Do you believe the government should regulate discipline methods?
By Kaldonya
@Kaldonya (277)
United States
January 23, 2007 7:51pm CST
How do you feel about the government telling you what is legal and what is not legal as to how to discipline your children? Rumor is going around that the Senate is thinking about abolishing spanking - saying that it is illegal - and anyone caught spanking their child(ren) could be punishable by prison. What do you think about that? Right or wrong? Do you even believe in spanking?
Yes, in our house we do spank on the tush if it is a severe offense. We do not spank as a first means of discipline. I also feel that it is VERY WRONG for the government to try and tell me how I can or cannot discipline my children.
I understand about trying to protect children and the ones that are abused, but to try and pass a federal law stating that in any house, any spanking is illegal, I think that they are taking it too far.
Thoughts? Opinions?
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49 responses
@Kicker55 (243)
• United States
24 Jan 07
NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We cannot allow the government to do what they are doing folks, you need to wake up and smell the fresh air. The government is way to big and they have no right to walk into your house and tell you how to live your life or how to discipline your children. If you let them do that, why not let them take everyone's first born child. I know that's extreme, but that's where things end up if problems are left to grow bigger and bigger. This is exactly what is happening in America today, the government is bigger and more powerful than ever. The proof of that is easy, the government is the largest employer of people in this country. Do you think that is good?
These days the law is a joke, a person cannot defend themselves because the law is a joke, innocents go to jail for no reason, murderers and pedifilers walk free because of the game inside the courtroom called the law.
If people don't get their heads our of you know where and stand up and do something soon, you'll remember 1984 really quick because it will be happening to us.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I couldn't have said it any better. If we keep allowing the government to determine what is best for us we will no longer be a free country. We will end up slaves to a few people's idea of what right and wrong should be. I don't want that. They need to back off and let us as a adults decide what is best.
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@XxAngelxX (2830)
• Canada
24 Jan 07
I definitely think this is going to far. There are rules already governing abuse, and maybe they might want to have a second look at those, that would be fine. But when you start telling a person how they can or cannot raise their own children then I think you've crossed the line. I have spanked my children on occasion when they've done something I feel warrants a spanking. I could probably count on one hand how many times I've done it to my kids though, I usually have other methods I use instead, grounding, standing in the corner, have a chat and explaining why what they've done is wrong, etc...
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@TheNightingale (17)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I agree with you 100%. The government has no business telling parents how they should raise their children. There's a very clear line between physical discipline and abuse - and really, most parents who will swat their child on the bum as discipline for being really bad don't enjoy doing so, and certainly don't do so with the intent of injuring the child.
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@luv2dance (33)
• United States
24 Jan 07
What irritates me, is that when you really need the government in a child abuse case, they are NO where to be found. And now they want to be right smack dab in the middle of the way I raise my children. This is ridiculous! I worked with juveniles a few years ago, and when a child was actually was being abused, you couldn't rely on them for nothing. And now, they want to put a parent in jail for spanking their child? I feel this is going to the extreme. I feel each parent has the right to discipline their own child how they see fit, as long as they are not abusing them. The government needs to put their energy in the abuse cases that actually need their attention. If they actually go through with this law this will not only waste the people's time but also waste the police, courts, and social worker's time. They should concentrate on doing something about the children that are actually being abused, then what good parents are actually doing.
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@IloveJesus (175)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I think the government should stay out of it. They tell you that you can't spank your child then when your child gets out of hand because of lack of discipline the government won't help you and they say it is all your fault.
I say we need to get back to the basics of the Bible which this country was founded on. The Bible says, "spare the rod, spoil the child". Discipline is talked about all through the Bible.
I think the government is invading our personal lives way too much. I watch our freedoms slowly disappear one at a time.
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@kelly60 (4547)
• United States
31 Jan 07
Amen to that! It's bad enough that they want to take the Bible out of the schools, but when they try to take it out of our homes too it's carrying things too far.
There are too many children and teens these days who feel they can do whatever they want because their parents are not allowed to discipline them. Yet the parents are responsible for whatever wrong their children may do.
How do they expect parents to correct their children's behavior if they are not allowed to dicipline them?
@Bev1986 (1425)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I agree with you.... No way should the government be telling me if I can or can't give my child a swat on the behind! Now child abuse is totally different. But the tricky part is trying to decide what is considered abuse.
We had a neighbor growing up that used to use his belt on his boys. Those boys would come to school with welts on their backs! Yes, that was child abuse, plain and simple! But he always said it was just using discipline on his boys.
@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
24 Jan 07
my dad used a belt. I never had welps though. He used switches on my legs and I had welps on my legs from that, but I don't see it has he was abusing me. I know I deserved every spanking I got!! I was a little terd!
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@naranjal (7)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I think that any law stating how to raise children is crossing a line, every family and every situation are diferent and there is no one magic solution for everything. I understand their desire to try to protect the children, but thare are already laws for that, and they are not really enforced, so instead of putting out more laws, they should be trying to enforce the ones that already exist. And let the parents do the parenting. IMHO.
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@medooley (1873)
• United States
24 Jan 07
Wow, apparently everything is wonderful in the US. Because if spanking is one of the things that they are working on laws for, everything else must be solved already. Good work law makers.... Wait, this is just a joke. There is some much more they could be working on rather than trying to force people who to raise their children. I believe that spankings are okay as long as you are not abusing the child.
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@Kicker55 (243)
• United States
24 Jan 07
Good point, but the government doesn't ever work on anything serious anymore. They just try appealing to the masses who vote for them so they can stay in power and do whatever they feel like doing. The government only cares about corporations and trying to milk the people that vote for them. Wait I also forgot to add that the government knows it all.
HA! Yea right, that's why Washington D.C. is one of the biggest Ghettos in America, because they certainly know how to deal with problems.
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@blackdove (390)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I feel as long as you're not trying to kill your child, then the government should not have anythng to say about the way you control your children.
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@thewatchlist (653)
• United States
24 Jan 07
The thought on it is that it would be against the law for you to hit an adult, so why are your children free targets? Don't get me wrong, some children (and adults for that matter) are out of control and need that little extra motivation to get in line...
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@TheNightingale (17)
• United States
24 Jan 07
Actually, the congresswoman who proposed it decided to do so because her vet told her never to hit her cat; therefore, went her logic, why should anyone be able to hit their child?
Personally, a spanking never hurt anyone. Having received quite a few as a child, I'm living proof! :)
@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
24 Jan 07
it's none of the government's business how I raise my child. and more than anything, what is boils down to is stopping abuse. Ther problems lies in the fact that abusive parents will be abusive no matter what. It's illegal now to be abusive but they still do it. Parents who use spanking appropriately as a means of discipline would never take it beyond basic discipline. I think the government really has no place in my private home. It's ridiculous.
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@mom2chriskel (1060)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I think it is wrong for the government to step in and say how we can raise our children. If they get this approved then what else will they do? How far will they go? Will the parents get in trouble for everything and we end up with a nation of holy terrors?
I agree that is probably to help with abuse but most abused children do not talk about it. They don't go to school and tell because they are afraid of what their mom or dad will do if they find out. Where as someone like my brother in law who is disrespectful and rude goes to school and tells his 3rd grade teacher that his dad beats him all the time. When all he got was a lecture and told if he got a report like that again he would get a spanking (they've tried taking things away, they've tried grounding and nothing is working--he gets a bad report every Friday for being disrespectful and he is! He is VERY rude) His dad has probably spanked him twice in his 8 years but the teacher was going to report him.
There is defiantly a fine line in some how some parents spank. But I would say the majority don't do it because they enjoy spanking their child.
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@crystal8577 (1466)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I think most parents have the sense to stop before they go to far (I did say most though). I don't think it is anyone's business to tell me how I should or shouldn't discipline my kids. I think the goverment sticks their nose in everyone's business.
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@hellboi (661)
• Philippines
24 Jan 07
in this issue it is very hard to draw the line between discipline and abuse. with this dilemma however i guess it would be a lot better for our children to be safeguarded from abuse rather than to be subjected to our own choice of disciplinary methods. i believe the children are so helpless to protect themselves that they are in every moment vulnerable to abuse from angry and frustrated parents. on the other hand, any method of discipline can be as effective as long as there is open communication between children and parents, we should at the very least try to explain to our children why they are being subjected to punishment, in that way they'll understand and accept their own fault and in the long run try to correct them at will
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@hellboi (661)
• Philippines
25 Jan 07
i think you are doing the right thing in taking time to explain to your kids. more often than not, kids' reaction to punishment would always be negative and they tend to be blame it on them that they are not good enough to your eyes or they might resent their parents for being hard on them. i know this because that was what i experienced when my mom punished me hard because i failed to study but later on my dad explained to me why my mom was so upset if i don't study then i understood that they actually cared and that they just want the best for me.
@Kaldonya (277)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I follow advice given by Dr. James Dobson and Dennis Rainey. Anytime that I've ever had to spank my boys (who are now teens), I do not do it out of anger or from reaction. I tell them that that particular offense is this bad and why and that they will get a spanking for it. That will come anywhere from 10 - 30 minutes later. Then, right before administering it, I calmly explain to them WHY they are getting that particular punishment, then give it, and then I immediately reinforce how I feel about them and we usually end up hugging...

@sidneysoad (101)
• United States
27 Jan 07
The American Government is finally waking up to a major problem in our nation-child abuse. Many children in the United States grow up in abusive families where spanking can turn into outright violence after young parents get frustrated and angry. How many parenting books and articles that recommend spanking recommend spanking when you are angry? All of them that I have read suggest stepping back, calming down, and then addressing the misbehavior of your child. Unfortunately, when children are spanked, it's often in a moment of pure frustration and rage-and it turns into more than punishment.
I'm not saying that everyone who spanks their child is an abuser, I've spanked my children on occasion (and I can testify, it doesn't work for me as a method of discipline). In my case, it instilled fear in my kids, not respect. I know the one thing I don't want is for my children to fear me.
I understand that the government is concerned about this issue, but I feel it is a breech of our parental rights to regulate discipline. The answer isn't to "ban" spanking..even if they did, it wouldn't stop the problem.
My feeling is that an early intervention program that works should be put into place. The government should train individual states, who should take responsibility for each county/district. At risk families, teenagers who are pregnant, and severely low income families who are receiving government aid (food stamps, medicaid, etc.) should be enrolled in parenting courses that address the discipline issue. They should also be followed up with, and supported after the birth of their child and during each developmental stage until Kindergarten. I know this isn't a solutino, but it is a start.
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@Kaldonya (277)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Why should only (as you put it) "at risk families, teenagers who are pregnant, and severely low income families who are receiving government aid" be made to enroll in parenting courses that address the discipline issue? I can understand teenage girls that get pregnant because they are basically still children themselves. But how discriminatory of you to insinuate that people less fortunate than the middle class or the very wealthy "need" this. Do you think that just because people are well off that they don't struggle with these same issues? [Other than teens] if any adult is *made* to take a parenting class, then all should - not just by classifications.
@tasmac2001 (41)
• Australia
24 Jan 07
No - The government should not be telling us how to raise our children! The same applies here in australia! By doing that, they are inflicting a fate worse than the odd smack on the bum for our kids! I have 3 children between the ages of 8 & 12 and have already been added to the "system". My children have been "taught their rights" at school and seem to think they can get away with anything! At the end of the day though, the government says that we are responsible for our childrens' behaviour! Why then, as responsible parents, are we being punished for trying to keep our children out of trouble, just because our children have chosen to do the wrong thing? The department says that "parenting by fear" is wrong.....but isn't everyone ruled by fear? What rights do we have as parents? The children are the ones with all the control now & we are already scared about tomorrow!
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@klelliott1984 (108)
24 Jan 07
I think that the goverment poke their nose's into the common persons life far to much. I have a son and i wont let anyone tell me how i can and cant discipline him. I dont belive in hitting children in anyway shape or form but if my son, (when he grows u pa bit,lol) crosses the line and brakes the rules. He will be toled. My father ran a house of discipline and if i put my foot wrong,I knew about it...and i never done it again. I learned from my mistakes because of this and im doing fine. Times are changing for the worse in my opinoin.
@deberooney (418)
• United States
24 Jan 07
You hold them down and I'll do the spanking! LOL I love your response!!!!
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@marief2rnurse (2704)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Perhaps if they can come up with good ways to discipline our children then they can regulate it. I'm sure they can conduct studies and researches to further help us parents raise these kids these days.
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@kelly60 (4547)
• United States
24 Jan 07
The government has no business telling us how we should dicipline our children. That should be determined by each individual family, as long as it is not abusive. I can understand them making these rules for preschools, daycares,and such, but not for private homes.
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