At Home Teaching or Preschool
By blogyourself
@blogyourself (1577)
United States
January 24, 2007 3:00pm CST
I often hear about parents in a debate on whether or not they should send their child to daycare. In my opinion, daycare and preschool is great because kids learn so many skills such as standing in line, sitting in their chair, and socializing with other children. All things they need for kindergarten. Not right for everyone then. I think staying at home is fine too. IF the parent is teaching the child things. What works best for you? How do you teach your child at home?
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64 responses
@mama_of_two (268)
• United States
25 Jan 07
For me, I have decided that I would homeschool my baby that I just had once she is there. My oldest daughter went to preschool and off to regular school, and this was better for her.
I believe that homeschooling does depend on your child and how she (or he) responds to learning at home. I also believe that there is nothing wrong with it as long as they are able to interact with other children as well.
@suman76 (648)
• India
25 Jan 07
You are right. Child also need some kind of circle and of their own age. We can teach our child ar home but there are lot of things which child learn with their friends of their age. The way the teach teach them is totally in a professional way that we can do. Childs also listen to outside people. Infact they also follow the things told by their teachers or friend which they can only get when people send their children to good play school where the gentry is good.
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@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Well, every parent is essentially going to do what is best for their child, but I am an advocate for Pre-K school because it gives the kids a head start on the responsibilities they need to have for school...just like you said. Kids need to know how to stand in line, stay seated when you are supposed to stay seated, and share with other kids. I'm sorry, but they just won't learn how to share their toys if they stay at home with their mom or dad and have NO interaction with other kids. I have a 10 month old niece and my bro and SIL are already saving to send her to Pre-K 3, 3 year old kindergarten, at the school that my brother and I graduated from. It is a small private school that has Pre-K 3-12th grade on the same campus. It's a very good program and kids who participate in the Pre-K classes definitely have a head start when they get to kindergarten!
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
25 Jan 07
Well my baby is just learing to talk now so i am in that process of teaching her speac right now!! My oldest however has always been highly intelligent and went straight into Kindergarden with nothing previou besides my teachings. She graduated Kindergarden last year and is now in grade 1!! Her teacher tells me that for being one of her youngest students that she is one of her strongest students. Her marks are all A's and B's and she is doing great!!
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@nhingneng (131)
• Philippines
25 Jan 07
i think they will learn in both places in different aspects. at school they will learn academic subjects and socializing with their schoolmates while at home they will learn good moral values because i believe this should be taught by the parents by being the role model.
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@hendria (69)
• South Africa
25 Jan 07
It is always good for a parent to have your child at home for as long as possible, but I have experienced with my daugther when she started school, it was not easy, although she was academically high, socially she was not developed and I had to keep her back a year. I found the tweenie book range to be excellent, the sticker books and music and rhymes.
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@nishdan01 (3051)
• Singapore
25 Jan 07
My son is 10 months old.I have never left hime to any daycare.I look after him myself.I teach hime things by showing things at home,playing things as building blocks and pockoo--bee with him.He also obeserves what I do and tries doing the same.He explores the house too.Evening,I would take hime to play area and make him play.HE interacts with kids there.Now he has developed a routine of all these.He like songs too.He carefully listens songs.Apart from all these only sleep and eating.This is how I bring up.I do not feel the necessity of preschool as that can become the cause of infection at young age.Also neither me nor my husband has gone to preschool.So i would like to bring my child this way.
Also this helps me to avoid spending money unnecessary and teach rules and values of house at a young age.
@Mommamea (1215)
• United States
25 Jan 07
It is amazing what is needed to start kindergarten these days. Kids used to go to learn the abc's,counting and coloring. The requirements us to be the child needed to know how to tie thier shoes, button their coat as well as go to the bathroom without help. Now they must already know these things. They are starting to use computers,math,reading and such. I think it is very valuable for kids to be in some sort of day care or social group to help the child adapt in school. I think the child needs to know how to learn more than anything. My son who used to look forward to school has come to hate it. He is smart but doesn't always use his head. He has to be in a total learning mode in school. That is boring to him and causes him problems. School is not about finding out what the kids know but forcing them to learn what is going to be on a test at the end of the year. The best way to teach your child is to find out what the school expects and start teaching the child now so he/she is prepared in the beginning.
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@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
24 Jan 07
I think whether or not a child should attend day care, kindergarten or play groups, is more dependent on the environment in which they live, than on other factors.
I see the biggest advantage of these facilities is that the child learns social interaction and behaviour. I have worked in a club situation with children and teens for about 40 years. In the younger ages, it is easy to stand back and pick out the children who haven't attended play groups etc. It is just as easy, in the older ones, to pick out those who are home schooled. These children are misfits in the social arena. They have no idea of relating with others of their own age or of social behaviour. In fact, some are actually anti-social.
Of course there are exceptions. I am not against home-schooling. I do know of children who are home schooled and very well adjusted, but these come from an environment where they have mixed with others in their own age group.
If a family lives in an area with many other children, who play together, or in a family that often meets with other families, the social education can be found there. If this is not the case, then a day care, play group or kindergarten is the solution.
The decision is up to the parents, and it is their right to determine their action, but the decision should take into account the social development as well as the academic.
Good discussion. Thanks.
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@shedii (1486)
• India
25 Jan 07
I think sending children to school is better than teaching them at home. This is because that is the age when children learn to interact & if they go to school, they can make friends of their age & learn interacting more quickly. Also, they learn all kind of things more quickly with same age children by seeing each other.
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I personally put my son in preschool due to working...I say to each his or her own. I felt preschool was the best for my child, to interact with other kids, being he was the only child and get into a routine, also he gets his education.
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@candygurl24 (1880)
• Canada
25 Jan 07
My youngest daughter just had her first meeting about preschool today. She is so excited and can't wait for her first real day. She is already saying that she loves her teacher, which is great.
As for which I prefer, I really do think preschool is more beneficial to them. Like you said, they socialize with other children, which allows them to open up and grow.
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@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
24 Jan 07
I teach my children all their basics at home such as there numbers , colors , the alphabet all the early stuff . I send my children to play school . It doesn't teach anything , it is just a place for your child to learn to socialize with other children . I agree with it for some children and not for others . One of my daughters went when she was three but when it came time for my son to go , he was so shy that the thought of being out on his own was to much for him . Other people thought I was wrong not to make him go , but I knew it wasn't for him . The whole point is for fun not to terrify the child . Now my three year old goes and she loves it . They go one day a week for three hours at three for 10 weeks twice a year . And when they turn four they can go the same or they can go twice a week for ten weeks .
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@clod0327 (817)
• Philippines
25 Jan 07
I have a 1 year old daugther and she started her play class when she was just 7 months old. I think play class/ pre school is still important beacuse it teach children a lot of things at an early age. Like my daugther, her socilaization skills had improved, she knows how to follow instructions, her vocabulary increases, and other positive benefits. So I would still go for pre-school than home teaching.
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@mom2chriskel (1060)
• United States
24 Jan 07
Preschool works for us. My daughter started preschool 2 days a week when she was 3 1/2. She LOVES it. My son started 3 days a week when he was 4 until he was 6 and went to kindergarten. For us it is great. My son was writing when he was 4 and he is slightly ahead of the kids in kindergarten and reads now :D My son had special needs that I couldn't help him with and the preschool did wonders. Kelsey just wants to go to school because her brother is at
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@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
24 Jan 07
It depends on the parents, the child, and the situation. Both my husband and I worked so keeping our son at home was not an option. BUT we did keep him in a private home daycare until he was 4. This is a lot more secure and loving than an impersonal daycare and he learned to interact with other children. When he was 4 though, we did send him to preschool to make sure he would know everything he needed for Kindergarten. When I was young, you didn't need to know anything but your name to go to Kindergarten but now they have a list of things the child needs to know in order to go to school.
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I kind of did a combo. I was fortunate enough to work part time when my children were preschool age. On days that I worked, they attended pre-school and on days that I was home, they stayed with me. I had to pay for fulltime since I was using a preschool slot, but that was okay by me. I wanted my children with me when I had the chance! But, as you say, they got the benefit of being with other children and learning how to share, wait their turn, and all of those good things! Even if I had been a full time stay-at-home mom, I would have utilized pre-school on a part-time basis. When they were home with me, we baked cookies, told stories, visited the library, took walks, did crafts, and all sorts of other things. Boy, I miss those days. Thanks for a trip down memory lane!
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@dmillman (2273)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I feel that both have ups and downs. The best way to go about it is to make a list for each - pros and cons for both, that is. Then find a way to balance them out. For instance, the complaint that I heard the most about children being homeschooled is their lack of interaction with others, so their social skills aren't that great. So I always tell them that they could still interact with the others at afterschools activities, such as girl/boy scouts, sports, church groups, etc.
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@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
24 Jan 07
My son went to a 2 day a week preschool when he was 3 and now that he is 4--almost 5--he is going to a 5 day a week 8 hr a day prek at the elementary school. My daughter is almost 3 and stays home with me. She will go to the 2 day a week preschool at the church this next year. i think it's a good thing for them to get out and learn to be around others and to learn from others as well. I do teach my kids at home a lot, too. We write our names and count and put together puzzles, etc. But,I think school is a good thing. Now, we are moving to Florida this summer and I am really scared about putting my kids in a school where I am not familiar...I have thought about homeschooling, but I have to MAKE myself really homeschool if I do that. I don't know, but for now...preschool is the route for me. My kids learn better from other people. LOL
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