Do you think these cab drivers are in the wrong business?
@whiteheather39 (24403)
United States
January 27, 2007 7:40am CST
Commissioners at one of the country's biggest airports are considering punishing Muslim cab drivers who refuse service to passengers possessing alcohol or guide dogs.
The cabbies claim transporting those items violates Islamic law.
"It is against our faith and the airport is discriminating against Muslim drivers," says a cab driver who would only give his first name, Hashim.
Three-quarters of the 900 cabbies licensed to operate at the airport are Muslim, most from Somalia. It is unclear how many are adhering to this letter of Islamic law which considers the purchase, drinking and transport of alcoholic beverages a sin.
Islam also regards the saliva from dogs to be unclean.
Nearly 40 million people travel through Minneapolis-St Paul airport annually.
Over the past 5 years, airport officials say 5,400 passengers have been turned away.
Some had guide dogs or pets, others were carrying cases of wine from California, or alcohol from duty-free shops.
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35 responses
@sunshinecup (7871)
27 Jan 07
That is odd and I didn't know that. However, if they can make a living and still reject these passangers, I reckon more power to them. I don't think they should be punished, but maybe have to mark their cabs with something easy to see from a distance that they will not take certain people. Then let the people pick another cab. As long as no one is being rude, there shouldn't be a punishment.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Does that mean if I am a cabbie I can refuse to carry Blacks or Gays as long as I am not rude to them? I don't think so! This is an example of the Politically Correct Liberals trying not to offend people. I live near Minneaplois/St Paul and have followed this. When some one suggests they lose their license people come up with we need to be tollorant or more understanding. If they are going to drive a City Licensed Cab then they need to transport any or all people except those that threaten them with physical harm or don't drive a cab.
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@aarongriffin81 (83)
• United States
27 Jan 07
That is like being an airplane pilot and believing that flying is against your religion. First of all, I am quite certain that these blind people would much rather live life without a guidedog. If they had the choice, they would not have a dog with them everywhere they went. Its wrong to discriminate blind people just because they use a guidedog. Infact, I would expect a new law that allows the use of guidedogs anywhere in public locations. and one of the few exceptions would be if the cabby had alergies to dogs and it was already posted on his resume and health records.
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@forex4aliving (644)
• Singapore
27 Jan 07
I think there should be "professionalism" involved and like what some said, they should consider this when they take up a job.
My residence has security guard at the entrance and when this young muslim chap started his first week, I just had the worst experience! I bring my dog out 2 times a day. The first time he saw me walking back to the apartment, he took a tissue and covered his nose and mouth. I understand that there is also a religious belief that dog's breath is bad and they shouldn't inhale in. But c'mon, I'm have a retriever, not like I will carry my dog (too heavy) and place it face to face in front of him.
I am never discriminating as I respect that everyone has their own belief and customs, but that moment, I felt really insulted. I was even thinking...."did i SMELL???" haha! I actually thought that was quite rude.
Anyway, let bygones by goes on and he is still the security guard at my place. The bottomline is that he's holding a job as a security guard and there will be different people he meet. So, just draw a proper line in terms of carrying out your duties.
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
27 Jan 07
I believe that these cab drivers license should be removed since they are not providing a good service to the community. You cannot impose your own beliefs onto others.
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@kabuki (152)
• Singapore
28 Jan 07
Cab drivers are obliged to give service to all their passengers and not show discrimination against any groups of people.
If that is the case, they should not be in this profession. For moderate Muslims, this will not be such a serious situation as they are able to put in perspective the teachings from Allah but for the deeply religious, this could be quite a difficult situation to deal with.
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@trinidadvelasco (11401)
• Philippines
27 Jan 07
The authorities will have to impose laws which shall eventually clear this problem at hand. If Muslims cannot serve the populace properly in this field as cab drivers, they must be made to understand why they are barred from the business. The reason here is not because they are being discriminated, rather, it is because they are the ones who are discriminating. I am pretty sure, there are other ways of earning a living that they can get to.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Jan 07
Why is it that it is always us Discrimination and never them will someone explain that to me and why is it that we have to go by their Laws when they are living in our Country
If that is the case then don't work in that job as we are not going against the Law they are because it is against their law but they are working in a Job that is against their Law so why turn it round and say that People who live in that country have to stop doing what they have always done as it is custom and no law against it
I just get so angry at the ungratefullness of the People who move to these Countries and then try and enforce their Laws on these Countries it is wrong
If they want to stick to their Laws and believes then they should stay in the Country where these apply
And no I am not raciest or discriminating if anyone should think that when they read this but Imagine us coming to your Country and trying to enforce our Laws in your Country? How would you feel? The same as we do
Sorry Whiteheather this is just my Opinion
@thewatchlist (653)
• United States
28 Jan 07
But what about the case of pharmacists who refuse to fill prescriptions for birth control?
That would be a good example of born and raised Americans using religion as a reason to discriminate against other Americans in relation to completing a rather typical task of their job. If the cabbies gotta go, then so to do these pharmacists. I don't know where we would send them though because they are Americans. Maybe we deport them to the Vatican? : )
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@blueskies (1186)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I really think you've wandered off a bit from the topic. The cab drivers are Muslin. That doesn't necessarily mean that they are immigrants. For example: there are many Muslims who are American citizens.
I see where you are going, but I don't think it really applies to this topic.
@blueskies (1186)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Please excuse my typo. My post should read Muslim, not Muslin.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
27 Jan 07
I dont care what your religion is it should not interfer with your job If I owned the cab co. I would fire tham and the air port should stop them from coming on the airport for work they do it for the tips not because it is a good paying job let them go to the hotels and other places that use cabs
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@moneymaka (492)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Muslims need to notice that they are in united state, And those rules dont need to apply here, And what is with the dog buisness thing, Dont they know that a dogs mouth is cleaner than humans.
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@blueskies (1186)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Yes, I do think they are in the wrong business. While I respect them for sticking to their beliefs, they should have carefully considered the impact that taking such a job would have on them. In America, it's illegal to refuse service to someone with a service animal. The disabled must be allowed the same services as healthy-bodied people, whether they need a dog to help them along or not.
While I'm generally against our trend towards litigiousness, I think that those discriminated against in such a manner by Islamic cab drivers would have a winnable case against the cab companies that employ such drivers, and the drivers themselves, in civil court.
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@samraf (725)
• India
27 Jan 07
at this situation i would say they must be at wrong place rather then saying that they are in wrong bussiness. Because in royal crishtans are also not allowed to drink bear and all. anyways that was not the question. so i would say that it is the wrong place they are staying they should be having there own places to work according to islamic teaching else they have no rights to do like this in someone else country . So basically they are wrong not the country or the passenger.
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@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
27 Jan 07
I wonder how many ofthese muslim cabbies would scream discrimination if their granny was left standing at thecurb simply because she was wearing a hijab or was using a walker or wheel chair? Its the exact same thing. They are discriminating against people for their religious beliefs and because of their infirmity. And in the western world, that's illegal, no matter what anyone else thinks. If you aren't willing to serve ALL the public, get out of the service industry!
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@ScrappinHappyMom (914)
• United States
28 Jan 07
You can not have a public service job and then refuse to service the public. If it was turned around that there were cab drivers refusing access to Muslims all h-ll would break loose. This just seems a little over the top.
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@thewatchlist (653)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I don't think that cabbies work for the government. It is a service job, but not a public service job.
Along the same lines, what about pharmacists who deny filling certain prescriptions because of it being against their faith?
@Eric9000 (36)
• United States
27 Jan 07
The best solution would be a sting squad. Disguised cops with fake guide dogs, waiting for taxis. Each taxi that refuses them would result in a permanent loss of license.
Blind people should not have to complain about discrimination. It's too easy for them to become crime victims, who can't easily identify the criminal. If they complain, they are inviting revenge. It's our duty as a civilized society to look out for such people and make sure nobody takes advantage of their handicap to commit crimes against them.
@zhizhong07 (674)
• Singapore
28 Jan 07
I think the cab driver should not avoid the passenger but must think of a way to overcome it, like maybe creating another seat that is far from their own seat, maybe at the back of the boot, but must have air for the dog too.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Yeah right and I do hope you are trying to be funny.
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@not4me (1711)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I posted a question about this here in mylot the first day I heard about this. I was basically like, "Who do they think they are?" If you want to come over here ans worship whoever that's fine, but when you're talking about working on our economy you had better treat all of us like equals or find a new job.
Bill O'Reilly discussed this airport taxi driver situation and he asked a Muslim guest, "So would it be okay for a Jewish driver to refuse a ride to a Christian because he is wearing a cross around his neck?" and the guy just skirted around the issue and said religious issues are more important than good service. I was like, this guy is an idiot.
I wrote a little more about this on my original post at:
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I just followed your link and it was a very good post. Sorry I missed it first time around
@tlex107250 (667)
• United States
31 Jan 07
If they are here to make money, then I think that turning away a fare, is not the best thing to do. But if there are cabbies that are following theor religion, and are turning people away, due to their beliefs, then that is their choice. I think that there is a fine line in which the cabbies are facing: follow their religion, or not make money to feed their families. I am not a muslim, but id I were faced with the choice of religion or food, I would take food, especially if I had small children to take care of.
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@ae2324 (84)
• United States
28 Jan 07
First off. This is BS. If you need a dog becuase you are blind or for protection, in islam you can have one. Sure u cant drink or sell any intoxicating products, but u can transport it. Even still, your transporting a person, not the actual product. Also, if a dog is in the backseat there is not problem becuase the saliva isnt on the driver is it? Even still, it is not a sin. There is a special procedure in islam for cleaning yourself from dog saliva and other things which are considered unpure in islam.
So this article was BS
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@PacificChief (123)
• United States
27 Jan 07
The solution to this problem,is to open up the quota of Taxi licences 450 muslims 450non musmlims.This is a service industry
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@Eric9000 (36)
• United States
27 Jan 07
I tried to post a response in which I said they should have the right to refuse service to people carrying booze, provided the taxi had a clear sign on it to that effect.
But that response of mine had the L word in it, which means booze. MyLot rejected it, saying that L word was not allowed. It referred me to the terms of service. So I went to the terms of service, and did a search for the L word. But it wasn't there. So I don't understand why they say the terms of service prohibit that word. It certainly is not a rude word or anything like that.
Then when I used the back button to leave the terms of service and go back to the message I was posting, they wouldn't let me retrieve it. The whole message was lost, so I couldn't even edit it.
I think I need some L*****.
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