do you sleep with your bra on?

January 19, 2007 9:39am CST
this one's obviously for the female species. i'm asking because i heard that this would prevent your mammary glands(i used this term intentionally so i don't have to change my preferences in my profile) from sagging, specially when you're nursing. what do you think?
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17 responses
• United States
29 Jan 07
I sleep with my bra on. I did not before I became a mother. I is pretty much necessary when you are first nursing and then it seems to become a habit and now I don't think I would be comfortable without.
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• Philippines
30 Jan 07
it's really just a matter of what you're used to and not aesthetics, huh? i do understand that. thanks for sharing your views.
@wdiong (1815)
• Singapore
6 Feb 07
Yes, I sleep with my bra on. It does not have wires so it does not dig into my flesh. whether or not I'm nursing my baby from my mammary glands, the bra remains on. Somehow , I feel uncomfortable if I take them off when sleeping :)
• Philippines
7 Feb 07
wireless bras are okay. it would just feel like you're having a half shirt on. it's the wired ones that i cannot stand....
• Philippines
6 Feb 07
i'm not sure about that, but i don't wear a bra when i'm sleeping primarily for comfort :-)
• Philippines
7 Feb 07
yeah, right. we wouldn't want all those wires and straps poking us everywhere whenever we turn, right?
• United States
6 Feb 07
As a rule I do not wear my bra to bed. I think of two reasons why for me anyway, one reason it is so uncomfortable!! Secondly I am still nursing my twin girls to sleep and even at night time I take off my nursing bra it just is more comfortable!!
• Philippines
6 Feb 07
yeah, i can just empathize with you. as i said before, what we, women, have to endure in during our entire lifetime.
@layamaria (102)
• Philippines
6 Feb 07
Yes. I'm not comfortable without it. Also, my aunt who brought me up always said, what if something happens like an emergency or a fire and you go running out and everybody sees you and you don't even have your bra on...
• Philippines
7 Feb 07
lol! that changes my perspective now. i didn't think about it that way. okay, let me reassess my opinion.....
@mnksmommy (301)
• United States
5 Feb 07
Most of the time I do sleep in my bra, it is just what I am used to. My girls need support 24/7. I absolutely had to sleep in a bra after giving birth. I didn't nurse but had to wear it to help the swelling and pain.
• Philippines
6 Feb 07
i gave birth to my youngest almost 5 years ago, and i can still feel the heaviness and the pain that goes with nursing. and i had to change a lot of times coz it made me sticky and so uncomfortable! sigh, what women have to go thru....
@sexymuma (1261)
19 Jan 07
its bad enough having to wear them in the day time it would really irritate me having to wear one all nite its the first thing to come off when i come to the door,lolx
• Philippines
22 Jan 07
lol! you can say that again! ha, ha.
@5berries (120)
• United States
30 Jan 07
I used to go braless at night but during nursing I couldn't or I would wake up soaked with milk. I opted for the nursiing tanks though that are much like cami's so they were comfy to wear to bed. Now that I am done nursing I take it off the second I get in the door and don't put it on until I go out again.
• Philippines
31 Jan 07
and they say that women are the weaker specie. they just don't know the many sufferigs we go thru, even with underwear alone.
• Canada
23 Jan 07
Oh gosh NO! ROFL I can barely stand a bra during the day, there's no way I could sleep in one :) Right now, I seem to be countering the "saggy-situation" pretty well, in spite of my age, so until they decide to stop fighting gravity, I will prefer to sleep comfy! ;)
• Philippines
25 Jan 07
lol! good answer! nothing beats comfortable, huh? i'm just lucky that i have small ones coz it's hardly noticeable when i don't wear a bra.
@kmgupta (561)
• India
30 Jan 07
i is good to wear bra to support yopur assests.during sleep if bra is on it will spoil the shape of boobs so take them off during sleep
• Philippines
31 Jan 07
plus the underwires are so painful, makes you feel battered, right?
• United States
31 Jan 07
Nope, I can barely stand wearing a bra when I'm awake and moving around, so I think that wearing a bra to sleep would just drive me batty. I've never even heard anything about bras preventing sagging if worn during your sleep. It's an interesting theory however.
• Philippines
31 Jan 07
i wonder, too, if there's some truth in it. i mean, sagging should be the least of our worries, keeping in mind the possibility of getting cancer from wearing a too tight bra, right?
• Philippines
25 Jan 07
Yes,I sleep with my bra on, Im not comfortable when I am not wearing one.
• Philippines
29 Jan 07
oh, weel, maybe it's a matter of what you're used to right? for me, it's the opposite. when i get home from work or from the mall, it's the first thing that comes off.
@earth2jacq (1502)
• Philippines
25 Jan 07
I don't sleep with them on. I like to comfortable when I sleep. I don't like anything strapping around my body. I also view this as resting mg mammary glands (borrowed your term) because I wear bra the whole day.
• Philippines
29 Jan 07
yeah, right! that's exactly how i feel. when i take them off, i feel free, if you know what i mean. it's such a relief.
• Philippines
29 Jan 07
It is so uncomfortable sleeping with the bra on so I remove them even when I am at home doing chores.
• Philippines
29 Jan 07
same with me. specially when i'm not expecting company, i can go the whole day without it. thanks for sharing!
• Malaysia
19 Jan 07
LOL I have to say sometimes! Hehehe..
• Philippines
19 Jan 07
lol! yeah, right! thanks for dropping by, though.
@Moodyelf6 (129)
19 Jan 07
at the moment i sleep with one on as I am (to quote you lol) "mammary gland-feeding" my baby and they leak like mad so i need to keep pads in there!! sorry if that's too much info, but you did ask..... lol
• Philippines
19 Jan 07
that's okay. it was the same with me, too. and aside from the bra, i also stuffed pads in there for extra security. lol!