What is Love acc. to u??
By heeeena
@heeeena (39)
January 21, 2007 9:27am CST
Love cant b defined in wods,but still m tryin...
love is believing,trusting,helping,sharing,encouraging,confiding,understanding,caring,feeling,touching,giving,praying.love is communication.it is an emotion.love is passionate,alive,vibrant n warm!It is something that gets better all the time!love is spiritual.love is always!-It knows no hours,no days!It is giving all.love is rare-the unselfish kind.Love is priceless.love has its own reward!!!!
8 responses
@aquarian83 (1944)
• United States
24 Jan 07
Here are opinions:
* i think love is never tired of waiting; love is kind; love has no envy; love has no high opinion of itself, love has no pride; love's ways are ever fair, it takes no thought for itself; it is not quickly made angry, it keeps no accounts of wrong; it takes no pleasure in wrongdoing, but has joy in what is true; love has the power of undergoing all things, having faith in all things, hoping all things. though the prophet's word may come to an end, tongues come to nothing, and knowledge have no more value, love has no end.
* Love has never been defined since man began, so we have to use our own hearts and minds to decide. Love isn't all about looking at a good looking woman/man and hearing fireworks go off all the time. That's usually physical attraction, but it's normal at the beginning of our relationship. Love is respect, wanting to help that person in any aspect of their lives; protect them from harm's way; knowing that each other will be there 100%; feeling safe with that person; proud of being with them; sharing your hopes and dreams together; and my favorite ... feeling like you can conquer the world together! Knowing you will be together no matter what and continue on until the day you pass away. Now that's love to me!
* The Meaning of Love and being in Love is and this is from my opinion: When two people care for each other so much that they would not let nothing or no one get in there way of being together. And they will go to the end of the world to be with each other and do anything for one another. But no one can explain Love. There is no explantion only what u would call Love.
* well im only 15 but from my opinion of love I just look at me and my boyfriend as a perfect example. Well sometimes we argue and fight but no matter what we always find some kind of way to make up. If you love some one then you trust them, you can count on them when you need them most. Fine things mean nothing but time means everything. You should be able to tell eachother everything. If you never argue then thats not love. And there really is no true definition of love because everyone feels different about the person they love. You can't just speak for everyone. because what i was reading didn't make since to me and this was coming from Adults. But like i said i use me and my boyfriend as the perfect example of love in my eyes. we broke up and went back together 7x in one year and we been together for 2 years. right now we having our differences but trust and believe me we will talk about this and be ok again because no one or nothing is gonna come in our way of love and no one or nothing will ever seperate us.
* The person who said-- You love somebody if you care for them more than you care for yourself. You love somebody when you would rather make them happy then your self happy-- you were absolutely right. Love can be described by that. If your own wants and needs dont matter to you as long as that person is okay, than that is true love
* I believe that love can be described in more ways than one and there sure are different kinds of love you feel for someone but when you can't eat and can't sleep because all you think about is that special someone than you are definately in love. Ever sit on the couch thinking your going to relax and read a book or something and you look down and your on page 10 of the book but because your mind is thinking about the person you just can't seem to get your mind off of you have to go all the way back to page number one.....or you have a date with that special someone and when you glance at him/her for the first time that night your stomach knots with butterflies and you suddenly feel so sick because there's the man(woman) of your dreams standing in front of you....my defintion of love is when you can't wait to see that person again; when you get dropped off at home but run for the phone just so you can hear their voice once again; when you would give anything to be together just five more minutes; you trust them with all of your heart; your comfortable together and know you could talk about anyhting; you are there for each other no matter what good or bad; you stand beside them proudly with confidence and last but definately not least, sharing speacial moments that one day you know will make wonderful memories to look back on and share with the ones you love the most.
* True love is when one cares about someone else's well being as much as one cares about one's own. Making someone else happy is certainly important, and yet one's own happiness in addition to that and as a result of that is what genuinely is true. True love stands together in equality and balance to what is honest, true and caring and not only about romantic love. It is a kindness of heart, soul, and mind. True love can be definited and is also a given, known and reciprocated when two people "share" in it.
* That last post was right on! If we aren't happy with ourselves and tripping over ourselves to always please our partner without expecting anything back, then I don't call this love at all. One thing most of us have made mistakes over is wanting a 100% perfection in relationships and there is no such beast! Love has never been defined because it means different things to different people. Going to bed and making love is only an expression of love, but it's the tough stuff inbetween and sticking together that is the closest to love I've found.
* To me love is putting up with the arguments with that person and arguing your family down for them. Love is always being there but I don't think when you love some one you should love them more than your self because that is totallu unhealty.
* Love is a feeling, an emotion that cannot be explained. Either you feel it or you don't. We call it 'love' because there is no explanation for it. It is not a rational, predetermined action. When you can't rationalize that feeling then you call it love.
* Love has no meaning at all! It is the very essence of our being, It is Life itself. "Infinite Love is all there is, everything else is Illusion". Enjoy it! There is nothing else to do :-).
* "Love is patient. Love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast. It is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking. It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserveres. Love never fails!"
* The meaning of love and being loved? I don't think anyone can explain it, love is not something that can be explained it is a feeling that each and everyone should feel at least once in their life (hopefully). Of course it can be expressed but as for explained well it is difficult as everyones love is different. Love is a feeling that only the 2 people involved can understand, and if you dont understand it yet then just wait. Don't try to find a meaning for something which you cant. Love is everywhere it is something to be found and then understand, not explained. There is no explaination that is anywhere near what loving someone and being loved by the same person, truely is.
@magda_lena88 (179)
• Romania
21 Jan 07
Love is everything...this is how i see it. It gives you wings to fly and it makes you feel like u have never felt before. It`s the greatest feeling!
@Eisenherz (2908)
• Portugal
28 Jan 07
Love is a basic dimension of human experience that is variously conveyed as a sense of tender affection, an intense attraction, the foundation of intimacy and good interpersonal chemistry, willing self-sacrifice on behalf of another, and as an ineffable sense of affinity or connection to nature, other living beings, or even that which is unseen. It manifests itself in feelings, emotion, behavior, thoughts, perception and attitude. It influences, underlies and defines major patterns in interpersonal relationships and self-identification.
@sahil49 (28)
• India
25 Jan 07
most importantly love is friendship a relation pure and divine which holds no boundaries and is infinite love is the feeling of secureness with ur friend even at the dangerous place of all love is the sense of faith of not losing ur beloved. love is everything
@freakyabhinav (17)
• India
23 Jan 07
well love is nthng but everything...it cant b expressed in words.A true love can make one go crazy,it makes one a good human,it makes one close to God,it arises a positive attitude towards life.It simply makes a life paradise on earth...Love-an ocean of vast emotions,devotion to mankind n a true hearty feelings 4 sm1 wid whom ur desperate in love....