Should Conscription Be Brought Back?
By Brian
@wolfie34 (26770)
United Kingdom
January 18, 2007 9:51am CST
A lot of problems in todays society are caused by youths, back in World War 2 conscription was used -
Forced service, usually of young men of a given age, e.g. 17 – 18, for a set period of time, commonly 1 – 2 years. (In the United Kingdom and Singapore this was commonly known as 'national service')
Would this be the answer to reducing crime and gangs and boredom. Turning these yobs into respectable young men instead of hanging around towns causing nuisance, threating people, drug taking and worse?
What are your views on the matter, would you support it if the government brought it back? and why?
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19 responses
@srhelmer (7029)
• Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
18 Jan 07
No. And the reason I say that isn't because it would be unpopular, it's because it isn't necessary. We have advanced enough weapontry where we can win with very few ground troops. Our problem is we need to have better training so our soldiers are prepared to fight smaller battles.
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@jellybean80 (244)
18 Jan 07
I'm not sure it should be compulsory for all, and with equal opportunities now it would have to be for young women as well, but I think there is something to be said for the idea. I think that it would probably be more useful as an alternative punishment than Young Offenders Institutions as they really don't act as a deterrent for re-offending for many young people who have the highest rates of re-offending. It'd probably be good too for those who would otherwise just be claiming benefits, would give them a reason to get off their backsides and look for work rather than taking an easy option as so many do, especially in the area I live, and just sit on the social for the rest of their lives smoking and drinking tax payers money. Does that sound really bad? I know some people can't work for genuine reasons but there are so many that don't and that need a bit of direction in their lives and I do think that, perhaps not conscription as such, but some form of organised training and dicipline could be the way to go. For a lot of the people who would benefit from it it would possibly be the first time in their lives that they had experienced such rules and discipline and I think they'd learn a lot from it. I used to do volunteering with a group of girls who had been excluded from school and I have no doubt that most of them would benefit no end!
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I was serving in the US Army when the draft ended. I can give you a perspective on this topic that has only been hinted at so far. I can tell you the real reason the draft was ended.
The draft was ended to end the massive political involvement of the public at large in regards to armed conflict. Remember, from history for you youngsters, from memory for us old folks, all the Vietnam War protests? Do you think for a minute the national leaders at the time wanted to deal with all of that? Do you think any national leader in the future wants to deal with that? No, they do not.
Ask yourself if the Iraq war would still be going on if every parent in the USA knew their son could be forced into going over there.
That's right, that war would be over all ready or it would never even had been started. Else, every politician connected to that conflict would be voted out of office.
This is why there is no draft and why there likely will not be one again.
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@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
19 Jan 07
Are you gonna pay their salary? I'm not. That's not how we do things in America, at least.
Kids can get jobs and educations that aren't in the military, lets put money into that instead.
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@ukchriss (2097)
19 Jan 07
a conscription would initially provide the forces with a flood of barely-trained privates, seamen and airmen — and they will need a load of sergeants and officers to lead them.
Such a conscript force will also need equipment to fight as well; you can't simply Conscript troops, you must also buy their rifles, vehicles, uniforms, communications gear, etc.
All of this will cost a great deal of money.
The history of wartime conscription is not a good one, because nations generally throw their draftees into battle immediately after basic training.
Over 3,000,000 men volunteered to serve in the British Armed Forces during the first two years of the war.
Due to heavy losses at the Western Front the government decided in 1916 to introduce conscription.
At first only single men were called up but at the end of the war even married men of fifty were being conscripted into the army.
Conscription caused real hardships for the British people. With just the wives, girlfriend and children left at home.
It is said that about 16,000 men refused to fight and these were called conscientious objectors. Most of these men were pacifists, who believed that even during wartime it was wrong to kill another human being.
About 7,000 pacifists agreed to perform non-combat service such as stretcher-bearers.
Over 1,500 men refused all compulsory service.
These men were called absolutists and were usually drafted into military units and if they refused to obey the order of an officer, they were court martialled.
Yes a standing national service system would create a deep bench of reservists with 2 years of experience who could be ready to serve on active duty when/if their country ever needs them.
But would it really be a good thing? would you be turning these yobs into respectable young men or just teaching them self defence and how to fight better? would this make the problems worse once they get back on the street and still cant find a job?
I think we need to find them some other kind of community services maybe someting to do with the enviroment, or teach them a skill which they can find a job with, building roads, working with the fire service, working in a hospital or even something like just doing up old peoples gardens.
I wouldnt support Conscription if its just going to teach youths how to fight but i would support something which takes them off the streets and helps them to get a better life.
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@ravinamita (132)
• India
19 Jan 07
Yes, to make the youth more disciplined and well mannered. No, with a view to curb the crime rate. It is education of the children in the family, in the society and in the schools that makes good citizens. A two years conscription will not help bring any material change in the situation. But the time is about to come when conscription will have to be made compulsory. With the salary beyond one's imagination till the other day being offered to the IT and management graduates by the multi-national companies, the Forces are already finding it difficult to recruit the right stuff. So days ahead are going to be more chaotic, with lesser and lesser people willing to join the ranks.
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
19 Jan 07
That's a tough question. I think a lot of people could definitely benefit from being in the military. There are a lot of people that need direction and stability in their life. The military definitely provides that. And they do provide excellent training as well. My husband is in the Air Force and I know we wouldn't be able to pay for his schooling if it wasn't for the AF. Other benefits are excellent, too. Where else can you get a job at 18 years old that pays all of your medical bills and gives you a housing and food allowance? When we had our son we didn't pay a dime for any medical services the whole time I was pregnant or in the hospital. I don't know of any other jobs with benefits that good, especially for a 21 year old with only two years in a job.
But I think there are some people who would just be breaking rules all the time trying to get kicked out. That just causes more problems for their NCO's. I work part time in the barber shop on base and I've seen several Tech and Staff Sgts bring in Airmen and Airmen Basic for haircuts because they simply refuse to follow orders. Forcing youth into the military would cause a lot more problems like that.
But in response to the people that say no, they don't want their kid put in harm's way because of the bad kids? Do you enjoy your freedom? It doesn't come free. Someone has to stand up and fight for it! I am very proud of my husband for serving his country. I would be just as proud if my son serves when he grows up too.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
18 Jan 07
I am not one to believe conscripting the youth of the day to teach them how to kill is the right way to go, I believe to conscript yes but to do maybe two years of other community services, Fire fighting, emergency services, working in a nursing home, first aide, I think all young people males and females should be conscripted to do something of this nature of their choosing but to learn how to be a benefir to the community and to learn a little compassion, the military services could be one of the choices but not every person is made for the typw of things the military serves teaches, I know I wouldn't. Teaching trouble touth to kill and hate is not the answer I don't think.
@ChewySpree (1832)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I would support this, definitely. I think these types of programs do really work in other countries. In comparison, I think many American youths are spoiled.
@kannanreghu (299)
• India
19 Jan 07
No i won't support it in the present sitaution its not desirable as the youths of this age would turn to terrorism
@boogasmom (149)
• United States
18 Jan 07
NO NO and NO. I do not feel that if my son grows up and is a decent young man, that he should have to pay the same price as a criminal. Why should my son have to be put in harms way just because others are not behaved??
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@ControlledChaos (179)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I think it would be a great thing... I served a few years in the Army and although I wasn't crazy about it, I did learn some important lessons. Also, I saw a LOT of young people who really needed the order and discipline that the military brings to their lives. The positive difference in some of these people was amazing after a year or two. I personally think that it would make young people stand up and take notice of the world around them. A lot of kids don't care what George Bush is doing because they don't feel as though it effects them directly. You can bet they'd get involved if they knew for sure that they could end up being the ones going to war.
@angelastreit (287)
• United States
19 Jan 07
If they brought that back it would make my husband's job actually somewhat go away. He is an Army recruiter and likes his job because it made a difference in his life for the better. I think that all troubled children under the age of 18 need to go to military academies to get a taste of what is going on in todays world for them to have the freedoms that they have today.
@CraftyCorner (5600)
• United States
15 Feb 07
you will end up with maybe a few upstanding citizens, lots of corpses, and lots of craftier thugs.
18 Jan 07
@ghalayini (122)
• Australia
19 Jan 07
Yes - too many vandals and kids just hanging around doing nothing.
It would be good for them and the community to teach them discipline.
@Celanith (2327)
• United States
19 Jan 07
It has been said the military can "make or break a man" I have seen this, it broke my brother and he was a worse person for it. It broke one of my uncles too. But most the men who went in came out better people for it. So it might help and it might not, I think it depends on the indiviual but it might be a solution for some.
@Ridgydidge (558)
• Australia
18 Jan 07
Here in Australia they are have brought in that if a junior (our year 10 approx 15-16 years old) does not have a job to go to or an apprenticeship to attend they must continue to Senior school. I agree with that.
If after reasonable amount of time if a Senior school leaver has not got a job or an apprenticeship or continuing studies, I believe they should be Conscripted into one of the services (even army reserves) for a couple of years to be taught a skill. I would sooner see my Tax dollars paying a service personals’ wages than unemployment benefits. But then Unemployment benefits are another debate yet again.
@praveenpaul03 (10)
• India
19 Jan 07
we cant now bring back the old rule
forced entery in millitary wont bring goo soldiers