TOP 3 Favorite movies
By becks2007
@becks2007 (10)
January 26, 2007 4:52pm CST
What are your top 3 favorite movies of all time, and why?
Mine are:
1) X-Men Trilogy [great characters and story line, and although I never read the comics as a kid, it did turn me onto superhero Ian McKlellan is brilliant]
2) Little Miss Sunshine [cute movie, great story and plotline about the differences in a family. Steve Carrell is ingenious in this movie and puts on a great performance]
3) City of Angels [let's face it...I'm a girl lol. But I love this movie for NOT having a happy ending and for delving into the choices we make and how sometimes, they don't get us what we want in the end. Life has a funny way of working things out]
So that's my list. Let me know yours!
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129 responses
@raine_eph (78)
• Philippines
27 Jan 07
Well my top 3 movies of all time are:
1. Lord of the rings (trilogy)
2. Harry Potter (Movie series)
3. StarWars ( all of the 2 trilogy)
May be can make is top 10 movies cause there is a lot of great movies out there like 'A beautiful mind', S.List, Superman 1 2 3, Batman 1 2 3 4,
@AnythngArt (3302)
• United States
27 Jan 07
I think that "Gladiator" is a great movie. I am not usually the type for war stories, but the sense of history about this movie is phenomenal! I have never seen a movie set in ancient times that I thought was so believable. I loved the scene of the Huns running in the forest with their long beards and clubs. I think if more kids were exposed to stories like this in school, it would make history come alive for them. When I went to Rome and actually stood in the theatre where they fought the lions, it was awesome!
american beauty
being john malkovich
big fish
bleak house
british period films
chasing amy
city of god
dangerous liaisons
do the right thing
dustin hoffman
edward scissorhands
emma thompson
foreign films
garden state
gwynneth paltrow
happy gilmore
harold and maude
il postino
indie films
jamie foxx
john malkovich
jude law
keira knightly
lost in translation
love actually
maggie gyllenhaal
matt damon
mo better blues
napoleon dynamite
pride and prejudice
queen latifa
ray charles
south africa
spike lee
stranger than fiction
the postman
tim burton
will ferrell
@AnythngArt (3302)
• United States
27 Jan 07
"Chasing Amy" is a great movie that I don't think too many people have seen. Very original. I find that indie films are the best in terms of developing characters that are believable, giving us plots with something to think about, and taking a step away from mainstream fluff. If you like "Chasing Amy," I'll bet you'd like "Garden State"...have you seen that one? It's a great movie with a really good soundtrack, too.
@dutchess67 (917)
• United States
27 Jan 07
my 3 favorite movies... man, that's hard. There are so many great ones out there. I don't know if I could narrow the list that far down.
let's see....
X-Men (the sequels weren't as good as the first one)
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
Love Actually
Pride and Prejudice
Sense and Sensability
Underworld (and Underworld Evolution)
Fantastic Four
Bleak House (2006 BBC edition)
Yeah, see... I didn't think I would be able to narrow it down that far... lol.. sorry!
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@AnythngArt (3302)
• United States
27 Jan 07
You seem to have a split personality with these choices. I like one side of that personality: the British period piece movies. I loved "Pride and Prejudice" with Keira Knightly, who is also great in "Love Actually," which I think has a fantastic opening and closing shot for the movie. I haven't seen "Bleak House," but it sounds right up my alley.
@dutchess67 (917)
• United States
28 Jan 07
It's a great movie. BBC productions made a version in 2006 with Gillian Anderson (of the X-Files) playing the part of Lady Deadlock and Charles Dance as Mr Talkinghorn. I don't know if you know the story, but it's a Charles Dickens novel about a legal battle for an inheritance and the people that area involved. I loved it. It was on Masterpeice Theater on PBS and it took me nearly 6 weeks to watch it on Sunday nights. It's a 485 minute long film and definately not one you want to watch in one sitting, but it's EXCELLENT!
YOu can find it on e-bay on the cheap side. I paid like 40 bucks for it on amazon when it was first released.
Definately watch it if you get the chance!
@ajaykumarmeher (815)
• India
27 Jan 07
Mine are as follows:
1. Dilwale Dulhaniya le jayenge (Hindi)--A classic romantic movie with superb acting of Shah Rukh and Kajol
2. Titanic : Too in Romantic category but the movie gives an insight of the great ship Titanic and superb special effect. All ppl, water and sky that has been shown in Titanic is special effect created with the help of 100 linux based compuyter connected parallely
3. War of the World: Scifi movies are always my favorite
@InspirationStation (188)
• United States
27 Jan 07
I guess that depends on genre, I have such a hard time with this because it's hard to decide on a comedy or a thriller or a horror flick. Thus, here are my top 3 by genre:
1) Caddyshack
2) Happy Gilmore
3) Anchorman or 40 Year-old Virgin (that's a tie!)
Bonus film which I heard is very funny yet have not seen yet: Borat
1) The Shining
2) The Ring
3) Silent Hill
1) Jacob's Ladder
2) 12 Monkeys
3) The Sixth Sense (the first time I saw it!)
All time Classics (this is tough so I'll list my top 5):
1) Harold and Maude - Cat Stevens sound track is awesome
2) Do The Right Thing
3) Blue Velvet - David Lynch at his finest
4) Resevoir Dogs - nuff said
5) Boogie Nights / Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (another tie)
Deeper Purpose Films:
1) An Inconvenient Truth
2) Farenheit 911
3) Super Size Me
And here are a few more which cannot go unnoticed:
1) Waking Life
2) Taxi Driver
3) Airplane
4) American Beauty
5) Fallen
6) Bottle Rocket
7) Arlington Road
8) The Big Lebowski
9) Alien
10) Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood
Sorry I couldn't keep to just three - there are just so many good ones. Let me know what you think when you get a chance.
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@AnythngArt (3302)
• United States
27 Jan 07
I have to agree with your All Time Classic movie choices; you've really got some good ones in there. I think that a lot of young people haven't seen "Harold and Maude" which is a great movie to seek out. Spike Lee has made some great movies, including "Do the Right Thing," but for me I like "Mo Better Blues." Still, you can't go wrong if Spike Lee is directing. You are correct that there are so many great films out there, including "Waking Life" and "American Beauty." I think, however, your choices for comedy could be better. For example, I would pick "Lost in Translation" or "Napoleon Dynamite" over "Happy Gilmore" any day of the week!
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@InspirationStation (188)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Oh, and Caveman - starring Ringo Starr, Dennis Quaid and Shelly Long! Classic!
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@InspirationStation (188)
• United States
5 Feb 07
Fair enough! You're probably right on the Happy Gilmore call. Napoleon Dynamite is awesome! Vote for Pedro! Frikkin sweet! Thanks for the backup on the all-time classics.
@AnythngArt (3302)
• United States
27 Jan 07
"The Postman" (Il Postino) is one of the loveliest movies I have ever seen. This is a heartwarming tale of love in Italy, a famous South American poet, and finding yourself in the world. I think this should be a top choice on everyone's list who ever saw the movie.
@all_n_one (2003)
• United States
27 Jan 07
You said top 3 of all time but you picked movies that are only about 2 or 3 years old. If that is the case that mean your favorite movies of all time will switch up again soon.
My favorite movie is Malcom X with denzel washington which I think was his best performance next to training day.
@smuggeridge (2148)
27 Jan 07
1) The Lord of the Rings trilogy: greatest epic ever made + i love the books
2) Shawshank redemption: fantastically made film, and with a happy ending
3) City of God: Brazilian film about a kid growing up in the ghettos of Rio. Really well made and fantastic story, only problem is that it is in portuguese so have to read the subtitles
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@AnythngArt (3302)
• United States
27 Jan 07
I really want to see "City of God" but they don't carry it at my video store! It got great reviews, and I've seen trailers for it, but never the actual movie. I know that a lot of people don't like movies with subtitles, but they are missing out on a lot of wonderful foreign films by avoiding them. Have you seen "Tsoti"? It's a great South African film about young hoodlums living in Soweto. It's very good.
@pigglet53 (106)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Sword Fish with Halle berry & Hugh jackman , An John Travolta..... Ten Commandent's Charlten Heston , And # 3 Ray Jaime Fox
@AnythngArt (3302)
• United States
27 Jan 07
"Ray" was a fantastic movie; the music alone makes a good enough reason to see this, but the true life story of Ray Charles is stunning. To think of a blind black man coming from the South and finding his way into the world of entertainment success is truly, truly amazing. Jamie Foxx certainly deserved the Oscar for his acting, too; you really believe he is Ray Charles. I am glad that they used the real Ray Charles's music for the movie however!
@AnythngArt (3302)
• United States
27 Jan 07
"The Talented Mr. Ripley" is a great movie. You don't see the ending coming on this one, I think. It's also got some of the most beautiful scenes of Italy. You will want to go to Positano once you see this movie, and it's got great actors with Matt Damon, Jude Law, and Gwynneth Paltrow in the cast. More people should see this one!
@thewolf777 (581)
• United States
27 Jan 07
my favorites are...
Gone With The Wind- everyone should watch this classic. it is about the civil war from the souths point of veiw, and it is like a love story wrapped in there to.
Lord of the Rings trilogy- at first i didnt think i would like it but boy was i wrong, after wards i went out and boughtthe book. Orlando Bloom was hot and it was just a really good movie, especially the 2nd one. full of action.
and the last, i dont know but maybe Pirates of the Caibbean. johnny depp was definatly the best choice for this role. no one could play jack sparrow better. who knew a guy would look so hot in eyeliner lol. and of course .... orlando bloom ♥
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@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
27 Jan 07
my three favorite movies? Oh my, how hard! I love all horror films...well, not all. I guess I would have to say:
1...Dangerous Liasons (not horror, but I also love period films and John Malkovich is my all time fav actor)
2...Being John Malkovich...such a strange movie, but again John M is such a brilliant actor
3...Of Mice and Men...wonderful classical book made into a great movie with John Malkovich and Gary Sinise who is another amazing actor
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@AnythngArt (3302)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Wow, you really like John Malkovich, and who can blame you? He is a great actor. I lived in London for a couple of years and was lucky enough to get to see him in a play there. It's amazing to see an actor of his talent that up close and personal. I really liked the movie "Being John Malkovich" but I was disappointed with "Dangerous Liaisons" because I had seen this as a play first and then saw the movie and the theatre is always so much better than movies. There's something about live acting that surpasses the movie experience.
@randomosity_prevails (1110)
26 Jan 07
Only 3?! In no particular order...
1. American History X - I find this film so moving, it's touching and evocative, yet at the same time so dark.
2. Nightmare Before Christmas - Tim Burton is a genius! Who else could devise such a story? I'm a Jack fan :)
3. Edward Scissorhands - Again, Tim Burton. This is one of the most beautiful films I've ever seen. Who doesn't know what it's like to be the outsider?
Also, I love 'Audition', 'Clockwork Orange', 'Gattaca', 'Three Blind Mice', 'The Green Mile', 'American Beauty'.. and many others.
@AnythngArt (3302)
• United States
27 Jan 07
"Edward Scissorhands" is a very ingenious movie. I like movies that provide a new look at the world. It seems that if you watch a lot of movies, you end up seeing the same old plots again and again. Did you like "Big Fish"? More Tim Burton fantasy world. Your other movie choices are also good, for example "American Beauty" is a classic. There is so much truth in that movie, it's amazing, and yet we are carried along by the story that we don't even notice what is going on.
@ChromeRoller420 (120)
• United States
27 Jan 07
My favorite movies are: 1. ELF, 2. SuperTroopers, and 3. Dumb and Dumber. those are my all time favorite movies. i like comedy, i like to laugh.
@AnythngArt (3302)
• United States
27 Jan 07
I love "Elf" and thought it was the best Will Ferrell movie ever until I saw "Stranger than Fiction" which I recommend highly. It's a funny charming movie and Will Ferrell plays the lead, with Dustin Hoffman, Queen Latifa, and Emma Thompson all in the cast and Maggie Gyllenhaal as his love interest. It's a great film.
@amitavroy (4819)
• India
27 Jan 07
If I have to tell what are the top movies because me then the first named on my list will be matrix. This is one of the most beautiful script turned into a movie. You cannot find any flaw in the movie as it says that you were in the world where you can make it possible whatever you think. Also the character of neo is very well defined. His style, his dialogues are a few things which really creates a lot of interest in the movie. Then the next best movie according to me would be the Lord of the rings. This movie I think is the most successful movie converted from an epic. The director was able to concentrate on each and every character in the given time spent for the movie. I say it because there were so many characters that it really gets difficult to focus on any particular character and not to focus on another.
@koikoikoi (1246)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Well my top three movies are:
1) Behind Enemy Lines. I love this movie! The action and story line is just so great. I really enjoy watching this movie anytime.
2) Batman Begins: Well I son't know about you but I thought this was the best Batman ever created. I found the beginning a little weird. When I went to the movie theater to watch it I wasn't sure if I was in the right movie! But I really loved the action and well basically the whole I thought was great.
3) My third but not least would have to be... well I couldn't really decide on which one so I would just have to say the whole Saw movies. I thought the second one was just brutally and sickly twisted. It was genius! Especially how it ended at the bathroom where the first on took place, I thought it was amazing.
I have other movies I like too, I just couldn't decide which ones to pick. But I feel like these really just grabbed me. Their are other movies too but, well you asked for top three only so...
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@llabteksab73 (800)
• United States
27 Jan 07
1. Office Space - It represents what every hard worker would love to do with or at their work and work's problems. Very FUNNY!
2. Half Baked - Dave Chappelle and its allstar cast make this movie all that it can be, this is a classic even if you dont smoke. Very Funny plot scheme
3. Old School - Will Farrel is one of the funniest men alive, if you dont like this movie, apparently you never had fun as a kid. THANKS!!!!!!!
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@Eric9000 (36)
• United States
27 Jan 07
My favorite movies change constantly. It depends on my mood and a lot of other factors. I have about 100 favorite movies, and can never easily choose between them.
I always remember quotations from each of my favorite movies.
Sometimes I like to mention the quotations to people to see if they recognize the movie. That way I can tell if the person really likes the movie as much as I do, because if they do, they will recognize the quotation.
For example, here is one quote from one movie: "I really love you, boy. I believe in you. You can do it. You can be free."
What movie is that quote from? Did you like that movie so much that you watched it several times and would easily recognize that quote?
For me, there are dozens of movies like that.
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@musicgamer24 (10)
• United States
27 Jan 07
1.South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut
3.Stomp the Yard
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