Is it right to argue with God in prayer
By edujccz
@edujccz (929)
January 24, 2007 2:14am CST
When I was young, I was thought to pray the our father, the hail marys and others. As i grew up, my prayer ends up in talking to him , thanking, and asking many things. But quite some time, I argue with him for not answering my prayers, am I doing right? Kindly reflect to my query;;
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32 responses
@arseniajoaquin (1732)
• Philippines
25 Jan 07
If we want to say anything to God, we pray. We pray to request God to grant us whatever we want. God talks to us through His Word - the Holy Bible. And therefore, if we argue with God and need His answers, we should resort to the Holy Bible. He answers all your questions there.
The answers to your specific question why God does not answer your prayers are found in the Holy Bible, you just did not exert efforts to search first. Some may give you answers from the Holy Bible as many know the answers but I myself will not do it now that you may scan the pages of the Holy Bible.

@rein2410 (809)
• Australia
24 Jan 07
You are allowed to ask GOd, you are allowed to talk about just anything with GOD, but dont complain too much to him, keep faith that what you pray you already got it. After all, your plan is not his plan and what you want is not what He wants. Of course, God knows whats best for us. He knows everything better than us. What you ask might not be the best for you and if Job actually want to give what you pray, He will but you just have to keep asking, God wants to know how sincere are you in asking such a thing. Sometimes, God will answer your prayer in a diffrent way that at first you will feel dissapointed but in the end, you will seh that GOd knows the best.
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@edujccz (929)
• Philippines
25 Jan 07
Thank you rein, I rated your response the best, maybe because your lines is intriguing, read again, you said " If Job actually want to give what you pray" I said, did you purposely mispell your words to give me the hindsigth. i like it and learn a lot from you all.
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@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
26 Jan 07
There is at least one example of arguing with God in the Bible, in Genesis chapter 18 starting with verse 23. It was Abraham who argued with God and in this case God listened to him. So the Almighty God can really listen to human beings and probably he is listening more than we can imagine.
Need a Bible online? Here is a link:
This translation is in modern English and follows exactly the original languages that the Bible was written in.
@jricbt (1454)
• Brazil
24 Jan 07
Argue with god?
The christian god?
Are you kidding? He knows all, how can you, your puny, sinfu born, christians argue with the ALL MIGHT god.
And (this is not mine, read somewhere on the net), if you can argue with god, your children can argue with you, right?
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@edujccz (929)
• Philippines
25 Jan 07
Im glad to all in giving their responses, others says its good to argue and many of you critizes the way of arguing with him. This time im getting confuse more, your lines was right that if I can argue with God, my children can argue with me. Yes maybe the choice of word is different. With your children , you can discuss the problem because they can talk to you. but with God is different its a one way talking like telling him why did it happen that way were it is better to be this way and you see no wrong in it. Anyway, its like shouting your heart then you feel more relax. Then last night as I contemplate ,I remember the the acts of JOB, so I said I need more reading the Bible.
Thank you to all and may God bless you
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@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
25 Jan 07
I think what you're doing is more of complaining. I guess it's just human to complain, even to God. But don't let it dwell in you for too long. Patience is always a virtue. You also have to understand that there is a reason why God is not answering some of your prayers. God always knows what's best for all of us and you just have to let Him take the wheel. Peace! :)
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@mlylumad (94)
• Philippines
25 Jan 07
I compare your query to a case before a judge. A person may argue his case for the judge, but in the end, the judge would give his/her verdict, and the complainant would have to accept the judge's decision. God knows what is best for us. His answers to our prayers may be yes, no or wait. It is up to us to accept His will in our lives.

@naha123 (1265)
• India
24 Jan 07
Yes u can... all are god in this world.. so u are arguing with yourself.. so no one will question you y u are arguing like that and all... so just raise questions and ask y it is not happening then u will try to resolve it as a god...
@edujccz (929)
• Philippines
24 Jan 07
thank you for commenting to my post,but what I do not understand is your line " then you will try to resolve it as a god" Normally you can only questioned why with sso many why and simply accepting and surrendering that God knows the reason that his ways are always correct.
Just curious of your name which is outside of my question, are you from Naha Okinawa , pardon my curiosity.
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@mansha (6298)
• India
25 Jan 07
I think God is non-judgemental and he knows everything so he will know exactly what is bothering us and why we are arguing with him, he listens to everything and if he can he helps us too, or just gives us strength to bear it. so even if you argue he is not offended and will do only what he thinks is right for you.
@captainambosky (117)
• United States
25 Jan 07
If your prayers are not being answered you need to step back and ask yourself why.Are praying for something that is not important to Him,or is it something that might just take some time to answer?Ask yourself this and remember "If you keep knocking the door will be opened.If you keep asking surely it will be done." But you have to remember it is going to be done in God's time and in God's way.I don't think you should be arguing.And maybe you have unfinished buisness you need to do first before He can answer you.Well I will pray for you as well. God Bless.
@smkwan2007 (1036)
• Hong Kong
24 Jan 07
Some of my friends advised me not to pray when I am extremely upset. Because under such situation, I may argue with God and offend Him. Well, I don't think so. When you are extremely angry or depressed, and you are a very young person you would carry out certain actions instinctively, you may throw you books at someone, or you may speed up you car on a road to an uncontrollable velocity. This may cause trouble. Also when you want to argue with someone, you must have something in mind which is annoying you. Why not argue with God, tell him what you think. I think God knows our weakness, He will forgive us, and He like to listen to our problems. Once you pray, you may have time to calm down and reconsider you worries. Then God will show you the way to tackle your problem.
@edujccz (929)
• Philippines
25 Jan 07
Thank you with your reply and I will remember that not to pray when extremely angry or depressed. Yes it really happen when I was frustrated that thing didnot happen the way I want it to be, but it gives you a good feeling later that you have voice out yourself.
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@khitkhat (373)
• Philippines
25 Jan 07
it's ok to argue with God... He'll listen to you that's for sure.. but i'm sure that He wouldn't really be able to answer your prayers in a jiffy... maybe he'll show that your prayer is granted not directly, but by giving you simple gifts in life... i dunno, that's what happens to me most of the time..=) even if he doesn't answer my prayers, i love Him all the same.=)
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@paperchaser (503)
• Canada
24 Jan 07
I don't think it is right to argue with God because you should give praise to the Lord for sparing your life every day that you live.
@TheNightingale (17)
• United States
24 Jan 07
You know, God knows what we think and feel anyhow, so it's best to be completely up front and honest with Him! (I do think He prefers our honest "chatting" with Him to "scripted" prayers.) Not only does He know how we feel, He understands. He won't respond to our feelings until we TELL them to Him, precisely because God wants to have an open, loving, honest relationship with us. God created us, He knows what makes us tick, and He wants to guide us through life.
Does that make any sense?
@salma1189 (33)
• India
25 Jan 07
i personally dont feel it is right on our part to argue with god for not answering our prayers since god knows whats best for us and will answer our prayers if he feels that we are in dire need for it.he might not not answer all our prayers immediately but surely he will one day!
@phon4u (2215)
• Laos
25 Jan 07
I don't spend time on arguing with any one about god. It looses much time to think on it. It is better to think on wealth and health. There is a arguing hell in another world. I don't like to go that direction. I prefer to go the nice place such as heaven at least.
@cuddleme01 (2725)
• Philippines
25 Jan 07
i think to argue with GOD is not right. perhaps you can ask questions to HIM and raise your worries, your disappointments. but to argue is asserting your will over the will of GOD. its not right. we may not understand GOD's ways all the time but we He knows what's best for us. So argue with HIM, no i dont think its proper.
@edujccz (929)
• Philippines
25 Jan 07
I'm happy when you asked for help to teach you how to pray. First, you should believe in One God, second, ,be sorry if you committed any sin, third , you thank him for all your blessing.
this is only my oppinion and my oppinion might be wrong. But I tell you that I am happy for you because you wanted to pray, maybe we said we dont know how to pray but the will is good enough for it show a belief for a higher being that is our creator.
Of course, whhile praying , it seem like praying to yourself, but once you meditate more to the belief that there is a God, then you will realize that you are talking to him.
I love you my friend.
@shivadony (69)
• India
25 Jan 07
i dont thing there is a god like that,i thing your self is your god and what u think thats waht u do (is it) so you should int just give everything in gods hand. so you should work hard or think for your self. if u have serton problems u should ask others that waht sall u do for this and many people can help u out from u should it go for an arguein with god just like that.
@edujccz (929)
• Philippines
25 Jan 07
I'm very glad to every one who responded with my question. Actually, I am overwhelmed with happiness that so much people are praying, though everyone has different oppinion. all of your comments are good and very healthy.
With all those who contributed, its the same like my question. Maybe I will not use the word argue for it is a little ofensive,
When I pray and talk to God, God do not answer me in words or whatsoever.
This time I trigger the question to you my e-mail friends and many of you responded with different interpretation. Sometimes, it is not even correct to say, you are rigth and you are wrong, for the response is only an oppinion. Meaning, I will still be the judge which one is to be done.
Never the less, with so little time that I raise this question yesterday, my e-mail was flooded with different responses. But I tell you my email friends, you make me very happy for I know somewhere else in this world, a lot of people knows the meaning of prayer and ever ready to share the best of advice. Thank you again and Good day to everyone. May God Bless you all.