My kids never went to daycare or preschool. How about yours?
By kbkbooks
@kbkbooks (7022)
January 22, 2007 3:39pm CST
I never believed that daycare and preschool were necessary to my children's development. I know some kids need to go to daycare because of parents working and such. I was a stay at home mom, and if I had to go out I had a sitter for the kids. I know of other stay at home moms who sent their kids to daycare just because they felt their kids should have the experience. I don't agree that kids need that particular experience and I think if possible it's good for parents to really see their kids having growing up experiences.
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89 responses
@XxAngelxX (2830)
• Canada
22 Jan 07
My kids never went to daycare or preschool either. My two eldest use to get babysat by their grandmother until I had my third child. Then I became a stay at home mom too. I never saw the need for them to be exposed to daycare as they had all the socialization they needed right here at home. I live on a very busy street full of kids. I would have liked to put them in preschool because I thought it would give them a great headstart, but in retrospect, they are doing just fine in school so I guess I did a good job afterall :)
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@ugachaka (297)
• United States
26 Jan 07
I agree. I'm not to that point yet with my daughter, seeing as she's only 7 months, but I don't plan on using daycare. I probably wouldn't be able to make much more than I'd be paying out for a daycare worker so it kind of defeats the purpose. That and I don't want to miss out on any of her firsts or have to deal with wondering just how much quality I sacrificed to go with a cheaper daycare. I'd send her to pre-school just to help with her development and meet other kids, but that's probably 4 years away. In the meantime, I'd rather she spend the first few years at home with us.
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@santwana_veddika (2018)
• India
26 Jan 07
what u think is ur personal view , my view is different form u .
i feel that if we have send our kid pre-school they only not get the experience of school , but they enjoy the enviornment . they play with their same age friend which help them to learn something .
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@soldenski (2503)
• United States
25 Jan 07
My children did attend preschool, but never day care. I was lucky enough to be able to stay home with my children while they were young. My son is five, and this (mylot) is my first job since I got pregnant with him lol. I like to send my kid's to preschool because of the social experience and to have a little free time to myself lol. They were only there for three hours a day. Great topic
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@tootall1121 (7)
• United States
25 Jan 07
While ocassional social interaction is a good thing in their learning curve, daycare or preschool all the time is not all that good, really. few daycares or preschools really teach all that much. (there are exceptions of course) I think having a stay at home mom is probably more beneficial at that age. Don't misunderstand, they can and do learn a whole lot more than one would think. Studies of children entirely home-schooled compared public schooled kids shows that the home schooled kids are way ahead of public schooled kids in every measurable way. Sometimes, social skills are lacking however. Some mothers counteract this by making sure the children have experiences interacting with both children their own age, and groups of adults.
it has been proven that children taught just 3 hours a day at home are almost twice as well educated as those going to public school 7 or 8 hours a day. these days, especially in my area, the schools are terrible, woefully underfunded and over crowded. they teach little and mostly are a public babysitting service that is greatly overpriced. Here, they have built all new schools, but do not have the money for supplies and running them. the teachers are paid poorly. (no kickbacks on running them so they dont spend the money there, just building them where they can get kickbacks on the build)
Just remember, years ago, no kids went to preschool or daycare and most of the worlds greatest discoveries and inventions were made then.
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@mansha (6298)
• India
22 Jan 07
I want to start working as soon as possible an will be enrolling my daughter once she is two and a half year old in some preschool. I need the money so I am just waiting for her to grow up. I feel its a good pretraining too. Kids learn to socialise easily at that age as social anxiety is not so developed. I have seen my son benefitted a lot from the experience, he was actually enjoying himself as there were no kids around my house of his age to play with. AS we live in a colony of officer's so same age group is not there so I will send her to the preschool so that she enjoys but I will be very very selective in choosing the school forher too.
@jmcafam (2890)
• United States
22 Jan 07
I am a stay at home mom too. I had my two oldest in preschool for two hours a day and they enjoyed it. I wanted to give them the oppertunity to enteract with other children their own age other than family members. My children today still remember the things they learned in preschool and the children they met. Each person is different in their ideas as how to raise their children and what they think is best for them.
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@sj_chaudhry (1537)
• Canada
22 Jan 07
i also think in aa same way.... i am also a stay at home mom... and i love to be with my kid all the time... it is kinda pleasure to see your kid growing infront of your eeys... observing their giggles and mummbling jumbling everyday. If we really have to go out then we bring our bay with us instead of leave her to baby sitter or day care. I actually dont trust baby-sitter bcause the way you take care of your baby you couldnot expect and trust baby-sitter in same way.
Ya, if the circumstances dont led you took your baby with you then baby sitter is the only option rather thens ending your baby to day care.

@kbkbooks (7022)
• Canada
26 Jan 07
Joy, my kids learned all that stuff without preschool. Sorry if you are a rude parent who can't teach that! Arvee17, I think it's wonderful you want your child to learn music so early. My son is 15 and he started playing drums and taking lessons 2 years ago. Recently we found some old church picnic, and this snapshot was among them...him at about 19 months!!
@joygermino (466)
• Philippines
23 Jan 07
you know what,kids are the most fragile creature on earth. they should experience to interact with other people so they will learn to discover and explore things themselves. preschool is very important at this stage. everything they need to know when they grow up they will learn in preschool. i will give you example, they will learn to wait for their turns, they will learn to play fair, they will learn the habit of sayng thank you and learn how to appreciate others.
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@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
22 Jan 07
My son is not quite 1 year old yet so he is too little for preschool. We haven't decided yet whether he will attend when he gets big enough. My husband is military so we have no idea where we will be living and whether or not I will be working when the time comes.
He does not go to daycare, though. I think it's more important for him to be home with me having one on one time. He plays with other kids at church and with the neighbor kids sometimes. We want to have another baby within the next year or year and a half. That will teach him how to share and cooperate, too. I don't think it is a disadvantage at all for him to not go to daycare.
@MissRissa74 (472)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Well, I'm a mother of 3. My daughter is currently in preschool and my other two will be going next year also. I think it's important because it gets them used to school and gets them a little bit ahead of the game. My daughter is very smart, and so is my son...but it just gives them an out also. Time for them to spend with lots of other kids and gives them other activities to do. I love watching my kids grow up, but letting them go is part of it, too. My kids will be ready for school when the time comes, will yours?
@kbkbooks (7022)
• Canada
23 Jan 07
My kids never went to preschool but were well socialized and knew how to write their names, even in cursive, tie their shoes an put on their own coats and hats. They were very ready for school. I made sure they were well socialized in other friends homes, playgroups, and Sunday School, so I don't think they missed out on anything. They are strong, smart teenagers now with plenty of friends and doing well in school with lots of ambition for the future.
@mythmoh (3984)
• United States
23 Jan 07
my kid has just completed one year.we have decided to let her in preschool from the age of 2.5 or will be too young to leave her now.but she has to develop good socialising skills and some pattern to follow.though i am a stay at home mom but i think it wont be possible for her to get all the aspects of education from me decided to leave her in preschool atleast for 2-3 hours in a day.
@sunrisekn (1466)
• United States
31 Jan 07
My husband and I are doing everything that we can to keep my son out of daycare. We do not want to send him to a daycare. He does go to a babysitter, a grandmother type. She helped raise my husband. She lives 20 miles away, but so worth the trip. My husband works some Saturdays so I am able to stay home with him. My niece and nephews come to visit us about every 2 weeks, so he gets to play with other childre. His babysitter also has her 3 grandchildren that live right next door and come over to play with him, so he is getting the socialization we feel he needs. We figured we'd deal with preschool when we get there, but for now he is developmentaly fine and socially great.
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@krysy1982 (1041)
• United States
2 Feb 07
MY kids didn't eirhter. If I needed to someone to watch them my sister in law would.
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@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
2 Feb 07
None of my kids went to daycare, unless I had a situation like an appointment and no one to watch, then I used the base daycare center where ever we were stationed. My husband and I worked off-shifts so that when I was at work he was home with the kids and visa versa. All of my children did indeed attend preschool, and it was a great experience for them. In fact, my youngest is soon to be 7 and when we got stationed in Italy, she attended a local Italian pre-school/kindergarten for 2 years. She is fluent in Italian and is presently attending the local Italian elementary school for first grade. She reads and writes in English and Italian, and she does all other subjects in both languages. She loves it, and it has been a beautiful experience for her.
@harmoniebreeze (246)
• United States
23 Jan 07
My kidsa re at home with me and we are homeschooling so they have never been to either. My older one thinks daycare is a punishment so she would never want to go there.