Do you know what your children are watching?

@msbyte (219)
United States
January 22, 2007 9:57pm CST
Ever heard of the "Avatar"? Did you know that an Avatar is primarily from the Hindu religion, and is a form of a higher being or Supreme Being on earth? Did you know that kids are being taught the Hindu religion from this cartoon? If you are serious about what kind of values are placed in the minds of your children, you will want to know what they are watching. Cartoons are far from harmless. Another cartoon that was a spin off from the movie Alladin had the genie explaining that man "evolved" from a single cell organism. The pictures were on the cartoon and it was detailed as if he was giving a lesson in school. There are countless other examples, but the main point is, don't let your kids sit in front of the TV watching everything and anything. What goes into their mind shapes who they are. This is one of the reasons that a day of rest is good. The last day of the week, Saturday, is a great day for the family to fast from all types of media. To discuss what they have taken in and how they are going to use that information. For my family it is a time to focus on God, family and love. To enhance our relationship with one another.
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22 responses
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
23 Jan 07
My son watches Avatr all the time and we have al,st all of the DVDs. They don't teach anything about the Hindu religion in the cartoons. Heck, I have never even sat down to connect the two until you brought this up. Even if it did teach something about their religion, how is that a bad thing? Kids need to be exposed to different thoughts and ideas about every subject. They need to leanr how to draw their own conclusions and should not just be fed what their parents believe. I don't think kids should be drones in front of the TV and their parents should be invovled and know what they watch. However, I see a major difference between "Avatar" and a religious fanatic preaching about God.
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@SirPyan (429)
• Malaysia
24 Jan 07
Wow you guys are awesome. :D You manage to connect a simple Nick cartoon to an intelectual religious debate. I can't believe it. :D :D Same with me, I don't find anything in the Avatar that connects it to any particular religion. They do have concepts of reincarnation and such, but I believe the cartoon aren't meant for small kids.
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• United States
24 Jan 07
msbyte, I understand what you have said. But, I have to ask how you know, with certainty, that your God has fulfilled over 400 prophesies? Further how do you know that your God is the only God who has fulfilled over 400 prophesies? What has lead you to such conclusions?
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@msbyte (219)
• United States
24 Jan 07
What exactly is a religious fanatic? And what does God have to do with religion? Religion is an attempt by man to do everything the right way. I have studied many different religions, and I share ALL of these religions with my children. They see the fatal flaws in all the religions. They choose to follow Y'shua because He is the only one that fulfilled over 400 prophecies, that chooses to love, that lived as we do and that has an instruction book that applies to every situation in their lives. Children need guidance not a dictator, but they do not need someone that will tell them that any truth that they choose to accept is fine because someone fails to study the truth about what is being taught.
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• United States
24 Jan 07
I don't see what the big deal is? As a Christian, I don't mind my child learning about other religions. But it is the parents responsibilty to watch the shows first. Decide if they should watch the show. I watched all types of cartoons growing up. I've been watching the older cartoons on Boomerang that most of us grew up watching and I never realized how violent they are and some of those are from the 50'S! It is the parents job to make sure the child is raised with morals and guidelines. If you do a good job, TV will not affect who they become. That is the parents job. My parents gave us a lot of room and let us watch what we want--well within reason. But TV never shaped who me and my brother were. My parents did that.
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@emarie (5441)
• United States
23 Jan 07
well, all parents should know what their children watch. i don't mind them watching things that teach them. learning that man evolved from a single cell organisim is what they learn in school anyway, and i really don't mind my children learning about other religions. i haven't seen Avatar the Last Air Bender, but i'm sure its a good anime. i watch everything my children do. like them, i love cartoons and love watching tv. as long as you teach them that some of the things people do on tv isn't right and of course you limit the viewing to things only suitable for their age, everything should me okay. as long as i'm watching it, and i aprove its okay. i actually like some of the cartoons they watch. i might not really like some of the others, like Ed, Edd, and Eddy, but i can see that my child knows that the things they do on there are wrong, since he comes to me saying, "Mommy, eddy not doing nice things, he shouldn't do that" i makes me proud. i sometimes get sick of parents blaming the media on things their children do. if you let your kids watch tv, at least know what they're watching.
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• United States
24 Jan 07
I've seen Avatar before, and it's not half as big of a deal as you think. It's fantasy. Teach your kids the difference between fantasy and reality, and you won't have problems. Sheltering children from everything leads to screwed up children.
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• United States
24 Jan 07
I like to control what my kids watch that is why I don't have a broadcast TV, a cable or anything. We watch DVDs and pick them together. We control the quality and my kids don't have to watch the commercials either. I would think these cartoons are still better then the other TV with F words as well a lot of the other stuff on tv these days. For me to control my kids from watching it is we don't have a tv or a cable. The END!
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@msbyte (219)
• United States
24 Jan 07
This is a another great idea. Commercials are awful. It amazes me that people think that all of this is harmless.
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@msbyte (219)
• United States
24 Jan 07
This is a another great idea. Commercials are awful. It amazes me that people think that all of this is harmless.
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• United States
24 Jan 07
i would have never guessed that the cartoon avatar is derived from the hindu religion.My brother watches it an i dont really know if its throwing bad examples in his mind or not.
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@msbyte (219)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Oh, you gotta love your brother! You may not now, but believe me you will later :D My brother was a mean little thing once he hit 5 years old, I would tell him that I could not wait for him to grow up so he would love me again. We had a great relationship when we he was little. Now he lives 2300 miles away :( I have not seen him in 13 years.
@msbyte (219)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Oh ! LOL, I thought you said you did not care if it was giving a bad example. Sorry! Just read up on it and explain it, because sometimes they will try to do things that they see, plus it will cause many questions and if they are not answered he will accept it as truth. Like when I was 9, I watched a cartoon and they put the dog in the dryer, and he came out all dizzy. So, yeah, I put my dog in the dryer with a bunch of sheets, just like a couple of seconds. Scared the poor thing so bad! I felt guilty about that for the longest time! I am glad she was not hurt.
@mansha (6298)
• India
23 Jan 07
what is wrong in watching that man evolved from a single cell. Its good tht they get their facts straight these days. My son watches many cartoons, I avoid letting him watch real bad ones with gory creatures or ots of voilence but rest if its educative I don't mind. Infact they come to know so much from the cartoons. Its good if kids are learning about their or other religions from cartoons too, they can ten choose whatever religion they wish to follow or be liberated from all the misconceptions about religions. I do have fix timings for him to watch his cartoons as hje has to study and do soe outdoor activity too. we go out to as afamily and my whole family watches Tom and Jerry when it comes up. I don't think his TV life is interfering in any way as he keeps making crafts that he watrches on fingertips show and even dexter's lab teaches him quite a lot of things. I was amazed to find his knowledge about planets so up to date. He says he saw it on TV. If its educative and some fact that he will learn sooner or later, I don't see any problems what so ever. Where did you think man evolved from?
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@msbyte (219)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I believe what the word of God says, that God created man in his image which is: spirit, body, and soul. I believe that we evolved and adapt to our environment which causes change in such physical features of height, skin color, hair type, etc, but I do not believe that species types jump from one type to another. I don't see that as logically possible, I also realize that the geologic column does not support this myth. My goal was not to say that kids should not watch anything, but to inform people that some things that are presented as innocent are actually indoctrinating children into their religion. It's funny that the Christian shows are automatically banned, while those of every other world religion opposing the Christian religion are not.
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• United States
24 Jan 07
I don't see how the Christian cartoons are actually being banned. Some Christian networks probably have their own Christian cartoons. If there are not many Christian toons on other channels it is because the target audience simply does not want to watch them.
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@msbyte (219)
• United States
25 Jan 07
How many networks allow Christian cartoons? Yes, the "Christian" Networks, thats a bit obvious, but on abc, nbc, cbs? Oh, believe me there is a market for it, I guarantee it, people are searching for the truth, they want to know the truth. They are tired of lies, they are broken from them. Veggie Tales, a christian cartoon was censored for speaking of God. The Avatar (and Avatar is a god) is not censored, even though the Hindu belief is explicitally detailed and explained.
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• United States
24 Jan 07
My wife and I are very involved in what are kids watch on tv. We constantly look to see what they are watching and tell them the channels that we approve of. We need to monitor what they are watching because some ids shows still teach bad things and we dont want them to learn bad things from the tv. We also watch alot of tv with them
@SirPyan (429)
• Malaysia
24 Jan 07
You mean Avatar: The Last Airbender? I love the storyline, and surprisingly, even though it's from Nickleodeon, the cartoon is better suitable for teenagers. Kids below 10 won't probably understand the storyline. Even I myself found the cartoon interesting. And I don't find anything in the cartoon that connects itself to any religion, the only thing I see is the close connection to the eastern culture, which I think very nice.
• United States
24 Jan 07
You are right in most every way, yet what the author of this thread was talking about it the origins of the word Avatar. This word is of Hindu origin. What the author or this thread perhaps does not grasp is that the usage of a word, the use of concepts from another culture's religions, and the showing of this on t.v. does not equate to propaganda. One must also understand that these types of cartoons do often go into detail about the concepts in the cartoon. The reason for this is not propagandizing but that like you said that cartoon is complex story in comparison to many other cartoons. Thus there is a need to go into detail so the viewer does not get lost. Star Trek has often used the same methodology and sometimes even went over board with it. It is just the style they fallow.
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• United States
23 Jan 07
One should monitor what their children watch. I don't see the danger of letting children watch cartoons. The world is a great big place and they will eventually learn abouot all sorts of things. To be honest, there are good lessons to be learned everywhere. It's not like other religions are all evil heathens. As for the evolved thing... Unless you hide your child from science, they will be taught that eventually. You would also want to be aware of so called christian programing though. Not everyone who claims to be a good christian is. Pat Robertson for example makes claims that he receives messages from God. These messages don't come true, which says that either Mr. Robertson is lying or that God isn't real. Mr. Robertson sells a lot of products and makes a lot of money so he uses and abuses good people's faith in a quick sickening way (like to set up a gold mining company in africa, to buy a race horse, etc) I do very much like the idea of family time instead of letting the tv (or video games or whatever) act as babysitters for the kids. Thanks for starting this interesting discussion.
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@hellboi (661)
• Philippines
24 Jan 07
yes i must agree that cartoons often does not reflect reality because it is supposed to be that way --- fun! now what we can do is talk to our kids not to take those things seriously and just laugh it off. but we must also be aware that a lot of adult-oriented cartoons are springing up and the contents are really mature which is so not appropriate for children, these are the types of cartoons that we should be wary of
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• United States
24 Jan 07
First, I would like to note my own bias on the issue. I LOVE "Avater": the last air bender! I love most forms of Anime and Japanime. Further I love cartoons in general esp. if they teach me something about another culture. Last bit of bias, is that I am neither Christian nor any other typical religion. I have currently become a Spiritual Networkist, that is apart of an emerging religion dedicated to freedom of all religion on the stance that all religions and belief systems are equally valid. The Spiritual Networkist actively seeks out other ways of life in an attempt to immerse themselves in that way of life to learn it by active participation. In cases were this is not entirely possible the Spiritual Networkist will find some way to work hand in hand with the people of this other way of life and learn from them through co-operation, and friendship. Such co-operation would be most often done through engaging in charity work with those of other beliefs. We believe that our own Spiritual development is in part dependent upon the quality of the friendships we establish with those who are different from ourselves. So my own way of seeing things no doubt reflects the above life stances as I'm sure your way of perceiving things also reflects the stances you have chosen in life. I was also once a Christian so I know a bit about that way of thinking too. As for Avatar you are right that some Hindu belief is mixed in with this show. You also have to look at what kind of beliefs are mixed in there as not all of those beliefs are popular Hinduism. Some of the myth woven into this cartoon even comes from other paths like that of the daoist and confusian. Still everything in the cartoon is diluted into something not quite textbook accurate, which is done for the fun of stirring the imagination. You are also right that we need to help our kids understand what they see on t.v. Then t.v. can be a powerful learning tool. I plan to talk to my daughter at the end of every t.v. show as soon as she is old enough to communicate with me about it. I disagree on adding a slant to how the child views the subject matter learned though. I believe that this limits the development of the child's intelligence do to limiting what the child will accept as truth. I believe we should give our children all the details from numerous perspectives and let them decide for themselves. I believe that the combined effect of all the influences and the balancing effect of the healthy parent child relationship and natural developmental stages will lead the child to effectively choose their own productive truth.
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• United States
23 Jan 07
I think it's rather sad that people try and limit what their children watch. It's silly to think that people find cartoons horrible and dont let their children watch them. I don't see any hints of religion in Avatar. I think it's silly that you sit and analyze that show to the point of it not being a show anymore. I don't know where you're getting it's part of the Hindu religion either..if you knew it better, you'd know that's not fact, it's part of Japanese culture and it depicts karate type does not have anything to do with religion.
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@msbyte (219)
• United States
24 Jan 07
That is exactly my point. People do not think that it is teaching anything, they see it as harmless, but in reality it is not. Go to wikipedia and look up avatar. You will see exactly what is being taught, and how in depth it is taught. I do like School house Rock, The book of Virtues, and countless others. I speak from experience, I know how TV influenced my children and myself. My kids are able to watch many things to show them the difference between what is right and what is wrong. When it comes to making sure they don't spend an eternity in hell, yes, I do think we need to be stricter. I don't care who laughs at me or ridicules me, they are more important than all of the ridicule in the world. I think it is rather sad that people have tried to justify anything and everything to escape the truth, that there really is a God and the guidelines that He has set forth are to help us, not harm us.
@msbyte (219)
• United States
25 Jan 07
First and foremost - You DON'T know me. You don't know anything about me, you don't know my children or my history. You don't know anything but one tiny little article that I wrote, you call me close minded yet you judge me based on the fact that I was giving some very basic information about something that I had encountered. That sounds close minded to me. Martial Arts and Karate are a mindset as well, they lead toward a path. Everything leads toward certain paths. Look up Avatar and all of the symbols, fire nation, the moon and sun story, the fishes, it is all Hindu. I am not saying don't let them watch it, but get to know it, understand it so you can answer the questions so they will not be mislead. Your anger will control you if you allow it. I pray that you will not be angry, but understand that there are many things out there that you have been lead to believe are true that are based on propoganda and things meant to hurt you. There are basic truths that are real, and my goal is to expose the lies to my children as well as teach them the truth. They will choose based on a well-rounded education without being told that lies are truth. Yes there was other races. The human race now is the one single human race that exists now, until the genetic race is created. When we begin splicing genes, another race will be created. I know that we share 99% traits, but it is much more complex than just that fact, which I do not have time to detail.
@mlylumad (94)
• Philippines
24 Jan 07
Thank you for bringing this up. I didn't know about avatar. At least I am forewarned.
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@ladygator (3465)
• United States
24 Jan 07
Well I think it is good that you are taking a stand for your families sake. But dont stop there. Be sure that video games are being monitered as well. And no matter what is on the television or on the video game to much of that each day is harmful to them. Short tv time and plenty of book, puzzles, family outings, etc.....
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@ladygator (3465)
• United States
24 Jan 07
Well I think it is good that you are taking a stand for your families sake. But dont stop there. Be sure that video games are being monitered as well. And no matter what is on the television or on the video game to much of that each day is harmful to them. Short tv time and plenty of book, puzzles, family outings, etc.....
@unisis (1673)
• Indonesia
25 Jan 07
yes i heard and i saw that my kid also wacth the cartoon film which the title is avatar in the television,but i do not know is from the primarily Hindu religion
@jayarajgr (816)
• India
23 Jan 07
Yes indeed. some of the cartoons are misleading. but its often difficult to sit with the students and watch it completeley, to realize which is good and which is bad. It will be better, if somebody create a list of good cartoons and timings.
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• Philippines
25 Jan 07
i agree with you. though i haven't heard of the avatar. instead of letting your child watch tv the wholeday or any other movies, let him do some outdoor games, socialize with kids his age. they need it as much as watching tv. you also let him develop his muscles by playing.
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• United States
24 Jan 07
i never knew anything about that so thank you for opening my eyes and alerting me on what my children may be watching even thought they don't watch avatar or alladin they still may be atking things in from other cartoon i will have to talk to my children to see what they are watching.
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