For the Girls: What is ur beauty regimen?
By sechsey
@sechsey (1831)
January 17, 2007 1:59am CST
I know alot of us girls here are very particular with how they take care of theirselves. Care to share ur beauty regimen? Like what do u do everyday to stay young and pretty of course?
Im not very diligent on my own beauty regimen but when i am,
-it is normally wash ur face every morning with my trusted Ponds facial wash and moisturizer. Same thing every evening before going to bed.
-Also i try to ( I TRY) not to go to bed with make up on. A big NO i heard.
-Staying pretty involves pampering myself too. A regular visit at d salon for my nails and hair. This is only when I can break off from my heavy schedule Lol
what else? Oh yeah! i try to exercise but im super lazy so its like once a week for me at home when doing nothing or when i see i need to get fit again :P
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25 responses
@babygrl22004 (238)
• United States
18 Jan 07
Mine is getting out of bed stangering to the kitchen to fix breakfast for my to small boys. I then clean up their mess and get them cleaned up and dressed. I try to clean the house a bit and then it's time for lunch. I am sometimes able to manage to go to the bathroom myself, alone that is. If the boys are coaxed into taking a nap I'm normally so exhausted I want to take one myself. I do manage to run a brush through my hair and brush my teeth along with the boys. I get plenty of excercise chasing the boys around, bending and stretching to pick up their things but it doesn't help keep the weight off. By late afternoon if I have an appointment outside the house I may have time to throw on a touch of makeup on the way. Night time consist of getting the boys dinner, bathing them,getting them ready for bed and a bed time story. Maybe when they are older I can find my beauty again. LOL
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@sechsey (1831)
• Canada
18 Jan 07
Lol i dont have kids but this somehow reminds me when i first got my 2month old puppy. Boy was he a big responsibility. I forgot about any kind of beauty regimen myself! He always need me. He changed my waking up and sleeping schedules. He is so impatient to go out i cant even wash my face when i woke up coz i needed to hurry before he pees and poos in his bed. Lol thank god he is learning quickly. Sorry for the OT but i can relate...
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@sechsey (1831)
• Canada
21 Jan 07
There's certainly a reason for everything huh? :) Well, keep it up! Do whatever makes u feel good. And taking care of ourselves and looking good makes us confident. That usually shows in us and gives us more than a pretty look. u know what i mean?:)
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@marief2rnurse (2704)
• United States
21 Jan 07
When I first lived with someone, I didn't care anymore how I looked but when we split up, I wanted to look good. I felt he really made me ugly. So it's really just this past year that I truly cared about my looks, I'm getting a lot of compliments though, my friends are always saying I'm glowing.
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@hibiki (54)
• Philippines
17 Jan 07
This regimen works for me, since my skin is super sensitive, i follow this religiously, else i'll surely have zits the next morning. oh by the way, the products im using are kate jones products.
1. wash face with KJ Mild cleanser or alternate with Extraderm Facial Wash for pimple prone skin.
2. put KJ erythromycin solution using cottonballs sparingly.
3. apply KJ Super Sunblock.
1. wash face with either KJ Mild cleanser or extraderm facial wash.
2.put KJ erythromycin solution.
3. spread KJ Night Repair Cream
4. then apply cream reliever.
i use clarifying cream on pimple bumps.
I exfoliate 2x a week using Maxi peel astringent.
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@sechsey (1831)
• Canada
17 Jan 07
Wow. Im always impressed by women who can actually follow such regimen every day. I dont have sensitive skin, Thank god! But im afraid too that sometimes, because i dont take taking care of it seriously, i might have problems with it in the future. Maybe i can get some tips in this discussion.
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@chimex4real2k2 (1853)
• Nigeria
17 Jan 07
I am not a girl but i have something to share from my sister.freshly washed face,lip gloss natural,eyeshadow,live natural colors and sometimes shadows with glitter/shimmers.she love purples pinks corals and all types of browns beiges and pinks.
A lilttle bit of mascara just enough to make the lash look thicker
thats it oh and sometimes a light brown or purple for eyeliner depends on her moods
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@sechsey (1831)
• Canada
18 Jan 07
Im not much of a make up girl ..yet. But getting there. Lol Im a late bloomer i think at age 25. I am always curious how those other girl's face turn out like that. Its eitehr its the make up or they are just expert on techniques that makes it look elegantly made up.
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@chiquitita (1226)
• Indonesia
18 Jan 07
My regimen? It is pretty simple, I think. I wash my face 3 times a day with facial foam, and followed with moisturizer with SPF. I live in tropical country, so sun protection is very important. At night I like masking my self with different kinds of facial mask. Right now I have 3 kinds which are moisturizing, revitalizing, and soothing masks. So I tend to change/combine them from time to time. I never had acnes, so it's not that difficult for me to choose and buy products that suitable for my skin. I do put put a little make up when I go out to work etc. It's fun to "paint" your face a little bit. That's a good thing about being a woman! Cheers.
@greengal (4286)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I didn't have a beauty regime till 3 months ago. I knew the bascis to clean healthy skin was CTM-Cleanse,Tone, Moisturise. But I hadn't followed it and started to do so recently. and it has done wonders to my skin. I also drink lots of water and try as much as possible to stay away from oily food since I have oily skin. I also make an effort to go the gym often. And yes, sleeping with make up on is definitely a no-no for me, no matter what time of the night I get back home, I wash my face. I take good care of my hair and nails too.
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@sechsey (1831)
• Canada
18 Jan 07
Same here greengal. I didnt really start following CTM til recently either. And i am seeing changes. It makes ur face look younger and lesser visible pores indeed. That's why im trying to make a habit to continually do so. And hoping to get more ideas and tips from here and other girls like u.
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@AskAlly (3625)
• Canada
17 Jan 07
i guess you could say that I am really into myself lol
I use Arbonne facial and skin care products every day
I have a massage once a week
I get regular exercise, but thats because we raise horses and they need exercise too
I have a mani and a pedi once a month
and I have my legs etc waxed every 3 weeks ....OUCH
Every six weeks I have my hi lites redone and get a facial at the same time.
I work hard and so I feel that I can pamper myself at least one or two days a month
@kokopelli (4842)
• United States
17 Jan 07
i don't have one, and i want to start having one that's why i'm peeking on this discussion, trying to get some tips, lol! good discussion. i'd monitor this and hope there would be more responses and beauty secrets revealed soon :)
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@Lemongrass18 (313)
• Singapore
21 Jan 07
All that you've mentioned are beauty regime, don't forget that you need atleast 8 glasses of water daily.
@SarahEC (545)
• United States
18 Jan 07
Lol. You are like me. I am 23 and just now am getting into the habit of washing my face and moisturizing every day. I used to just do it in the shower and never any lotion or anything. I try to put on makeup sometimes, but it never ends up looking quite right. lol. I guess practice makes perfect...just keep trying!
@sechsey (1831)
• Canada
18 Jan 07
I know. I used to have second thoughts if i should wipe the make up off or what coz i was never sure if i did it right or i look like barbie or something. As of now, i just focus on something light first and maybe start slow from there as to not shock myself or even people who look at me. (",) lotion? Oh god one of the many things i fail with. I dont always do it. I mean not everyday or every after shower like others. :P
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@vintage_blowout (277)
• Philippines
18 Jan 07
I wash my face with cleanser, then rinse it off. Afterwards, I put toner and moisturizer. As for my body, I slather virgin coconut oil all over for added moisture.
@angelastreit (287)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I'm a big excersiser now since I started my diet, I eat the nutrisystem stuff, I also don't go to bed with my makeup on. I try and every morning just to take me time(I'm a mother to a one year old). There is nothing better than just making sure that you are awake ON YOUR OWN and having silence around you.
@sechsey (1831)
• Canada
20 Jan 07
I dont go on any diet. Im skinny/slim. I kind of feel confident that way but i know its not a good attitude though for me to think i can get away with anything.:P my husband is already telling me to start on gym as soon as we settle in Canada to prevent any ahm disasters lol
@mlylumad (94)
• Philippines
18 Jan 07
I live in a tropical country. Daily I:
1. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
2. Put plain or virgin coconut oil on my hair 10mins before I take a shower in the morning. This prevents me from getting dandruff.
3. Moisturize my face with Ponds. Apply lotion on my arms and legs.
4. Scrub my face at night using loofah and soap. Take another shower. Moisturize again.
5. Put plain or virgin coconut oil on all my nails to prevent/cure fungi/athlete's foot.
6. Sleep at least 8 hours at night.

@marief2rnurse (2704)
• United States
21 Jan 07
I get a facial every month.
I also have that tool for pricking yourself and make sure I take out all visible blackheads but before I do that, I make sure I have washed my face and hands, and after I do that, I make sure not to wet my face for the day.
When I take a shower in the morning, I use Ponds Age Miracle cream facial wash, although I don't have wrinkles yet, I like using it because it makes my face clean.
After my shower, and washing my face, I use the Ponds Age Miracle toner, Ysa whitening lotion & rejuvenating lotion mixed in a cotton ball. When my face is dry I use the Ponds Age Miracle cream, when it's absorbed, I use a sunscreen and use Pigeon pink powder on my face and that's it, I don't need foundation. I put on blush, lipstick and line my eyes with eyeshadow if I am going anywhere. At night, I do everything up to the Age Miracle cream. If I see a pimple on my face, I put Clearasil and it's gone in the morning.
If I could afford it, I would get a diamond peel every 2 weeks for 6 sessions then 1 every month. Have done this in the past and loved the results.

@sechsey (1831)
• Canada
21 Jan 07
Thank u but i dont think all guys prefer slim or skinny girls. I know alot of guys who prefer girls with ahm "meat" in them. Most guys are just into visual aspects:P But then, thats why we can find ways to divert their attention. If u have a beautiful face, then enhance it. Be proud of those assets. :)
@marief2rnurse (2704)
• United States
21 Jan 07
You are lucky you look slim. I have been born to be plump, I am the only one in the family. Perhaps guys really prefer skinny girls... too bad for me.

@magicalangel (642)
• Brisbane, Australia
10 May 08
I avoid make-up as much as I can. Body lotion is fine in winter.
@dexterous21 (1180)
• Philippines
18 Jan 07
My beauty regimen is very simple. I use ponds facial scrub twice a day; in the morning and in bfore I go to bed. I use face cleanser at night because I am exposed to dust and car smoke when I go to my office. I eat fruits everyday. I have my daily exercise to maintain my slender body. I always have a discipline in my meal for me not to gain extra fats. Even though I work at night, I always assure that I have enough sleep in the mornig.
@pure_pinklaydee (827)
1 Feb 07
Well I try (and when I say try it only gets done half the time because i'm too tired/laxy lol) to do the following:
-hair treatment once a week
-hair cut every 3 months
-hair colour every 6 weeks
-home manicure, pedicure, facial & wax every week
-cleanse & moisturise face & body every night
-body exfoliate & fake tan once a week
-make-up remover every night
My excercise routine is pratcially non-existent! Need to sort it out.
@ghosh_s26 (83)
• India
27 May 07
The main thing no one has mentioned is your food habbits.
Avoid very spicy and oily food.
Taje a limited quantity of junk food, cold drinks, choclate, icecreams.
Have lots of fruits and vegetables.
Take lots of water, it cleans your system
Take care and look more beautiful.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
25 May 07
I'm sure you already know the part about not picking at pimples cause they scar. You should wash your cosmetic brushes daily to get rid of germs that might make acne or pimples flare up. Use gentle face care products, not ones designed for acne (even if you have pimples) because they baby your skin and not hurt it. Plus, a drop of visine on a pimple makes it go away or so I am told. I haven't tried it. But a friend swears it works. Hope that helps.