Child Support
By chippy49
@chippy49 (171)
United States
January 17, 2007 6:16pm CST
I am so sick and tired of women complaining about not getting child support. Does anyone ever think about the man, of course not, it is always me me me. I am married to a man who was married in the past, it did not work out between them because she cheated on him, stole from him and sold his possessions that he earned. After he and I got married we took care of one child (from his past) and she took care of the other. (living in two different states). after the child that we have been taking care of turned 18, the EX turned around and filed for 32,000.00 in back child support for a child that she never took care of. and now until the other child turns 18 or finishes high school, we are currently paying her 450.00 a month and we NEVER see the other child. I have two children with him currently and we are struggling big time while she is just raking in the money. So stop your crying, get a job, enjoy your kids, and leave the guys alone. You had the choice to make a child just like he did, stop punishing the guys. Thank you.
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64 responses
@tynishabarnes (51)
• United States
18 Jan 07
Wow u are tripping. first of all she should not have done that if the child never lived with her but if u did not have primary custdoy of that child then she has the right to collet weather it is right or wrong. i believe that if one had one child and the other had the other child but whoever has the child that turns 18 first should then turn around and help the other child out. you married a man with kids thats part of the package..why dont u get a job and help him out then u wont struggle...remember u only know what happened in relationship from what he tell u no telling what he did to her...i hate women like u always trying to start something over nothing. if u pay child suppot and u are current with it u can go to court to c this other child but i bet u dont wanna do that, right. 450 is not much to pay in child support i know ppl who pay way more than that for just one child be thankful.
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@embattledsparkle (1072)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I agree... completly. I can understand being upset, but the post got under my skin because it's lumping all mothers who get child support with the same brush. If he had custody of the one child officially then the mother should not be able to collect it for that child. Or if you have any kind of proof that he raised the child, I'd take that to the court and see it would help. I know it's different state by state but in California, the Child Support Agency tries to work with both parties.
I have 3 kids. Their father pays child support. But it's a low amount and what I pay, moneywise and emotionally is a lot higher then what he pays. I don't go have fun with the "child support money," I pay bills or buy clothes that they need. Yeah, we both decided to have kids but he also decided to leave, and he has nothing to do with his kids, his choice 100% percent. I also have friends/family who are married to men who pay child support. Yeah, I hear them complaining about how they are not making it that well because their husband has to pay child support. I get tired of hearing about it because they knew exactly what they were getting into when they got married. Just because the father marries someone else, doesn't mean that they don't have a responsiblity to take care of their other children. If they have a new famliy, so what? Good for them, but they still need to help take care of their children, regardless of what the relationship with the mother is like.
I just get tired of the mother of the kids being made into the "bad guy." Maybe some mothers take advantage of the situation but I would bet almost anything, that most don't. I know that I'm just trying to provide my kids with at least a somewhat decent life, we're not living it large at all. I'm not trying to get anything from my ex that my kids don't deserve. Why should I be the only one to take care of them emotionally and moneywise? He helped make them too.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
18 Jan 07
Since your husband is taking responsbility he should be paying to help support the child that doesn't live with you. If he has issues with how much he pay, then he should go to court nad have it reduced. You shouldn't punish the child that doesn't live with you and have them go without just because you don't like the mother and what she has done. The court would not have allowed her back child support if she did not deserve it and your husband would not be payinbg $450/month if the income didn't work out that way. If she isn't working, then yes she should work. However, that doesn't meaan your husband shouldn't pay any amounbt of support or that what he is suppose to pay will decrease. You need to accept the fact that he does need to pay this support and I hate to be mean, but you should have considered that before having kids with him. Personally, I think you should be grateful you only pay $450 a month. If your husband didn't go to court when all this was filed, or didn't get a good enough lawyer, then he is to blame for not standing up to her.
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@rosey3223 (1566)
• United States
19 Jan 07
Well, I feel that I need to add my 2 cents to this. My ex has to pay $525/month. Is that too high? Too bad!! He was a horrible father when we were with him and he is still a horrible father because he owes $17,000 in back-pay (which is why it is so high) and he makes no attempt at seeing his son, so as of right now my fiance is who my son knows of as "dad". Is it going to affect any future relationships that my ex will have...sure enough!! And you want to know what my reaction is...too bad!! Why, because he doesn't take care of him, and I know that my ex is gonna paint a really negative picture about me to any future females that he is with and I will definitely hear an earful from them like what I saw that you said. How horrible I am for making him pay so much!!
Now, I understand that he is trying to keep in contact with his other child and that is great!! But you need to calm your little panties down and also understand that he has other responsibilities that need to be taken care of. And as the state sees it, they will make him pay...all you both can do is either get better jobs to take on the full load, or stop complaining!
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@chippy49 (171)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I am not against the fact of paying child support. we are paying it and taking it with stride. I made the comment to make these other women realize that it is not peaches and cream for the men. My husband misses his daughter so much that he paid a laywer to make the ex let us see his daughter. She because she is over 13 and that is legal in her state, states that she refuses to see her father. I have paid and raised his other daughter, and now I am just paying for this daughter, again I have nothing against child support. WE did go to court and the rule for her state is 20% of his check, no matter what. well he has two jobs and I have a job. so she gets money from both of his jobs. its 20% of the gross income. we cannot fight that it is the law! we cannot prove that she does not deserve it, it is the law that she is allowed to get it. He is a wonderful husband and father to ALL of his children, she is just the one raking us through the coals. and also having to pay all of her medical bills. when she left the state she told us "I am going to rob you blind" and that is what she is doing. She is not giving the money to her daughter, she is using it for her jet skis, vacations, etc. she did this out of revenge.
@tynishabarnes (51)
• United States
18 Jan 07
why do u care what she spend the money on. u should be happy knowing u are paying it and if it is not going where it should be just know im doing my part..she is the bad mother u dont become a bad father and not pay.
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@firemansgirl001 (916)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I dont think it is always women. My husband has custody of both his kids. She pays a whole 50.00 a month to support her two kids. She spends all her money on whatever she wants and doesnt ever pay for her kids things. NOT JUST MEN ARE DEADBEATS. I think you should have to pay for your child EVEN if you arent seeing them. IF you would have been smart you would have had this court ordered. YOU DIDNT, so now you are stuck paying. live and learn
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
18 Jan 07
The amount that the mother or father pays is based on that persons income per month. I recieve $400 a month for both of my daughters from their father. She said that for one child they have to give $450 and she also says that her children with him are suffering, yeah right. In order for him to have to pay $450 a month would mean that theor annual income is like $100, 000.00 a year and she is whining saying that they are suffering. i am sorry but this woman is extremely selfish. Lay off the designer clothes and the flashy cars and maybe you will be more content with life!
@chippy49 (171)
• United States
18 Jan 07
Just to let you know that my husband works for the city and has a job driving a airport shuttle for his second job, plus I have a part time job. we are not making 100,000.00 a year, I have crap cars, crap house, and crap clothes. Dont even think that you know me. I put a post here to vent, apparently all these woman that have sent me negative advice have nothing better to do, but sit their but at the computer and talk about other people. I made my statement because I am angry fine. I never said that I am going to stop paying child support or have anything against it. I am just tired of the men getting bashed when the women are just at fault.
@sineen1981 (339)
• United States
18 Jan 07
sick and tired of women complaining? wow. as far as i know - i was the first woman to put a thread here about not receiving child support. how could you be sick and tired from such an injustice such as this. from what i know. it needs more attention!
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@sineen1981 (339)
• United States
18 Jan 07
yea, i meant in regards to the subject, not her post.. yea. lol
@fortyzwife (84)
• United States
18 Jan 07
wait lol i just want to make sure you know my thread wasnt to your response it was to the original post lol im on your side

@ladybear (128)
• Denmark
18 Jan 07
I am sorry but what does all that have to do with the child? As the words say it is chils support it has nothing to do with his ex. He can't run away from the fact that he put children in the world. If you want to see the child way not move to the state where the child lives.
The man is just as much to blame as the woman!!!!!
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@chippy49 (171)
• United States
18 Jan 07
He is not running away from the fact that he has the child. He has been more supportive of his children than she has. her other child that lives with us, she never calls her, sends her cards etc. My husband is constantly calling his other child, sends her presents, and more money when she asks. The EX moved the child to the other state, again lets make it easy for the woman. The Ex also does not let us see the other child, she refuses. I have two children and I know that I cannot spend 450.00 a month on them. plus the 32,000.00 that we already paid. And I know that the man is to blame also, I said that.
@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
18 Jan 07
The $450.00 a month is for the support of the child. It goes towards a portion of what she pays for putting a roof over the child's head, gas for transporting the child to places the child needs to go, food the child has to eat, medical treatment if the child gets sick or hurt, dental treatment if the child has to go to the dentist, educational needs, extracurricular needs, and more. If you feel the amount is more than your husband can afford, then you should repetition the courts for an adjustment. However, the family courts generally do not care that the person has gone on to make a new family, they won't even listen to that arguement. Their belief is that the person knew they had other children before they made the second family. It may sound cruel, but it is how they generally work.
@fortyzwife (84)
• United States
18 Jan 07
How about you stop whining about it? She had the child with him, he has to pay support. Point blank. She might have been wrong for what how she handled the first situation, but there is still another child involved. And frankly, whether he is your husband or not, that is between him and her. I wish me and my husband would get divorced and his new wife complain about his child support. If he leaves you, your gonna want child support right? And for all women who have children with men who dont take care of them.. HOW DARE YOU say get a job and stop punishing them. They made the kids jsut like we did, yeah, so they have to pay their end too. Why should I have to spend every penny I have because YOU have 2 other kids to take care of. That is NOT my problem. You have a child, take care of him. Period.
You sound like a money grubbing wife yourself. You should want him to take care of his responsability, not complain because she is asking him too.
@sineen1981 (339)
• United States
18 Jan 07
thank you.!! for understanding !! your so completely right
@CatEyes (2448)
• United States
18 Jan 07
Uh, What about the CHILD HE HAS THAT SHE IS NOT PAYING FOR? He has rights to. She has one that is how old? 13 that she refuses to let him see. Then she turns around and asks for back payment on the CHILD HE RAISED and she did not want to have anything to do with. If any thing he should have asked for back payment. Why do you not understand this;it is the law.
@KaHathaway (189)
• United States
18 Jan 07
My mom went to court and lied while my parents were getting a divorce. She told them she made like ten times more than she did so that she could keep the child support payments out of the court system. My dad fell thousands behind in payments and my mom never made him catch up or told him he couldn't see us. One month he said he wasn't going to pay the full 250 (for both me and my sister) so my mom said as long as he bought me a new set of gloves for the hockey season that she would call it even.
My mom bent over backwards to keep my dad involved with us despite him being a deadbeat dad.
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
18 Jan 07
See now your mom is a wonderful woman and i am the same way with my childs father. I am very understanding and although we have been to court i do not file hime with maintenanca. we have a great communication kind of relationship and all though he doesn't help as much as i would like my children need to at least know their father. Life is also much too short to fight over money . Your mom is tremendous and i repect her for that!
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
18 Jan 07
In part I agree with you but I also have to say that he is still responsible for that child. What your husband needs to do is take a weekend and go see his daughter and try to make ammends with her so you guys can get her to come for visits.
Be gratefull your husband wants to see his kid and is willing to pay the support. MY sons father has not seen my son is almost 2yrs nor has he paid a single penny of child support either. The same goes for my oldest daughter. Her father has NEVER seen her and she is 7 nor has he ever sent me a penny of support.
Just imagine how hard that is on my husband having to support 2 kids that are not even his all by himself.
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@babykay (2131)
• Ireland
18 Jan 07
If one of the children that your ex had with this woman was being cared for totallly by him, it is difficult to see how she could have any legitimate claim to financial support from him. What you seem to be saying is that she is looking for money for caring for a child that he took care of.
Regarding the other child, it seems right that he pays financial support towards maintenance, what is wrong with that?
Regarding the reasons why their relationship did not work out, this has no bearing on whether or not he should support his kids, or do you think that because she cheated on him that he should have to pay less? This doesn't seem fair to me.
I agree that people both men and women should enjoy our kids and get jobs, but I also think that men and women should both support any children they produce. I don't agree with you that seeking maintenance is punishing fathers!
The problem here seems to be that YOU are suffering financially by not having access to the full part of your husband's wages as he is committed elsewhere. You must have known before you married him that he had a past life in which he fathered two children? If so, you knew what you were taking on. I know it doesn't seem fair that you are struggling financially but would you really want your husband not to have to pay for his own kids? If you split with him and he met somebody new, what would you think if she thought you were just punishing him? Think about this.
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@Sarah1977 (495)
• United States
18 Jan 07
The situation that you are describing doesn't make any sense whatsoever. If your husband and you had one of his children with you, and his ex had the other, then why on earth would he be liable to pay child support to her? Wouldn't she then have to pay your husband for caring for her child also? Of course, it makes much more sense that it should just be equal, so neither her or him would have to pay.
I think it is time for your husband to take this to the court and tell them his side of the story. Maybe the court system has no idea that your husband raised one child, and she raised one child from their past relationship....

@Sarah1977 (495)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I understand what you are saying, but she said that his ex is now suing him for $32,000 in BACK child support. That sounds like she wants him to pay all of what he should have paid if he hadn't had one of their children living with him. I don't know for sure, but that sounds like an awful lot of money to me...
@Bytemi (1553)
• United States
18 Jan 07
Honestly the think the situation is one is child is now of legal age, whereas before they were both caring for one child, the cost were already split down the middle. Now that one has become an adult, legally the Dad is no longer paying for his expenses, please note I said legally!, so now the Mom is sueing him to help pay for the other child. Child support cancelled itself out before because there wer two child involved, now there is only one.

@sineen1981 (339)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I do not cry. I have 2 jobs. I enjoy my daughter AND i sure as hell have never try reaching the guy anymore. HOW is the guy being punished, if a man doesnt pay in years - then it eventually catches up to him.
@mrstigs (63)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I so hear you on this. My husband has two children with different women and the youngest one's mother up and moved when the boy was 2 years old. He still paid child support even though we had no idea where she was (the state forwarded the payments to her). After almost 10 years we finally found her again and she promised to stay in touch only to move a couple of months later. Now we have to find her again. My husband would really like to be more than a monthly check to his son but when we have to spend so much time and energy looking for her it gets really frustrating.

@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
18 Jan 07
It may get frustrating but it is nothing to rave and rant at others for. You knew about her and accepted him and his children by marrying him and to me you should sound more supportive. Did you also know that it is illegal even if a mother has custody of a child to hold that child from the other parent. So maybe you should ask for information about stuff like that instead of attacking ever single mother out there!!!
@chippy49 (171)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I just have to say THANK YOU. you know what I/we are going through. like I have had to say again and again to all the other postings. Fine let her have the child support, but let us see the child. we have tried numerous times to try to see her, but we cannot afford to keep on trying. ok maybe I did sound a little harsh, I was upset at all of the negative stuff about men, when the women who do get the child support are no help to the children/parents relationship either. like our case. see, it takes someone to go through the situation to fully understand. I am not being greedy or anything I just hate the way this all came down between him and his ex.
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@misslag9 (11)
• United States
18 Jan 07
i don't know what state you live in,but the are laws that protect you from your local child support division,they can help you.i was married to an ex that had a child and i was dumb enough to pay his child support to his ex;at the same time i was recieving child support for my infant twin girls.i was also working 50 hrs. a week.its not always what you think,some men don't mind making the baby,but when there here;its moms babies and dads maybe.just check out w/ your local agency.
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@fortyzwife (84)
• United States
18 Jan 07
Sorry i need to add something else. My childrens father from a previous relationship hasnt paid a DIME of child support or even make the effort to see them. My husband takes care of them, even the ones that arent his. He is daddy. And i dont punish my ex for being a deadbeat, i let him be. He says, oh, i have 2 other kids to worry about. AND??? But i let it go cuz im better than that and I work hard to support my kids without him. But if i ever catch him in court i dont care who im taking his money from, his girl his other kids whoever, dont matter to me, because he made em so take care of them. AND give me the money you owe me.
And if you were his wife id tell you a thing or 2 i cant say on here. Ooh you made me mad with this. Some nerve of some people.

@embattledsparkle (1072)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I thought that it was also mentioned though that the 13 year old didn't want to see him and since she was 13, they couldn't force her?
@CatEyes (2448)
• United States
18 Jan 07
YOu have nerve not to even try to understand what she is saying. Calm down and re-read it. Not all women are like what she is saying she does not even say that;it's just some. The mother in the situation took advantage of the situation, abused it and twisted it to her wants. That 13 year old child is in another state and SHE WON'T LET HIM SEE HER
By law that wrong. As for her keeping her and him keeping his, she should have paid for the 18 yr olds back payment since she did not take care of him She cheated him out of a lot of money becuase she is a women.

@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
18 Jan 07
Did your husband go to court to establish the living arrangement for the child that he had living with him? Was there ever a court order for how child support and medical needs and such would be split since one parent had one child and the other parent had the other child? Was there ever a court order established for visitation rights for both parents to see the respected child each had in their care? See, if you say no to all of this, unfortunately you husband messed himself up then by not legally going to court to establish the living arrangements of the kids. The courts may have made his ex-wife accountable for child support to the child he had living with him, and he accountable for child support for the child she had with her, visitation rights could have been established and this all would have been in black and white. As for what the ex-wife did to mess up the marriage, that has no baring on whether a child made in the marriage receives child support. I happen to believe that if 2 people make kids they are 50% responsible for financially supporting those children regardless of how the marriage ends or in most cases never happens. You are right they both should be working to support the children they made.
The courts generally don't care if either the man or woman has gone on to make new families, they will generally say you knew you had other children and they come first, we didn't tell you go have more if you couldn't care for the others you had.
I don't understand how the ex-wife was awarded back arrearages for the child not in her care. Did you husband go to court with proof that the child was in his care till age 18? If he didn't, he needs to get a family court lawyer now, and petition the court to reopen the case. He could also at that time ask for an adjustment in the amount he has to pay for the underaged child she has, and he can even petition for arrearages that the ex-wife owes him for caring and raising the other child, plus he could petition for visitation rights and make her 50% responsible to pay for travel expense of that child. I would hope your husband would want to see the child he made. Verbal agreements on child custody often get messy, which is why you need a court order established. It definitely sounds like the ex-is being shrewd. I'd definitely nip this one by getting a family court lawyer. Hope this all works out for your family.
@deedles88 (297)
• Australia
18 Jan 07
Your sick of listening to women complain about not getting child support?? What about the single mums out there, looking after the kids, not getting a cent, not being able to work because childcare costs would take her entire paycheck and you think they are just complaining?? Well, how about you try and live through that! There are some bad eggs out there, i will admit, but alot of the mums out there are struggling too, so instead of bi***ing about what your husband is going through. How about you shut up, walk a mile in someone elses shoes and appreciate what the hell you have!
@badpenny (741)
• Lancaster, Texas
18 Jan 07
I think you are being a little selfish. I have raised my husband's oldest child, and his ex raised the youngest. We rarely got to see the youngest, and I never resented the fact that we sent regular support for him. Both boys are grown now, and I have a better relationship with the one we didn't raise than I do with the one we did.
The money sent is for the child's benefit, and is always the responsibilty of both parents. I know how you feel about the ex, I felt that way, too, but you shouldn't transfer these feelings to the child, who is the innocent victim in all of this. If you want to change things, try looking within yourself first. I'm sure you would feel a lot differentkly about the whole thing if you were in her shoes!
@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I could not agree with you more. Regardless of the circumstances that transpired, there are 2 children from that first marriage, and those parents should support them no matter what. I do think alot of what happened was due to not having this legally drawn up, and now it came back to bite the husband. To often, the anger does get transfered on to the situation, making people think irrationally and not responsibly.
@cyndhirella (549)
• Philippines
18 Jan 07
I totally agree with you.
I mean, I see women asking for child support, as a weak person. If the father would not bother to give your child the financial support, then show him that you can make your way to support your kid all the way. That's responsible parenting.
@sineen1981 (339)
• United States
18 Jan 07
a mother asking for child support is in no way weak, if a mother keeps nagging him then maybe. But if she is smart enough to realize the first few months that he will not pay child support - then she should pursue it at the child support agency - all the way to the end. Till justice is served.
@CatEyes (2448)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I think that you need to get a lawer. What she did was ilegal acording to my sister in law who is a lawer. If you and your husband took care of the child in your home full tim then she would have to pay you child support, and if she had the other you would have to pay child support. There is a statute of limitations she was talking about also;if you did not set up child support in the begining or if you veered away from the agreement (Ie if she was originaly in possesion of both children but decided to keep only one) she would be in default. This would be something to discuss with your lawer ASAP., because this is a bunch of bs. I don't know how she WOULD have been able to get child support with all of the things that she did. Your husband could have proven all of that stuff she did and got away with only pittence a month or nothing at all. Why and how did he get in this position in this day and age of enlightenment? It goes both ways.
@angelastreit (287)
• United States
18 Jan 07
My brother in law pays child support and because his ex is so greedy he has hardly any to live on afterwards. I think that its bull that they have to pay that much expecally when the person is engaged to another man to be married when she just had his child! Them type of women are just greedy for money so they don't have to work hardly.
@embattledsparkle (1072)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I disagree completley. They go by the absent parents income (whether it's the mother or father who is absent) if it's gone to court and they determine the support by how much the person makes. If the person paying child support has a hard time paying it due to them losing their job, making less money, or even having more kids with someone else, they can go back to court and get it lowered.
Not every parent who receives child support for their child are greedy. I'm sure some are, but I think most of us aren't.