By CatEyes
@CatEyes (2448)
United States
January 26, 2007 1:34pm CST
What should my son know before he goes to kindergarden in the fall? I have one person telling me he does not know how to read well enough and that he is sooo far behind, but when I went to school you did not even read before the 1st grade. He know how to write his full name, knows all his ABC can count up to 20 easily and some beyond, he does read, but very simple words, he holds his pencil correctly. So I realy do not know what else to do. Can you give me any advice. I don't want to make it un-fun for him, he's just 4 and I want him to be a child not a school zombie.
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45 responses
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
26 Jan 07
I think a kindergartner needs to know colors, shapes, phone number, address, count, and hot to write their name. I know that sounds like a lot of things for them to learn just to go to kindergarten. I remember way back when, all of that stuff was taught to you in kindergarten. to me, it gets me thinking if we teach our child all those things just for them to get into kindergarten, what will they be teaching them?
@ashumit02 (818)
• United States
27 Jan 07
I remember my KG class i very nice time 2 think beyond biases

@brokentia (10389)
• United States
26 Jan 07
Sounds like you are doing a great job at helping him get a head start!
The only other things I would say is that he learns his colors and how to cut with safety scissors. If you start teaching him now how to cut and paste, he will be doing great! But also encourage him to use his imagination and draw a picture to a story you have read him. This will help him to listen to the story and then be creative.
He will have fun. Don't worry. :)
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@CatEyes (2448)
• United States
26 Jan 07
He does that too. He love to cut out shape (I don't even have to draw them and half the time neither does he) He just cuts and then take the stick glue and glues it. He knows that if you mix yellow and blue you get green and he knows all of his primary colors. He just loves to make stories on paper, and then he will put a letter by the charc. to let me know who they are. I just love those stories, and I know that I can't keep them all, but I have thme in a box with his other stuff. He even knows how to take a good picure, better than his daddy.
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
26 Jan 07
Get a chalkboard and start having some 'fun' on it. shapes, letters, numbers etc ar essential in this competitive world today! It can be fun if you let him help you while you cook, counting the cans or jars or noodles and the like. Reading is sounds and that can become a game too. You have to really begin to do this since the time will be here for him to go to school, which again is something that can be made exciting. Good luck with this, your child will be better for it.
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@crystal8577 (1466)
• United States
27 Jan 07
I suggest try talking to a parent who has a kid in Kindergarten or 1st grade. They should be able to tell you what therir child is learning or has learned. I think the school should be able to let you know what thye look for too. Most schools want the child to know their address & phone number.
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@katisaurus (1038)
• Canada
27 Jan 07
I agree with some, you're doing a great job at getting him started.. One thing I'd make sure he understands are his colours and shapes. You do a lot of work with shapes in Kindergarten. He's not behind on anything. :) He shouldn't have a problem in kindergarten. They teach you all you need to know for grade 1.
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@UmmBinyamin (419)
• United States
27 Jan 07
He should atlease know all his alphabet and his numbers up to 50 or how to read like little small words like cat and dog and make him lil flash cards and stuff
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@beutfulmama6701 (1718)
• United States
27 Jan 07
well i think that that is a little much for a 5 year old sure it would be great to count to 50 at that age, but when my daughtetr went into kindegartedn she could only count as high as 15 and the only words she knew how to spell were mom dad and her own name. shes one of the brightest kids in her class
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@wsue1023 (1395)
• United States
27 Jan 07
It probably depends on your school district. If he's been in preschool, he should be fine. If not, you could call the school now and ask them this question directly. Then you'd have enough time to prepare him for the fall.
My son is 5 and we're homeschooling. I can tell you that in kindergarten they start them reading early readers, but I really doubt they expect them to know how to read when they start. I think he should probably know all his letters, upper case and lower and know what sounds they make. Work on his ability to write his letters and he should know how to write his name without a cheat sheet. Practice counting with him to 20 and if he does well with that practice counting down from 20 to 1. My son has learned to count to 100, but has to look at a chart to manage it.
If you'd like to work with you son there is a wonderful website with free tutorials that my kids just love. It's the best thing on the web for teaching kids 4-6 the early basics and helps them to learn to read. Check out Learn to read:
Work on letters:
Good luck to you!
@starr4all (2863)
31 Jan 07
That's a good start. My son started kindergarten this year and that's pretty much what he knew. He has in the past couple of weeks started reading books, the teacher introduces it when the child is progressing. I think people put too much pressure on the child before going to school, that it can be detrimental. Relax. Your doing good. Your son will be fine and have fun.
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@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
31 Jan 07
I think you should start teaching him phonics now and try to teach him to start reading at home. Not that he has to have completely mastered the skill before starting kindergarten (I, as well, learned to read in kindergarten), but he at least needs to be introduced to learning to read. Otherwise, he may get in the classroom and be so flabergasted by this thing called reading that he shuts down and blocks out learning.
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@fiarby (105)
• Philippines
27 Jan 07
I think you have a very good son. He already knows the basics so I guess that would be enough for now. Let him discover the other things that he needs to learn in his future school. Once he is already studying you're role now is to make a follow-up study on whatever topics they had in school. Learning is a process, take it easy with him, let him enjoy his everyday activities. Sometimes, children learn things easily because they are already ready for it, pressuring children when they are not emotionally or psychologically ready will just make learning un-fun for them.
@beutfulmama6701 (1718)
• United States
27 Jan 07
i had the same fears this past fall when i sent my princess off to kindergarten, i spent some time over the summer with her teaching her how to write her name and the alapbet and some small addition like 1 apple + 2 apples = how amny apples etc. when she went one of my biggest fears was that she wasnt "mature/smart" enough yet. but they learn all that in kindergarten, shes been in school5 months now and they are now just learning how to write her last name, they pretty much have story time, paint, chracter solve, learn star words like is the and it, dont worry whatever your son knows now is enough, afterall isnt that what school is about teaxching them the basic skills they need for an education, yes parents should help out and we do. dont worry he will be fine!
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@minerc (1373)
• United States
27 Jan 07
As Much as you can teach him, the schools will pick out the things he doesnt know and give him extra on that leaving him behind on the things he does, he will always have to play catch up. It is never a bad Idea to get the Computer games like clue finders, Reading, there are many types of learning games out there for his age and grade,you will be amazed how quick he will learn.
@niharshukla (31)
• India
27 Jan 07
Don't worry ... Your son knows things that he should be knowing at his age .
Don't try to put pressure on him. Learning is a continuous process and leave few things for him to learn in the Kindergarden .. :)
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@apky12 (769)
• United States
31 Jan 07
I really think you should just let him go with what he knows and they will put him in the proper kidnergarten group and go from there. They have different groups and change them as the child progresses. Children are all at different levels when they reach kidnergarten and that's ok.
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@sbeauty (5865)
• United States
27 Jan 07
I'm sure your son isn't too far behind. If he can write his full name using both capitals and lowercase, he's doing well. Work with flashcards giving him both sets of letters out of sequence and make sure he knows them that way. You can make them out of 3x5 cards. The same with the numbers. Also with the numbers, have him pick a card out of sequence and try to match it with an equal number of something -- blocks, m&ms, macaroni, whatever. Children have trouble learning that concept. Read, read, read to him. Give him all kinds of different experiences and information thru reading. Trace the words left to right as you read. Help him find first letters then words on the pages. Talk to him about everything, including the local and national news. You'd be surprised how much he will learn. The more background experience you give him, the easier he will learn to read. When you go somewhere, talk about the things you see. Read the signs along the way. Read the names of products at a store. Let him find out WHY he needs to learn to read. Work on coins. That is a hard concept for the children to grasp. He can learn to identify the different coins and play games -- How many of these does it take to equal this one? If you have any tangram blocks or can get pattern blocks, work with him to create patterns.
If you'd like any more suggestions, message me. You see, I am a Kindergarten teacher, and I have tons of ideas.
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@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
27 Jan 07
Last night I attended a lecture by a well known Canadian author and university professor. She told us it took her until grade 7 to learn how to read. Einstein did not speak until he was 6 years old. I am citing these examples to assure you that each child develops at a different pace. I have a close friend who is a kindergarden teacher. She tells me that some children can read, know their numbers and can write their names when they enter kindergarden. Others know none of this. Do not listen to this person that tells you that your son is so far behind. I think he is doing really really well for his age. The main thing for you is to bolster his self esteem by telling him how well he does, by praising him for each new effort and by reading to him every day of his life. I think you have a very smart child.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Jan 07
People seem to have a lot to say
No he does not have to read to go to Kindergarden
This is a place to prepare him for School and why are People under the Impression that Children today have to be Superkids at School and take their Childhood away from them because they believe they have that they must listen to the Parents and be perfect
Just let him go and do not worry what others have to say
@sameer2cute (584)
• India
27 Jan 07
I think in kindergarden they thaught childrens to know colour and few other things but this is too much that your child has been thaught and i am sure he will be a book worm as he grows up and he will get much load on him.
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@sidneysoad (101)
• United States
27 Jan 07
First of all, Kindergarten has changed! Children learn so much at a very fast rate. My children all knew the following before starting: shapes, numbers to 20, colors, how to write their first name and most letters, how to jump, kick a ball, hold scissors, hold a pencil, etc. I wasn't able to teach them how to tie their shoes before starting Kindergarten, they didn't have the patience. So I purchased velcro shoes and they learned later on in the year.
My children didn't know how to read before entering school (and I read to them all the time), but they learned by the end of the first year! Don't try to rush him, just go over the basics and I'm sure he'll do fine.
The schools in my area do Kindgergarten screenings before school starts so the faculty can see what developmental level each child is at, and what they need to be taught. I would recommend calling your local school board office and inquiring about an early screening for your Son. Then you'll know what you need to work on.
@tndj143 (28)
• United States
27 Jan 07
my son just got his kindergarten report card yesterday. your son is showing skills that he will be at or above grade level when he goes to school in the fall. dont worry about it...
I dont think i learned to read till i was in kindergarten!
Remember he's only 4. If you want to make sure he learns more, just go over things with him everyday and help him practice. Don't be a drill seargent, just be fun! lol
good luck
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