Moms have killed their children and claim insanity,What do you think?
By Justme2007
@Justme2007 (1848)
United States
January 17, 2007 11:12am CST
A Texas appeals court in early 2005 reversed the capital murder convictions of Andrea Yates, the woman who drowned her five children in a bathtub, citing the false testimony of a prosecution witness. Jurors in 2002 sentenced Yates to life in prison in the 2001 deaths of three of her children: Noah, 7, John, 5, and Mary, 6 months. She was not tried in the deaths of the other two, Luke, 3, and Paul, 2. Jurors deliberated for three hours and 40 minutes before finding Yates guilty of murder on March 13, 2002. Her attorneys argued that Yates was insane when she drowned the children but prosecutors said Yates knew what she was doing was wrong.
SAN FRANCISCO - A 24-year-old mother who claimed she was sacrificing her young sons for God by tossing them to their deaths in San Francisco Bay was convicted Tuesday of second-degree murder.
LaShuan Harris claimed she was insane when she drowned 6-year-old Trayshawn Harris, 2-year-old Taronta Greely and 16-month-old Joshua Greely on Oct. 19, 2005.
Lawyers for Harris, who was previously acquitted of first-degree murder, will now present her insanity defense to a judge in a bid to spare her from a possible life sentence in prison.
Should these moms get the death penalty or should they be put in a hospital for 10-20 years and be let out?
Let me know what you think?
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26 responses
@funfreak2k2 (1734)
• India
17 Jan 07
well, if these moms are really insane, they should be treated appropriately. but i read in a news that in great britain, one hidden cam was kept in a hospital where just-become-moms were being treated. the cam found that 60% of the moms killed their own children in just a few hours or days after giving birth to them. doesnt it sound horrible?
@sineen1981 (339)
• United States
31 Jan 07
when i had my daughter, i wanted her near me all the time but i couldnt cause i had a c-section and i was on morphine to numb the pain of the cut. well i remember having her in my arms one evening and dozing off. i think they thought i was falling asleep but maybe the effect of morphine started kicking in and i kept on having these "vivid dreams" of having uncontrolled extreme spasms and i remember feeling as if i was still awake and could see my baby in my arms and these spasms made me drop my baby - and then hearing my mom scream and me yelling out of shock seeing my newborn baby drop. it was extremely weird.. but a few hours later i woke up and found her safe in my arms - it was the scariest thing - i now have more of an understanding of what can happen hours after child birth so i dont really judge these mothers anymore
@missyd79 (3438)
• United States
17 Jan 07
this is a very touchy subject. I totally believe in post partum depression, but come i am being treated for depression but i know what is right and wrong. if these mothers are insane then they should be locked away in a state mental hospital for the rest of their lives.
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@berlynn1975 (737)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I agree. I have my struggles, but wouldn't let myself get "that far gone". I would seek help, go to a mental institution, or something. I know these women probably love their children but something happens in their brains making them, literally, crazy. But, help is available and they really need to seek it. If they don't, they definitely need strict retribution.
@suren2k6cse (2621)
• India
18 Jan 07
my way is to kill her. then why she birth to that child
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@ladymalissa (85)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I do not think not matter what she pleds,she shuol get what she did to those poor children who had no chance at all.I can not understand how any mother or father could harm their child,how could any of them slepp at night knowing they killed their children,who were defencless and could not protect their selfs.She should have been tried on all of them even Lukes and Pauls deaths also.This is just how I feel and I feel no sorrow for her but sorrow for those poor children who surfered.
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@sunilgurav (55)
• India
18 Jan 07
its horryble this is crime & i think hanging those person who is made this crime?
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@gsnarayanan (1704)
• India
18 Jan 07
I am of the view that no mother in the world will kill her children just like that. The causes behind all such incidents must be evluated. There may be a number of reasons.I suggest that the investigators must have a soft corner to the motherhood and handle the cases. Then the cure will be easy. By simply punishing them will not solve the basic problems.
@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
1 Feb 07
This is so horrifing to hear, yet it goes on daily somewhere in the world. I don't think it is normal or natural to kill ones' child. However, they must be punished as anyone else, as the life is gone and cannot be restored.
@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I've heard this one when it happened. Boy, I don't think they are insane at all. I think they did it and realized what they've done and tried to cover their tracks. They deserve to die for doing that to their children. If they didn't want any kids, why did they make them? Adoption would've been better than what they've done to them.
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
18 Jan 07
Both of these cases were so sad to hear about. I beleive that both should be punished.
In the Yates case- I think Rusty should also be behind bars- but he is not. He recently got remarried- I hope that his new wife never has kids. He was terrible. He worked for NASA but wasn't smart enough to stop making Andrea have babies. Knowing that she suffered from postpartum depression and knowing that she felt this way prior to having Mary. For cripes sake He made them sell their possessions and live on a bus for a time period- She also homeschooled the kids while he went to work and got the break from them. He is just as guilty as she is! Its a sad day when 5 innocent children are murdered and an even sadder day when the father of those who could have prevented this but really only caused more harm walks free with a whole new life- Shame on him. Do I think Andrea was insane? YES... She should remain instutionalized for the rest of her life. She lives with the hell everyday of drowning those kids.
@hopeful28 (1439)
• Singapore
18 Jan 07
It's so sad to read about the stories above. I suppose at the trial, if there is the psychiatrist testimony about the accused that confirms whether the persons were really 'out of their mind' when the incidents happened. If the persons knew what they were about when they killed their children then then they should be punished accordingly. However, no matter how many years they are imprisoned it will never bring their children back to life. They will have to live with the memory of their acts. That is sufficient punishment. If they don't feel anything then there is really something wrong with them.
@glummy (193)
• Philippines
18 Jan 07
Hi. I am a third year law student here in the Philippines. If the insanity is proven to be the cause of the criminal act, then the offender is to be admitted in a mental institution. I personally believe that when an insane is really an insane, then he or she does not know what he's doing. So, why do we have to persecute an insane offender for an act he did when he does not even know that he did it?
On the other hand, if a person--an insane person that is, committed the criminal act while he is in lucid interval, then he may be persecuted for the wrong that he had done since he is in a normal mental state--thus, he knows what he did was wrong.
@inflamation (866)
• Pakistan
18 Jan 07
I just cant believe that. How can a mother do that. Its un-believeable for me.
@Anakata2007 (1785)
• Canada
31 Jan 07
I can't comment on any case you mentioned except Andrea Yates. I have a lot of knowledge about this case and followed it religiously and read books about it, and heard a radio program where her lawyer was being interviewed. I know this attitude won't make me popular but I genuinely feel sorry for Andrea Yates. She was genuinely off her rocker and had been on anti-psychotic medication for years until a new psychiatrist took her off them. Shortly after she killed her children. Here is a woman, who knew she needed help, and asked for help, and I beleive the system failed her. Her doctor told her not to have another child because the post partum psychosis was too strong in her case, but her husband wanted one, so she gave in to him. Meanwhile she wasn't on any medication. This is a huge mistake just waiting to happen.
@princess07031980 (5412)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I am so disgusted by these stories, but we all watch and listen because we are so curious to know their stories. But I think the majority of us are appalled to hear them! I am a mother and could never imagine doing anything like that to my children. Like the Andrea Yates story-she was insane killing all five of those babies? ALL OF THEM? No remorse whatsoever....because she was crazy....if she doesn't get executed, which I think she should be, she better not ever get out of prison. I think she should seek lifetime medical treatment for her overly severe mental conditions and never see daylight outside bars again....
@scorpius (1792)
• India
18 Jan 07
well first of all i know that all new moms suffer from postpartum depression.fter pregnancy, hormonal changes in a woman's body may trigger symptoms of depression.anyways this depression is quite debilitating.and it can lead a woman to take her own life or that of herr children.anyway i think that either this wiman suffered form a serious case of depression/or she is indeed insane/or is just cruel to do what she did.
there are also cases where the mother has killed her own children all just for insurance money.anyway i think that the police should investigate more and then give the facts to the judge so that he/she can make the right decision.
personally i think that she is off her rocker!!
@berlynn1975 (737)
• United States
18 Jan 07
These are terrible, terrible situations. Nightmares.
I'm not very sure what I think. I think they would have to be, literally insane to do this.
I have 2 children that I love very, very much.
However, I suffer from anxiety and depression. I think it's residual post partum depression because I've felt this way since the birth of my 2nd child.
I go to talk therapy and also take medications for depression and anxiety.
I do not understand how a mother could kill a child or children. Sometimes I need to get out of the house by myself, but I love my kids and would never want to hurt them in anyway.
I think women in these situations really need to seek out help, professional and from family and friends. I have a great husband that helps out, and let's me "get out" (I like going to the movies). I also have family that babysits often so my husband and I can have dates.
I have a strong faith in God and always seek His help and help with calming me down.
I really feel for these women and wish they would seek all help that they need, or remove themselves from their situation by going to a mental facility or something of that sort.
@kritipen (4082)
• United States
18 Jan 07
Most of the criminals and accused always plead innocent and attribue reasons for their wrong doing. If one starts giving into their reasons and excuse them this world would become devoid of any mankind. Such people should be dealt with the strictest kinds of punishment.
@monicathinks407 (311)
• United States
18 Jan 07
They should put them in a hospital. I would never, never, never think of hurting my children. PPD...sure it exists but come on...These women in my opinion snapped and thought about the consequence last. Does that mean I can plea NOT GUILTY, if I slap a person for steppin on my shoes because I have my period or am going through menopause. I think not. These women are soft and need to get a grip. I call them soft because they are hurting poor defenseless kids. Who by the way, did not ask these sorry women to have them. Sorry to be irate on this subject....but kids are our future. It is the Adults job to raise, care for, love these children we bring into this world. Not kill them ourselves...what is the world coming too. Makes me want to hug my mom...and tell her thanks for not killing me.