Indians Reply
@indian_investor (365)
January 17, 2007 4:30am CST
People of UK are misbehaving with Shilpa Shetty(Presently in Big Brother Serial of Channel -4), the famous Indian Actress.And also making racial comments too.This is insult not only to Shilpa,but to the Whole Nattion(India).They (people of England,Who are mute spectator of whole thing) are basically targetting Indians through SHILPA.They are abusing her.teasing on her english accent (as if they themselves can speak any other foreign languages perfectly).They are saying Shilpa "dog".As if they are human being(??).They do not know how to behave with a fellow human being (and think they are very civilized)
if Indians are dog..What are they..Are they PIG
What do You Think?
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73 responses
@angelicEmu (1311)
17 Jan 07
As a citizen of England, I'm deeply embarassed and disgusted by the behaviour of those people in the Big Brother house, whose bullying and racism is NOT representative of how most English people think or act. In fact, I believe that 15000 people of England have already complained about this, and even our government has raised the issue in the House of Commons today. Shilpa has been dignified, true to herself, friendly and outgoing to the other housemates, and all she's received in return is abuse to her face and behind her back, from the lowest kind of scum that exists in this country. The whole nation is disgusted and protesting about this - we're not mute spectators at all - we're using our voice to complain very loudly about it. I think the contestants involved ought to face prosecution, and I certainly think that their careers will be over after the show has ended. We're all ashamed by the behaviour of these few people, and on behalf of the UK, I wish to apologise, and assure you that the behaviour of these bigoted bullies does not represent how the people of this nation think, or act towards the people of India.

@mindless_body (100)
• India
19 Jan 07
Hi angelic,
U see that Matt! This is an example of a Ideal Citizen! See how different is his/her mentality is than urs.
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@mindless_body (100)
• India
19 Jan 07
not every UK citizen are like those 3 womans and not every indian is like those ppl who burnt the effigy showing their hatred against big brother in patna.
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
18 Jan 07
Where is the racism from as you put it "the lowest kind of scum".
I have seen a group of women clshing through a class and snoberry issue but not racist.
Have you forget when Jade walked into that house and how she was made to feel by the three who were there.
That made me embarrassed to think of how superior Jermaine Jackson, Ken Russel and Shilpa felt. Then Jermaine calling them white trash. To me that was racist.
You do not know how they have made her feel. There is nothing worse than someone looking down on you, and in this country to have a working class accent it automatically makes people think you are thick.
They had no tolerance for the kind of culture this family had come from and it is a hard one. Try having Jades mum. I know I would be in a mental hospital by now.
If this is seen as being racist then alot of people need to look in the dictionary to discover the true definition.
They have all been manipulated by the programme and to be in such and environment where arguments erupt over how long it takes to cook a chicken, justs goes to show the intensity of living in such a confined environment.

@blueray_01 (236)
• India
17 Jan 07
yes i too heard about it.Big boss do make fun of all celebrities and mentally torture all who is in the is bad as this happens as the whole world is watching.It should be dealt with soon so that such nasty comments be avoided.I think UK people are civilized and do respect every religion and people doesn't tolerate this kinda attitude.this behavior should not repeat again.There are large communities of Asian people there.some people are behind it and we should not criticize the whole of English people.
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@angelicEmu (1311)
17 Jan 07
Thanks for your comments Blueray, I'm glad that you don't think all English people are like those racist bullies, because most of us aren't, and we're disgusted by their behaviour. I think Shilpa's coping extremely well in a nasty environment, and has maintained her dignity and self-respect, not stooping to their level. That sort of bullying cliqueish behaviour is unacceptable and disgraceful when you see it in 14-year-olds, but in grown adults, it's unthinkable. I hope (and I believe) their careers will be over one the show has ended.
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@angelicEmu (1311)
17 Jan 07
As the question about racism was targeted at "England" as a whole, and not Britain or the UK I was responding to those comments (which were about the "English"). This is not racism against Wales or Scotland, and I'm sure the Scots and Welsh and Northern Irish members of the UK are all against racism too. But the question was not about Britain, nor was this response: it was about inherant racism in the English people. I was merely speaking up for the English, and blueray was answering the question which was about the English, not the UK. No-one's accusing Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland of institutionalised racism, so to bring those nationalities to account for something they're not accused of would simply be daft. I'm glad you're against the behaviour in the Big Brother house too. All I'm saying is that the English (who are not all racists as the person who posted the question seems to think) are outraged too, and that this isn't representative of the English.
@firstcontact1990 (1784)
17 Jan 07
I agree, but theres more than jsut England in the UK, theres Wales, Ireland and Scotland, and they watch it too, so when you tlak bout the english when, you mean the Uk, just mention that, there is more than one country in the UK, and i know that not all of the UK, are racist, and are providing moral support to Shilpa, they dont like to see whats happening, to her, jsut as much as indians.

@darshakk (2141)
• India
17 Jan 07
well i did not know abt this issue...these r news to me... i wud like to say acc to what u say is that ppl shld not comment on ones personal behaviour and it is really bad to do so....the organisers of the show must look into this matter deeply i feel......
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@indian_investor (365)
• India
17 Jan 07
comment on the person may be tolerated.but if the country as a whole or race as whole is targetted through a person do you think it tolerable
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@scrawl (374)
• India
18 Jan 07
Listen dude.... don't blow this out of proportion.... that is whole concept of the serial....
Now if she was actin in a movie and such a thing what would you say.... eat your own words.... please dude.. she is grown up... she signed up with consent and because she was being compensated and she was also aware of the serial's theme..
Now please don't stand up make a non-issue of this....
Dude.... learn to laugh it off... we all have problems.... i have a neighbour, a kid in a slum who is constantly being bullied and shouted at by others.... she needs support, finance as well as help..
Do me a favor... do somethin for her...
You would benefit in the long run..
As fot the rest... enjoy it.... or if you are "really" particular send the sponsors a letter givin your comments as well as offering your services to adjudicate for future serials
You are being paid and you still need sympathy... there is something seriously wrong here !
What a bozo....... dude grow up !!

@Gruzzle (294)
18 Jan 07
I can tell you that Big Brother has an typical audience of around 3.5 million Viewers. The UK population is approx 60Million. Since news reports on this topic the audience has increased to 4.5million.
Whether or not Shilpa Shetty has be racially abused by members of a household of 14 people, you should not accuses a Whole nation .
Incidentally the show has recieved a record number of complains from British viewer about the Bully of Shilpa Shetty, so they are hardly mute either.
I understand that Shilpa Shetty is a Huge star in India. I can assure you that the other contenders of this Big Brother Series are NOT considers stars in the UK.
Please don't judge the whole of the UK based on the actions of some very ignorant minor celebrities.
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@Kangleicha (376)
• India
18 Jan 07
A person is known by how he treats others. So if he/she treats another person as a dog, then he/she is less than one.
Those people are not lowering down the indians but they themselves are debauching to such a low level.
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
18 Jan 07
When is calling someone a dog a racist slur???
This discussion is going off the point that a group of women just don't get on due to difference in class.
If someone called me a dog I would not think they were racist. Just as when Shilpa said Jade was from the gutter, still not a racist slur???
@firstcontact1990 (1784)
17 Jan 07
Not al of us people in the UK, are pigs, we dont agree with whats happening, and you should not discrimintae the people of the UK, jsut because of the comments of a few, its not right.
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@manu_ghimire (2626)
• India
17 Jan 07
well i was not aware of the things ! and i came to know whole story by your discussion ! first of thanx for starting such a good discussion ! and now what i think is if they are insulting shilpa and offcourse india ! then why she is still there ! she must quit and come along
and talking about UKians and others ! see people are discriminative in nature ! they have cheap image on thier mind regarding indians ! i am not talking about all ! but when it comes that indian are ! india is n etc ! then they do so !
this is just a disgusting !
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
18 Jan 07
You need to go and watch the show and not make such a statement before knowing the whole truth.
Who has cheap images in their minds about Indians???
No wonder racism will never end after reading some of the comments posted here.
Everyone should be judged individually and not feel a whole nation is being racially slurred from what is being reported, untruthfully, in my opinion.
Think for yourself and not just follow the hype.
I wonder how many people on this discussion have actually watched the show all the way through to be able to make an honest decision about what is really going on??
@charitymvula (489)
17 Jan 07
i think you cannot not comment on this topic unless oyu have watched the show. i watch it everyday like so many people here and believe me we are not silent viewers, we are making our voices heard about how we feel about Shilpa's treatment, for you to assume we are targetting all Inndians, through what three not well educated gilrs have said, is just as discriminatory and racist as they have been! surely everyone has a right to their opinion and if they don't like her that's their issue, i personally totally love Shilpa ant think she is a great example of how well educated and classy indians are! i just feel that your comments are racist in them selves and that this is the kind of talk that can only lead to more problems.

@charitymvula (489)
17 Jan 07
thank you forseeing that this personwho started the discussion is in their own way being racist towards british people, who have been compalining about the way she is treated for some time now.
@firstcontact1990 (1784)
17 Jan 07
I agree, its kind of racist against all britons, nobody, like how Shilpa is being treated, and she has a lot of people backing her, and dont like how she is being treated.

@taj_nijjar2002 (97)
• United States
17 Jan 07
i think that it is very very bad. it is not about shilpa now, its about us, INDIANS. v must do something related to this, so that no one else can get insulted like this in future.
@indian_investor (365)
• India
17 Jan 07
In india we treat guest as God(atithi devo bhav,That means Guest is Like God )We respect foreigner as guest and respect them.And this is the treatment we get there.Why because they are Rich and developed nation?...With Material richness they should learn richness of mind and soul too.Please Respect the human dignity(if you are really educated and civilized)otherwise there is no differnce in human and animal except wearing clothes)
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@mindless_body (100)
• India
19 Jan 07
u made the same mistake as investor did. not every India in every street of every city and state did this. ppl of patna are very sensitive and they r connected to politics either directly or indirectly they just want to ccome in limelight by doing all thi[burmimg effigy]. I am agree that it is not such a big matter as ppl r making it. Matt ur way of thinking is very wrong. People dont hate america or britain but they hate their politics.
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
18 Jan 07
I can't believe that there has been this hype. She is in no way being attacked because of her race but the fact that she looks down her nose at the other women and thinks they are less than her.
I have watched the show from the beginning. Have you?
It is very upsetting to think people now feel that people in the UK are attacking Indians. Please!!
Jermaine Jackson called a family who went into the house "White Trash". Should I now feel that that all black Americans think this of white people in the UK? Shilpa said she has a "Man Friday". That is a racist term towards black people if you really want to split hairs.
Shilpa has undermined some of the women by taking the pee out of the way they speak and from my observations has made them feel patronised by her own feeling of superiority.
This is to do with her personality and not her race.
I have heard many cases where Indians are racist against black people and I was told once by my Indian friend that if she ever brought a black man home to meet her parents they would disown her. Is this true??
Do I then judge every Indian person the same. No. I have the intelligence to respect everyone individually and so should you before making such comments that the people in the Big Brother house represent the feelings of the rest of the UK.
What is happening in that house has to do with class.
The white women in the house are portrayed as thick and Shilpa and Jermaine Jackson have put themselves on a pedestal, looking down on them.
I would like to see what would happen if Shilpa fell in love with Jermaine and took him home to her parents what would they say!!
Stupid rumours and people misreading this situation makes people think this is racism and it is not.
The whole thing has got out of hand.

@rosie_123 (6113)
17 Jan 07
Hey - as a British person I am going to take issue with you over this statement. Yesterday the TV station in question received more complaints to them from viewers about the treatment of Shilpa, than have ever been received before. The majority of people in the UK are shocked and appalled by what was said, and the behaviour or Jade Goodey and the others in "Big Brother" is not indicative of the entire British nation. This programme is made with the express intention of shocking and causing controversy - that's why illiterate fools like Jade and her boyfriend are chosen to take part. Here in the UK we pride ourselves on being multi-cultural, and the behaviour of a couple of idiots wanting attention on a trashy TV show is not indicative of us at all. Please do not judge us all the same. Thanks for reading this.
@idtsyaanoop (36)
• India
17 Jan 07
ya i do agree wid u... individual opinions dont reflect the opinion of a nation....but still they should have edited is that advanced editing is possible no?
@tapeshnlu (349)
• India
17 Jan 07
if it is really so
then the people doing such things must feel ashamed of them selves.
similarly monti panesar also had face similar kind of problen in england
@angelicEmu (1311)
17 Jan 07
I didn't know Monti Panesar had faced racist abuse!? That's terrible, and unacceptable. Race should never be an issue. He's a much-loved cricketer, and I've never heard anything but positive comments about him and his cricket playing.
@vijayganesh (843)
• India
17 Jan 07
I heard about this a little ago. Its not a civilized custom to blame a person on his/her character and way of talking.
Yes its wrong and even a worst if they say such disgusting words.
I don't think so, that its the work of any developed countries persons.
They are just showing them as no one is better than them.
Those who did this can't be really human or say a proudly growing society which thinks the other peoples are nothing to them.
I am proud to be an Indian. Even each Indian on an average know about 2 - 3 language per person and they, I don't think so.
Conclusively I say that Its really worst to disgrace anyone on the behavior of itself.
@firstcontact1990 (1784)
17 Jan 07
Thuis is true, but u cant say this about all the people of the UK, just because of the comments of a few, its not right,, and she has a lot of support her, u know, not just all ova india, and that, the british, as well feel, what some have said in big brother, is not right.

@indian_investor (365)
• India
22 Jan 07
now its quite clear by the discussions of these people that how racist and bad mannered these people are(so called civilized and developed country people)
@charitymvula (489)
17 Jan 07
yes the three girls may possibly be but don't go around labelling all british people o bee racist, i resent that. you are acting in a racist way by saying that yourself!

@gemini13 (333)
• India
17 Jan 07
accent is not the only thing to b counting
it is the good will of a person which makes him/her worth living
poor girl its just her try to make a difference
we hv always welcomed foriegners with warmth and this is what they give us back they or not even worth being called pigs they r worse than that they pig sh***t
no worse than that...
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
18 Jan 07
Seems like alot of hatred is coming out against the British people as a whole from some of the responses. And what over, a few women clashing in a reality show.
These are sad times when people are so aggressive without really judging this situation from both sides.
There has not been one comment on the Indian nation.
Please, this is where racial hatred starts from hearsay without seeing the whole truth.
I am offended by your comments which are far worse than anything that has been said in the Big Brother house.
@doingit4fun (917)
• United States
18 Jan 07
Well it is not a new news. British still think that Indians are their slaves. It doesn't let me bother me. I just don't socialize with people who don't respect me.
When I think of it the Indians are the most racists people I have ever seen. No offense I am Indian too. Think about the cast system in India itself. We don't see much diversity, people even live in groups of Hindus, Panjabis etc.
If you think that it is an insult to the whole nation there are only 2 things we can do. Either pull back that means Silpa Shetty says good bye to UK or fight back, Call them names, shoot anybody who was involved? What can we do? If I were her I would choose the first one. You are already calling them PIG so seems like the fight has already started.
@raveena (1353)
• India
17 Jan 07
Dont you feel you are making the same mistake by taking some people who have passed such comments on Shilpa as the people of UK. There would not have been 10000 complaints regarding the same. If you check the headlines in the news people are disliking the ladies who passed such comments.
We are from the country of Mahatma Gandhi who said give the other side of the cheek if a person hits you on one cheek.
I personally feel that Shilpa should come back after winning the game as it is all part and parcel of the game
@idtsyaanoop (36)
• India
17 Jan 07
i think u r very much impressed by lage raho munna bhai so u r upon gandhigiri???
after a prolonged thinking,i thought u are right....
@nedrat (69)
• India
18 Jan 07
Rascism is something that is not tolerable be it in reel life or in real life. I did watch glimpses of the show, i'd say that taunting fellow participants has gone too far in this case. I guess this is what u get paid for in this show to take all the mental trauma., but without rascism... Hope channel 4 does something :)
@protezione (96)
• India
2 Feb 07
Oops I dont think so like that, I believe that there are also few good people who bother about racism. Anyway can anyone comment who is the hottest celebrity I beleieve Shilpa bcoz of this Big Brother issue. Here is the link for you plz reply.