President Bush gave an excellent State of the Union Message
By djbtol
@djbtol (5493)
United States
January 24, 2007 5:26am CST
President Bush continues to show himself as a strong leader. He has good plans for domestic issues and he is consistent in the goal to win the war over terrorism. Meanwhile, the Democrats want to cut and run home with their tail between their legs. The United States has never done that, but Democrats are glad to harm the reputation of our great country for their political benefit. Hard to believe they would consider themselves Americans. They make no effort toward solutions, for they don't know how. They only criticize.
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36 responses
@spiritwolf52 (2300)
24 Jan 07
I guess you have forgotten about the war in Vietnam? We cut an run from that one.
The State of the Union address? Too little, too late. I think he is trying to say stuff the people want to hear so that he doesn't look so bad at the end of his term. Keep in mind, he went into Iraq under a bunch of lies. He had no exit plan before he went in. Who has harmed the reputation of America? BUSH!!!! His foreign policy is appalling, he really doesn't have one. He is a cowboy, he charges into things without thinking about the consequences. We as a country are in a mess because of him. The country is so far into the red that it will take years and years to get out of it. He can't balance the budget. Within 6 months of his presidency, we were at war. He goes around with blinders on. He should have done something about climate change/global warming years ago instead of sticking his headin the sand and ignoring the warning signs.
Bring in the Democrats to clean up this mess.

@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
25 Jan 07
I am sick of hearing about the "lies" Preisdent Bush told us to get us into the war. Remember every major Intellengence Service in the world said the same thing. How many times did the UN tell Sadam to stop building the weapons or else. President Clinton said he had weapons of mass distruction. Senator Kerry saw the same intellengence and said he had WMD's. Then during the war the UN inspectors critized the Army for not putting enough guards on some storage sites because Sadam had components for WMD stored there. This info was given the Army after the face.
Why didn't France, Germany, and Russia not support the war. They were making BILLIONS with the UN's Oil for Food program and selling Sadam weapons instead of food.
Wake up and realize that the Media wants the US to lose and will not tell us of the positive things happening over there. For example this past weekend 25 US service men were killed. Every news media reported that. Only a few reported that severla leaders of the insurgance and Al Sadar top aids were captured. Over 400 of his soldierswere killed or captured. We are having more casualities because we are taking the fight to the enemy. What did Japan do when the end of the war was near in WWII? The used suside planes to inflict damage on the Americans. Now the insurgances are using suside bombers - maybe because they are lsoing. Talk to solders who have been over ther. What they see in the news media over here is nothing like what is happening. Remember AP main reported in the Middle East was a media fooicial of Hammas?
You mentioned Viet Nam. Remeber this We won every major battle we fought the VC or North Veit Nam troops except one. The battle in the US Media. They caused out defeat over there and they are trying to do it again.
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@djbtol (5493)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Good response bobmnu - It is well established fact that the media and the Democrats have a major vested interest in the U.S. losing in Iraq. They care not about our country or are future. What they know, and I now see it, is that if President Bush is successful in Iraq, the 2008 election is over.
It is rather sick that they would be so obsessed with their desire for political power that they would want our country to suffer shame and humiliation. Yet they will tell you that they are patriotic and loyal citizens.
They have put themselves in a position that when President Bush spoke of victory, they merely sat there and scowled.
@simplechic (200)
• United States
25 Jan 07
It's still a meaningless war because Bush was supposed to go after Osama Bin Laden and his posse...instead the moron went after Saddam and his posse. Saddam wasn't behind the 9/11 attacks. Bin Laden WAS THE MASTERMIND and he's still out there laughing it off. I'd be singing a different tune if Bush had gone after the REAL responsibles for the attacks.
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@sidneysoad (101)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I don't care for Bush, however I agree that his message last night was well-written, and well-delivered. I don't think that we should pull out of Iraq, but I also don't believe that Bush's plan to add 20,000 additional troops will do any good.
Hillary Clinton commented (after visiting Iraq) that the job will not be done with the troops alone, but that the Iraqi government has to start dealing with political issues within it's own country, and is not doing that. The Iraqi police and military need to stop relying on American troops and they need help planning their strategy.
I also don't believe we should just run out of the country, but I don't see any hope of Bush's current plan working. What a mess.
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Good response, bobmnu -
I agree that our forces (risking their lives for our freedom) should not have their hands tied. The sooner we get in and get the job done, the sooner people of all types stop being killed. Of course, the goal here is not perfect peace and harmony. We will not be able to make the Iraqi people love each other.
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@kazookulele (238)
• Canada
24 Jan 07
Bush continues to show himself as a strong leader? Are you kidding me? Bush has never been a strong leader and definitely not now. This is arguably the weakest point of his presidency, and especially so now with the democratic senate. Bush's plan of throwing more troops into Iraq is foolish. A foolish attempt at winning an impossible war. The war on terror is a subjective one and definitely not a just one. There has to be another way. I'm not saying they should just drastically remove all troops, but a gradual removal of American troops might be the right decision. I know it's complicated but I don't think the route Bush is taking is the best way to go. What needs to happen is Barack Obama needs to be elected president. I think that's the only way right now for positive change to happen in the U.S.
@nuffsed (1271)
24 Jan 07
Are you just trying a wind-up? It looks that way to me.
Quote djbtol "President Bush continues to show himself as a strong leader. He has good plans for domestic issues and he is consistent in the goal to win the war over terrorism."
Bush continues to be at the lowest popularity rating in modern history. The American people can see no sense in his policies.
Quote djbtol "Meanwhile, the Democrats want to cut and run home with their tail between their legs. The United States has never done that, but Democrats are glad to harm the reputation of our great country for their political benefit. Hard to believe they would consider themselves Americans. They make no effort toward solutions, for they don't know how. They only criticize."
One word..Vietnam.
Your claims for the reputation of USA are erronious. The fact is, victory, is a condition that has eluded the USA in a long list of global incursions.
Accountability, something soreley missing in modern America, would see Bush and Blair on trial for war crimes. As it is, the tradition of protest is no longer a worthwhile public activity. Patriots are being demonised daily. America is getting uglier by the day.
Ask the Democrats what happened to Pelosis' "100 day" promises?
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I don't and still don't care for Bush...With this new plan to send more troops over to Iraq is too much for me, if it isn't one thing it's another...
My thoughts to this is if every one of these 21,500 new troops were Jedi knights who could magically spot and defeat Iraqi insurgents, they still wouldn't be able to put Iraq back together. I don't know how many times we have to say it - Iraq needs a political solution, not a military one!!!!
The Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds have to agree to live together, stop killing each other and share the oil. If they don't, there are not enough troops in the world to keep them together.
He's not thinking about the politics or the well being of our country, he thinking about trying to clean up something he started which was just a waste. Our men and women are fighting for what?
I can't wait until 2008 come where he is out of office...
@imsatisfied (7)
• United States
24 Jan 07
The problem is no one knows how to win this war..How do you fight ppl who are happy to die?..w/o.killing innocent ppl and babies..can you see the baby laying there with its limbs gone?..that is what you need to get into your head..what if it was your baby? They need to get our babies out of there because they are it cut and run or whatever you want..he started this mess and we are paying for it..the reputation of this country has already been harmed many, many years ago..if you have a solution you need to be talking to your pres.for it is clear he has none either

@bigedshult1 (1613)
• United States
25 Jan 07
what are you going to say when thous booms are over hear in stead of over thire And you going to say it is bush fault for not stopping them when he had the chances I think that we have to stop them I don't want a nother 9-11 do you if we cut and run like you say them they well be booming your famly woud you like that

@cNotable (891)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I disagree. He is not a strong leader, although he has smart, propogandistic speech writers.
It is all rhetoric--there is no substnace backing it up. There are reels and reels of polling data that are pored over and implemented into the speech. With a staggeringly low 28% approval rating, you better have some good rhetoric!!
I respect your opinion though, and I don't necessarily have much faith in the democrats either. Maybe if they actually said something and had a position, I would have some faith.
Right now I'm in limbo.
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@wesderby (178)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Over all, I think Bush has done some good things while in office. In the beginning, I fully supported the war in Iraq, but now, I have second thoughts on it. That being said, I have to admit I think last night's speech was average at best...Basically a rehash of his Iraq speech from a couple years ago, and the same things he's said on domestic policy for the past several years.
I hear a lot of people saying the tax cuts he gave only benefit the rich...Personally, I'm probably considered lower-middle class...But I will say that I've enjoyed larger refunds than I've ever had before under his tax cuts.
I'll be interested to see what happens to unemployment once the minimum wage increase takes effect...On one hand, I think it was a well-intended idea by the Democrats. However, I see one of two things happening:
1. With the minimum wage going up, prices for many goods and services will follow suit and go up...So yes, some people might MAKE more, but when you look it at the end of the day, they won't have any "extra" or higher income.
2. Employers will let a lot of those minimum wage workers go, saying "Well, I can't afford to pay you now...Sorry".\\
This could get interesting.
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@kabella50 (309)
• United States
24 Jan 07
you are talking about a war that was not necessary from the start.Of course we can't just run now because we started this atrosity,but never was Bush a strong leader.A strong leader would have known if the info he was being given on weapons of mass destruction were accurate or not because he would have people checking on his people's info.I feel that he had the right intentions but he relied on a bunch of old guys like Chany and Rumsfeld who had only their own interest at heart.I have always felt that Bush wanted to be a good president,I think he got a whole lot of bad advice and he depended on that advice way too much.
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
26 Jan 07
If you say the war was not necessary, then you have forgotten Sept. 11, 2001. This is amazing. The decision to go into Iraq was fully endorsed by the Democrats, who had the same information as President Bush. We either fight the terrorists over there, or we fight them here. It is one or the other. Apparently you prefer to have this war in your town.
Thanks for responding.
@candygurl24 (1880)
• Canada
25 Jan 07
First off, I am Canadian, but I am for American freedom etc. Canadians are in fact friends of Americans whether you like it or not. And this does effect me because Bush started this whole damn thing for whatever evil reasons and now Canadians are pulled into it even more so because of our Prime Minister not being able to pull his head out of Bush's as*.
My cousin will soon be heading over, and although he agrees with the war on terrorism, that's not what he feels like he's being sent there for. He says, "Let's face it, a war on terrorism? Come off of it! It's never going to end, more and more of our people are being sent over there because of Bush's apparant power trip."
As for his suckholing, I say too little too late! The best thing to do is just get him out of office and see how much someone else can clean up his huge bloody mess.
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@chippy49 (171)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I myself am also glad that we have President Bush in the White House. I would like to know how President Clinton would have reacted to Sept 11th. Does everyone keep on forgetting about Sept 11th. We are still trying to get Bin Laden, but he would have been neutralized if President Clinton would have had him killed when he had the chance. Why is everyone so hard on President Bush. I remember back in the day where no one cut down the president. Remember WE elected him. Would you rather have had Kerry who could not keep his answers straight. What happen to the day when no matter what, we supported our president. or do we have to have more days like pearl harbor or sept 11th to make us understand how we have to stop these people from hurting us.
Further more, I would like to see the people that have cut down our president or any president for that matter to be him for a day. You couldn't do it. If you people are so unhappy and "know better", then why don't you run for president.
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@TurnkeySetup (119)
• United States
25 Jan 07
So according to your post we Americans are supposed to be superior to others ?
" Democrats want to cut and run home with their tail between their legs "
Fact is we have no business being in iraq and our government that claims to be a world power cant even handle the issues we have here in our own country.
We are no better than anyone else and we certainly dont have the right to tell someone else how they should live or how their government should be. Look at Russia, gee we did the same thing and now Russia has suffered because our government said it would be better if they ran their country the way Americans run our country.
I think our government should be looking at their own front door and cleaning their own kitchen before trying to clean someone elses.
We have some major problems in this country and the freedom, justice, liberty that we do NOT have is only the tip of the iceberg.
A leader Bush is not and if he is so bent on over changing another country maybe he should go fight his own war instead of hiding behind tens of thousands of military units.
@simplechic (200)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Well said!!!! I'm giving you a standing ovation right now!!! At least there are some that still think logically.
@TurnkeySetup (119)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Thank you.. Well someone has to say it and I got to tell ya, I sure did not vote Bush in office.
@4paidmail (8)
• United States
25 Jan 07
He did a good job. His speach writer did a great job.
But, I fear too many Americans have their heads too far down in the sand to hear the message.
I look back in history, and America is no where near the land of strong backs we use to be...
And thats not even taking our politicians into account! Talk about sand in the ears! Can't understand half the issues they are suppose to be addressing for us!
Anyone read the Ashes series out there??? WE NEED BEN!
@Idlewild (6090)
• United States
26 Jan 07
"Meanwhile, the Democrats want to cut and run home with their tail between their legs. The United States has never done that"
C'mon now, you're old enough to remember Vietnam... Army helicopters evacuating civilians on the roof of the embassy before the Vietnamese masses stormed in...
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@djbtol (5493)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Why does cut and run in VietNam become an acceptable standard for the U.S. Our soldiers have been trained to when, and you want to tell them tha Democratic politics is reasons enough for them to lose. That is crazy. The Democrats were more than willing to send the troops to Iraq, and as soon as it does not fit their poltical agenda, they arre willing to cut off the funding. That is sick, and certainly not American.
@bobilongo (264)
• Austria
24 Jan 07
well Bush may say what what everthing he wish to say the truth is that the war in Irag is no longer a CAKE war,I think American people spoke out their mind during the midterm election which is very clear,Americans are tired of speeches and the speech will not help in anyway in solving the situation in Irag.troops are being killed everyday this men and women are not beans they are human like you and I,no where in histotry has war been a solution to problems.thank god the Democrate have taken both house and I know they will fix things
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
26 Jan 07
The Democrats are fully invested in the U.S. quitting and/or losing the war. That is the extent of their love for America. They won the election by stirring up hatred for President Bush, and that is all. There was no platform, no intelligent discussion and certainly no mandate from the people. The American public is obviously not able to sort through all the lies and find the truth.
The only thing the Democrats know now is that if Bush succeeds, their quest for power is over.
Thanks for yor response.
@HenryChen (28)
• China
25 Jan 07
Present Bush is the No.1 prisoner due to the Iraq policy. Does anyone agree with me?
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@YummyLingo (179)
• India
25 Jan 07
how can you not have yor eyebrows raised at bush for now and evermore.
a strong leader??
i don't believe that.
actually i don't think i should respond to this discussion because i feel t strongly about this, and might not stop before i slice the discussion.
so, i'll just say that i cannot agree with bush. also, yes, he has a very good script writer with him.
it is impossible for him to come up with what he came up with.
and it's too bad too's so late.
just for the record. i want him hung.
yea, im going to stop now.
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@lamecrusher (66)
• United States
24 Jan 07
The war on Iraq has already prooved that he is a 1st class fool . Obviously he is coming with some mind blowing speeches to get rid of the bad image or to do well in the coming election .