restless wants to be occupied always during my spare time...
@erminiasanjose (1588)
• Philippines
16 Jan 07
Congratulations! It's good you discovered your talents early. You may also teach so that you can transmit your knowledge to others. That is a very good source of income.
I do sewing, crocheting, but not in commercial quantities. I now crochet cellphone cases and sell them to some people only as I could not make many.
@Darkwing (21583)
16 Jan 07
Thank you. Yes, I've been doing cakes for many years now. I never thought of teaching because I used to work full time as well, but now I'm at home more, it would bear thinking about. Some extra income wouldn't go amiss.
Cell phone cases is a good idea. Also, my Mum used to crochet squares and sew them together to make blankets for the third world. Just a thought, if you enjoy helping others. If not, maybe you could make bed throwovers from squares and sell them on?
Good luck with it, whatever you do and thank you for your contribution. :-)
@Darkwing (21583)
16 Jan 07
Oh wow! Painting and sketching is a very rewarding pastime. Do you do any particular type of painting, scenery, portraits?
Fabric painting too, sounds wonderful. I'm making a special article of clothing for a friend and need a design to be put on both sides of a reversible item. I'm looking for somebody to embroider it on but painting it on might be a good idea... I didn't think of that. You see, you're putting good ideas into my head!
Thank you for your valuable contribution. Brightest Blessings.:-)
@hidinginpublic (170)
• United States
16 Jan 07
I grew up doing crafts with the women of my family. I have made my own photo albums, made my own jewelry, plastic canvas, cross stitch, needlepoint, quilting, scrapbooking, collages and a lot more. My more recent craft that I am learning is crochet.
@CatEyes (2448)
• United States
16 Jan 07
I love to chrochet, knitt (still learning) sew, bake and decorate cakes, woodworking (when I can get my hands on wood) painting, etc. I had one of my friends ask me to go into business with her and make chrochet purses, but I would be chrocheting all of the time and would not be able to fill the orders. Also, it was going to be a 50-50 deal were I did all of the work. Needless to say, i caught on that she realy was not a friend to have, but kept up with the chrocheting. This year for christmas, I made all of my presents ( I have 6 siblings, parents and some aunts unckles, 2 neices 4 nephew and 2 new ones on the way so I was soooo bsy should have started earlier).
@Darkwing (21583)
16 Jan 07
Very interesting! Two lessons learned there, I would think.. 1) Start making next year's presents now, and 2) If you think about it, you could start your OWN business with a variety of products, woodpaintings, crocheted products, and knitted/sewn articles. As I am doing with my cards, you could make a few extra, over the Christmas Gift quota, build up a stock, and replenish the articles as you go. Or, you could show a few examples of your work, and make items to order? It's worth a bit of investigation, I would have thought. The previous response to yours, (sorry, the name slipped my mind) crochets cell phone covers... an idea? It's worth finding out what sells well, and going from there.
Good luck and many thanks for your interesting contribution. :-)
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
16 Jan 07
I love doing crafts, but really don't have enough time anymore.
I used to do greeting cards, even the pop up kind. It was fun. But now I'm lazy and will just pay the money and buy something.
I used to a lot of polymer clay art. I make it and then donate it to animal rescues so they can sell it at auctions or events for donations.
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@Darkwing (21583)
16 Jan 07
The donations are a very commendable and generous thought. Well done.
I agree, time is of the essence and it seems to fly by so quickly these days. Maybe you'll find some time again at a later date... that would be nice, huh?
Thank you for your contribution and Brightest Blessings. :-)
@brimia (6581)
• United States
15 Jan 07
I love crafts and also, like you, occasionally make greeting cards. I also love decorating cakes and have helped friends and family do this on occasion. I like being able to have an artistic outlet. I'll often go a long time, though, without doing anything "crafty"...though you've inspired me to start creating again.
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@Bev1986 (1425)
• United States
15 Jan 07
I love all kinds of crafts, unfortunately, I don't have time to do all the ones I love...
I had every intention to make my Christmas cards this year, but didn't get them even started! I bought all the paper and stamps, but never got around to actually making them. But, I've got the supplies, so I can work on them all year and have them all ready for next year, right?
@Darkwing (21583)
15 Jan 07
Yes, that's the way to do it... I'm starting mine now, for next year. It gets too hectic after about the end of September. It's good to have them all done by then, to make time for everything else that has to be done.
Thank you for your response and good luck with your Christmas Cards. :-)
@prettypinkbug (437)
• United States
15 Jan 07
I enjoy crafts so much! I just wish I could find a career in crafting that paid well. People just don't respect crafting as much as they used to. Nothing is hand made anymore.
I love to make my kids birthday cakes and stuff for my home. My friends call me a Martha Stewart wannabe. :)
@Darkwing (21583)
16 Jan 07
LOL at the Martha Stewart wannabe!
Yes, I wish I could find a career in crafts too. I suppose I could find a website and sell some stuff through there, but people don't seem to appreciate how much time and cost goes into the making. Still, it saves me money, making my own cards, I guess.
Thank you for your response. :-)
@fujin1985 (684)
• Philippines
16 Jan 07
I love art, but i'm really not active at it because of some other more important things to do. Currently i am into beading. I make bracelets and other jewelries made from plastic beads and cultured pearls. I plan to sell them someday. I also used to make cards for my friends because it's cheaper and more personalized than buying from shops! I cook too.
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@Darkwing (21583)
16 Jan 07
Wow! You're multitalented. I like the idea of the bead bracelets. I would think that's quite a satisfying art.
I also make cards for family and friends because it personalises your greeting. Some really pretty cards can be made, too.
Thank you for your contribution Fujin, and happy beading! :-)
@seewhy (231)
• Australia
16 Jan 07
I really enjoys crafts as well. I take after my mother that way. She's really talented and is good at anything she tries. I myself like cross stitching the best. I like to do it while watching TV so I don't feel as though I'm wasting time. I used to do knitting as well but I'm not very good at it.
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@Darkwing (21583)
16 Jan 07
My Mum also does a lot of craft. That's probably where I inherited it from. lol.
She used to do cross stitch but can't now because she has arthritis. She once took a photograph of my grandchildren, had it put onto canvas and cross-stitched them onto the canvas, framed it, and gave it to my son and daughter-in-law. It was wonderful.
Yes, it's good if you can multitask, because you don't get so stuck for time then. Good time management!
Thank you for your contribution.. keep stitching! :-)