my (critical) view on gays.
By YummyLingo
@YummyLingo (179)
January 21, 2007 2:58pm CST
Above all else, let me make this clear. these are my views, and i give substantial evidence for my view. anyone may counter it, but make it reasonable please.....
gays. yes, a lot of people on my lot support them. they say that it's wrong to persecute them. they say it's normal, and that they should be accepted into society.
i disagree with this completely.
and i have reasons.
i shall proceed systematically.
i start with a very strong comparison, please don't take this literally.
serial killers. they seem normal. why, in some ways they are better than most people. they are master strategists. they plan before hand. they prooceed most systematically. they never commit random murders on a mass level. they gather incredible amounts of info. on their victoms. they get acquainted with them before hand. much before they decide to make their move.
once they are finished with the act. they do the clean up perfectly. some are even known to skin and gut the victoms.
that shows that they are very capable, however grotesque it may be.
these people are very very sharp.
does that make them normal??
will you accept them in society??
will you willing give them a license to kill, just because they are 'that damn good' anyways??
i think not. nobody would.
they are unnatural. they may be right, but they are so, so wrong as well.
my second point in establishing my case.
animals. animals are purely instinctive, and in the wild , there has been not one case of an animal being homosexual. it is not in there nature.
animals in the wild are in tune with nature.
that is an uncontradictory statement.
but what of the animals in zoos. they are given a 'cultured' environment. they are part of a society.
they have become part of an abnormality. because of the way they have been kept.
homosexuals have started to appear in the monkeys kept in zoos.
homosexuals have started to appear in sheep reared on farms.
they are unnatural. and animals are basically meant to be in tune with nature.
now i shall take this up dirctly.
let me take up society as my third example.
because that is where gays stem from.
the.present and preceding.presiding.still continuing. structure.of.society.
the society breeds such abnormality. it is bound to come up. in no way is it a healthy society right now. i point no finger at anyone in particular, but somewhere we have also come in it's clutches. we live in it. it's only how much it's managed to stiffle us.
it is stiffling. and because people are made to suppress certain emotions, certain behaviour, abnormalities have begun to show.
split persnality is one case. a case purely based on the pyche being surpressed.
orientation is another. it breeds from other repressed feelings.
but scientifically, logically, after much scrutiny and dissection i have come to the conclusion that it is not normal. not natural. not in synche with the way things ought to be.
in my opnion, gays require therapy. they need to be helped with their mental health. because there is never only one thing wrong. somewhere , something else may still be going phenomenally screwy.
i feel they require asylum. all of them. if someone is gay. someone needs help.
yup, i agree with people wholly on that point.
i have presented my view. if you like you may present yours.
either way, thank you for reading.
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37 responses
@lovespecialangel (3632)
• United States
21 Jan 07
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I give you that. And with that I have but one thing to say....
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Judge not less ye be judged.
Ok, that was two. People are who they are. Some thinks it's natural and some don't. I agree its suppose to be man and woman not man and man or woman and woman. But at the same time its not my place to judge. Only God has that right. I have no problems with gay people. Live and let live.
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@YummyLingo (179)
• India
21 Jan 07
i would not have created this thread if it was not for all those gay activists literally ranting about how it's cruel to not like them.
i would never have done this, but i had to make my stand clear. im not a homophobe, but people love to typecast.
good response though. thank you.
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@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
21 Jan 07
Lovespecialangel, you are absolutely right when you say only God has the right to judge.
The fact is that God has already judged homosexual behaviour. Very clearly and definitely, God has said it is an abomination to Him.
I accept homosexuals for what they are. In fact we had a dear friend who was a practicing homosexual. I do not judge them, because, as you say, I am also a sinner. However, since you brought the subject matter up, God has already judged them and condemned their behaviour.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
22 Jan 07
God had not condemned homosexuality. You are misinterpreting the Bible. Or should I say it has been mininterpreted for you. I only say this because you used the term abomination. If you read Leviticus in its entirety, you will see that it is also an abominiation to eat pork or shellfish, wear cotton and linen together, work on the sabbath, touch a pig skin; I could go on. Gay people are born gay. The only choice is to be lonely or in love. go back to your bible and read it as it was meant to be.
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@k1tten (2318)
• United States
22 Jan 07
You frustrate me. You're argument makes little sense and your way of research has proven nothing. If you had any knowledge of psychology you would have seen the faults of your conversation. You need to think outside your little box and observe the real world around you.
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@YummyLingo (179)
• India
22 Jan 07
please, i did not ask what you think i should do.
neither did i ask you to judge where my capabilities as a logician stand.
if you have an opnion on the matter itself, please post it, it is all that im looking for.
@hazeter (670)
• Philippines
22 Jan 07
well each person has different views about gays. For me gays are still human and they deserve respect as well. I have a friend and he is gay but he is very nice to me and we are very closed. Honestly i like making friends with gays than girls it is becoz usually gays that i meet are nice and they are seem honest to me. Also they are there to ghelp me when i need help. Thats why i respect them although there are some gays that are really bad. So just be carefull choosing a gay friend.
@MissGia (955)
• United States
22 Jan 07
As i respect your opinion, i think you dig too much into the subject..what i gathered is your saying that homosexuality is something like a chemical inbalance in the brain?? Im not sure if i grasp your whole concept here. All i know is your talking about how its not "normal" me one person that can honestly give a definition for normal..hate to burst your bubble because there is no such thing.
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@YummyLingo (179)
• India
22 Jan 07
if you find the time i have tried to cover some of the other points (and certain misconceptions) that have been made.
they are under corrine's post.
@YummyLingo (179)
• India
22 Jan 07
undeniably flawless.
sorry for the errors in type here an ther, i punch kinda fast.

@hikarushidou (843)
• Philippines
22 Jan 07
You have presented this discussion well. And I agree, gays are not normal. But that doesn't mean they dont have a part in this world. When I was younger, I have this discrimination against gays and lesbians because most of them that I meet are just so bad people. Most of them display such bad character that it made me hate them so much. But I got to meet gays that are more loving and more understanding than I could ever be and slowly I begun understanding them. I know someday, the whole world will understand them too.
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
22 Jan 07
you certainly have your point.
but it's hard to really feel bad about gay men since i have two gay friends and they had been so nice and supportive of me.
but you are right. there's something wrong in them. and they should be treat. the problem is, they don't want to submit themselves to treatment and that's the hardest part. they won't turn back to normal men unless they accept the fact that they should be treated.
honestly, it's better if there will be no more homosexuals. like only men and women on earth.
however, we can't really make them vanish here on earth. so, the least we can do is atleast respect them in any way. or if one doesn't really like them, then atleast just don't pay attention to them.
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@YummyLingo (179)
• India
22 Jan 07
i don't want to boycott them.
i have a few friends who are gay.
and i did say to others that this is my opinion, and they are free to give their own.
i don't understand why the guy above decided to bash me for this.
thanks for the way you handled him for ME as well.
good replies. both.
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
22 Jan 07
It is obivous everyone has there own views on this subject. I can, in a way see where you are coming from, but at the sametime I also agree with the whole "Live and let live" saying. If someone says they are gay, as long as they are not hitting on you what business is it of yours what goes on behind closed doors. Please understand I am happily married to a wonderfull man and I have 4 children so I am not gay in any way. The thing is our society is so infected with hate and discrimination, and even racisism that it is not worth our time worrying about these petty things.
So what someone thinks they are gay and they act on it and enjoy it. As long as they are happy who are you to say that they need help. Happiness is the key.
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@mikeyr6000le (2123)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Just to let you know I read most of what you said. You are very wrong on the animal part. In the wild monkeys which are very very close to humans can be homosexuall. The male alpha monkey is releived of his hostility by other monkeys both the females and the males. I just thought I'd like to point that out to you.
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@YummyLingo (179)
• India
22 Jan 07
i'll just give you a '+' dude.
sorry i would have replied proper, but im sort of tired. sorry.^^
@kaspyv (1011)
• United States
22 Jan 07
well after my laughter has stopped i must tell you this...reading your post has given me the best laugh i've had in a very long time...why is that, you ask? simple because it confirms exactly what i am always telling people. EDUCATE YOURSELVES!!! which, by the way, YOU have NOT done!! the things you have said are not only ridiculous, but also inaccurate! next time, get your facts straight, before you open your mouth!!
@YummyLingo (179)
• India
22 Jan 07
alright, please since i have amused you thus, enlighten me.
just what has your education told you??
@kaspyv (1011)
• United States
26 Jan 07
my education has taught me to understand why homosexuals are what they are and to accept it and NOT TO JUDGE ANYONE, it has also taught me to get the facts right before i open my mouth and try to talk about something of which i know nothing. the reason it amused me is that all the "facts" that you showed are anything but accurate and you really don't know what you are talking about...but, you are entitled to your opinion like everyone else.

@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
22 Jan 07
I agree with this. Too many comparisons..nothing that really supports anything.
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@urbandekay (18278)
22 Jan 07
Hmmm, Pigglies, where are your refs to studies, physician heal thyself?
all the best urban

@YummyLingo (179)
• India
22 Jan 07
thanks for the sentiment.
don't worry, im not going to change my stand just because majority wants me to.
but im quite a peaceful soul and don't intend to have people want to beat me up either.
@Naushil (66)
• India
23 Jan 07
well i think that's a ridiculous comparison..
serial killers impose upon others and that is a terrible thing to do.
gays do nothing but exist.
they don not kill people
that do not disturb people in anyway.
they aree merely born with a mindset different from us superior straight people.
So what if they freak you and me out??
so what if they are a scar upon the surface of society!!
so what if they mock the ability to love that the lord god lgb has so graciously given us?
in conclusion, gays should be exterminated.
oh and btw-pardon the randomness dingu:D:D.
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@YummyLingo (179)
• India
23 Jan 07
why did you not read the thrad and responses.
not to be taken literally (the serial killer bit)
though i thank you for the humourous response.
i just.....needed it.
@Sarah1977 (495)
• United States
22 Jan 07
I enjoyed reading your post. However, if it had been me who wrote it, it would have went something like this:The Bible, which is the Word of God, instructs us that homosexuality is a sin against God. Therefore, homosexuality is wrong. Period.
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@camille101 (1025)
• United Arab Emirates
22 Jan 07
A beautiful way of presenting your view. Very interesting indeed, as for my opinion about gays, I don't like them but I don't discrimnate them. It never really occured to me to hate them, I find them funny. But honestly I couldn't accept a gay who will stem out from our family. Thank you for sharing your bright ideas.
@YummyLingo (179)
• India
22 Jan 07
no i don't want to shun them, i want them....cured in a sense.
if you feel like it, i have responded to a few under corrine's post.
thank you.
@vicky1 (240)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Lie some have said you have every right to feel as you do. I think I would rather sit next to a gay person then a killer. God made all people you cut them and they bleed just like you and me. It is live and let live.
What would you do if you found out one of your kids were gay? Turn your back on them? Stop loving them? Why does it bother some people? Are they doing something that hurts you?
@YummyLingo (179)
• India
22 Jan 07
you see, im not out to kill gays. i won't turn my back on my child.
but i will accept that something is wrong that is all. lot's of kids are born defective. that does not mean they need to be treated like they are defective. you bring your child as properly as you can. nothing else need be said ^^