The California anti-spank law will not pass. Mark my words.
By hassanchop
@hassanchop (820)
United States
January 23, 2007 3:52am CST
First of all, the bill only applies to children three and under. Second, the bill has recieved an incredible backlash from both Republicans and Democrats. It has almost no support anywhere aside from the one single congresswoman who is proposing it. The bill is ridiculous and it has no legs, and if you're the kind of person who supports this tripe, I seriously don't want to know you.
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22 responses
@patootie (3592)
23 Jan 07
I don't think the anti-spanking law that was passed here (UK)last year had much support .. but it was passed and people have already been prosecuted and I believe even imprisoned ..
But how do you define a 'spanking' though .. just how hard is a 'tap' and when does a 'tap' become a 'spank' .. and if a 'spank' is hard enough to leave a mark isn't that already termed 'child abuse' for which laws are probably already in place ?
Here in the UK we call these kinds of laws 'nanny laws'.. it's as if the Government is treating us all as 'naughty children' who know no better, we have numerous similar laws that have been brought in over the last 5 years or so .. quite frankly I doubt a day passes that I don't break some minor law or other ..
Yesterday I parked my car a bit too far out into the road .. (more than 18 inches away from the kerb is an offence here now) .. yes we do have some narrow roads, and yes it is better to be parked adjacent to the kerb, that's common sense .. but I can't get out very easily if I have to deal with a kerb and there was a big puddle where my feet would have gone had I parked correctly ... !
And that's what these 'nanny laws' are doing .. they are making laws and rules where folks would normally use their common sense .. only problem is folks don't seem to have common sense anymore .. so maybe we do need these 'nanny laws' !
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
24 Jan 07
To me a spanking is more than a tap but not a whack and is always firmly on the bum and never ever hard enough to really hurt or leave any kind of mark what so ever! More to let your child know that you mean business and that what you have done is wrong and unacceptable.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I think that's just it. The bigger government gets, the more they 'take care of things' and there's a social program for everything, the more dependent people get on the government... til eventually, won't everybody quit productivity and motivation, and we'll all just be on the public dole.. but eventually, due to lack of naturally occurring initiative, no one is putting into the koffers anymore, so the dole all collapses... I think the modern world is losing a lot. Independent and individual efforts and Yes! competitiveness makes for productivity rather than what will likely end up as stagnation...
Interesting post, Patootie :))
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
24 Jan 07
Ronita, that's so true! (and Visitorinvasion). I think that's a little bit of what the butt is for! Occasional swatting. Done right, doesn't hurt or cause harm! As a matter of fact, that's likely far safer than harassed, overworked parents trying to deal with children without that option! Time outs can be real difficult to accomplish, without a swat on the butt, to begin with! I'm thinking parents could get frustrated and lose their temper, and then the swatting (or something else!) is done in anger (which a spank should not be done in anger either, but before the anger). Another thing I've noticed, in my own family, my daughter will not, or never has swatted her strong willed daughter (whom we all love most dearly of course!) so instead she will lecture.. and lecture.. and lecture. To me, it's like beating the poor kid with her words.. Time-outs are too difficult so they don't get done! So, granddaughter can have a problem with self control, especially with her tongue, which when she's an adult could cost her a close friend, a cherished mate, a job.. etc..
Or kids raging out of control which I even see signs of in our 8 year old grandaughter, when she'll say things like "I hate you" or worse! And you can see her unable to handle her anger. Life is difficult, managing anger, rage even, is very much a desireable trait!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
23 Jan 07
what I want to know is what happened to old saying (Spare the rod spoil the child)
I think there is alot of stupid rules how to raise kids and seems to me some one is telling you how to raise your kid a whack on the bottom never hurt or killed anyone. But to leave brusies on them is a different story and shaking was never a good idea.
I spanked my kids but I never whooped them
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@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
28 Jan 07
In another post a few weeks ago, someone completely distorted that phrase "spare the rod, spool the child" I, like you, see it as if you do not spank your children when they need it, they will be spoiled and believe they can get away with anything.
She, however, translated it into "You should stop spanking and spoil your children silly!"
*rolls eyes*
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@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
28 Jan 07
one woman, on a post a few weeks back, had the audacity to interpret "spare the rod, spoil the child" as "Stop spanking and go spoil your children silly!"
*rolls eyes*
I'd love to see how her kids turn out and where they go when they grow up so I can keep my family away from them!
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@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
28 Jan 07
well crap, I didn't think that had posted, so I went back to post again (and obviously rephrase) and there we go, both are theere. Welp, a double dose of my opinion then!
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
23 Jan 07
My problem with this is that it will not stop the people who are committing abuse. And sometimes the time a child needs a swat is when that child is too young to be reasoned with, that is, under three. I spanked my kids, occassionally, but preferred to find other strategies. I am not certain that having no support will not preclude back room deals among politicians to further their own agendas. That is how some unpopular laws became laws. It seems to have gotten under your skin, though.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
24 Jan 07
It is another way of the state trying to take the place of parents. It wouldn't work.All this time could have been used better.
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@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
31 Jan 07
"these days the kids have more rights than the parents."
It would seem that you are right there. I am not in US but I read news stories from there all the time and children seem to have so many rights it is insane.
Isn't it supposed to be that you don't have all sorts of rights until you reach the designated age of adulthood? I read YEARS ago that the parents had the rights this is why children aren't able to give consent....
@lpetges (3036)
• United States
30 Jan 07
another way to waste out tax dollars trying to pass a bill for that! these days the kids have more rights than the parents. i can remember being spanked as a child-only a couple of times, but i can tell you-i behaved a lot better after that. i don't think spanking until they bruise or anything like that. but the parents have no control of their kids these days. the government is now telling us what we can't do with our own children? why don't they just take them from us once they are born and let them take care of them. (like in our prisons, and juvenile detention centers)....

@juls2me2 (2150)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I feel this bill is ridiculous. There are times that a child needs a slight smack on the hand or swat on the butt to push the issue of importance that something is wrong. This bill is against my belief in the Bible. Even the Bible says, He who spares his rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him promptly. So does this bill make room for religious beliefs? I don't believe it will pass and pray that it doesn't. Our nation is already full of enough spoiled brats.
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@floramwaters (1595)
• United States
24 Jan 07
This is exactly way there are so many out of control children out there. The law is ting the hands of the parents on what we can do to our children, the law expects us to allow our children to walk over us. And I for one would not allow a state to tell me how to raise my children. My goodness I whipped I don't know how many times as a children and I learn not to misbehave. Do they have any idea of how many children would end up in Foster care because there parents are in jail. Or that they rate of youth offenders are going to rise. If you choose not to spank your children than that is fine but that should be your choice and not made by law.
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@floramwaters (1595)
• United States
24 Jan 07
sorry don't know what with all that extra stuff in there
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@april444 (1341)
• United States
28 Jan 07
The woman woman who started this crap needs her asss whooped for wasteing the tax payers money on a ridiculous bill. I spank my kids but I never beat them there is a freakin difference. And when they learn to walk you barely have to slap their hand and tell them no. Once I did that all I would need to do was point my finger and say no and my kids knew I meant it.
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@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Well, I am sorry to hear that you are against anti-spanking law. I think spanking is ok if it will result in something good, but when parents do it just because they want to is where I draw a line.
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
24 Jan 07
OK, so let me get 3 year old starts to run for the busy road where he can get hit by a car and this is not the first time that it has happened...I have put him in the naughty corner countless times and explained to him that he does not run towards the street. So this last time my 3 year old runs towards the street and I decide to tap his butt to get his attention so maybe this time he will listen to me...and this tap does not even hurt or leave a was just to get his attention. And I could be thrown in jail for a year???
My children would be without a mother for a year??? Isn't that worse to make a child feel abandoned when Mommy was the one that was always there? I would think that would have some severe effects on a child! A h3ll of a lot more than that tap on that butt!!!
They have got to be insane if they pass that law!
And what of the complications that it could cause. One parent wants the other parent out of the picture, so it turns into a He said She said. The child hasn't a mark and there are no other witnesses! Great! Now one partent gets sent to jail, the child is out a parent completely for a year, the other parent is now feel of the one accused AND will hold that against the other parent in the court of law over custody that the other parent can not fight because he or she is in jail!
You have got to be kidding me!!!!
Can't the government do better things with the tax payer's time and money???
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@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
28 Jan 07
First of all, geez to the first poster. If you don't know what the discussion is about...MOVE ON. Second, clearly, it's about a law in California to ban the title, idiot.
Anywho. I think you're right. It won't pass. And apparently this congresswoman doesn't have any kids, haha.
I think it's purpose is to prevent abuse, but what people like her apparently don't understand is that abusive parents will be abusive no matter what. Child abuse isn't legal right now, but it still happens. I'm not sure why she thinks a "no spanking before the age of 3" will stop people from abusing children.
Besides...if by 18 months, you've found your child doesn't respond to any other type of discipline, what shall you do for the next year and a half, let the misbehavior run amock?? If you don't spank until 3 when they need it a year and a half earlier, you'll be yelling for Supernanny to come sort your kids out...because the parents on that show are the ones who didn't know how to discipline children in the FIRST PLACE.
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@mikncas (73)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I do not agree with the law being passed I was spanked as a child as well as my children have been sapnked BUT never abused yes there is a thin line between disapline and abuse but you have to be a monster to not know the differance. Oh my sisters and I have all turned out great and I have two amazing kids that I have always been complemented on how well behaved they are.
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@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
31 Jan 07
heh heh
Instead of passing bills to help homeless people to have shelter and food or working on taking more pedos of the streets or building more youth outreach centers they are busy worrying about spankings. Stupid.
Spankings are spankings, it isn't abuse. A swat on the bum of a child who simply won't listen isn't going to hurt them. Each parent knows their child and what it takes to get through to their child. The nosy neighbor calling police don't know what's good for someone else's child.
They always say it is the parents responsibility for everything but now they say that discipline is excluded. The lawmaker wants to have a say in a parents child rearing.
What? The prisons aren't full enough? Well we got to fill um with parents who have spanked their child. That's it! We'll create this asinine law so that we can ensure that EVERYONE has a chance to visit the jails.
pffffft Can you impeach congress personnel in the USA?
@desertdarlene (8910)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I'm beginning to get scared to have kids. It seems like you can't do anything nowadays to discipline them! I admire those parents who can raise children w/o spanking, but some kids just don't respond to those other means. I am totally against child abuse, but I don't think a smack on the bum is abusive as long as it's done for a very good reason.
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@samsonskola (3357)
• United States
29 Jan 07
i sincerely hope that it will not pass, as that will set a precedent...i do not believe in spanking babies...but i also believe that if you wait until they are over 3 to spank them, they are set in their ways and i cannot imagine the problems a 4 year old would create if it had never had a spanking....and there is definitely a difference in spanking and beating....discipline is necessary in raising children!
@mfrancq (1806)
• United States
30 Jan 07
This is one thing that just really gets me. They tell us we can not discipline our children, however they get upset that our children are out of hand. If we don't discipline, our children will think it is okay to misbehave and act like crazy little monkeys. That is why the world is the way it is now. Everyone is afraid to discipline their child. Afraid they will end up in jail. Not me. My son is very well behaved. I don't abuse him, I just let him know what is okay and what is not. That is our responsibility as parents. Let's quit being lazy parents and do our job. They are to young to figure it out on their own!
@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
24 Jan 07
You are absolutely right about this i have a two year old and as bad as i feel about it she needs a spankin at times! She is constantly climbing and getting into everything. I mean extremely bad at times but i love her and i am petient with her. Also especially toddlers need to know the difference between right and wrong at times. For exanple of they try to put a fork in a outlet. Or if they try to climb up on a stove that could be hot do you know what i mean here? The law is ridiculous and the way i see it is i made my children , gave them life, i feed them and clothe them and i love and support them. I will also do anything to keep them from harm and I will raise them with respect and to use their manners and they are MINE not the governments. I say that this law is bulls**t!!!
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