try this u cant do it.....still worth a try.....its funny

@karannyk (187)
January 16, 2007 10:09am CST
hey guys,this one is real good....... well to b honest,its not my thinkin i recieved it on mail frm my friend............... it goes like this............ ~Sit straight on a chair........... ~now try to rotate ur right leg in clock wise direction..... ~well its not over....... ~u have to rotate ur right hand in opposite direction(anti clockwise)....both the above at the same time........... haha did'nt succeed na............. i knew it.............. can any one tell me the reason behind it.......... ~well i know the answer...and i promise to mark the satisfactory answer the best response........... ~all urs.....go ahead................
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1 response
@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
18 Jan 07
It helps with circulation of blood to the rest of your body. I have to do this excercise after birth of my daughter.
@anoyzz (32)
• Portugal
19 Jan 07
that's because all the body right members are controled by the left hemisphere of your brain, and vice-versa. So the same hemisphere has to control to members in diferent ways, and he actually used to that, but in this exercise you are really focused and concentrated on doing that, so the movement of the members is not subconscient, it is a reflexion of your thinking. If you try it slowly, you'll be able to do it.. it's pretty much like learning something: you can't do it fast and beeing concentrated at the same time unless your brain is already used to it.
@anoyzz (32)
• Portugal
19 Jan 07
sorry, i didn't mean to make the comment here.