Do You Rate All Comments On Your Discussions?
By villageanne
@villageanne (8553)
United States
January 22, 2007 7:02pm CST
I have learned the importance of rating comments and discussions. I always rate all comments and all discussions that I comment on. I try really hard to comment on all my friends discussions.
I rate everyone who reads my discussions and answer with a comment that makes me believe that they have read it, with a positive. I believe that even if I do not agree with the opinion of the commenter, they deserve a positive rating. That is the beauty of differing opinions.
I have read a few comments that show they clearly did not read my discussion.
Do you rate comments on your discussions?
How do you decide what rating to give them?
Do you rate Discussions on which you comment?
Do you rate a positive or negative if you disagree with the opinion of the person?
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81 responses
@Penguinsangel (3498)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I do rate all my comments to my discussions, try being the word. I can't always keep up on them. lol
I rate them a + as long as they actually talked about my question/discussion weather hey agreed with me or not on the topic. I give them a - if it was just a defention on the topic or was just a stupid trying to post all they can post answer.
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@villageanne (8553)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I agree with the rating system you use. I am finding that there are people here who are not reading the discussions.
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
23 Jan 07
I tried to rate as far as possible. Sometimes I may have I do not get time to rate all the discussions that comes under me or all the discussions I see. I tries to give + to all the good discussions I see.
@shoelover (896)
• Australia
23 Jan 07
If I make a discussion I answer each persons post that replies to my discussion and also rate them. The same as you I give them a positive if they clearly have read the discussion and answered in a manner that proves it. I give them negative if they have clearly not read what the discussion is. I also rate the persons answer if I put a post in their discussion also.
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
23 Jan 07
Rating the responders and the discussions helps everyone. Since I rate everyone, I don't always reply, especially if they are one liners. Unless they make me giggle or ask a question or such. A negative is not to be given lightly or easily. Of course I strive to rate every discussion I answer. Sometimes if someone is particular informative or funny or something in a discussion I am answering I rate them positive too. We have that option. Hope we all support each other with good ratings when we earn them! It does help our earnings.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
23 Jan 07
Do you rate comments on your discussions?
Yes, I will read them all very closely and decide if it gets a "+" or a "-' or just leave it alone.
How do you decide what rating to give them?
A "+" if the response is on topic, more than a sentence and is very well thought out. A "-" if they are not on topic, one or two words or it's just gibberish. I leave it alone if it's just an average quick response.
Do you rate Discussions on which you comment?
Yes, I only reply to ones I like, so they all get a "+" from me. The ones I don't like I don't bother replying to at all.
Do you rate a positive or negative if you disagree with the opinion of the person?
No, no I don't work from emotions when rating, but how well their post is stated and how unique and clear their point is. I could really dislike their point, but I go by presentation when rating.
@thinkingoutloud (6127)
• Canada
23 Jan 07
Oh yes, I absolutely read and rate every comment ... I appreciate people's time in replying and the best way I can convey that is with a positive rating :) I also try to respond back to them to expand on the discussion, when viable. Quality discussions usually show "give and take" or an exchange of ideas, not only singular, somewhat disconnected thoughts.
I never give a rating based on my personal opinion of what was posted. Opinions are free and we're all entitled to our equal share :) I only give a negative rating to someone who is a fly-by poster, leaving a word or two which make no sense or pasting a reply that is irrelevant to the topic at hand. If the efforts of the good folks here are being abused, that gets reported. Really, it boils down to respect... I respect others and would just like the same in return :)
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
23 Jan 07
Yes, I have also come to appreciate the value of rating all discussions and comments. I do not let emotion factor in to my rating of comments. I feel that each person is entitled to their opinion. If their comment was well-stated and pertinent to the discussion I give them a positive. For responses that are totally unrelated to the discussion, one word, or a bunch of letters that make no sense, I give a negative rating. Sometimes, someone falls in the middle. Their comment fits the discussion, but is just a short reply that doesn't really add a lot. Those I leave alone and do not rate. I rate discussions in which I participate as well, usually positively, because I wouldn't be participating in one if I felt negatively about it!
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@sunrisekn (1466)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I rate the responses that I get. I rate mostly positive. The only negatives I give are people who totally do not answer the post, or answer with jibberish. Irate a positive even if I don't agree with the poster. Being different is what makes us who we are.
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I rate the discussions that I am responding to as well, and rate the responses of others who have responded to the discussions others have started.
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I rate all of my responses to my discussions and select one to be the best response. Even if they response was one that was not of my opinion, it was their opinion and they thought about it before they posted the response. That deserves a positive rating. If they post irrelevant responses I report them. If they post a few words, like "I agree" and do not state why, they get a negative rating.
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
23 Jan 07
Yes, I agree with your opinion about rating.
I do rate those that I read in other discussions and in my discussions.
Even if I do not agree with a person, they took the time and effort to respond and they deserve a positive rating.
However, if a person responses with just a couple of words, I give that person a negative response. I do not feel they really contributed to the discussion.
And if that person is purposely trying to flame another person by attacking them or me, I will give them a negative. It is one thing to have different opinions...but a completely another ball park when a person comes in and starts insulting and making comments sure to offend others. Those responses deserve a negative because they disturb the friendly community. We can express our beliefs and opinions without attacking people.
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@soldenski (2503)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I rate all post's on my discussion's, I also rate all discussion's I post on (I rated your's a +) If someone post something on my discussion that has nothing to do with the topic, I will not rate them but other then that, everyone get's a +, even if I don't agree with them.
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@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
23 Jan 07
Since hitting the "500" mark I've noticed that I've slowed down considerably in posting comments and have starting carefully reading all comments and then rating them.
I think that anyone who answers honestly, sincerely and with their own opinions ... and who are on the subject of the discussion and not a one-liner deserve a plus rating.
There are several people on MyLot that I would not be friends with in "real" life, but as long as they aren't breaking the guidelines, even if I disagree with them I wouldn't give them a "-" rating because that's not what it's there for.
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I definitely try to rate the responses to my topics. I also try to rate good responses that I happen to notice in other people's topics, but I don't go through rating everyone in topics that aren't my own. That would take a bit too much time. *laugh* I also almost never rate negative unless someone posts gibberish or 'yes', 'no', 'I don't know' kind of answers, because we aren't supposed to post those kinds of answers. I believe that any response that isn't in the above categories and isn't hateful and shows some thought, deserves a nice plus. ^_^ If someone's opinion really bothered me, I'd rather not rate them at all than give them a minus. I feel that it is really unfair to give out a minus simply because you don't agree with someone.
I agree that some people don't read the topics carefully. I even specified in that story about the journalling woman that got fired from her work that I posted the other day, that it was a paper journal, yet about 75% of the comments made (it seemed) talked like she was typing a journal at work. I do understand the confusion, though, and might've made the same mistake myself if it hasn't been my own topic and I'd been replying. So few people even keep a paper journal nowadays, let alone bring it to work! *laugh* But it's funny, simply because I even put near the start of the story that it was a paper journal, not an online one, and people still didn't get it. It doesn't upset me, though. At least people were leaving thoughtful comments about the story. I just love getting replies, anyway, as long as they aren't hateful or negative! ^_^
@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I read and rate every single reply to my posting. However the numbers are so high, I cannot seem to respond to everyone as much as I would like too, but I keep trying. I rate + always right away, and best response when the right one hits me. Could be right off, could be a month later. I have given out - and ! as well, but not often. As long as they answered and put thought into it, it will not matter if I agree or not, they get a + rate.
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@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I usually only rate comments that are particularly good or particularly bad. I think its important to reward posters that contribute to the forum to encourage good discussion. Its also important to rate abusers negatively to punish them for not contributing.
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@cwgrlsarefun (1581)
• United States
23 Jan 07
Yes I rate all of my discussions. I give everyone a + rating if it is clear to me that they have read what I have written. It does not matter if they agree with me or not. I understand that everyone has a different opinion about things and I don't have a problem with that. What I do have a problem with is when you can tell that they have not read what you have written or have only read the title, I tend to not give a good rating for this. As long as people have given a good answer even if I do not agree they are going to get a posotive rating from me. I also do rate all the discussions that I respond to.
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@hikarushidou (843)
• Philippines
23 Jan 07
Ive posted quite a number of discussions already and since youve reminded me to rate them, I now make it a practice to rate all those who answer my discussions coz they deserve it coz they took time to give me an answer that I need.
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I always rate comments I get on my discussions. I haven't really had many problems with people not reading my posts so far so almost everyone has recieved a positive from me.
I also rate all the discussions I participate in. I don't necessarily rate the other people that have commented in them, only the ones that I really like.
I don't rate based on my opinion at all. I know I stand very strongly on a lot of issues and oppose what is considered to be the norm sometimes. It wouldn't be right to punish those people just because they don't have the same convictions I do.
I try to comment on at least some of the comments that people leave me. I don't leave comments on all of them, though. Only the ones that I think I can add something else to. If I responded to all the coments people left me, I would be repeating myself over and over again. And I hate it when people do that.
@pooksywooksy (1006)
• Indonesia
23 Jan 07
Yes, I rate my friends or anybody that come to give his/her response in my discussions. All of them I rate plus, when I appreciate their comments. I never rate negatives at all. I prefer not to give any rate than giving a negative rate even if I disagree with the comments. I'd like to remember the saying, "Do unto others, like you want them to do unto you".