Do You Have a Fear Spiders???
By Alexandria37
@Alexandria37 (5717)
January 19, 2007 1:12pm CST
I don't mean black widows or anything like that. I mean the big black spider that crawls up your walls and runs across the bedroom floor while you are reading, and by the time you find your slippers to trample it to death, the darn thing has run into a corner where you can't reach it. I detest them and I will not stay in the room until somebody removes it. How do you feel about spiders?
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131 responses
@ukchriss (2097)
19 Jan 07
I hate spiders as well,
I have this little vacuum spider catcher thingy which sucks the spider up so i can let it go outside.
Did you know Spiders are called arachnids not insects, but both spiders and insects belong to the largest group of animals on Earth, the arthropods - animals with hard external skeletons and jointed limbs (greek arthro = joint, podos = footed).
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@rosey3223 (1566)
• United States
20 Jan 07
I'm a retard, but when I do that...flatten them...I sometimes get the feeling like their whole family and friends are gonna come track me down and flatten me!! It's silly, but I have thought of it...mostly when I was a kid.
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@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
19 Jan 07
What a glorious picture you paint of the horrid little creatures...just kidding. Some of them run so fast that it would be impossible for me to catch them in a vacuum. Anyway, I don't believe in throwing them outside, as they will most likely find there way back into my house and invite some of their friends in also. Best to flatten them on sight.
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@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
20 Jan 07
You could be right. I think for each one I kill, two more appear the next day. Probably mummy and daddy wondering why their young one stayed out all night.
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@SplitZip (1488)
• Portugal
19 Jan 07
I hate spiders and insects in general. It's not that I'm scared of them, it's just that they CREEP ME OUT! So I try to always have bug spray around, even if they escape after being sprayed, they'll die soon. But ever since I got a cat, I haven't been finding that many spiders around here. Is she eating them? She'll have a go at anything that moves. She wanted to kill a wasp the other day, silly thing. The wasp was in attack position and she wanted to "paw" it. That Krazy Kat! :)
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@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
20 Jan 07
Somebody has just suggested Lysol spray, so I am going to stock up on that in preparation for my next invasion.
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@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
19 Jan 07
Me too. I hate insects of every description. I found Mr Muscle foam spray to be quite good for the spiders, as they cannot move after I squirt almost the whole bottle over them. I can hardly move myself with the fumes that come off it. I don't mind killing the wasps. I am the wasp killer and my hubby is the spider killer as he is terrified of wasps. I hope your poor dear kitty doesn't get stung as a wasp sting can be dangerous.
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@SplitZip (1488)
• Portugal
19 Jan 07
I use Raid for creepy crawlies (that's not the actual name ;). But I don't like using too much of it, because it really smells and because of the cat, since it's toxic. Afterwards, I try to clean up the area I sprayed, just in case, because the stuff is long lasting. Fortunately, she wasn't alone when she tried to kill the wasp. But she always finds them when they manage to get inside, sometimes she spots them, hits them, they fall on the floor and I squish them with a slipper. We're quite a team! :D
I hate wasps as well, but I'm a bit scared of them, as they sting. I've never been stung by a wasp or a bee and I'd like to keep that record ;)
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@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
19 Jan 07
My husband tells me to keep an eye on it while he goes for the whole kitchen roll in order to kill it. I wonder why, he couldn't just ask me to get the kitchen roll! I don't think he's as brave as he pretends to be.
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@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
20 Jan 07
It is a large roll of tissue paper that we use for mopping up spills etc around the kitchen.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
20 Jan 07
Actually I have no fear at all of spiders. I think they are kind of graceful looking. I try to pick them up in tissues and toss them outside instead of killing them. We had one in our garden once that wove a gorgeous web. It was huge and the light and morning dew really made it sparkle. It was so lovely I took a picture which I kept and would put up here except I'm not up to 500 and I can't....Now mosquitos are a different story. Those are the buggers I go after with a shoe.
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@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
20 Jan 07
I agree the webs are beautiful particularly when the sparkle in the sunlight. I have often gone out early in the morning and taken photos of them. I hate when they hitch a ride on my wing mirrors and even after travelling hundreds of miles, the little horrors are still clinging on. I can't even roll down the windows for fear they will land in on top of me.
@Eskimo (2315)
20 Jan 07
Maybe we should set up a spider appreciation society, don't think many people here would join though. I usually have spiders hiding in my car's wing mirrors and love to see the webs they weave, and dissapointed if I don't see them, like to think they are there to look after me.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
20 Jan 07
PS If you haven't already, read Charlotte's Web. It'll give you a whole other way to look at spiders...Better yet, see the movie. The book was a real weeper (cried when I was 10 and cried again 2 yrs ago when I read it) and the movie is probably one of those weepy ones that you like.
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@tabi1978 (33)
• United States
19 Jan 07
Spiders are scary. But I'm very scared of lizards in the house. Spiders are ok compared to them. Next time u see a spider in your bathroom, reachout for a tissue, wet the tissue a little and pick up the spider with the tissue...and flush it down the toilet. I always do that. It works. Dont worry only the tissue will touch the spider, not your hands.

@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
19 Jan 07
I couldn't do that either. If I saw one in the bathtub, I would run the scalding water on it. My husband has often flushed them down the loo, and the next morning I would see the darn thing floating on the water. No, I still believe squashing is the best.

@listen2me (511)
• United States
19 Jan 07
i dont like spiders at all but in my house im usually the one everyone calls to kill them, dont know why but im THE SPIDER KILLER. girlfriend will not stay in the same room wit one if she sees it either, doesn't matter how big or small it is.

@rosey3223 (1566)
• United States
20 Jan 07
I have to laugh at this because I also am the one that everyone calls to kill spiders...but the difference is that I am a girl...LMAO!!!
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@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
19 Jan 07
I have to agree with your girlfriend. The men should be the spider killers.
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@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
20 Jan 07
I wouldnt kill them if there was somebody else available to to the dirty work. You should protest.
@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
19 Jan 07
Oh, I simply must kill them on sight. I couldn't just avoid them. I even kill them if I see them in the garden. I really detest them.
@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I have no fear, but I am not especially fond of them. I have received a lot of bites, and they hurt and itch. But I am lucky to have two hunters in my home, hehhee, my cats will catch them. If they miss, then I will get it.
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@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
19 Jan 07
Oh,I doubt if I could even let the cat near me if I thought it swallowed a spider. I think I am going to be sorry that I started this discussion as I will have nightmares to-night.
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@pagli84 (1850)
• Netherlands
19 Jan 07
yesssss, i hate spiders, big or small. i dont know why, but they just frighten me. i used to not be scared of them. when i was lil living in switzerland, i would always go play in the lil playground by our apartment. there were always daddy longlegs in there, and i'd always play with them (okay maybe sometimes i was a bit mean to them). but now i cant stand spiders. i remember that my friend and i went to niagara falls a few years back and stayed in a cheap hotel. i was standing on my bed the whole entire night looking for spiders, and i couldnt sleep at all cause i was so scared that they would attack me in the night!
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@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
19 Jan 07
I always look for spiders too before I go to bed at night, and if I find one, my husband accuses me of having looked for it. When I was a kid, I use to dismember the daddy longlegs. Ok, it was cruel, but what do kids know. I wouldn't do it now, I would just squash them.
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@BittyBiddy (2903)
• Ireland
19 Jan 07
I hate spiders. I can't stand them. In fact, I hate anything that has more legs than I have so that includes just about every bug on the planet. I'm even terrified to kill them. I don't know why. If I do have to kill one I take my slipper, bash the offending creature over the head and scream at the top of my voice so I don't hear anything crunching. I'm sure if people heard me they'd think I was stone mad.
@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
19 Jan 07
I hate when I have to kill them myself and I try not to use my slippers, particularly if they only have a cloth sole on them. Imagine the awful mess that would be stuck to the sole of your slippers. I would have to chuck the whole lot into the bin.
@ShayMorris (163)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I actually LIKE spiders..even though this summer I spent a day in the ER getting my arm lanced open because a brown recluse bit me =/ My husband on the other hand...HATES them. I have a horrid fear of crickets though..I will cry if even a baby one is anywhere near me, which makes people around me laugh....but I swallowed one that had climbed into my can of Coke when I was pregnant with my son, and threw it up I think I have a valid reason. =)
@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
19 Jan 07
Oh, give me a cricket any day rather than a spider, although I don't like crickets either. Your are the first person to answer my topic who likes spiders. Sometimes I wish I could overcome my fear, but I don't really think I want to. I just want to go on exterminating the ugly little things.
@Hipponater (262)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I hate spiders. I don't mind if its like A daddy long leg outside, as long as its away from me.
I hate them in the house though, i think they're really scary and i don't like to kill them because they're kinda creepy and im scared i might drop them... but then i flush 'em...
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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
26 Feb 07
Oh yes, spiders are really yucky - though some people think they represent good luck and you shouldn't kill them.
I remember once when I stayed in the boarding house during my high school. It was a new facility and there was a huge construction site nearby. I was "visited" by a spider once.
Imagine my horror then when I was staring at a real spider on the left of my chest. I had 2 secs then to decide how I can get rid of the spider. I was alone then so I can't ask someone to hit it off me. I almost pounded my chest to kill the spider but it didn't quite make sense. So what I did in the end was that I "crushed" the spider using my tee and quickly took it off. Then I took a hard object and smashed the spider and dump that shirt away.
It was one experience.
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@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
26 Feb 07
I never heard that they were lucky but I did hear that it was unlucky to kill them. My mum would not let us kill them as she used to say it would rain if we did. That must be why we have so much rain in Ireland. I have killed every spider that has come within a inch of my foot. I couldn't imagine killing a spider on my clothes. That must have been real scary and you were a brave person to kill it while it was there. It sure must have been a dreadful experience for you.
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@kiiizu (1901)
• Estonia
2 Mar 07
In fact, I love them (I have a fear of snakes!). But I have a colleague who has, and sometimes we have some very nice and well feed spiders in the library where I'm working. The library is in the same building with a school, and as much I know, the 'native home' of spiders is the school cellar. If some of them visit our library, it's usually my job to catch it and remove to some safe place - both for my colleague's and for spider's own sake. But as I'm very fond of both, I'm happy to do it! lol!
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@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
2 Mar 07
Ugh! I am glad I don't visit your library. I think I have just been put off even borrowing books from a library in the future. I guess you must be very brave to catch the spiders. I would rather just have them killed so that they can't return.
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@kiiizu (1901)
• Estonia
2 Mar 07
In fact, I'm not brave at all. Just show me a snake and you'll see... It's a very uncomfortable fear because I like to walk in the woods, to pick berries and mushrooms etc. If I see a snake I just turn around and take a quick escape without watching where I'm running. A dangerous thing to do, because there can be another snake! But I can't do anything about it, my brain is just logging off at this moment for a while...
@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
2 Mar 07
I trust the snakes are not dangerous otherwise it wouldn't be safe to go picking berries in the woods. Thankfully there are no snakes on the loose in Ireland (except the two legged ones), sure didn't St Patrick banish them

@missyd79 (3438)
• United States
19 Jan 07
i hate spiders, i will run into the next room or outside until it is gone. i almost cause an accident on the highway one day because this little spider came down from my roof of my car right in front of my face and i started freaking out.
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@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
19 Jan 07
Oh, that has also happened to me. Then you are confined in the space the car so you don't know where the pesky spider has landed.
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@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I don't like spiders either, however my old man has come home with a tarantula!! I am about to go crazy. I have dreams about it! Or should I say "nightmares". It's big, it's hairy, it's ugly and it gives me the creeps. So, right now, I'm liking the little black ones better, lol.

@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
20 Jan 07
lmao!! Well, first it was in one of our (older child's) childrens bedrooms, but since I don't go in there everyday...I had to move it where I could see it because I kept forgetting it was in there and was scared it would get out and I wouldn't notice right away...So, now it is in the diningroom right where I can keep an eye on it all day long. Anytime it even gets close to the top, I tap the glass so it gets back down...We aren't going to have it much longer....It's going to "escape" (back to the petshop) when the old man is at work one day ;-) I just couldn't do it right away..that would be to obvious! I'm horrible, aren't I? lol
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@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
20 Jan 07
Well, if you are like me, I would spend my days plotting on how to get rid of it. I don't think I could sleep at night with one of those ugly things in the house. Does your other half really like it?
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@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
19 Jan 07
OMG! I would move a million miles away. Is it in a glass case where you have to dust and all that? I fell sick at the very thoughts of it and I am miles away from you. If I were you I would put a cover over the container so that I wouldn't have to look at it. Ugh!
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@southernpixie (741)
• United States
20 Jan 07
I hate spiders! The thing that creeps me out the most is pulling the shower curtain back to find one of those huge brown ones in the tub. I usually just scream and wait for my husband to come in and kill it. Ugh. I hate those things. I don't know why I am so afraid of them, they are just soo creepy and gross.
@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
20 Jan 07
I would turn on the hot water in the shower while I am waiting for help, but then, some of them are so big that they dont't wash down the plug hole too easily.
@songbirdnaimh (1422)
• United States
7 Mar 07
I hate them, detest them....
But through the years I've learned to not mind the small variety. If there's a big spider, I literally shiver.
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@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
7 Mar 07
Oh, I detest any size spiders. I couldn't even let a little money spider inside my house. They also make such a mess with their cobwebs. No, anything with too many legs must me exterminated!
@sunny69316 (638)
• China
17 Oct 08
Yup,I don't like to see spiders,but it is a life that is useful to the human,it can catch the bugs as skeeter,winged insect,etc.
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@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
22 Oct 08
I still don't like them and I can use sprays to kill the winged insects. Ugh!! Thanks for responding.