stop the "swastika" from being banned - a hindu religious symbol!
By scorpius
@scorpius (1792)
January 19, 2007 7:48am CST
did you know that the european parliment is thinking of banning the use of swastika.i agree that for many europeans that the swastika is a symbol of negative concotions.but to hindus it is a religious is not the fault of the religion that the nazi's highjacked the symbol.whats more it is a symbol tha tmany hindus still use in thier ceremonies even to ban it lke this is outright wrong!it goes agains tthe hindu religion itself.what do you think?
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42 responses
@knights_of_honour (348)
• India
19 Jan 07
These people are sick they dont have any work so they go about doing these stupid things. Now just imagine raking up 60+ yrs incident and create more confusion in a already confused world is not a very bright idea. There is a sect I read off who uses torures and killing and have a symbol of burning cross so do we go for banning the cross? What about the eagle of USA for human rights violation in Afghanisthan Iraq somalia???? Any answers??
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@scorpius (1792)
• India
19 Jan 07
thanks for your great comments and thanks for sharing my thoughts.personally the cross alone hs been responsible for the murder of so many innocents especially during the spanish inquisition.all in the name of the why not bannthe cross?someone should get this mesage to the germans!back off!
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@dangerdvd (320)
• Italy
20 Jan 07
Hitler choiched swastica because he was a following of pagan religios... and this symbol was of this religious..
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@smacksman (6053)
20 Jan 07
The EU wish to ban it because neo-nazis would like to reinstate it as a symbol of purity and supremacy of the arian race.
You in India can still have your 'good luck charm' but I am suprised that by opposing the ban in Europe (not worldwide) you seem
to support a group that has no love for you.

@shekruse (677)
• India
19 Jan 07
Hitler is not even a Century old and has copied the Indian Swastika, Indians have been using the Symbol since many centuries:
The word swastika is derived from the Sanskrit svastika (in Devanagari, ????????), meaning any lucky or auspicious object, and in particular a mark made on persons and things to denote good luck. It is composed of su- (cognate with Greek e?-, "eu-"), meaning "good, well" and asti a verbal abstract to the root as "to be"; svasti thus means "well-being". The suffix -ka forms a diminutive, and svastika might thus be translated literally as "little thing associated with well-being", corresponding roughly to "lucky charm", or "thing that is auspicious".[3] The word first appears in the Classical Sanskrit (in the Ramayana and Mahabharata epics).
Why shud the Europeans have to ban the Symbol just because its similar to the Nazi's..?? It still is very different from eachother..
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@nw1911guy (1131)
• United States
19 Jan 07
Thanks for the education. Good to learn that.
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@mansha (6298)
• India
19 Jan 07
i think its of no use banning swstika as I don't think so we wear it on our foreheads or arms or anything. Its a symbol of purity thats why Nazi's also had adopted it, made it unpure though by their acts. If you can ban purity go ahead and place a ban. I don't mind banning asymbol though as people are pure from mind not because of a symbol. Its a symbol used in Reiki healings too. So first of all it will be hard to ban its use. If it reminds people who went through the holocaust of the gruesome killings of Nazi's we can always be discreet about using it, its just a human angle why flaunt a thing that hurts someone. Hindus have 33 billion gods to worship as it is and so many symbols too we can always help someone to heal, thats what my religion hindutva has taugfht me, I don't know about you and others though.
@scorpius (1792)
• India
20 Jan 07
thnak you both for your great comments.that said ihave to say that this symbol is something that we all use at our homams -religious yagnas.anyway this symbol is even used today and with great reverence.whats more banning a symbol just because of hitler is not right at all.if that was the case then should they not also be banning the corss since so many innocents were killed in the name of the cross???
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@scorpius (1792)
• India
22 Jan 07
true om is more liberally used but the swastika is a very important symbol and not too many hindus realise its importance to thier religion today.the next time you have a puja in your home just check out what the poojari is doing.the first thing he will do is draw the swastika!
@mansha (6298)
• India
20 Jan 07
I am also a hindu but I have not used this symbol except for mayu bhai dooj poooja over thwe years. Hindus are libral people I don't think except few really conservative people like shiv sainiks any other will even realise that its banned. Ohm is a much widely used symbol tham swatika. Swastika is just a symbol of purity nothing else.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
19 Jan 07
i think the reason the swastika has not been banned in most countries of the world is simply the reason that it has significance to hindus, maybe hindus need to change now?
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@scorpius (1792)
• India
20 Jan 07
well why should they indeed!first of all banning a religioius symbol just becasue a citizen of your country misused it smacks of dictatorship.i do not think that any country should have a say in what we worship or what we do not .whats more it has been a religious symbol for the hindus since the last 7000 years or so.nazi's have used this symbol for say just 10-12 years.why do you rhink that it is important to the hindus?
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
19 Jan 07
I believe that it should not be banned. All this is doing is playing into the hands of the people who use it for their ignorant views.
It should be reclaimed for what it truly symbolises and used with pride.
It will show how ignorant racists really are if they were shown where the swastika originated.
I hope it is not banned and people should stand up and fight for their beliefs.
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@raveena (1353)
• India
19 Jan 07
I fully understand your sentiments and it is really bad on their part to ban the swastik but you saying that they should ban the cross how much is that justified.
We are from the country of Mahatma Gandhi who himself loved the preachings of Jesus Christ.
@scorpius (1792)
• India
20 Jan 07
first of all i would like to apologise if any of my comments have hurt your feelinigs .that said i only said that as a way if comparision since the symbol of the cross has been used in killing so many if the swastika then wh y not the cross?
anyway i did not intend for it to say that i want the cross to be banned or anything like that.but hey great comments!
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@pendragon (3348)
• United States
19 Jan 07
If they are trying to ban it , it's becasue it brings into play very heinous memeories, yes it's a shame he nazi's took it for their own evil pyrposes, but isn't it backwards? Didnt they turn it around, so the actual good luck symbol wouldnt be effected by a ban?
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@moonflowerpixy (536)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I think people need to open thier minds and thier hearts to knowledge of things that they may not understand or want to understand.
@mom2chriskel (1060)
• United States
19 Jan 07
No, I don't think it should be banned.
After all it isn't symbols that make a person believe they way they do. I didn't realize for the longest time that the swastika was already a symbol for something else. Yes, I thought it was a nasty symbol thought up by nasty people...I didn't realize it was a Hindu symbol.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
20 Jan 07
It's a shame that because of one mad man and his group that a religious icon was abused in such a way. They should not ban your icon just because of what one group did with it. Instead of banning it they should educate more people on the truth of what the symbol means. That would be far more reasonable and make more sense. Why punish the symbol just because of how one group used it? They need to rethink that one.
@mcrowl (1050)
• New Zealand
20 Jan 07
Surely you're not taking into account the shocking evil that was behind this symbol when it was used by the Nazis. The memory of that evil remains in the minds of all Europeans, and of Americans, Australasiana and the people of Great Britain.
Furthermore, there are many small groups within Europe, America and Britain that still use the symbol as a Nazi symbol, not at all as a Hindu one.
The problem is that the symbol has been taken over as something evil, whatever it's origins, and it's very hard for non-Indian people to forget this.
@scorpius (1792)
• India
20 Jan 07
first of all thank you for yuor great comments.that said i do not think that the symbol should be banned just becasue one man and one party misused it.frankly speaking if we are to take your logic then should not the cross be banned.since there were more murder of the innocents in the name of the cross than there had been in the name of the swastika.the swastika has been a religious symbol for the hindus for the last 7000 years.the nazi's have misuded it for 12 i do not think that the swastika should be banned,sorry but i donot agree with you!
@maru_047in (1007)
• India
19 Jan 07
I think that they should not ban swastika in india if they ban in europe it has to b ban for only their culture and it should not affect the culture of hindus as such so it should continue by the indians as they think that swasthika is is our religious symbol and feel that it is our god and it depends on some ones mind.
@nw1911guy (1131)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I think it's about as ridiculous as trying to ban the star. Why don't they ban that, afterall that was used to single out the Jews. Absolutely ridiculous. Europeans typically seem to consider themselves more cultured, so why would they allow their government to do this???
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@Jaytech (2251)
20 Jan 07
It isn't a case of allowing the governments here, they don't take any notice of what people say & wish for. They go on about democracy, but in reality life is quite oppressive here. It's more of a "Do as we say, not as we do2 society at the moment, which is not only sad, but very hypocritical.

@shi_2000_21 (2680)
• India
22 Jan 07
The indian leaders should launch any counter measures if the banning went ahead. I don't think that the europeans are fool to the ban the religious symbol of hinduism.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
20 Jan 07
About 6 years ago I bought some old post cards at an auction. They were all from the early 1900's (pre WWII). When I went through them I was surprised to find many had little swastikas in Valentine bouquets and alongside four leaf clovers & wishbones. Apparently in the early 1900's the swastika was considered a good luck symbol. So it doesn't surprise me that it is for some a religious symbol also.
Isn't it amazing how the nazis turned what was a good luck omen and even a religious symbol into such a strong symbol of hatred. Maybe we should re-evaluate the swastika at least enough to recognize that it has happy and even holy connotations also.
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@urbandekay (18278)
24 Jan 07
The swastika is the reverse of the Hindu symbol and derives not from India but from ancient Norse symbology
all the best urban
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@scorpius (1792)
• India
31 Jan 07
actually this symbol goes back to iran and the black sea.i did do some research on this.the hindus-the brahminacal classes are the descendents of the aryans who migrated to india from the black sea via iran.this took place during the last ice age.during the last ice age,the basin around the black sea suffered a sudden catastrophic flooding by the sea.this casued the people[aryans] to migrate.therefore they did branch of this group went to iran.they stayed there.the iraninan branch followed a religion the ancient form of hinduism,which caused a split among two religions became dominant in the iranian plateau.the hinduism and Zorastrianism.
but the differences between both the religions were not that much.both worshipped the fireas the eternal giver of life.
anyway the hindu aryans moved on to the sind plateau -[mohendajaro,indus].there they settled for a short duration and then moved on to occupy if one were to do geneological research you will find that the blood of the modern hindu brahmin is very closely linked with that of the modern iranian.i should also point out that the brahminical classes are by nature extremely insular in the sense they do not marry out of thier caste even today.therefore one would have extremely good chances of finding the aryan link between iran and them by mapping thier genes.even thier bone structures are very similar.also most of the brahmins in south india are essentially from the north and that is why thier skin is still pale in color compared to that of the others.
anyway the other branch from the black sea migration went north to europe like norway and so forth.
the funny thing is that the no matter where the original population migrated to or what they evolved into they all used this swastika symbol and the hindus have been using it for more than 7000 years as evidence of swastika along with a yagna remians have been found in my timeline may not be perfect but it is very close.
also as a matter of record the flooding of the black sea took place around 15-20000 years ago.also you will find evidence of this flooding in religious scripts of modern hinduism,Zorastrianism,ancient norid religions.they are all from the same family.actually i think that i would not be all that wrong to say that we are all related.
that boggles one's mind ,does it not?!!
@scorpius (1792)
• India
31 Jan 07
here are some links to help you along!
@urbandekay (18278)
29 Jan 07
All of what you say I know except that the date you give is exaggerated, but just because the Indians have this symbol is not sufficient to show that the Nazi's use of it was adopted from there. Spread your research a little wider and you will find it was also and ancient Norse symbol.
all the best urban
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@Nevenoe (1)
• France
21 Jan 07
I agree with scorpius. Furthermore, the swastika is not only an hindu symbol; I own an 18th century chinese carpet, and its border is full of swastikas. (Hindu influence or not, I don't know???)
More surprising stil, I visited the ''ruinas de Ampurias'' in the Costa Brava (Spain) some years ago, and was quite astounded to see EXACTLY the same pattern as my carpet's on a 2000 years old tile floor. I still cannot explain the coincidence...
@cresramkumar (206)
• India
26 Jan 07
nazi symbol is different from swasthika. its the inverted one
i dont see any reason to ban swasti
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