By CatEyes
@CatEyes (2448)
United States
January 22, 2007 8:24pm CST
Gals, did your husband get jelous over you nursing your child? Mine did and so did the whole family. It got to the point where they snuck in bottles when I was away at the store for 30 min and I came back and he looked full when it was his time to eat. I knew something was up when he started getting colic, and his poo was not nursing poo. Did you ever have the problem and what did you do? The they finaly told me and they had to give it to him with a eye dropper because he did not want it, and even then he only drank a little.
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20 responses
@SageMother (2277)
• United States
23 Jan 07
What kind of family do you have and why are ou still around them?
This sounds like alot more than jealousy. I have heard of husbands getting "jealous" but that is not actually what is going on with you.
A father should be mature enough to respect the health of the child and should have been informed of the benefits of nursing. He should have been able to appreciate the financial savings, if nothing else.
Good luck, but it sounds like you might be facing more control issues as time goes on. Try finding a support group through your local medical community, for new parents. It is important to hae a good understanding with your husband, and the rest of the family, about what your expectations are when it comes to the care and feeding of your child. Asupport group will helpyour husband see how truly serious his attituds, and his response to the baby, really is.
@CatEyes (2448)
• United States
23 Jan 07
That is a very good idea. I need to find something withing walking distance though, becuase he sold MY CAR. Anyway. I think that is what I need, becuase I am not getting it from my family (they are crazy and come to realize they are abusive) and certainly not from his or from his friends. I can't stay locked up forever. It was different when I was ABLE to work, now that I can't and I am trying to get SSDI I just have to wait. Thanks for the post.
@angelashupe (343)
• United States
23 Jan 07
That's not jealousy. That's being a jerk. I hope you told them ALL off. It sounds like they had absolutely no respect for you. I hope you gave your husband a good butt chewing, expecially. More than the rest - he deserved it the most. Of all people, he is the last one who should be disrespecting you and the way you raise your child.
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@simplechic (200)
• United States
23 Jan 07
OMG!!!! Why are you still with him??? The guy sounds like a jerk. He has ZERO respect for you (not to mention his family). Honey, you & your child deserve better. I'm very sorry for butting in but my mom was in an extremely abusive relationship with my father and I vowed NEVER to let a man abuse me...physically or emotionally. No man that loves his wife would permit these situations. Life is too short to take crap from ANYONE. Heads up honey. God bless you and your child and I hope that God illuminates you and guides you to a better path. Take care!!!
@CatEyes (2448)
• United States
23 Jan 07
You know the term "like father like son" well that may not be the case for ME, but it is for him. And yes he did get his butt chewed out, but again, he leaned on their side instead of mine. He said it was about control for me, and that I was being SELFISH. You know, I know I am not, so it has to be him.

@xXmeganxX (4420)
23 Jan 07
my family and partner was okay with me nursing my child all the time, there wasn't really any jealousy at all here! :)
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@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
23 Jan 07
I hope you freaked on them and didn't allow them back near the baby for ages after that! My ex was indeed jealous of my son when I nursed him for thefirst littlebit but his father gave him a good talking to and explained just how important this was for the baby's health, and then took him out andshowed how much a case of formula cost. hedidn't mind too much aftertaht when he realized I was saving him thecost of a case ofbeer a week by nursing. (What can I say, he was a jerk, and we didn't stay together very long after then)
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@CatEyes (2448)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I did freak them out, I started feeding him at the table, in the store. Took him to parties and pulled it out (with a cover). It riled them up even more. So I spend a night at their house so they could have him for the weekend, but I don't think it was what they wanted. My hubby go mad at me becuase I did not go on a yearly company meeting for 4 days in a differnt state. My son was four months old and I wanted to nurse him still and if I had left it would have been a shock to both of us and he was still young. Had a horrible fight and few months after that we split for 6 months. He was such a jerk then
@freeuploadedfiles (34)
• India
23 Jan 07
What are you saying that your family including your husband gets jealous when you nurse and take care of your baby ? If yes, thats strange !!!
Go to a psychologist immediately.
@CatEyes (2448)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I did, and you know what she said; that he was the biggest jerk (she used a worse term) that she has ever encountered and would like to personaly speak to the family about this. Well lets say, after that session, I went home and due to unforseen circumstances I had to leave. We were seperated for 6 month and was living alone with my child. He gave me no money, no help. And the lawer said I had to let him see him. There were a lot of things going on at that point. And here I am, I usualy consider my self intelligent, but I guess I realy am not. It's just that it is sooo hard right now to leave; there would be no money and if I go to a shelter my child would be taken away. His parent have lots of money and it was made clear to me 3 years ago when this happend that if I went into one of those I would not have custody of him. Oh well. Life sucks
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
23 Jan 07
That is really sad that they got jelous of you givingyour baby the best you can at that time. I have to admit my husband and family were extremily supportive of me nursing my babies. My husbands aunt bottle fed her son from the start and didnt nurse him but she had no problems with me nursing mine actually whenever I it was feeding time she would let me in her bedroom so I could feed the baby in peace.
Honestly you really need to put your foot down and tell them that this was your choice for the health of your baby and that they have no say. The only one who may have a say is your husband but then again you have the final choice. You do what is best for your baby not everyone else.
@CatEyes (2448)
• United States
24 Jan 07
According to my hubby and his family, they have say so, becuase they are related to him. When I was just on the verge(had the papers signed and everything) of divorce, one of the things he decreed and sucseed on was to make me stop nursing my son, because he was just over a 9months. I know that if I had a better lawer it would not have gone through, but his family has money and money talks.
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
23 Jan 07
I have read all the posts to your question. You got some good advice. It seems to me however, you need to get out of this environment before you or your child suffer any more. I don't know whar SSDI is, I suppose it is some sort of social assistance. If you need to wait for a year this is too long to wait to get out of an untenable situation. Are there any women's shelters where you live? Try and get some outside help. Is there public transportation that you can use to go to counselling or meetings? Do you have a budget for household and grocery expenses. Think of a way to cut some expenses, make a double portion of chili or baked beans instead of buying ready made or canned, save the extra dollars seperately so you have some taxi fare if you need it. Get some help now.
@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
26 Jan 07
What a horrible thing to do to the poor kid. I can't believe people would go that far because they don't like you to nurse your baby. If that happened to me, they would've known how mad I was when I found that out. Thankfully, my husband and my family aren't that bad and they are very supportive.
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
23 Jan 07
luckily, i havent experienced that, my husband is a nice and understanding one , why should be jealous where in its his child im taking care of...likewise in your situation..try to ask here why hes jealous to his that you can resolve it...
@crystal8577 (1466)
• United States
23 Jan 07
That is just crazy. My husband has never gotten jealous. I do think my middle child is though. She is almost 6 & a big mommy's girl The baby (1 month old) is fed on demand & she always seems to be hungry.
@hikarushidou (843)
• Philippines
23 Jan 07
I think I saw an episode of this in Desperate Housewives. It was similar to this because the lady who was working there, well her officemates arent comfortable of her nursing around so what one housewife did was make the kid try a chocolate milk in tetra pak and he liked it and he didnt want to be nursed anymore.
@Mommiewendy (106)
• United States
23 Jan 07
omg! they are selfish people! I would be furious! I am sorry they did that. What did you do/say?
@CatEyes (2448)
• United States
23 Jan 07
Well, when I first met my hubby, I was the type of person who likes to keep peace, but by then (three years later) I was too the point of being in a constant fight. So I did confront them, and you know what they told me. He was crying. Yea and that means what? I was Gone for 28 Minutes to go to the store, trust me he would not have starved. And it was not becuase he was hungry, becuase he was still crying when I got there. It was because they had put him in blanket that was making him way to hot. As soon as that was taken off, he was ok, oh and the diaper was filled to the brim. Hmmmm could that also have something to do with that. I blasted at them.
@lvhughes (545)
• United States
23 Jan 07
my husband wasnt jelousbut my inlaws were (i guess that jeliousy is what it was) so they tried to convince my husband that it wasnt good for the baby and plus thats not how they did thing. i actually mad my husbands grandmother (which raised him) cry because i told her i was the mother and id do it my way and asked her to stay out of it after she cause a huge fit between my husband and me.
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
23 Jan 07
If a man does that when you are with his baby, then you need to leave him.
@ekelly247 (42)
• United States
23 Jan 07
i nursed only for two weeks then went to bottle and it was big bonding time to feed our baby, my husband did like to feed him.
@limosonia1 (1559)
• United States
23 Jan 07
Wow I never would have even thought about somebody doing something like that. My husband didn't mind at all. It wasn't even a discussion in my house. The nurse asked what I wanted to do and I said nurse. My husband didn't even blink an eye. Is your husband jealous of the baby or maybe the time you spend with the baby. I have heard of that and it's natural exspeciall if it's your first child. Hopefully he will stop and realize that what he is doing is wrong.
@junior07 (972)
• India
23 Jan 07
yaa it's the topic of jealous,most of the ladies forget about their husbands when their first baby arrives,they took great care about the baby but forget about the needs of their husbands,thsi is not good if u r going to take care ABT the baby then u have to involve ur husband also,otherwise he feels ignorent????