i roll in my bed!!!...:)

January 26, 2007 3:09pm CST
this has been a problem for me from many years..every day i got to bed at 1.00 but end up sleeping at 4.00 i keep rolling,tossing,turning in my bed....counting the sheeps doesnt work...my body clock is all screwed up.. any one with the same problem??
1 response
@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
26 Jan 07
I do have that problem also. I was getting do frustrated because I couldn't get a good nights sleep and it affected me the next day. I finally did some research and came up wiwth some interesting things to help. I wrote an article about those tips which you can read at the following url: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/75358/get_a_good_nights_sleep_with_these.html It takes a little practice but it is well worth it. You really realize just how badly you have been sleeping when you actaully get a good nights sleep. The difference is amazing. Try different things and find what works for you. Good Luck.
• India
26 Jan 07
well the 10 tips that u have pointed r good..and i think they will help in getting some sleep....but the 6th and the 10th tip usually dont work out for me ..instead they usaually keep me more awake ... i try reading book and end up....even late
@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Yea, reading doesn't help me sleep either. I get too caught up in the book usually and end up staying awake later. the one that really sruprised me and works pretty well for me is number 9, rudding your belly. I found that when I did that it really did relax me and allow me to fall asleep easier. Like I said earlier, you need to keep trying new things unitl you find what works for you.