Do you have recurring dreams?
By livewyre
@livewyre (2450)
January 22, 2007 7:36am CST
Describe the scenarios you repeatedly dream about. Please keep it clean (!) and try to get too freaky!!
Perhaps someone will have a go at interpreting your dreams for you??
3 responses
@livewyre (2450)
22 Jan 07
This is quite a common theme isn't it? - not one I've experienced very often myself, maybe someone will post an interpretation?

@barbarella (354)
23 Jan 07
Only ever had one recurring dream and that was when I was about five. Although I get that thing where you meet people or go to places you recognise from other dreams but think most people have that.
The one when I was five was actually a recurring nightmare. It was quite abstract. I would be in a kind of black vortex with a spiral of light around the edges. It was a horizontal tunnel but it felt like I was falling through it and all around me were skulls and human bones.
The weird thing is, I was reading a book about LSD psychotherapy a few years back and there was a colour picture of a painting someone had done during a reliving of their birth that they experienced during a therapeutic trip and it was my dream! It was the same tunnel with the bones etc.

@barbarella (354)
23 Jan 07
What counts as too freaky then? Not a contradiction in terms. They had quite a lot of sucess with that kind of thing but when LSD went into widespread use in the sixties the government stopped all the research into it. Makes sense to me. Freud said dreams are the royal road to the unconscious and a trip is basically a waking dream. Probably right that its a birth thing. Funny that other people would have it stored away in a similar fashion though. Perhaps there is something in the idea of a collective unconscious. I think I will start a discussion on it before you get there first!
@livewyre (2450)
23 Jan 07
You're welcome to the birth-memory discussion... Too freaky would be something akin to your Hell scenes, but more ogres and less political canvassers.
Right about the similar dreams/memories, but then you do get a lot of similar themes in dreams - like the falling and waking before you hit the ground and stuff like that - I guess our subconcious minds could be very similar to one another - whereas our concious minds have 'developed' personality and traits, our subconcious is maybe a lot less complex?? It's a might even develop into a new discussion...if only I could make a good question out of it.
@livewyre (2450)
23 Jan 07
That's quite freaky, but not too freaky....
A therapeutic 'trip' are you sure that's not a contradiction in terms?
Sounds like it could relate to birth and maybe your young mind had transposed the skulls into the tableau as well?(might get caught out for spelling less if I use foreign words)
I guess birth is the trauma most of us forget about, but may still be lingering there for some.

@barbarella (354)
24 Jan 07
Thought about this question when I woke up this morning as my dreams last nigh reminded me that although I don't have recurring dreams, I do have recurring themes. For example, over the last few nights, I have had 2 dreams where a child was in trouble and I was trying to protect it and another two involving a friend from school and a dog. I remember a particularly vivid series of dreams along the same theme from when I was at university and I had some exams I didn't feel prepared for. I had dreams over several nights about the world ending in various different ways. Stck in my mind as a bit of a melodramatic reaction by my brain to the possibility of failing exams!