Non-Proffit Organization
By angeliq
@angeliq (82)
January 22, 2007 6:54am CST
Probably moust of u will say tht's stupid, but i don't care.So, i wan't do do a non-proffit organization for animals.Like SPCA.Why? Cuz i love animals.All of them.And i am horrofied to see all the cruelty in this world.I wish tht i can make a difference.Not in tht whole wide word, cuz i know tht's imposible, but at least in my contry.So i'll do whatever i can to make this possible,cuz i know tht the animals deserve better life, better care, and for thouse who r so mean and cruel to them must pay, just like they do when it's about a human. What do u think about this? Do u think tht it's possible? Well i say tht somebody have to do it and i'll be more than glad to do this!I just hope tht one day i'll have what it takes 4 it.What do u sugest?
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21 responses
@cwilson26 (2735)
• United States
22 Jan 07
I think this is a great idea and wish there were more people like you in the world. I have always dreamed of one day if I ever win the lottery or just make some good money that after I help my friends and family, I would love to open up an animal shelter and take in all of the stray and abused animals that I could. I already have 4 dogs and 8 cats and wish that I could take in more but I can't afford to take care of all of them. I get so sad to see a dog running loose because I'm afraid that the next car that goes down the road will hit it on purpose or will be going to fast and not see it fast enough to stop for it. It just really breaks my heart to see animals and children abused. It literally makes me sick and I don't even like to watch the news anymore. I have heard someone on this horrible movie I watched before (documentary) that animals don't have a soul. How can anyone believe that animals are souless? It is just wrong to even think that way! :)
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@angeliq (82)
• Romania
23 Jan 07
I see tht u feel just like me abt animals who r abused, and animals Do have a soul and i can bet my life on it!But the sad thing is tht they can's say anithing, but just lookin in theyr eyes u can tell tht they need love mabey more than a human.i really do hope tht some day animals will be respected and aprecciated by all ppl like they deserve.I wish u all the best in the world my friend and i know tht with just enugh ppl thinking like u we can change the world!
Perhaps u will win one day the lottery,or perhaps not,but important is tht u love animals and tht's a great thing witch makes u a special man.Ty.
@mydogisdaisy (99)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Here in the US you can set-up a non-profit shelter in your home. There are certain rules that apply, but it can be done for under $100.
Check your local laws for non-profits. You may be surprised to find how easy it would be to start a shelter out of your home. If you rent or lease be sure that you are not breaking any rental agreements. Also be sure that you do not break any city ordinances, like maximum number of pets and pet liscensing.
Once you fill in and mail your non-profit application you should be able to start raising money. Just be sure that all donations go into a separate account and to keep receipts for all money spent for the non-profit. If even $1 is unaccounted for you may find yourself under scrutiny.
I saw good luck and if you do start. Let us know here at mylot and I will be the first to donate. (With proof of application.)
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@angeliq (82)
• Romania
23 Jan 07
Well i must say that ur advice is great and i know tht in the US u can make almoust everithing u like (under the terms of law) but unfurtunaltel i'm not in the US, so therefore i can't make things so easely.Here first of all u have to have the shelter outside of main cityes cuz ppl would say tht they r disturbed, after this u have to fulfil the sanitary requests ( current water, sewer, plumbing, etc.), a veterinary doc, etc. so as u see here things r'nt as easy as they seem to be there. Ty so much 4 ur response and for all ur good intended advices ! P.S. U can be shure i'll let everybody know when i'll start!
@maru_047in (1007)
• India
22 Jan 07
even i think the same way and i m a animal lover i oppose the bad caused to any animal in front of me and i dont forgive them for the same i have raised all kind of animals birds in my house and i have cried when i lost them i had tough time with those and i m now happy that i have two of my dogs which is really lovely to everybody in my house.
@funeralhair (24)
• United States
22 Jan 07
I say if you have the start up money or the funding to back it up, then go for it.
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Organizations already exist. Look for one in your area and volenteer. You'll be helping out and learning some of whats intaled in running such an organization. Always good to see people who feel like this and most rescues won't turn down help. They need all the assistance they can get.
Good luck
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@edigital (2709)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Why anyone will say stupid? There are numerous organizations who are working for animal and birds. In our country govt. have law for which we cannot hunt any single bird coming millions quantity from North region of world say Siberia, Russia etc. cold zone. We call it guest bird.
@angeliq (82)
• Romania
23 Jan 07
Well ussualy pll's opinion is tht anybody who is willing to do smting 4 free is a stupid man, so tht's why.And the law abt birds is great!I wish and hope tht this kind of law's will be in every contry in the world and respected too !!P.S. i love the name " guest-bird" :)
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Maybe you should volunteer for an animal rescue instead of a shelter? While in a rescue you may still see cruelty cases come in, you could volunteer to help with something that doesn't see that side. Like adoption days. Many rescues also need volunteers to help over the internet, and you wouldn't be seeing cruelty if you did something like that.
I go to shelters sometimes, used to go frequently. It's certainly not for everyone. But I think everyone who wants to help can do something to help.
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@hackedmind (271)
• India
22 Jan 07
i appreciate u'r efforts for the above ........well it is possible to save animals and already there are lots of such non goverment organisation working for saving wildlife .......u might have heard of WWF it is the world biggest wild life organisation u can join it to help animals .....well if we talk about u'r concept of non profit organisation than it is practically very difficult for that u have to have a good economic back ground which is the most necessary requisite ,if it is not than it is useless to say or think of such organisation or practically not possible now u decide what to do ?? all the best for the future...if in future i m so sound that i could help i will definitely join this group.
@angeliq (82)
• Romania
22 Jan 07
Well,I was expecting somebody will say this.No,i don't have " a good economic back ground".If i had i wouln't asked 4 oppinions, i would just get started.But this is not a good enough reason 4 me to quit.Why? Because in my oppinion a humman doesn't want something without a reason.So, this is my reason.To help will i do it? How i'm gonna get the money?I dunno, i'm still young,on my 21's.But, eavean if i'll won the lottery or i'll work till my brain comes out, or mabey i'll make a bank loan, important thing is tht i really want to.So, this is my reason and my possibilities.I belive tht to become somebody, u need a goal.I have one.Ty 4 ur response.
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@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
22 Jan 07
This is a wonderful idea and a great goal for you. The world (and the animals) need more caring and loving people like you. Is there a humane society or an SPCA in your country already? If so, you could meet with people there to see what is involved. You would need to be able to get grant money of some kind in order to start up the shelter, and then it would probably be maintained by donations and fund-raisers. It will take a little work to get things going, but what a great goal for you! I agree that there are far too many people in this world who are cruel to animals, and I think that it is a reflection on how they treat humans, also. If someone can be mean to a cat or a dog, then I'll bet they are also mean to their own mother... I think that this is very possible for you to achieve, if you do the background work and planning beforehand. Good Luck!!!
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@XxAngelxX (2830)
• Canada
22 Jan 07
I think this is a fabulous idea and certainly shows that you are a loving and caring person. You are so right when you say people can be mean and cruel to animals. I think that shows exactly what type of person they are too. Afterall, if you could hit an animal, I think that means you would be the type of person to hit another person as well. All the pets in my house are members of the family in my opinion and if someone tried to hurt them I would be just as upset as if it were one of my children. I would suggest maybe you contact your local SPCA and see if they have any suggestions for you, they could probably at least tell you who you would need to speak to and what needs the most attention. Good luck with your plans! I'm sure you will do great.
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@makaira (1158)
• Philippines
22 Jan 07
I say, go girl! there's nothing wrong with working on a non-profit organization. I myself is employed in such an organization. It is fulfilling to know that we are WORKING FOR A CAUSE. I never regretted working with them though sometimes it's so harm. by the way, I'm into coastal resource management and fisheries management.
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@angeliq (82)
• Romania
23 Jan 07
Woow. First of all ty so much 4 ur response, and congradulations 4 ur efforts on being part of a non-profit org.cuz i'm shure it's not easy,but
I know it can bring u allot of happiness and joy in ur life.Ty so much 4 the encurageing me.Keep up the good work ur doing!
@lonely_forever (2)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Yes, this is a very good thought. Infact back in India we already have NGOs like these. they have a help line where we can contact in case any animal is in trouble. They give all kinds of facilities to the animals. U have athought like this, is simply great. Its very bold of you to take a decission like this one. Keep it up ! BRAVO !
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
23 Jan 07
that's a very good idea... you are such a caring and loving person... hope we have more people like you in this world who can be kind towards one another and also towards animals... then this world can definitely be a better world to live in... i strongly support your idea... just contact SPCA in your local area and ask them what you can do to help the animals... hopefully, you can achieve your goal... good luck...
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@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I think that is a wonderful idea and I do feel that this is possible as long as you have the money to start up your own nonprofit organization as you would have to pay for the building and other expenses in involved. That is great that you love animals so much and want to do something like this as I love animals too and feel the same way that you do. I hate hearing about people mistreating animals. You will need to save up a lot of money or maybe find some friends who may be interested as well in doing this with you.
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@raghwagh (1527)
• India
23 Jan 07
It is agood step towards good behavior for animals.I am of the openion that animals also have a right to live a good and descent life on this earth which currently is occupied and ruled by one animal the Human.I like your iea of starting a non-profit org. for animal welfare.Best of luck.Also I think that until people dont think of other living creatures on this earth it will not be good for mankind to exist for long.Today human is on the way to disturb the natural echosystem, which is bad.Your thinking is good, I also think in the same manner.
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@enchantedemerald (454)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I think that this is a wonderful idea and you should never give up this goal. There is too much animal abuse in this world today and every effort that we make to help animals is a step in the right direction. Have you contacted any non-profits for animals to try to get some information about how they started and what you need to do to get the ball rolling? This is going to be a process to get everything in place so you can start a non-profit for animals but don't give up and don't get discouraged. The animals need a voice like yours so they can have a better life.
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@kopitalisme (152)
• Indonesia
23 Jan 07
What is the stupid thing about a non-profit org? I think you are doing a great thing. I also a founder of a non-profit and a non-governmental org, back in my country. Where i started to spread my toughts from cafe to another cafe (i well know as the cafeist), i wrote it down with a very simple writings at some of the blogs i created. I would like to suggesting that you would share your experiences and the process with blogs... Good luck:-)
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@antOnette6686 (90)
• Philippines
23 Jan 07
I agree with you and i don't think that it's stupid. I really love animals but here in our country they are not as valued as in other countries.There are a lot of animal cruelty happening.I really want to help those that cannot speak for themselves.I think we can do this but it wouldn't be easy.It's good to know that there are people who care about these creatures called animals.
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@angeliq (82)
• Romania
24 Jan 07
Yes i know what r u talking abt cuz here things r same way, too much animal cruelty and nobady really does something to protect them and punish hurshly thouse souless ppl tht abuse their power.Perhaps it's not far the day when all the animals will be respected as they should.Ty.