Double Standard

United States
January 20, 2007 7:33am CST
Why is it that people feel they can make all kinds of insulting and derogatory comments about Christianity that they would never make about Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, etc.? It was not any other religion that created a system that tolerates these other religions, it was building the USA on Christian principles that created tolerance for these other religions. Muslem nations do not tolerate other nations. Buddhist nations do not want other relgions in their country. Hindus to not want tolerance for other religions. But, Christianity, which believes fundamentally (in spite of what a few who call themselves Christians think .. there are always intolerant people who call themselves Christians, but they do not reflect what Christianity really is) in permitting everyone the same rights as themselves, is now the subject of attack. If people really think about it, they should realize that if Christianity is forced out of the USA, an intolerant religion will take over and will end religious freedom!
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55 responses
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
20 Jan 07
The role of Christianity in the history of the US isn't the issue. The reason people make derogatory comments about Christianity is that there are specific Christians who make a mockery of their religion. Those Christians also happen to be a lot louder than all the other ones. It's true of a lot of religions in fact. The people of any religious group being interviewed in the newspaper, or talking about their religion on tv, are always the most obnoxious ones, and often the ones less in touch with the real meaning of the religion. It's only the extremists in any religion who are in the news. So we make fun of them.
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• United States
20 Jan 07
I understand what you are saying about the loud-mouths and the hypocrites.
@emarie (5441)
• United States
21 Jan 07
"The reason people make derogatory comments about Christianity is that there are specific Christians who make a mockery of their religion." ..thats just sums everything up right there...enough said...
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@shogunly (1397)
• Libya
27 Jan 07
Lecanis , that particular idea is exactly what I thought of when I read the question , but you wrote it down first : the fact that "christians" themselves were and still are in the forefront of a sort of desanctifying christianity attitude ,which can only lessen respect for the religion by adherents of other religions .
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@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
20 Jan 07
I do not think it is just Christians with a bad name. I have heard bad things about Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. I rarely hear anything bad about Buddhism or Hinduism or the other world religions. But these 3 religions all have the same roots, are ALL very violent religions both today and in the past. While some people think Christians are "tolerant" of other religions - NO THEY AREN'T. They just want a chance to convert others to Christianity and they aren't even subtle about it. In the US they "assume" you are Christian BUT if you tell them you aren't, they pull back from you like you suddenly grew another head or something. They then do an immediate about face and become very willing to tell you ALL about Chritianity and try to get you to go to their church so you can be "saved". If you tell them you aren't interested - they either avoid you and tell others about the "heathen" or they don't believe you and keep trying to convert you. As a country we do have religious freedom BUT go to any small town or city and openly proclaim that you are not a Christian and see what happens. The large cities are more tolerant in public places but not in individual communities and neighborhoods.
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Turkey, I lived there for 15 months and you did not have to hide your faith there. They were Muslim and as long as you accepted that and didn't try to convert them, they didn't try to convert you or judge you. I don't know about the other countries since I have never lived there and all I can base any opinions about them on is "hearsay". How many of those countries have YOU actually lived in????
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
20 Jan 07
I can see that you have a point here, but you're overgeneralizing a bit. A large part of the reason people often rip on Christians is because they have encountered the type of Christian that is extremely intolerant of other religions. I grew up in a small town in Kentucky, and I know I encountered some of that type. It is also frustrating that people automatically assume that because you live in the U.S. you are Christian. So it's easy to become angry at Christians as a whole for the behavior of the few. That doesn't mean it's fair. There are plenty of decent human beings out there who are also Christian, just as there are decent human beings in every other religion.
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• United States
20 Jan 07
speakeasy, let's go back to my one point .. name me a muslem nation where other religions are openly tolerated. Sure, there are a few Christian people involved in the government of Iraq .. I think Saddam Hussein had one in this cabinet .. but, they had to dress like muslems, be quiet about their faith, etc. Obviously you don't have much of a problem with Christians being intolerant with you or forcing their religion on you .. you still aren't a Christian! But, try being of any other faith than the faith of the nation in countries that are of Islam, Hinduism or Buddhism. In fact, get honest and make those kind of critcisms against those religions like you make against Christianity and see what happens. I guess if you want to go to small town USA and get into their faces about how you don't go with their flow, you might get some reactions. But, you won't get put in jail or have your head chopped off. However, I do appreciate that you have every right to disagree with me .. even when you are wrong! :)
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@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
23 Jan 07
You talk about double standards and then say christianity is the religion which is getting most critisism. What I have noticed is opposite to it. I suggest you do a search here on Mylot only with the topic 'religion' and find out for yourself which religion is taking most critisism. Islam is the religion on target here and everywhere, even in the media. People who do not know anything about it, simply stand up and pretend they are the most knowing and start bashing and name calling. Unfortunately most of them happen to my christian brothers and sisters, though some are other religions too. Muslims on the other hand have not done the same. The most effort I have seen so far here on MyLot is to defend and not to offense. Some of these people wo enjoy bashing Islam have moved to MySpace since they ware continuously getting replied here. I wish and hope, forums like this give us a chance to explain our point of view in a decent way instead of bashing, and name calling.
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@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
24 Jan 07
thanks for your welcome. I find you having an open mind and really appreciate that.
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• United States
23 Jan 07
You are certainly welcome to post responses like this anytime to any post I write on, to explain your point of view. Thanks for your input.
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
20 Jan 07
I think it's because people have to deal with Christians on a daily basis. And other religions aren't trying to convert us here in the US. And by the way, the US is not a Christian nation. We have freedom of religion here. I will tolerate Christian people just fine until they come up to me and try to save me. Or if they pound on my door and wish to tell me about the Bible. If they leave me alone, fine. If not, they'll get the hose if they come to my door. But so would any religion. I have no double standard. If you come to my door to convert me to Buddhism, I will spray you down with a hose too. It's not a double standard, it's just that Christians make themselves known and annoying far more than other religions do.
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
20 Jan 07
It is a shame when religion is used to non good purposes. Religion is the chance for bringint out all the good in us and yet some use it for hateful things. So sad. The differences make us interesting and the chance for learning is vast. There are many roads however one door to the promised land. We might be surprised who is in line with us when we prepare to enter! We do need to protect the freedom of speech and the right to practice the religion that is the right one for each of us.
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• United States
20 Jan 07
One thing I am sure of .. we are all going to find all kinds of surprises when we reach the end of this life and the beginning of the next one. I'm so thankful I am not God, nor do I have the responsibilities of God. However, I think God must have a great sense of humor .. He created me!!!
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• United States
20 Jan 07
i agree with that one! God must have a sense of humor and tons of patience because im a difficult person to deal with sometimes!
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• United States
20 Jan 07
I think that people in the US attack Christianity more than other religions because it is the majority religion. If you don't have any contact with those other religions and you don't really know much about them, it's rather ignorant to make comments about them. Many atheists here in the US where most likely raised with at least some exposure to Christianity, so they are speaking out about what they know.
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• United States
23 Jan 07
Thanks for your response .. I was under the impression that atheists are convinced of what they don't know?
@Duvessa (913)
• United States
20 Jan 07
Christianity can't be "forced out of the US" And maybe people are so hard on christians because of all the negative things associated with it. Such as all of the witch trials. No other religion has ever doe anything that horrible in the name of their god. well except for 9/11 I guess....
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
20 Jan 07
I agree with you Duvessa on both counts..Christianity from what I've researched over the yrs (both before and after 9/11) is the most INTOLERANT mainstream religion out there on mass and individual levels going back to the Witch Trials and down to serial killers and murders.. "But, Christianity, which believes fundamentally (in spite of what a few who call themselves Christians think .. there are always intolerant people who call themselves Christians, but they do not reflect what Christianity really is) in permitting everyone the same rights as themselves, is now the subject of attack" I'm sorry but that IMO isnt true at all...Christianity DOES NOT permit the same rights...Christianity permits and assumes ppl should ONLY be allowed the same rights (on a religious level and a legal one) provided the individuals follow their path....marriage is the perfect example...Gays should be allowed the same rights when it comes to marriage as heteros are...but thanks to Christians (mainly) they arent given that and it is fought against continuously in the U.S BECAUSE Christians dont think it hsould be allowed..
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
20 Jan 07
Depends on which witch trials you're talking about. There were some in Europe motivated by Christianity as well. So you can't really say they were only in New England. As for the mutilation issue, that is a horrible thing. Modern people of many religions are working to stop it.
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• United States
20 Jan 07
Just for the record, the witch trials lasted a short period of time at the hands of one segment of Christianity in New England. Now, if that is the most horrible thing in the name of God, what about female gen i tal mutilation in the name of god?
• United States
30 Jan 07
you obviously care little for poliical correctness!
1 person likes this
• United States
30 Jan 07
You are very right about that!
• Sri Lanka
24 Jan 07
I am a Catholic in Sri Lanka, so were my ancestors as far as I can remember and received a Catholic education and is active in the church. But I am a believer of Buddhism. I believe in rebirth and that everything that happens to us depends on the good and bad that we do. Sri Lanka is a Buddhist nation, and have no reservations about other religions practising here. But some factions are lobbying against missionaries who convert people by exploiting their poverty and offering money. But Buddhists as a whole do not oppose this and believe in free will. If your take history Christianity has shown intolerance towards other faiths and had crusades that killed for the sake of religion. But Buddhism has no such record. It is also not above criticism and anyone can challenge its concepts. Christianity came to the country through missionaries, shielded behind our British and Dutch invaders who plundered the top soil of the countries they invaded. But yet it has caught up and so many follow that faith today.
• Sri Lanka
30 Jan 07
I totally agree with you that I cannot say that it is completely free from incidents like this. Sometimes even the Monks forget the purpose of Buddhism and turn it into a business. I think martial arts were used to guard agains animals, but so many factions of a religion comes up with their own interpretations.
• United States
29 Jan 07
Ever seen any news reports about two different groups of Buddhist monks fighting over control of a monastary? Why are Buddhist monks trained in the martial arts?
• United States
27 Jan 07
You are quite wrong. Why don't you ask the Native Americans just how tolorent the Christians are. Oh wait there are only a few left in this world. Maybe that's because the early Christian settlers hung them in spells of 13 (for Jesus and his 12 apostles) the ones they didn't kill they tried to convert or they took their land. And lets not for get the Templars, the Gnostics, the Cathars, the Essence, and the countless other religons that the Catholic Church eraticated. I think you should really research what you are talking about before you make such comments. And quite frankly the Eastern religons are tolorent of other religons. In India there is temples, mosques, and churches standing right next to each other. And you are so wrong about if Christianity was 'forced' out. Clearly you don't not realize that the Church doesn't actually run the governement. Not one religon would come in and take over the govenment and re-write the constitution. And the reason people make insulting commments is Christianity was because it was founded on fear and lies. And with very, very little to do with what Jesus taught. There are more hypocrites in Christianity then any other religon.
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• United States
30 Jan 07
humm...if you say so. I don't believe that Goddesses are myths. We are all childern of God so there for
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• United States
30 Jan 07
I am a goddess as I am female...*hit the button accidently. SO what is your training and background? I'm guessing your a preacher/pastor from Georgia USA. And what was your point? All I heard was a bit of ranting.
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• United States
29 Jan 07
ROFLOL .. or, maybe you should ask me questions about what my background and training is. You are making assumptions based upon the limitations of your own information, and that is a mistake. By the way, calling yourself a goddess qualifies you as a legend in your own mind! Have fun. Thanks for participating .. you've proved a couple of my points.
• United States
20 Jan 07
Christians have been educated with different fundamentals from other religions we believe "Thou shalt not kill, Love thy Neighbor" and all the basic good in man should be encouraged. Other religions kill in the name of their beliefs and to ensure their way to paradise.
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• Thailand
21 Jan 07
When was the last time you ever heard of a Buddhist killing anyone in the name of religion? How many people were killed in the name of Christ, by people that believe, "Thou shalt not kill" during the Inquisition and the Crusades? If there has been a religion with a history of intolerance it is Christianity.
• Dallas, Texas
30 Jan 07
There was freedom of religion in Ancient Kemet - or Egypt thousands of years before USA was in existence. I think there was even freedom of religion in Greece and Rome at times - You say Christianity is tolerant, but how tolerant are we? We think that if you are not like us then you are a heathen - evil - axis of terror - etc.. Most Christians believe that if you are not like them then you will go to hell. And another thing - We Christians are the first to go to other countries and throw the bible up "in the name of God" and by the time the natives know what is going on - the natives have all the bibles and the Europeans have all the land. Europeans manifest destiny has never been to tolerant. If one is truly living the bible and Being Jesus instead of waiting for Jesus then I think all the points you made are valid. But Religion has been used as a form of control and great power that the true essence of the word has been lost and people just use the bible as a mask to hide there true identity or motives. I think there are good people in all religions and they say the next evolution of the mind will be when we all realize we are praising the same God. Before I went to Germany I thought that all Germans were like Hitler - But when I got there they were very good people and they treated me like family - The point is that people in other countries label us by what they are shown in the media and what they have been taught. It seems like everyone in the world Identifies Americans with Bush, Chainy, our crooked leaders, slavery, stealing land, our music, the immorality throughout the USA ..... all the negatives. They do not really know us - the normal people through out the USA who wants peace, love and harmony like everyone else - The ones of us who could never afford to go to another country - etc... That is why I think forums like these are good - we realize that we are really all the same. But I understand why Christians are always "dissed" when the talk about Christians they talk about the immoral ones - Not the ones who walk like Jesus. We do the same thing! We think all Muslims are terrorists - All Indians have dots an their head, etc... We Americans and other European countries are the most arrogant people on the planet - Alexandr the "Great" is still living - we want to Hellenize the world and make them be like us because we are right and they are wrong. As if we have the only business plan that work. I feel you tho... Those who truly follow the word respects everyone - that is what's taught - But it seems like these days that is a very small % of people.
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@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
31 Jan 07
I would have given it The best response if it was my thread.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
21 Jan 07
I think one of the major problems with your theory here is the assumption that the USA is or will be a theocracy. You say that if Christianity is forced out of the USA, an intolerant religion will take over. But the USA is not a theocracy. The religion of the founding fathers isn't the issue at all; the issue is that the USA was founded as a democracy, and with religious freedom as a part of its structure. Besides which, I don't know of anyone who is trying to force Christianity out of the USA. All people are trying to do is uphold the religious freedom our country was founded on, which means not putting Christianity above any other religion here. As for the tolerance Christianity shows other religions, most of us non-Christians haven't experienced that tolerance from Christians on a personal level as much as we have experienced intolerance. There are a small handful of very tolerant Christians I know (one of whom is my husband) and then there is the huge mass of intolerant ones I have met. I know enough about Christian doctrine to know that there is a basis for both views within the doctrine itself. If you think about the things said by Jesus himself, you would realize that he meant for his people to be tolerant and loving. That doesn't mean it happens. It's not fun to grow up as a member of a minority religion, even in the USA. And the people who work so hard to make our lives miserable in the name of saving us, however unfairly, claim the name of Christian.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
21 Jan 07
But since we are in the US, not just Christianity but all religions are free game in most settings. You're saying that no one would dare say anything bad about any other religion, but what's stopping them from doing so? It's considered bad taste, true, but things still get said. I watch tv, read newspapers, spend time online, and work with the public. I can't think of a single religion that I haven't heard bashed. So I'm not really buying that Christianity is the only religion that gets poked fun at. It is more accepted perhaps to make fun of Christianity, largely because if you care to look into it, a lot of the people making fun also consider themselves Christian. Or did at some point, and have real reasons for leaving the religion. As for how long anyone making fun of other religions would last in nations based on those religions, well... that's what sucks about theocracy.
@vdhill (65)
• United States
20 Jan 07
People have an intolerance for Christianity because Christianity requires them to deal with God's punishment for sin. If there is no Christianity, there is no penalty for sin--they think. Nothing could be further from the truth, however. Hindus, Buddhists and the like believe they can avoid God's punishment through reincarnation. Islam denies Jesus as the savior, to again avoid God's punishment.
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• Thailand
21 Jan 07
I am a Buddhist and I am Not trying to avoid anything. If you knew any thing about other religions maybe you would not be so quick to condemn. In Buddhism we follow the five precepts or try to. In the end they come down to, "Do no harm." People like you remind me of the words of Gandhi. " I rather like your Christ. I don't like Christians. It is a shame they can't be more like their Christ."
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
21 Jan 07
Very well said, Chiang_Mai_boy. I agree with you about Christ. I'm not Christian, I don't worship the Christian God, but I would love to see Christians be more like Christ. Just from the aspect of having read his teachings, he said some wonderful things, most of which seem to be largely ignored by modern people who claim to be his followers.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
20 Jan 07
And here is someone who is talking bad about other religions, saying that the purpose of all these religions is to escape judgement. Sorry, but all of these religions has their own reasons for existing, not some skewed version of yours. I know Islam does have shared history with Christianity, but there's no reason to claim that Buddhism and Hinduism have anything to do with your God, whether escaping his wrath or otherwise.
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@shooie (4984)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Religion or Faith - Religion
I don't think Christianity will be totally pushed out of the US because if they do that they would have to push out all the other religions as well. Or what a mess there would be. Because there are idiots that would do dumb things. Like those that go after abortion clinis and bomb those and the ones that kill doctors. I am a Christian but I don't believe in bombing abortion clinics and killing doctors or downing everyone elses religions. If they want to talk religion I do in a calm manner. I listen to them and they listen to me and we go on our merry lil way. But like everything else there are idiots in every religion.
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• United States
27 Jan 07
I believe that if you have to have any religion to stop you from doing something wrong (ie bombing abortion clinics) then there is something wrong with you anyway.
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@arahul (41)
• India
21 Jan 07
I think your belief that Christians as whole are tolerant people is correct but the behavious of the Chursh is questionable. For that matter I will specifically talk about about the role of Missionaries in the World History of Imperialism. To have a start, just visit the following links --- 1. This site is dedicated to spreading the worrd of the Gospel through out the world. Now my objection is why do Christians think that everyone other than the Christ is SATAN. Now is it not an act of intolerance. And all this is funded by the Christian People. 2. This is derogation and inflammatory account of Hindu Deities done by Christian Publishing House Chick, who publishes literature for conversion. 3. A fact from the history that Christians have been living in the India for last 2000 years. If Hindus whould have been intolerant how that was possible. 4. For that matter Chief of ruling Party in India is a Christian. WHAT WILL YOU SAY ABOUT THIS ?????? NO ONE OTHER THAN JESUS CAN SAVE YOU. I agree that this necessary and great if practised by the born Christians as it helps to keep the faith on him. But when used as an instrument to convert others, this is only a piece of imperialism and nothing else.
• United States
21 Jan 07
stop yelling .. as usual, partial information is dangerous in the hands of the partially informed.
@jricbt (1454)
• Brazil
24 Jan 07
Well I don't live in the USA, so cannot speak about it. But I mock and make all kinds (and I mean it) of derogatory comments against all religions, except one (Islam). Why not Islam? Do anyone here remember what the followers of the peace religion did about those drawings of their prophet? Gee, they are so peaceful, they must love the peace that cemeteries have. (ops, that may sound as a derogatory against Islam, sorry).
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• United States
29 Jan 07
mm mmm mmmm .. excellent usage of sacrasm, my friend. Thanks for your input.
• United States
30 Jan 07
Personally, I think it stems from the fact that as Christians our country was so in touch with tolerating others and their beliefs due to our own struggles as Christians that we've become out of hand with that "tolerance" of others. We've turned it into a falseness where it sounds good to say "oh they're right, we have no right being us"... when the reality is "us" or the Christian ways were what our country was founded on for the majority AND is what the majority of people/citizens are. Accepting ALL religions is something we should continue to do, but tossing our own religion aside to do so isn't acceptable at all.
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• United States
30 Jan 07
Thanks for sharing that .. I've come to a point of understanding that living my values is more important than worrying about how other people live/believe. I think that was Jesus' point to the religious world.
@ilunice (946)
• Netherlands
27 Jan 07
I would love that you read read Matthew 5:10-15. Jesus said we should always be happy when men persecute us and say all bad thing concerning us. So Just keep calm. God will fight for Himself.
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• United States
29 Jan 07
Perhaps you should calm down and not read things into a post that are not there? My points still stand.
@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
24 Jan 07
Blessed are you when people persecute you and speak evil against you in my name sake. When real christians (followers of Jesus Christ)are persecuted, they are blessed. When followers of chritianism (note the -ism) are persecuted, they deserve it. There is a big difference between foolishness of preaching and foolish preaching. This so called christianity is not preaching the true essence of Christ's teaching.
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• United States
29 Jan 07
Well said. But, who wants to be persecuted? Are you looking for that kind of blessings? Just curious.