Is Islam really a religion of peace? If it is,why is killing important to them?
By khrise_24
@khrise_24 (73)
January 17, 2007 7:30am CST
I have nothing against Islam... I have friends and relatives who are Muslims. But I'm just curious about what Pat Robertson said about Islam that it means "submission" which doesn't mean peace... Muslims are taught to kill non-Muslims if they do not convert. Which means you convert to the point of a sword. mohammed said that if you find a non-believer and he doesn't convert, you have to kill him. That Osama bin Laden is a true disciple of the teaching of the Koran. That Islam is not a religion of Peace.. NO WAY.. That's what Pat Robertson said. I want to know your opinions and views on what he said.. This is for Muslims and non-Muslims.. reactions please...
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68 responses
@umair2hot (1220)
• India
18 Jan 07
No ur wrong...Muhammad SALLALLAH-O-ALAIHISALAM...told to Muslims that if any non-Muslim do not converting so don't force just leave..if any thing goes wrong with any one sopit it and if any thing wrong so if u have power so stop it with ur hands..if u fearfull that if u'll stop and its harmfull for u so just stop it from ur tongue if u think its harmfull for u also so just think about that wrong thing in ur heart wrong..SALLALLAH-O-ALAIHISALAM was a great man he don't wanted to do wrong with any Islam mean is really a peace..if u want to take more explaination about it so just go in Mosque without any fear and ask it to Imaam of Mosque but in viel u should go ..if u wud like to go..
Have a nice girl..Wish you good luck...ALLAH bless you..
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@umair2hot (1220)
• India
18 Jan 07
No no girl i m also a Muslim just ask about it to your friends they will tell you easily...u just ask them that u wanted to know it and want to clear any thing going wrong in ur mind...Please u ask .. its sure that they will not say any wrong thing they will do clear you girl !
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@umair2hot (1220)
• India
18 Jan 07
But my humble requests to other religions people that don't give ur wrong advices if you don't know about a religion ISlam,.
Thank you very much !
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@ericjohn19 (109)
• Philippines
18 Jan 07
For me Islam is a religion of peace. Definitely Muslims are not taught to kill non-Muslims if they do not convert. And of course no one would make "killing" an important thing to do specially Muslims. Why do I say this? Its because I've been living here in Mindanao for 20 years with a lot of Muslims. They didn't harm me nor kill me. For me, its not the Muslims but its just a human behavior. It just happens that when a Muslim like Osama Bin Laden killed a fellow human being, people will directly point out to the Muslim community. Osama bin Laden, his followers, the Abusayaf Group and other Muslim related bad guys do not represent the 1.7 billion population of Muslims.
I think Pat Robertson statement was just his own opinion. Definitely not a fact. Please don't base on other people.
This is the best topic I've seen since my first day here. Thank You Khrise for opening a discussion like this. I really appreciate it.
I almost forgot, I am 100% Christian.
@kingadnan (1538)
• Pakistan
31 Jan 07
wel My friend i am also a muslim and i want to tell you that Islam means peace if you translate it into english its means peace, and muslim is who lives with peace and give peace to mankind, do you know islam is growing very fast in all countries, recently i heard about a cristian person who accepted islam and he is very happy, he studied many religion but when he read our Holy Book Quran he got his Goal, He got Truth, He Accepted Quran.
so this is truth that islam means peace, My friend if you share love with Muslims i am 100% sure they also share love and peace with you even if you get any problem they definitely try to solve your problems, they also help you in many ways. so please share love......Thanks if you want to chat with me please send me prvate message with your msn/yahoo/gmail id i will chat with you about ISLAM. thanks again friend
@chimex4real2k2 (1853)
• Nigeria
17 Jan 07
I think a religion is largely what its specific followers make it out to be. In other words, how people live a religion is how they choose to interpret it. As such, perhaps Islam is neutral in and of itself. The Quran is there as the source, but how it is interpreted can vary greatly. Some may interpret the Quran to give messages of peace, and as such they would say that Islam is peaceful. Others may interpret the Quran to give messages of violence and struggle, and would answer accordingly. I think both could be correct, for it is a follower's right to live their religion how they think it should be lived without people criticizing them.
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@kingadnan (1538)
• Pakistan
17 Jan 07
Wel i think if you don't know about islam you should not discuss it, if you don't respect islam please don't abuse it, we should respect every religion and if we don't know about them we should not abuse them ok.
@82idiots (595)
• United States
17 Jan 07
As with all religions, they aim for peace, but are not able to lay hold on it because religion itself creates intolerance; when someone believes that GOD is telling them to do or enforce a certain set of rules, then naturally they bind those on all--even on those who don't believe. This is the recipe for tyranny and oppression!
Most religions have liberalized and grown away from this tendency, but still it exists. Judaism is now safely exempt from it, but Christianity (in it's own way) remains militant by pushing creationism into public schools.
In summation, it affects al religions except a very few. It strikes at the heart of human nature--humans are animals, and they will kill to do what they think preserves themselves, even if that is what actually ends up killing them!
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@xzding123 (67)
• China
18 Jan 07
the founder of Islam meant this reglion to be peaceful.
but many of its followers misinterpret the original doctrine and resort to force when running into issues with people of other faiths
or the original doctrine falls behind the times and needs to be updated.
@abijan (494)
• Malaysia
18 Jan 07
I'm a Muslim and I don't know who Pat Robertson are. As a Muslim we never been thought and never heard before that Muslim are to kill non-Muslim if they do not convert. It's true if you said that when Muslim conquer non-Muslim country like Spain for example, the non-Muslim were given option, either to convert or pay jizyah (please refer to, but what happened to the Muslim when the Christian come and invade Spain ? Please do some research on that.
If Pat Robinson said that Osama bin Laden is true disciple of the teaching of the Koran, then I think he don't know much about Islam. Islam is not only about Koran, Islam also have Sunnah and Hadith (things that the prophet Mohammad PUH do and what he has said).
Another thing khrise_24, please don't put "I have nothing against Islam" when your discussion seems to be like you have something against Islam except that you use Pat Robinson's name so you will not be blame for anything.
Why not you just use the words like "Is it true Muslim kill non-Muslim if they do not convert. ?" I believe there will be hundreds if not thousand Muslim in Mylot community will reply and explain to you.
Thanks for your question anyway. Have a good life.
@SirPyan (429)
• Malaysia
18 Jan 07
Don't worry. I think khrise_24 didn't mean any harm. She just curious about things, so we are here to explain. :D :D Well khrise_24, we understand what you mean, and for your knowledge, what Pat Robertson said is false. You did said that some of your friends are Muslims, so I think you have already found your answer. :)
@khrise_24 (73)
• Philippines
18 Jan 07
Thaks SirPyan, but I can't ask my Muslim friends personally about this. For it'll be an endless communication if I do.. Forums are different from actually discussing it in person face to face that's why I wanted to ask it here instead. Thanks. I really appreciate it. And abijan, I honestly have nothing against Islam ok? I'm ASKING!! ASKING being the root word ok? FOr my stepfather and half sibling and my mom are muslims. There! And asking is different from assuming, if you know the difference. I am definitely using Pat Robertson not Robinson's name because all the words came from him. And not from me.
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@dip_cool (411)
• India
17 Jan 07
never,islam is never a religion of a hindu and i have a lot of muslim friends and they are not violent and dont kill for religion preaches its followers to is the followers who to benefit themselves kill in the name of god.and mohammed never said such a thing.please do a little research may be on the net,read a few books before starting a discussion like this even when you are quoting someone.if all muslims were like that then India would have been a battlefield now as it has more muslims than pakistan and along with it so many religions.just because some terrorists are muslims it dosnt mean the whole religion is bad.

@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
17 Jan 07
I am a christian but according to my knowledge, muslims are thought to respect other religions, They can have mix marriages with Christians and Jews for example. I guess fundamentalism exists not only in Islam but in other religions as well.
In my opinion not a particular religion is wrong but distortion of that religion which makes it bad.
@kingadnan (1538)
• Pakistan
17 Jan 07
Yes ronaldinu, as a muslim i must respect to other religion because this is a part of our learning, And Islam teaches us Peace and Respects, but sndcain you are absolutely wrong, you don't know about islam so why you discuss it wrong?
@SirPyan (429)
• Malaysia
18 Jan 07
About mix marriage issue, that is false indeed. Both Muslim men and woman are not allowed to marry another person who are not a Muslim. So if that person wants to marry him/her, he must convert first. And of course a Muslim women can marry a Jew, if the Jew is a Muslim. There is no such thing in mix marriage in Islam. Mix marriage would probably from another belief, but the main teachings forbid this.
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@kingadnan (1538)
• Pakistan
18 Jan 07
SirPyan your are right 2nd person must be muslim, and anj# you are wrong, Muslim man or woman should be marry another muslim, otherwise this marry is not a marriage successfuly.

@xyla_v (314)
• India
17 Jan 07
actually speaking Islam is a religion of peace and if you just follow about 10% of Islam , then you'll become a role model for the rest of the man kind. but the perception about muslims are not true as it is portrayed..this is my opinion and i'm saying this despite me being a non-muslim
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@sameer2cute (584)
• India
17 Jan 07
If you don't know the meaning of what muhammed said then please don't start any discussions on such topic, Muhammed never said to kill people who don't follow Islam, but his words are spread Islam and always be polite to people never mind if they don't follow islam, and people who think bad for Islam or use wrong words for Islam and muhammed only those people are killed and who treat islam as a backward religion they are punished so never say anything bad for Islam.

@khrise_24 (73)
• Philippines
17 Jan 07
Gosh, please read the topic carefully mister Sameer! I was quoting and i repeat.. "quoting" what Pat Robertson said ok? And I have no intentions of saying anything bad against Islam.. I just quoted what Mr. Robertson said which I saw on youtube and I was asking for your reactions reagarding this! View the youtube video if you want search "Pat Robertson Islam" and watch it. So don't accuse me of saying anything bad against Islam for I respect Islam. Okay?

@lastwish (779)
• India
17 Jan 07
look black sheeps r in every community if i say: christians love killing just by saying hitler killed 6 million jews does it make any sense think like an literate person.
Dont say Muslim love killing: muslims r the second largest group on earth after christians, if every muslim love killing then would you have exist?
In UAE 9 million non-muslim exist but UAE is a muslim country y dont they killed them?
Indonesia is another example.
lemme show u some thing what quran says about killing::::
If you killed a person unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land is would be as if he killed the whole humanity:and if anyone saved a life it would be as if he saved the life of the whole humanity.(Holy Qur'an 5:32 )

@khrise_24 (73)
• Philippines
17 Jan 07
Thanks suitsme, at last someone understood what I'm trying to say.

@rockali (31)
• India
30 Jan 07
lady who ever this pat robertson is he is doing no good for the society.....
islam is a religion of peace,there is no such thing as submission for islam else to kill the other person..i live in a country with 1 billion ppl...and i am a muslim i dont kill ppl around me...
no one around here is forcing the ppl to convert...and talking abt osama..he is going to hell for sure
@bhattee (164)
• Pakistan
30 Jan 07
I even Have Friends who r Christians and Hindus.
I Have Never tried to convert them.Yes I Do tell them to join in Islamic Disscussion so That they can learn more about our religion and i always provide answer to their queries about Islam to Clear any Misconception.
Its Their Own Personal Will To Get Converted and Some People Have Converted to Islam After Learning about It Or After Listenig To The Beautiful Verses Of the Holy Quran
@akumei1269 (1749)
• India
17 Jan 07
I don't think a religion may teach and preach for killing. I am a hindu by birth and NONRELIGIOUS by CHOICE . So I am neutral so far religions are concerned . I have never gone through kur-aan . Yet I find it difficult to believe what Pat Robertson said .
Some latter versions might have been mis-published or mis-interpreted for some narrow interest of some religious leaders among the muslims .
@smbilalshah (1316)
• Pakistan
17 Jan 07
well one thing ... Quran has got no versions, ppl have their different interpretaiona, like those extremists who make their own meaning of it and also those ultra liberals who just think they know islam better than the scholars themselves and have got their own westernized religion....
The thing is that Quran itself in its text remains exactly the same as it was a millenium ago, & thats the beauty of it
@dodoguy (1292)
• Australia
19 Jan 07
I really don't see why you should expect to get any proper guidance by asking other people questions like this.
You're asking a bunch of strangers whom you know nothing at all about, to advise you their opinions on matters of religion.
If you want to know why religious extremists think and act like they do, then go and ask them - not a bunch of strangers who you know nothing at all about!
If you want to know what the TRUE tenets of a particular religion happen to be, then take the trouble to DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH and study the matter YOURSELF - not just consign the matter to the opinions of a bunch of strangers whom you know nothing at all about.
The Muslim issue is a current media topic - has been for years now - because that's part of the current global geopolitical and strategic environment. Strings are being pulled, fringe groups are being agitated and Empires are being expanded. But this has NOTHING to do with the truth of a particular religious belief system.
Do your OWN research if you actually want anything more than the flippant opinions of a bunch of strangers.
@khrise_24 (73)
• Philippines
19 Jan 07
oh i see, but i'm sorry, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. and WHO ARE YOU TO stop anyone from expressing their views about any topic including religion?? WHO? Here's to you, mind your own business. Peace out.
@tambangmas (342)
• Indonesia
23 Jan 07
Ayat-Ayat Cinta.... hmmmm I think I've ever heard of it. I'd like to read it sometime. Who wrote it? Helvy Tiana Rosa?
To make it clear "Ayat-Ayat Cinta" mean "Verses Of Love". This is not the law resource of Islam, Just a common book. A Novel.
This make me remember of Annemarie Schimmel ( ), She is an Harvard Professor who wrote "And Muhammad Is His Messenger: The Veneration of The Prophet In Islamic Piety".
She has more brain than the most of us here in this forum with 20 languages fluency and photographic memory. But why she is devoted her live writing so many books about Islam extensively if Islam is only a barbar religion who love to kill women and babies? She didn't even declare herself as muslim.
But why... why... why... she honored Islam and Muhammad so much?
@adnanmd2 (830)
17 Jan 07
Yep it is and i think islam never takes so interest in killing.. it think you are totally wrong for what you have said.. i think its false to spread all foolish things about other religions..I am sorry to say but its really silly!!
@khrise_24 (73)
• Philippines
17 Jan 07
As I have said, I never said anything against Islam ok? I was quoting and for the nth time, "QUOTING" what Pat Robertson said. i was just trying to get your reactions about what he said. I saw what he said on Youtube-"Pat Robertson talks about "what Quran says"". So excuse me if I may, I never said anything against Islam ok? So please don't accuse me of spreading fooling things for I was asking for reactions! And FYI, I respect Islam. Thank you.
@OnfireforJesus (500)
• United States
18 Jan 07
wow,khrise_24, what a discussion! I heard what Pat Robertson said, and i read it on his website. And just as there are people misterpreting what you are saying, there are people who misinterpret the Koran, the Bible and every other religious book. This is why there are so many religions. So many different sects to one religion. I understand what you are asking. And I believe Islam is a religion of Peace that has been perhaps misinterpreted. I have an aunt who married a muslim, He seems to be a peaceful person, I also have a cousin who is married to a guy from Pakistan, who is also muslim. Both have converted and seem to be extremely happy. I am noone to judge.
@ameenkhaleel (23)
• India
18 Jan 07
dear onfire for jesus,
if your auts husband(a Muslim) get angry one day like any other man- do you think that its because he is a muslim?????
you said that he is peaceloving man.
conditions-be truthfull to your self and think deep and analize man