lions as pets

lions - lions are really amazing animals. they are always tagged with the characteristics of pride, leadership and strength. no wonder they are believed to be the king of the jungle. and i think lions should not be kept as pets. they should live in the wild where they could live freely.
@nyka08 (403)
January 18, 2007 3:48am CST
do you think lions are gentle animals? yesterday, a woman was featured on tv who have lions as a pet. i was really amazed that the lion didn't hurt her. i even saw the lion lick her face. lions are known to be the king of the jungle. and in my opinion, i think they should be left in the wild. although some people could tame lions, i think time will come that the lion would still come to his old natural ways through instinct. i understand that lions are very majestic and amazing animals, but i still think that they should not be made as pets. what do you think about this?
5 responses
• Pakistan
18 Jan 07
well it depends hw u tame the lions
@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
18 Jan 07
People who insist that they can tame wild animals are delusional. They belong in the wild. Ask the Seigfreid and Roy guy what happened with his "friendly", "trained" large cat.
• Nepal
18 Jan 07
the first things is lions are wild animals and they sometimes may does wild. so why to keep the lions as pet? I think lions are much better if they are kept in the jungle rather than in the houses as pets
@samson1967 (7414)
• India
18 Jan 07
Not only Lion, but all the wild animals, who are capable of living indepandatly without any threat for their life should be allowed freely to live in the jungles.
• India
18 Jan 07
iam afraid of animals. so its very dangerous pa..