Parents: Would you take your teenager to get a piercing?
@HeavenUnaware (1757)
United States
January 27, 2007 6:37am CST
If your teenager wanted to get a body piercing, would you take them and support them in their decision? I'm referring to both male and female teenagers. What types of piercings would be o.k. and which ones would you 100% never allow them to have?
I have a 16 year old son and he has expressed an interest in having his ears pierced with those larger earrings that stretch your ear a little. You slowly stretch it by replacing the earring with a larger one over time. He isn't wanting anything large, just a little bigger than a dime. I completely support this and will be taking him as soon as his sports season is over. Some people think I shouldn't but none of them have good reasons why. He's a good kid and has never given me any problems. He has excellent grades and is very respectful. If he ever decides he doesn't want them anymore - he can remove them easily - no big deal.
So what about you? What is your opinion and what if it was your child?
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25 responses
@Bizziebod (3497)
29 Jan 07
Hi there, My daughter has several piercings and I have been with her for most of them. Admittedly she is now 17, I can't say much as I have quite a few myself, but speaking from experience of seeing other kids have peircings I would personally go with them as you wouldn't want them going behind your back getting them done at some dodgy back street piercing studio! Hope all goes well!
@HeavenUnaware (1757)
• United States
29 Jan 07
Thank you Bizzie. I agree with you. I would rather he include me and have me there as his guide than to go behind my back. I do not think he would go behind my back but I like that he feels he can talk to me about his desires and if they aren't too off the wall - then I can be a part of helping him make a smart decision about it.
He wanted his eyebrow done awhile back and we talked all about it before he finally decided the he had changed his mind. So I know staying in the conversation or in touch with your kids can help them really think about things rather than just running out and making a rash decision. Who knows, by the time we decide to take him - he may have changed his mind.
Thanks for sharing and for your advice!
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@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Well, first let me preface this by saying, I think it's a personal choice that every parent needs to make for thier own children. Also, when you take your son to get pierced, make sure you talk to him about the limits of guaging out his ears, alot of times, if they wear them in thier ears for an extended period of time, they will not grow closed, so he may be a thirty year old man with HUGE holes in his ears, unable to get a professional job b/c who is going to hire a manager that looks unprofessional? However, that is your descision, but you will want him to know the risks in getting his ears guaged out. Also, I have found, that people will say, I'm just going to get it this big, until they have it that big, and then they decide they want it bigger. You should try to talk to an expert about it, because that I am not, but I have a feeling that the larger you go, the harder it will be for it to close up eventually and look normal.
Having said all that, like I stated previously, I do believe it's a personal choice. For me, I think it would depend on the reason WHY he wanted it. If he wants it just because his friends want it, I'll tell him no.. but if he could give me a reason why he thinks it's important or why he likes it and it is something he is passionate about, I may think about it. BUt I problably would not allow the guaging simply because it may hurt his future prospects of a well paying job.
Good luck!
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@HeavenUnaware (1757)
• United States
27 Jan 07
First let me thank you for your very well thought out reply. I do appreciate it. I agree with you on almost all points. I will also take your suggestions on talking to a professional before he ever has it done.
We have talked to quite a few people that have it done - young adults but over 18 years of age and we have researched it to some degree. I will say that that none of my son's close friends have it done and he has never been one to be a follower because of what's popular. We have talked about it and I know where he is coming from because I also had my tongue pierced (when I was an adult) and I did it for my own personal reasons not because of anyone else. I actually didn't even want people to notice it - weird I know but it was something I felt I wanted to do so I did. A year later I took it out and haven't thought twice about it.
I also meant to say in my original post that he only wants it to be SMALLER than a dime not bigger. I believe this to because he has talked about it many times and stresses that he personally does not want it bigger and does not like how they look at the larger size. BUT your point is very well taken and something I will discuss with him.
Again, thank you - I appreciate your honesty and help!
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@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I sure would, and I did. My daughter was 15 when she got her tongue pierced. She's an interesting kid--straight 'A' student, is in ROTC for 3 years, is a phenomenal photographer, she volunteers for charitable community services, she's a military brat, and a whole lot more. I think she breaks the stereotype that sometimes is placed on those teens that get piercings. I say, don't judge their book by their covers, because you just might miss out on a fantastic teen, who is intelligent and a delight.
Yeah, my daughter also has her ear gauged like your son. Again, I don't think the exterior of a teen necessary defines them and their character.
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@HeavenUnaware (1757)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I love your response and I agree with you. I am the most straight-laced person and no one would have ever pictured me with a tongue ring and yet I felt the need to get it done for myself. It didn't make me a bad person and it wasn't something I would regret. It also wasn't something that couldn't be reversed if I felt I no longer wanted it.
I'm happy to hear that you took her and it is all working out.
People shouldn't judge a book by it's cover.. you are so correct!
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@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Honestly, My son had been asking me forever. I told him if he brought home good grades, did his chores, and took the inititive to do things sometimes I would consider it during Christmas, that was 2006. He actually did all the following, as as of today still continue to keep his grades and such up...I got him a small diamond earring in his ear. It's not the earring that stretch. I will also admit, I have piercings myself. I didn't get my labret or my tongue pierced until I was 25 and 31 for the other. I don't have a problem with my son having a ring as long as he not trying to get huge earring for his ear...
@HeavenUnaware (1757)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I also didn't get my tongue done until I in my late 20's. I took it out a year later and haven't had any problems.
I agree with you, if my son wasn't getting good grades or doing what he was suppose to do around the home - then I would not agree to this. He's a good kid and I do not think a piercing is going to change that.
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@ILANEDRI (1921)
• Israel
28 Jan 07
I think that anyone has other opinions about this.
I came from a religios house, and I know that my mom would never let me to do piercing, but I did it anyway.
I did a belly piercing, and at first she knew, she got mad at me.
But I wanted it so bad, and I didn't agree to take it off. Eventually, she accepted and now I still have a piercing.
It dependson the parents. If I want something, i'm doing it, and I don't care what my parents think about it, because I know i'm a good kid.
@HeavenUnaware (1757)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I'm not sure I would have gone against my parents wishes, maybe just waited until I was an adult. My son won't get it done if I tell him not to - but he is asking me to take him and as his mom, I do not think it's a big deal so I think we will go when he's done with his sports this year.
I hope you are happy with your piercings and I hope it hasn't caused a problem with your mom.
Good luck!
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@mkmissey76 (498)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I would only agree to take my son to get a piercing on two things 1 if he was at least 16 and 2 i would make him wait one month and if he still wanted would let him get it. I have two tattoos and my tongue is pierced . it is his choice.
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@HeavenUnaware (1757)
• United States
29 Jan 07
That sounds reasonable. My son is 16 and we've been discussing this since last summer. It worked out that he had to wait because of football season and now wrestling season. But wrestling will be over in a few weeks and if he still wants to get them done during that time before football starts again, then I plan to take him. We just got his report card and he has all A's & B's so I know he is responsible as well.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
4 Feb 07
As much as I like "plugs" I personally could never get one LOL and I dont think I would let my kids either until they were old enough to go on their own BUT both my kids want me to take them for tats and piercings when they turn 16 (they both started mentioning it a couple yrs ago and are only 11.5 and 13 now LOL) and I'm all for it...So long as with the tats its something they REALLY WANT somethign that has personal symbolism for them etc and not just something from a flash on the wall....I have/had piercings and am getting more, I have tats and am getting more, their father had tats and their stepfather even has a tat as many of their aunts and cousins have either tats, piercings or both so for me to tell them NO would be IMO pretty hypocritical really...I've also told them I'd pay for the first of each but after that their on their damn own money wise LOL
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@Thomas73 (1467)
• Switzerland
4 Feb 07
While ear-piercing is somehow fine by me, I don't quite understand that people would get various parts of their bodies pierced too. I have no problems with those who do that, as long as they feel comfortable with it. I just don't quite understand the aesthetical value of such a procedure, mostly when it is performed on body parts that you don't show to the 'general public'.
I have heard that the purpose of a tongue piercing was not just aesthetical, and that's also fine by me. But why pierce anywhere else?
My son requested to have one ear pierced when he was about 12. I had no problem with it, mostly as I live in a country where most men have at least one earring. However, I did put my foot down when my daughter, at roughly the same age, wanted to have her labia pierced. Not only did I think that it was ridiculous, but it was also potentially dangerous.
In summary, I try to keep an open mind about piercings, as long as they are performed within reason and do not endanger the health of the one who is pierced.
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@fxysxysrkly (619)
• United States
5 Feb 07
I would take them most definately. They are open minded people and if they have the guts to ask me in the first place if they can get one then more power to them and I would say yes. I don't know about the hubby though. Good question.
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@mintu_sawke (133)
• India
4 Feb 07
i india ears are pierced in the childhood. i avoids asthamatic problems some sort of accupressure
@ShadyGrove (996)
• United States
28 Jan 07
My oldest son is 13 and has not expressed any desire for this, but it seems to be more commonplace today for younger and younger boys to have an ear pierced. I do not like the look of large holes in anyones' ears though -- a small one should work and be ok. I'd say no to any other body piercings though -- if they want those they should wait until they are out of the house and working! lol
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@HeavenUnaware (1757)
• United States
29 Jan 07
Fair enough :)
My son has only expressed an interest in this for the past year or so. When he was 13, he was too much of a chicken! *lol*
I told my son he would have to wait until he is out of the house if he wanted a tattoo. I'm not against them, I just think they are for forever and need to be a bit more serious about it to make that decision. A piercing can be taken out and healed within a few weeks - a tattoo has to be lasered off if someone changes their mind and it still leaves a big scar.
Thanks for sharing!
@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
28 Jan 07
you might be amazed but in asia n middle east parents take their kids(girls) to pierce their ears when they are like 2 or 3,
i think pierced ears are ok,
other piercings are just personal choice, and are more susceptible to infections.
so i think when it comes to ears it's ok.
@HeavenUnaware (1757)
• United States
29 Jan 07
Alot of people here in the United States also take their children to get their ears pierced at a very young age. My niece had her ears done when she was just born then when she was about 5 her mom took her for a second ear piercing. My niece is now 28 years old and she has a few different piecings all ove her body.
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@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
5 Feb 07
I just wanted to let you know something for future reference ok? I know for a fact that once his ear stretches it wont get back to normal..I watched a thing on 20/20 about this and kids getting it done..and when they decide they dont want it anymore..they're ears lobes are strecthed and need plastic surgery to get it back to normal size..Just wanted to let you know if you didnt know already.,And yes i will Take my son to get whatever he wants pierced...well almost anything..I WILL NEVER LET HIM GET HIS UMM...SECRET NO NO PLACE PIRCED!!LOL!! IF THAT IS EVER AN OPTION..he wil be 18..and i dont want to know about it! lol..
@HeavenUnaware (1757)
• United States
5 Feb 07
Thanks for the information - I will for sure be looking into it.
I talked to a young man who had his done. He told me that he had them done a long time ago and then decided to remove them. His ears healed right up completely. Then a few years later, he decided to get them again and he does not have them large at all - they look nice. I think people hear the word "ear gauging" and they assume they are going to be really large and ugly looking. I know alot of people who only get the small gauges and never go larger. That is what my son plans to do and I know he has no interest in the large holes so I'm not worried at all.
When I had my tongue pierced, I can't tell you how many horror stories and myths that I heard. According to some of them, I should have a nice chunk of my tongue missing right now - but I do not. My tongue healed up within a few hours after I removed the ring and I've never had any problems from it.
But I do appreciate your post and I will look more into it before I take him to get it done. Thank you! :)
@wiseacre (221)
• India
28 Jan 07
well, i would do every thing for my child if he or she seems to be good to me, i mean if he or she is sensible and would not do anything against the rules.i would never let my children take a wrong path i will surely guide them to the right path and let them do what ever they want to provided that it is good.
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@shivaneisver (4)
• India
28 Jan 07
the modern trend is related with out look were as real culture and our forefathers life style were healthy too still we can't enjoy or were dresses like the kings of oldendays that were a ternd too but were healthy .....
come to the point , our body has many minute nerve endings piercing the body will lead to nerve damage and it may be a accupressure or accupuncture point which may lead to unknowm damages... so beware of body poercing.
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@marief2rnurse (2704)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I won't allow them to get a piercing. If they're 18 then they can do what they want as long as they pay for it. I would try to talk them out of it though. I don't like how it looks like and I don't want them to ever regret anything.
@HeavenUnaware (1757)
• United States
29 Jan 07
Thank you for your honest opinion and views. I'm sure there are alot of people who agree with you. My own parents were the same way - my dad did not want me to get my ears pierced when I was a little girl so when I was about 10, my older sister took me and got them done. My dad was a little mad but he got over it.
I'm trying not to push my own beliefs on my son - I want him to do what he wants to do and even though I do not like certain piercings, it's not my body and not my choice.
I also do not think a piercing is something to regret because you can take the earring out and it will heal and everything will be back to normal. It's not like a tattoo that is pretty permanent. My tongue piercing healed within a few hours after I took it out. No problems since.
I respect your choice and thank you for sharing.
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@HeavenUnaware (1757)
• United States
29 Jan 07
Can I ask what is so nasty about it?
I didn't get my tongue pierced for anything "nasty". People who don't understand assume it's for bad reasons but 9 out of 10 times, it's just a way of self expression.
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@poppoppop111 (5731)
• Canada
5 Feb 07
Yes i would. if it's a metter between getting a piercing or tatto i would definately take them to get a piering. i think as a parent you have to pick your battles and a piercing is not permanent. so if it's something i know that will come out why not.
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