Do you think kids love and respect their parents these days????
By Stephannie
@stephcjh (38473)
United States
January 25, 2007 6:38am CST
Hi. I have a 14 year old daughter and she talks to me most of the time like a dog. She does tell me she loves me but as soon as she dont get her way about something, she says she hates me. She has got to do more in her young lifetime than I have ever got to do in my whole 30 some odd years. Even when she is around her friends, they are very disrespectful also. I ask her sometimes why she treats me the way she does when I love her to death and want everything in the world for her. I told her if she treats me right, I would do anything for her. At that time, it is like we are best friends and then the very next day she gets out of bed, she starts again. My husband used to laugh because he said we argue like sisters. Well as she grew up into a young adult, he soon sees that it is no longer funny. He gets on her also when she is here and tells her to give us respect. My question is: why do we have to ask our children for respect. We are their parents and do eveything in our power to see they get what they need and want. I think respect should be a given without asking for it. what do you all think?
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152 responses
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Hello. In this day and age, I think you can possibly be friends with you child, especially when they become teenagers and need another woman to talk to her about puberty and the ways of a womans nature. But when that happens, we are not only their friend, we are still their mother. I think some kids can love their parents as a friend but they also need to realize, it is not a "friend" so to speak. It is their parent and they need to respect them as a child would do. Very hard to explain.
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@hopeandgrace427 (173)
• United States
25 Jan 07
You have to be a parent first in order to get your kids respect. And that starts from day one. If you want her to respect you, you have to respect her by not fighting with her like you guys are sisters. You are the adult and you need to teach her by example by not yelling back. After you get the respect, then you can add the friendship part. I have 3 kids, 2 are girls, and from the moment my daughter has started to talk back at me, she was punished. She is only 8, but she knows that I just won't listen to her until she talks nice and stops the yelling. She is also punished and then we talk about it together with respect. Do not try to be her friend. Be her mom. She already has friends that tell her everything she wants to her. She needs someone to tell her what she needs to hear, even when she won't like it.
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@pirtlems (245)
• United States
25 Jan 07
no they do not respect their parents or for that matter anyone. i think a lot of it is the lack of being taught respect at home .and for those thar taught it at home but still do not use it i think they would fell that they would be left out of their circle of friends if they did
as far as loving their parents , i think they just do
not know how to express themselves. a lot of them may feel that it is uncool to tell their parents that they love them.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
25 Jan 07
I dont even think they respect themselves. I teach my child respect at home but hse refuses to adhere to it. My daughter does tell me she loves me and I truly want to believe her, but is very hard sometimes with the way she treats me day in and day out. She tells me she does not know whay she does it. Sometimes I believe she really doesnt know but I do believe she knows how she can stop doingit, because there is no excuse for it really.
@yanjiaren (9031)
25 Jan 07
unfortunately with programs like the simpsons and so much crap being churned out by the corporate media..repspect is not one thing that's a high priority on the list of teaching material..
love without respect is not complete..
we need to show our kids respect and each other..this is the only way we have hope in turning things around..
alot of the time the disresoect is a sign that these kids need attention in some way..
like they say here..location, location, location..
i would say..
communication, communication, communication..
i notice with my sone and nieces..when i show an interest in their projects and likes and dislikes..i get a lot of positive feedback and good communication from them..
trying also to put rules and discipline is not easy..
but that is also a must...and the time out room..which i call..the thinking room..they go in there to reflect on a quite well..not always..but it helps..
good nutrition..especially as teenagers..they lack a lot of minerals..girls especialy iron..get your daughter on some good multi vitamin mineral..that will help her..i recfommend solgar..they are veggie based..
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
25 Jan 07
I agree. I teach my daughter respect and she bypasses it. i think some children get peer pressure and they think it is cool to talk down to their parents. I hope they soon realize as the mature into young adults, they will change for the sake of their own children and for all of us who are older than they are.
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Your right I think kids today dont respect their parents. Im not saying all of them because their all alot that do. It sounds like she is lacking something from you. And I dont know what that could be only you would know. I suggest you have a talk with her and try to figure it out. Your missing something in her life. I would not try to be her friend. Best of luck to you and your daughter.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Hi. Im not sure what if anything she is missing from me. I do know she has a father that hasnt been in her life but maybe 4 times since she was born. We tried for him to have visitation with her but he refuses. He left me when he knew I was pregnant. I do alot for and with her. I took her skating last sunday and that didnt help. I even skated too and she took a friend. As soon as we left when the session was over, she started on me again, so I have no clue.
@rice5899 (193)
• United States
25 Jan 07
That is hard to say, you are talking about a teenager, and I know that when I was a teenager, I was a bit of a handful at times with my parents. They are at that age where they just think about themselves and dont care about anyone else.
when she gets older she will realize what a great life she has had.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Im so glad for your response and honesty. I do believe and we tell her also, that she will look backon things when she grows up and see that she had alot of good things happen for her that I never had or got to do. Of course she is a teenager and she dont want to hear us say that. She stays bored 24/7 no matter what we let her do. she makes plans while she is away withthe first plan she started LOL. My husband and I tell her all the time to just do the right things, give us some respect and they sky is the limit for her, but she doesnt seem to care. she just wants more for doing nothing.
@spiritwolf52 (2300)
25 Jan 07
I think a lot of the kids today, don't even respect or love themselves, much less their parents. Respect needs to be earned. Do you respect your kids? Raise kids with moral values, respect and love and discipline of course. I didn't respect my mother when I was a kid. Every night she would leave us alone and go out to a bar and drink herself into a tizzy. Respect has to be earned.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Hi, yes I respect my daughter very much. I never had any respect from my parents when I was growing up and I know how it feels. I raise her the best I can with moral values. she adheres to some and some not. i agree that respect has to be earned and I think I deserve more than what I get.
@simplysue (631)
• United States
25 Jan 07
I know my children love and respect me. I am the Mom that gets kissed goodbye and hello in front of friends and in public. I am the Mom who is thanked for things given and things done for my sons, even if it's just granting permission for my eldest (16 going on 17) to do something or go somewhere.
Please don't take what I'm about to say as me being harsh.I don't mean to be but without being honest and coming straight to the point I won't be able to answer in a helpful way.
I am also the Mom who is considered to be too hard on my kids by other parents and kids. These parents and kids don't have the relationship that I have with mine because they feel it's necessary to be a "cool" parent. Being a "cool" parent is easy but it comes at a very high cost. What is the price? Respect.
My kids earn things through chores. Their kids are handed everything simply because they exist.
My kids have to ask for and get permission before they get to go anywhere or do anything with their friends. Their kids tell them what they are doing and where they are going if they're lucky, otherwise they call me to see where my son is and if their child is with him.
Giving our children everything they want and allowing them unlimited freedom is not what our children need. They need discipline and consequences when they step out of line.
I guess the bottom line is if you want your child to love and respect you, you have to do the very difficult job of being a parent and telling them "No." and enforsing it. Don't worry about your daughter saying she hates you. She is only trying to manipulate you to get her way.
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@simplysue (631)
• United States
26 Jan 07
I wish I had a magic wand for you to go back in time. Maybe there are changes you could make now to improve your relationship with them?
@cwgrlsarefun (1581)
• United States
25 Jan 07
I agree respect should be given but I do not think that we as parents should have to ask for it. I honestly think that it should just be done out of respect because we are their parents. I also have this problem with my 16 year old son. We still show affection for one another but he will talk down to me or just not listen to me at all. Unless of course he is wanting something. He tends to do things just the opposite of what I expect out of him. I have always taught him to respect people and still do. I think that this is something that some teens will just go through. I also think that once they are grown they will be different and more than likely feel guilty for the way that they treated their parents in their rough times. I often think back to when I was a teen and have to remember that their hormones are working overtime and it makes things harder for them. I am not making excuses, I am just trying to look at it logically. The teen years are harder on some kids then others to. I try to talk with my son as much as possible about the things that he does that upsets me but I try to only discuss these things when we are having a good day. I can only hope that one day the light bulb will come on and he will then understand what I have been saying to him. I feel your pain in this situation and want for you to know that you are not alone.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
25 Jan 07
I agree. I think it all stems just from the way things are today and these children will not know where we are coming from till they grow older and get to look back on it. Im also hoping I am raising her right. I think eventually she just might see that everything in our lives is to be respected and appreciated. Once something is gone, it is very hard to get it back. She may soon realize when she gets out of school and grows into a young adult.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Damn, right they should just give it. children have no fear like they did when we were young. we feared what would happen if we did something. now they get sent to their rooms with tv, cable, games, computers and crap. parents are scared to spank, or knock some sense into their children. they want to be their friend. please, that never ever works. you want to demand your respect. take everything out of room but the bed and something to put her clothes in. no cell phones and all of that extra. when you say something you have to mean or else they will walk all over you.
you can ask my son right now, my motto is i don't care how big you get, i will still kick your A$$.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
25 Jan 07
"my motto is i don't care how big you get, i will still kick your A$$. "
LOL yep me too!! and they know I mean business as well! HOWEVER i have to say that being a friend does work BUT you have to have balance between being the friend and being the cant IMO be the friend all the time cuase then it will blow up in your face
@ladymoonstone143 (1507)
• United States
25 Jan 07
First and foremost, we have to be parents then friends. Our kids should know who is who in the household. It is not yet late to correct that especially she is still young. Don't wait for the time when she will be much older and declare her independence. Start with strict rules and explain to her it is for her own good. Tell her what will she feel if her own daughter will treat her that way. Karma still exist you know. Goodluck with that and just be firm with her. If she knows you mean business then hopefully she will get the idea.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Oh she knows who wears the pants in this family LOL, but she still will try her best to rule the roost around here. We try to not be too hard on her, but she knows when I say something, I mean business. she used to try and try to persuade me otherwise. Sometimes I gave into her only to have her disrespecting again. that got old real quick.
@ScrappinHappyMom (914)
• United States
26 Jan 07
You should really read that Dr. Phil book Family Matters. I was having a terrible time with my teenage son, then on a hope and a prayer I read his book. The biggest thing I learned is how we teach our children how to treat us. When I stopped acting like his friend and started acting like his mother things got really bad for a month or so and then all the sudden he just started to treat me with the respect I deserve. I do believe that the biggest difference between us now is that I am no longer his friend I am his mother.
@hariprasad134 (130)
• India
25 Jan 07
after kid reaching 15 years they not respect the parents and for ur kind question i want u to remember that the kids learns what ever it would threw parents and if he seen any time u un respecting any one, then he will do the same thing to u, i say better to all of u that dont misbehave in front of the kids
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
25 Jan 07
My child hasnt had respect since the day she was old enough to start learning it. It is like she is just rebellious for some odd reason. I am greatful to know other kids respect their parents. Maybe she is hanging with the wrong group at school or something. We have tried to get her going on the right path with a different group but she seems to want to go back to the semae ones who are a bad influence, I think.

@mrsartemisfowl (55)
• Philippines
25 Jan 07
I'm not sure if all kids still love their parents nowadays, but me, I do love my parents. I try my best not to disappoint them. If I think I'm right in an argument, I try not to answer back not because I don't speak my mind but because I do not want any confrontation that can cause heartache. I'm also in college far away from my parents. But I still make sure that I don't disappoint them in anyway because I owe it to them.
I think respect is a two-way relationship. Parents respect their children and children respect their parents.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Hi. My daughter doesnt respect me no matter what I do. Im juts hoping someday she will mature and realize that she was the taught the right ways and she will follow the guidance we gave her along the way.
@garetamor (55)
• Philippines
25 Jan 07
oh my..i have a 2 yr old son and i wouldnt want him to treat me like that when he becomes a teenager. i guess kids these days are more aggresive, independent plus the environment is harsher now. environment and friends are a great big factor in a teenager's attitude towards life, parents, school. i hope your child is just going through a phase, so you might try giving her some space for awhile and then have a small talk with her about anything under the sun. let her feel that you are her friend and not the enemy.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
25 Jan 07
hi. Good luck and best wishes with your son. My daughter seems to hang with the wrong crowds all the time. She is rebellious and I truly dont know exactly why. If I say it is black, she swears that it is white and it is her way or no way. I have given her so many opportunities that I never had and she respects none of them. Every time I give her an inch she will take 1 million miles and get into trouble. She respects nothing I do for her. I talk to her all the time about getting a job later and getting ready for college, getting a car and her license. I tell her she can have money to get her hair done, nails done etc. she could care less. She thinks she will get everything in life on a silver platter without having to do a thing for it. Boy will she be surprised. times surely have changed from when we were growing up and I am trying to prepare her for it. She just doesnt want to listen right now. Im not a real real strict parent as that will only make her worse. But I do give her plenty of space and I do lay the law down to her and try to restrict things from her that I know and she knows as well are just plain wrong and will get her no where.
@kingcheeko (405)
• Bermuda
25 Jan 07
ummm, i personaly think its how the child is raised. maybe they were spoiled and want everything and wont stop till they do get everything, maybe they werent spoiled, but one thing is for sure, they'll appreaciate you putting up with them when they get older. and when its time for the parents to go in a retirement home, maybe its not so bad to spoil there kids at the moment. Wat comes around goes
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
25 Jan 07
LOL. Ohhh them rockin years are right around the corner LOL. Well we dont spoil her, but I do give her opportunities that I never had when I was growing up. I didnt get to do alot of things but I still love and respect the way my parents raised me. I try not to be too strict on her but when I give her an inch she takes a mile every time. Then comes home and talks to us disrespectful each time. Lo and behold we do not let her do things, she will turn into a real monster LOL.
@sharon613 (2321)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Yesterday my husband paid back my son the 20 he had given me for gas. I thought it was wrong of him. My son and daughter are working, they live under our roof and money is tight at the moment, by all means they should at least have the common decency to help out. If this ain't showing respect towards parents then I don't know what is.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Yes I agree with you. If an adult child is living under your roof, it is only respectful for them to help out on everything. Whether it comes from helping around the house or financially. Especially since your money is tight. I would expect my child to help out if she becomes an adult of age and old enough to move out on her own but chooses to stay with us. Things arent cheap and them bills dont get paid very easily with alot of people in the household and only a couple of them contributing financially. It takes everyone to get you all through those financially hard times.
@Spid4r (176)
• India
25 Jan 07
It's hard to respect people if you aren't taught how to respect others nor shown respect. The vast majority of parents these days don't want to be parents. They would rather let television, video games, or other things raise their children. They also use chemicals such as Ritalin to temper their naturally curious, energetic children. They also don't feed them properly. They simple are not good role models. Too many parents are more concerned with materialism and keeping up with others of their own age to truly realize and support their children. There are exceptions, but these are far and few between these days.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
25 Jan 07
I agree. we just try to live the simple normal life in my household. I think alot of children are raised in homes where they think they have to have the best of everything that there is out there. that is not the case here. we simply provide a good life for us and our child and just would like a little respect for it.
@mishald (176)
• India
25 Jan 07
love and respect is a two way street. if u love and respect your kids they will love and respect u in return. dont expect 2 treat your kids like dirt and for them to respect u just because u r the parents. Kids now a days have different ways of showing their affections. take the time to understand your kids. just because u give your kids whatever they want does not mean u have earned their respect.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Hello. I dont gibe her whatever she wants for sure. I give her what I feel is necessary and we do compromise on the necessary part. I dont totally decide it on my own. I dont try to buy her respect at all. I simply treat her as I always wanted to be trested as a child growing up, but the problem is, no matter what I do for or with her, she is never satisfied and wants more more more. I do everything I can to talk with her, spend time with her, explain to her, try and understand her, put myself in her shoes, and it doesnt help. She has a mind of her own and she wont let me be a part of her life even as her mother.
@shatman (727)
25 Jan 07
i have the up most respect for my parents and love them for the way the brought me up and have treated me through life, so i thank them for that, however i dont think many teenagers do really, they take advantage of them and treat them badly and with no respect, i men you should have respect for someone that has raised you for your whole life and that has looked after you know matter what.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
25 Jan 07
I agree with you. My parents did raise me to have respect or my bottom would be hurting LOL. It just seems my daughter takes for granted the things we go out of our way for her to enjoy.
@jokerinthepack (116)
• Sweden
25 Jan 07
I respect my parents very much. They have been taking care of me since day one and it's because of them that I actually am alive. Why shouldn't I be grateful and love them? I don't care if life is a disappointment sometimes, my parents still helped me like they did.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Hi. that is very nice of you to say about your parents. You sound like a really good person. I think maybe it is just the day and age and the area we live in and the people my daughter chooses for friends could be some of the problem here.
@WWright3k1h (1)
• United States
25 Jan 07
I believe it has alot to do with the way children are raised. The world is changing in a scarey way. Most families don't keep up with the old fashioned values these days. Some do but unfortunetely even "good" kids will pick up bad habits from their "not so good" friends.
You are not her friend, you're her mother. Most kids these days think they are "entitled" to everything. Not True!! I have 3 young children and am currently instilling old fashioned values in them. We keep like minded company and are members of a very conservative church. It helps to start young because once they become accustomed to the "give me" or "disrespectfull" attitude it's too late.
Don't even get me started on how the new pop culture is encouraging it.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
25 Jan 07
We try to keep up with the old fashioned ways around here but have to allow for the modern ways too. It is really hard for us all to survive in this day and age and get accustomed to this ever growing technology daily. It is all too fast paced and getting worse every day but we do try to stick to our values and i truly understand how hard it can be for people of all age groups.