birth control pills
early menopause
hot flashes
mood swings
ovarian cysts
side effects of birth control pills
Menopause-Your Experience and Advice
By lalav1
@lalav1 (1052)
United States
January 23, 2007 12:49pm CST
I had to have surgery in my forties to remove ovarian cysts and ended up having a hysterectomy. I was glad to be rid of the cysts as they are extremely painful. I also had endometriosis. This is probably the reason I never got pregnant when I was younger. Anyway, I certainly do not miss having periods, especially since mine were extremely painful. The surgery did however put me into early menopause, (Hello, Hot Flashes)! I tried birth control and could not deal with the side effects. I now use a product called Remifemin and it works pretty well. It is expensive, but I have found Walgreens has their own store brand, which is much cheaper. Works for me. What's your story?
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17 responses
@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I am searching for a natural treatment for the night sweats. I have been having more hot flashes lately, but not as much as the night sweats. For my mood swings I take Evening Primrose Oil, Black Cohosh Root, and Vitamin E supplements.
@GardenGerty (162452)
• United States
24 Jan 07
Hey, Butterfly, when I was in my 30's with the hotflashes and some night sweats, I started taking cod liver oil capsules for something else. The thing is, those nasty other symptoms went away and stayed away. The other thing was, at that time, I started walking frequently. It might help you too.
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@GardenGerty (162452)
• United States
24 Jan 07
Hey, Butterfly, in my 30's, when I DID have hot flashes really badly and night sweats, too, I started taking cod liver oil capsules and walking for other problems. Funny thing is, that is when my hot flashes and night sweats went away. I do not know if this would help you or not.

@nishdan01 (3051)
• Singapore
24 Jan 07
Menopause is not necessarily a negative experience. It is sometimes called a "change of life" as there are a lot of changes going on in a woman's body, both as menopause approaches and afterwards.
Regular exercise benefits the heart and bones, helps regulate weight, and contributes to a sense of overall well-being and improvement in mood. Sedentary people are far more prone to coronary heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and osteoporosis. Sedentary women may also suffer more from chronic back pain, stiffness, insomnia, and irregularity. They often have poor circulation, weak muscles, shortness of breath, and loss of bone mass. Depression can also be a problem. Women who regularly walk, jog, swim, bike, dance, or perform some other aerobic activity can more easily circumvent these problems and also achieve higher HDL cholesterol levels.
What Should an Exercise Program Contain?
Warm-up exercises and stretching.
A good form of weight-bearing, low-impact exercise.
Low-impact, non-weight bearing exercise for cardiovascular fitness (the distinction here from walking being that you can work harder).
Progressive resistance training with either machine or free weights for both the upper and lower body.
Abdominal and back toning, particularly for the pelvic floor and spine erectors.
Cool-down exercises and stretching.
@matlgal (1686)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I had Ovarian Cancer Stage III at age 29! Had a complete Hystorectomy then, So I was a bit confused as to the symtoms I was having whether it was from the Hysto or the Chemo therapy.
This was 29 yrs, ago. So ... I have chosen to take nothing in the way of HRT (Hormone replacement Therapy), I haven't noticed any symptoms in many years. Don't miss the periods, or the cramps.... Had already had my child (Only wanted one), so it was OK... and as a cancer survivor I am loving life every single day.
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@CFstats (82)
6 Mar 12
Matlgal, I am proud of your decision to not take any HRT!! And I'm glad you are alive and healthy!
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I also had a hysterectomy with both ovaries removed when I was in my 40's. I had fibroids and was refered to a specialist who also happened to be a surgeon. He never mentioned any of the other treatments for fibroids, he said I had ONE cyst on ONE ovary and it had to come out. I said I wanted the other ovary to stay in because I cannot take birth control pills (they caused a TIA when I was younger). He said he would check it out and leave it if possible. After I came out of surgery, I asked him and he said he "did what I wanted" and took out BOTH ovaries. I was furious but it was too late. He put me on hormone patch and a few months later I developed massive bruises all over my legs. My doctor said they couldn't be causing it it. I just "agreed" with him in his office and when I got home I threw the patches away. My bruises went a way and didn't come back. Then, to try to manage my hot flashes, I tried some of the over-the-counter remedies. They didn't really work for me - but Black Cohosh gave me the WORST hot flash of my life. No more of that for me! I finally gave up on supplements other than Vitamin E and just use diet, exercise and meditation to keep my symptoms to a minimum.
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@sidneysoad (101)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I haven't yet begun menopause but my mother has already gone through it, and my mother-in-law is currently dealing with it. My mother had irregular periods for ten years, hot flashes, weight gain, and naseau. She used hormone therapy and was on several medications.
My mother-in-law is dealing with it "all natural" and has horrible hot flashes. I'm not sure to what extent she is experiencing other symptoms, but when she has hot flashes she drips sweat and you can tell she's miserable.
I have really painful periods, and have ever since i had my children. What are the symptoms of endometriosis? I'm not sure what it is but have heard people say it involves your periods and that they are more painful than normal.
Unfortunately, we are one of the millions of families without health insurance, so I don't doctor unless i'm REALLY sick.
@lalav1 (1052)
• United States
1 Feb 07
I had irregular periods starting in my forties. Endometriosis cause painful cramps. You can research it on the net, that's what I always do.
Maybe your mother-in-law can try the Remifemin, (the cheaper Walgreens brand), it has black cohosh in it. It took awhile for it to start working for me, so let her know about that.
@hikarushidou (843)
• Philippines
24 Jan 07
Well I commend you for being brave for taking those operations. My mom needs operation too about cysts also but she doesnt want to overgo those things. She said its not time but we all know it is time and she said she isnt scared but what could be the reason for delaying an important operation? Oh yeah, she's also having her menopause so she's very HARD to deal with now at times.
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@djbtol (5493)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I am a man and generally ignorant about menopause. However, I could relate to your message in that my wife is just finding out now that she will need to have a hysterectomy because of a bunch of cysts she has growing. Life is always an adventure.
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@juliedee (2388)
24 Jan 07
I also had a complete hysterectomy in my middle 40's to remove ovarian cysts. I tried HRT for a while but there are too many risks involved so stopped taking that. I had to have the hysterectomy and was certainly glad to have all that in the past now.
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@GardenGerty (162452)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I had a complete hysterctomy, including ovaries when in my forties. I do not regret it. I tried some types of hormone replacement therapy, but did not like the side effects, or the risks.I was not subject to severe hot flashes, just mild ones. I had severe ones ten years earlier. I found it most helpful to take the herb Black Cohosh,and calcium and magnesium minerals. They were sufficient for the symptoms I had. I don't take any of them consistently anymore, and I am fine.
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
24 Jan 07
when i was 41 yrs old..i have experience an irregular mentstruation..and he diagnosis by the doctor is im having a hormonal imbalance that she prescibes a hormone pill called progestin or something.cant recall the exact name...and the result is good my mens became normal(abnormalities usually occurs in the 40's )....but during my yearly ultrasound it was found out that my left fallopian tube was dilated..and it was called hydrosalpinx ..and that it does not need any surgery at all as long as im not suffering any pain....
@nuffsed (1271)
23 Jan 07
Well I refer to it as my mental pause. I was working 80hrs plus a week and then got repetetive strain injury which meant my arm siezed up and I was incapacitated. Having to suddenly stop work left me like a fish out of water.. Than bang!! I was into the deepest darkest depression ever.
I had been a long term secret cross-dresser, hiding my guilty little secret because I couldn't understand it myself.
My cross-dressing became my escape from depression but I was still in a gilded cage unable to be seen dressed as a woman. I was always an alpha male, my nickname was "viking", this was a complete departure for me and anyone who previously knew me.
After a couple of years feeling like hell and wanting to end it all, I awoke one day and said to myself No More!
I refused the guilt and accepted my alter-ego. That's a long story cut short, but it happens, and still no one knows why.
I am currently a 24/7 out and about transvestite, dealing with it. Surprisingly a great number of folks have been supportive and accepting.
The hardest effects are amongst those closest to me because I have affected their lives by my decision. To keep them happy, I would have had to stay sick. That was not an option.
You had a pretty horrendous time of it and I really do feel for you.
I am happier now than I have been for a long time. Funny old world init?
@rosie_123 (6113)
24 Jan 07
Well I am going through it now in my 40's, and just taking it day by day. I had some exploratory surgery about a year ago because I was bleeding very heavily and they wanted to rule out any forms of cancer in the womb, and since then my perods have become much lighter and less painful than they were in my 20's and 30's. They gave me progesterone tablets and wanted me to take HRT, but I can't stand the idea of too much medication, so I just try to eat healthily, and I take a herbal supplement called Maca (not sure if it's available in the States) but it seems to help the awful tiredness that was my worst sympton. Good luck with everything.
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@JaneRoth (21)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I use progestrone cream for hot flashes it help. I am a healt nut and do a lot of research. I will not take horse estrogen from way..Good Luck
Nutural Progestrone cream is made from wild can eat yams too. I like things tha are natural. Also go for your bones too. Exercise to good for HOT flashes too. I like walking it is best, I do it all year around. Lady Jane form NYC..
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@gemini1960 (1161)
• Philippines
24 Jan 07
i cant relate on your topic im a man but anyway im glad i know some facts about menopause sot aht i could also understand my wife and tell her about it...although shes not yet on that stage..
@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I am only peri menospausel and soy milk is doing alright by me. Have had 3 kids and things work pretty normally. Am glad I am changing since I too look forward to consistency in my life. I hope that soy milk always does it for me. Personally I would not want chemicals in my body and am glad something natural is doing it for me. Sorry you had this difficulty in this life and that it now is a joy to be alive.
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@dollardove (26)
• Pakistan
24 Jan 07
Do not do or use birth control because it is natural way of life so not control or stop it .