What time do you go to bed at night?

Sleeping? No Relaxing... - Relaxing, '02
United Kingdom
January 20, 2007 8:22pm CST
Are you a night owl, or do you like to retire early, and get up early? Do you think those who get up late are wasting their lives?
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20 responses
• China
14 Dec 10
I'm a night owl completly. I hate to stay up too late because it lead me get up late and I always late for school. however, stay up late is inevitable. I lost tack of time at night. and in late night it's so quiet and peaceful that good for reading and thinking. anyway I'm a incurable night owl though I tried so hard to quit .
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• United Kingdom
14 Dec 10
I can understand why. The night hours can be so peaceful. It's just you, your thoughts, and whatever else...the PC...music...DVDs. Utter peace.
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• United Kingdom
18 Dec 10
That's true...you can dream and plan and be free...
• China
14 Dec 10
in the late night or early morning, when you still wake, sometimes you get the feel like I'm the king of the world or you can do whatever you like
@creationhub (3066)
• Malaysia
5 Feb 07
I think I am worse than a night owl. It looks like I am more like a vampire. I just love to stay up at night to log onto the net. I know it is not good for my wellness. Anyway, I am cutting down on this and discipline my time.
• United Kingdom
6 Feb 07
I understand what you mean perfectly. I like doing that too...there is a wonderful sense of peace in the middle of the night, and I really enjoy chilling on the net in the small hours; but like you, I am trying to get to bed earlier. Man it's hard though...that net just beckons!
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@Idlewild (6090)
• United States
21 Jan 07
I'm a night owl, I can't fall asleep before 1am usually. Now that I work at home and make my own hours, it's more life 2am or later. I sleep late of course, but it's not wasting time since I'm up late, as long as I'm actually doing something late at night, and not just staying up doing mindless Web surfing!
• United Kingdom
26 Jan 07
There are advantages: I love the peace of being up into the small hours. Time was though I had a regular routine. I broke it about 12-13 years ago, and loved the change.
• United Kingdom
26 Jan 07
I started staying up late towards the end of 1994, and found the change exhilerating. In time I got used to it.
• Australia
26 Jan 07
I resent having to spend time in bed. I know it is necessary, but I wish it wasn't. Thankfully, I only need about four hours sleep and maybe five hours in the cooler months. I always rise early, usually around 4.00 - 4.30am. I love the quiet of the early mornings, before anyone else is around. I spend one to two hours communing with my Lord and Saviour, reading God's Word and talking with Him. This gives me strength and inspiration for the day. I am seldom in bed before midnight, but the time depends on how much work I have to do. I do a lot of voluntary secretarial and design work, and writing lessons for a children's ministry. When I am busy, I like to keep on working, and have worked right through the night and the next day at times. I praise God for the time He has given me and for the ministry He gives me, even in my old age.
• United Kingdom
26 Jan 07
You are so lucky. I wish I only needed that amount of sleep. If I only get four or five hours, I am OK once I get used to it, but feel terribly unrested at first. I always end up catching up. It seems that God has blessed you with great amounts of energy. Amen to that.
• Malaysia
13 Jan 11
Hi CarlHalling, I think I have the same sleeping problem like you. I always have heavy stresses from work and everytime when it's bed time, I'll be lying on the bed and trying to sleep. Trying to sleep as in really FOCUSing myself to achieve black out. It got worsen for the past few years and it is becoming a habit. I need to sleep at least 9 hours daily. Sometimes, I will be feeling rather restless and I need to sleep up to 13 hours. It is crazy... Eventhough, I have this sleeping pattern, I still achieved my work and doing well with my life.
@chocks (512)
• India
21 Jan 07
I getup early in the morning 4:00 am.Start downloading in internet,because for me unlimited time is 2:00 am to 8:00 am so only.Or else i wont even get up like others,So i cant say about others.
@nfhs79 (861)
• Malaysia
29 Jan 07
earliest is 930pm. that consider i am working to hard from morning to dawn. really late is 1200am. he he. but i don't used to sleep too late. its not good for your health and diet and lifestyle.
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• United Kingdom
4 Feb 07
You are probably right. Thanks.
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@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
20 Dec 10
I live in a place where summer means light day and night and winter means darkness most of the time. During Winter solstice that comes soon, the sun is up about an hour. So it is only during autumn and spring we have "normal" daylight. I have been kind of night owl since I became partly retired and partly self employed for more than ten years ago. I still want to change that habit, a bit at least, but maybe I canĀ“t until I move to more southern regions.. At this time of the year, my sleeping habits are rather "unusual" But I know I can change if I need to get up earler..
• United Kingdom
20 Dec 10
Wow; intriguing; what time does the sun come up, and when does it go down in winter? is there no darkness at all in summer? Seems amazing to me...
• India
26 Jan 07
i like to be a nightowl but unfortunately the day's work takes oer me and i retire to bed as i've to get up early around 6 am to catch my bus so i am forced to retire to bed early.....yes i agree people who get up late r wasting their time.....they miss out great things that happen in the outside world early in the morniung that may go unnoticed after the early hours like chirping of bird sunrise etc....
• United Kingdom
27 Jan 07
I wish I was more of a morning person, and less of a night owl.
@shah_1448 (156)
• India
21 Jan 07
I am a night owl.I usually sleep at 12.30 in the night. I hardly sleep for about 4hrs a day.
• United Kingdom
26 Jan 07
My sleep is often broken. Sometimes I wish I could sleep 8 or 9 hours straight every night, and get up nice and early. My sleep patters are all over the place.
• India
3 Feb 07
that is my own wish
• United Kingdom
6 Feb 07
Thanks for commenting
• Colombia
21 Jan 07
I go to sleep like at 11:00pm - 12:00pm , and i wake up at 7am - 9am almost all times
• United Kingdom
26 Jan 07
A good routine, I think.
25 Jan 07
On a night when i have to get up for work the next morning, i usually go to bed around 10pm - 10.45pm, and get up about 6am. On the weekends i normally go to bed slightly later, at around 10.30pm-11.30pm, and get up when i feel like it - usually 9am ish. I do not like going to bed later as the more tired i get,the more grouchy i become. One of my workmates goes to be at 9pm EVERY night, weekdays and weekends - no matter what. I dont think i could do that all of the time.
• United Kingdom
27 Jan 07
I used to be like you. If I didn't get to bed before a certain time, say around 12pm or thereabouts, I used to suffer terrible sore eyes and be agitated in consequence. However, with advancing age, I got used to late hours. I'm not sure that's a good thing though.
@tellus (1441)
• Finland
2 Feb 07
i usually go to bed between 9 and 10 pm
• United Kingdom
4 Feb 07
Thanks for commenting.
27 Jan 07
well u be shocked i hardly very see me bed at normal hours .last nite iwent to bed at 11pm 1st time in ages so 2nite i will go to bed a diffrent like 5am or sumtime i go a hole day without any sleep i cant win ether way but when i sleep u be lucky to wake me uwould need a bomp to wake me up i love my bed hehe
• United Kingdom
28 Jan 07
Thanks for commenting...
• United States
25 Jan 07
Bedtime for me is around 10:30-11:00 most evenings. I tend to stay up a little later on the weekend, but no later than 12:00. I prefer to rise earlier in the morning. Once I get my 8 hours of rest I am ready to start my day. In the summer months I love to rise early and enjoy the day.
@listen2me (511)
• United States
21 Jan 07
im a night owl but lately its been about 10:30, or 11
• United Kingdom
21 Jan 07
I wish I could get into an early to bed pattern...
@kapriusa (135)
• United States
21 Jan 07
I follow the very easy formula....and also believe in it. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man and women healthy wealthy and wise.....
• United Kingdom
21 Jan 07
You are probably right! I wish I could follow the formula...
• China
21 Mar 11
I do think that who do late in night to sleep they do mistake and miss a great things in their life as they can't wake up morning. So i try my best sleep early at night and wake up early in the morning. As i have a class every day so i need to wake up early in the morning. I do sleep at around 11 clock every day.And get up 6.30 am everyday. Good day!
@sweet_pea (3322)
• Philippines
10 May 11
On a weekday as I have work the following day, I usually sleep around 10pm or 11pm then I get up around 6am to get to work. Fortunately I am not hooked anymore to soaps which are quite popular in my country. I usually bond with my son reading and playing with him before we retire for the night. On a weekends I try to splurge and stay way past bedtime just playing on-line, anyway I have the luxury to overslept the following day since there is no work.
@Kirinx (1688)
• United States
25 Apr 11
Lets see i know its bad but i kinda stay up late often and get up early regardless.I usually go to bed betwee 11-12 and I know i better stop it before I get bags under my eyes.