Have you read Koran, the Islam Holy Book ?
By hariharbhat
@hariharbhat (1312)
January 25, 2007 1:52am CST
The world is going towards the world war. It is time to study the different holy books and to know what is told in those pages and realise what is to be done for the welfare of the human kind.
Have you read anytime the Koran, holy book of Islam ?
Try to understand, what is told in it.
the koran
Here are the top sites for the koran!
The Koran
Browse the Koran: Select individual chapters. About the Koran. This is ...
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51 responses
@salma1189 (33)
• India
25 Jan 07
i am a muslim and i read the quran,the holy book.it is the only book which answers all our questions about life and how to live life.
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@yanjiaren (9031)
25 Jan 07
it is vital i think for muslims and non musims alike to read these holy Scriptures..
also what would be useful..in 8understanding the Quran better is to read what in islam are termed ahadeeth..
sayings of the Prophet Muhammad p.bu.h..
oh and if you are wondering what these initials means..ir means peace and blessings be upon hom..to denote respect..even for Jesus and Mary etc..a.s is used..peace on them..did you giuys know that there is a whole chapter on the Virgin Mary?
now that is a read in itself..tuck in ..learn and enjoy..
reading Holy Books should bring great pleasure to your heart..it's not a battle ground or a competition on who knows hat more..a pure learning experience of sharing, caring and understanding..i am reading the tao te ching..and i find..though it is quite abstract great wisdom akin to what i have read in the Quran..if you can just take one good piece from it and follow it..it is like walking into space a thousand steps in one go..this is the power of God given to mankind..oops i am rattling on..
@desiplaya2563 (76)
• Canada
26 Jan 07
I would say that it is a good thing that people have an open mind about learning about other religions. I would like to draw your attention towards the fact that Hinduism and Islam are very similar in some ways.
The URL: http://youtube.com/watch?v=FdBC6J9C_fU
That is a lecture by Dr. Zakir Naik who discusses the similarities between Islam and Hinduism. I hope you like it and maybe learn something new. I have provided just the first part of this 11 series video, so please help yourself and watch the other videos.
Thanks and have a good day.
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@destroyer (784)
• Pakistan
25 Jan 07
By the Grace of Allah Almighty i was privilleged to have been born in a Muslim family who adheres to Quran and Sunnah!
My friend hariharbhat you are making a slight mistake in suggesting to read the Quran directly without any guidence! like someone in this discussion already said it would be like finding a needle in a haystack!
Here's what Hazrat Ali (AS) the cousin and son in law of the Holy prophet (PBUH) said, i hope it will make things clear:
"I complain to Allah about people who live in ignorance and die misguided. For them nothing is more worthless than Quran if it is recited as it is to be recited; nor anything more valuable than Quran if its verses are removed from their places"
Do you understand now!
@pmgsan (149)
• India
30 Jan 07
Very clearly with quote you have explianed thatthe Holy book
has to be read with guidence only. Yes you are correct obsolutely. I am of the opinion that all the Holy books are to be read with proper guidence,if not there are lotof chances
to get misinterpretted.You always need a guru to teach these things. It is not a simple history book you just start reading
and connecting the instances.In this issue lotof careis needed
to fully understand the true sayings or otherwise you will be
imaginig the wrong way only. Thanks for putting in correct sense how it is to be done....
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@anex84 (465)
• Bulgaria
27 Jan 07
I have read the Koran to see for myself what it teaches, and I find the bible much more violent. it does say the disbelievers are wrong but note it says Allah will punish them, NOT humans. Indeed quite a few times it says leave people of other faiths alone.
Each passage begins with Allah the Benificent and Merciful-Forgiveness is a major theme, as is kindness, and helping the needy.
I read the bible at school and was horrified by all the bloodshed, murder and violence. The Koran is nothing like that. Mohammed was a pacifist. It's just been twisted.
And I am not a muslim! I'm catholic oroginally.
@urbandekay (18278)
30 Jan 07
Annex84 can you cite me one verse from the Gospels that when read in context advocates violence? I can cite you some from the Qur'an. Jesus speaks with the authority of God and therefore his teachings supersede and take precedence over both earlier and later texts.
all the best urban
@kumbarn14 (735)
• Pakistan
17 Aug 07
I am a Muslim and my Religion is the holy Islam. Anybody will be blessed to read the Holy Quran. From the start to end the message is do good and takecare of everything Almighty has blessed for the human. Let it be the sky,sun,moon,earth,sea, rivers, plants, flowers, birds,animals,insects and everything around you.
How your life should be organized from a kid to a grown up. Family parents sisters and brothers. Quran clearly states the designation of each family member and their duties and respect for the family.Islam dont force people to do things though there are a Principles of Islam. Islam does not punish if a Muslim does not know to read the Quran or pray 5 times a day, but being a Muslim you feel bad if you do not know to read the Quran or pray 5 times a day. Sometime one feel so guilty you ask forgiveness from Allah and ask his help to achieve this goal. You have to build your own faith, but if you love Islam Allah will help. Thats why he says in the Quran the best friend one can have is his Prophets and Allah himself. It is amazing when you are close to Allah how he helps when you have a problem. I alway turn to Allah with my problems and he always help me, thats my faith. So much so even when I feel sick I only ask my Allah's help. When my husband had a heart operation, then both his thighs were cut opened because there was pus, the only prayer was to Allah to help my husband to bear the pain and recover. Today his blessings in the hands of the doctors he is back on his feet and he is working as a Project Manager for a large organisation. Its all my Allah. The Quran states your position as a human being and what you should do to lead a happy life with everyone around.
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@hariharbhat (1312)
• India
18 Aug 07
Yes,I feel like praying for the welfare of you and your family,my friend.The world would have been peaceful and worth to live, if the people are like you.
I have marked your response as the BEST.
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@prasad1961 (5597)
• India
25 Jan 07
Islam is a word, which denotes not a particular religion but a state of mind, the state of total surrender to the Will of God. Islam means dedication, surrender, peace, tranquility. Islam denotes the social community whose members have achieved supreme peace through surrender to the All Merciful, All Powerful God and who have vowed to live in peace with their fellowmen. Islam directed attention to the One in Many, the Unity in Diversity and led people to the Reality named God.
Islam gives importance to the moon, which regulates the months. The Quran lays down that all men should cultivate the sense of unity, of interdependence, of selfless love and of immanence of Divinity. Islam prescribes food for the spiritual nature of man and directs that it be taken five times a day as prayer. Prayer in Islam is also a congregational activity. Islam promises a greater flow of ecstasy when God is adored by a huge concourse of yearning hearts. Islam teaches that God's grace can be won through justice and righteous living; wealth, scholarship and power cannot earn it.
@Bbilal (1998)
26 Jan 07
Obviously yes! As I am a muslim I regularly recide Quran ( the holy book of ALLAH) You are quite right, We have to work out for the loylaity and kindness of the world, apart from this, I am a muslim and I dont even know the meaning of whole Holy Quran, I recommend all of you to read Holy Quran and just think by your own soul that is this book right? Is ALLAH saying truth and you all will get to know yes He is right and doing well for his fellow humans:)
@mohammed4444 (363)
• Egypt
27 Jan 07
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@mshajeer (94)
• India
26 Jan 07
i have read the holy book of muslims koran and within my experience iam sur ethat it is a good guidance for the whole humanity towards light, anyway noewadays this holy book is highly mistaken and my opinion is that is mainly because of hose persons who has mistaken the islamic principles.
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@sameer2cute (584)
• India
26 Jan 07
Yes I am a muslim and i have read quran the holy book of islam, and whatever is written in it is true and will happen in this world. Its written all the signs of Qayamat in quran sharif, when that things start then its time for qayamat and the world will be finished and each and every word of quran will be vanished when qayamat comes and its truth, i believe in Islam and will always inshallah.
@pioneergladiator1 (1088)
• Pakistan
25 Jan 07
Plz use the correct spellings!
It is Quran
and Alhamdolilah i read it coz i am a Muslim
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@gigarange (1165)
• United States
25 Jan 07
I have not and would love to read Holy Koran. Problem is I cannot read it because I am not a muslim and would not understand the language.
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@myl2006 (84)
• Malaysia
25 Jan 07
In al Qur'an, it told everything, about human, economy, health, way of life, finance and everything related to human life. It differentiate between good and bad. But it did not show how you have to make culcalation, spelling or similar, it guide you with a basic knowledge. To understand more you must read hadith, it tell more about what is Al Qur'an says. Everything written in other holy book have been included in Al Qur'an, that why it call the last holy book from god.
@inflamation (866)
• Pakistan
25 Jan 07
First of all the your spelling wrong. Its quran, not koran. Ok buddy and yes I have read this holy book because I am muslim and believe in the religion of Islam and I have read this book and there is writeen about everything related to mankind and even for the judgement day in this book in very much detalied manner.
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@khaleel_ah (216)
• India
25 Jan 07
yes i read quran every day , its our holy book . in our religion islam , this book is there to everybody to follows this books principles and rules. we all muslims follows the rules and believe it.
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