Most unforgettable cat(s) that you owned
By scribe1
@scribe1 (1203)
United States
January 27, 2007 11:02am CST
I'll never forget Rodney, a cat who looked like Morris and walked to the shelter cage door to let me pet and kiss him. He was an altered tom, but the sweetest. I had no car available to me, so I had to bring him home on public transportation. He never cried or made a fuss. I lost him 9 years ago.
I'll never forget Leo either whom I adopted from the same shelter. I also bought him home on public transportation, and when I turned him free in the house, he ran through the rooms like a crazy man. He died last February from a tumor and a stroke.
And probably the most unforgettable cat was Tabitha, whom I got from my sister's friend 14 years ago. Tabitha was a young fluffy gray affectionate cat and I loved her the first time that I saw her. She was also my sister's friend's baby. Tabitha suffered a seizure two or three days before she died last October. Believe it or not, I'm still grieving her, but never told my sister's friend, for fear of being blamed for not caring enough for the cat. Tabitha was a sweet little girl.
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29 responses
@dragonstar13 (1465)
• United States
27 Jan 07
My most unforgettable cat was the one that climbed onto the arm of the couch where I was napping and peed on my head. Later we discovered she had a kidney disease and the poor thing couldn't control her bladder. We had to put her down as a result. Poor little thing had had a very hard life. When I went to get her as a 6 month old kitten, I found her former owners hated her and had teased her most of her young life. She was like a wild animal. We had to take her home in a brown paper bag just to keep her calm on the car ride. It took days of giving her her own space, offering food and soothing words before we could even touch her. Eventually though we won her over and she was the sweetest little thing.
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@dreamtimewriter (24)
• United States
27 Jan 07
I laughed when I saw this topic as it immediately brought to mind a cat that my dad had years ago. My dad has had numerous cats throughout his life but I don't think any were as unusual as a black cat he named Cookie.
He found her as a kitten in a trash dumpster at his apartment complex.She would wait for him to sit down and prop his feet up then launch herself onto his leg and swing back and forth digging her claws in good for a proper hold.
She also became known as the cleptomaniac cat burgler. My step sister started complaining about missing jewelry and lipstick tubes. No one could figure out where the stuff was going. Then one day my stepmother went to dig out her ironing board beside the refrigerator and with it came a ton of earrings bracelets bottle caps etc.
Cookie was meowing and looking very disgusted about it and basically everyone assumed a mouse had created the stash. But a few days later Cookie was nabbed. My stepsister was putting her make up on in the bathroom and had her earrings sitting on the sink counter. Cookie brazenly leaped up grabbed the jewels and made a run straight for her hidey hole beside the refridgerator!
@nufoundglory (1353)
• Serbia And Montenegro
27 Jan 07
Me, it was this one cat i'll never forget till i die. Her name's Kachu, i named her after that Japanese anime Pokemon (Pikachu). She lived for 5 years with us, but then i lost her; she did not comeback home at all and she was nowhere to be found.
She was the first cat, ever, that i felt so damn close with, more than a pet. She was my bestfriend. I thought she'd be there forever. I have too many memories with her that i could never forget even forever. Some people would think this is just plain nonsense, but to me, whose relationship with my family was always strained, Kachu was the one i turned to. I better stop now.
@Ashenstar (47)
• United States
27 Jan 07
I had this gorgeous silver fluffy haired girl I got from the pound and named Precious. My mother and I were under the impression that she was an old cat because she was so lethargic and would just sit in a lump wherever you put her. When we took her to the vet though, she was only about 1 year at the most but was so lifeless because she was very ill. So after the vet gave her some antibiotics she really came to life! She never had any bad "cat" habits like the usual scratching furniture, climbing curtains, etc. She was also a vegetarian. Every meal that my mother and I sat down at home for Precious insisted that we let her smell the food. She would come up and very gently with no claws go pat pat pat at our arms. Then we would have to let her smell it. She never took it, she always just walked away after she was done smelling. We tried everything. Tuna, steak, salmon. It was very strange. The one thing she did that was "bad" was try to climb up my mom's side like she was a curtain. I really don't know what she was thinking. My mom is only 5 ft 1 in so it wasn't a very high climb. The look on Precious' face when she got to my mom's shoulder and just stopped was priceless. She looked so confused and embarrassed. Lol She had many more quirks, but I'll stop there.
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@prettylame (177)
• Philippines
27 Jan 07
i have this one fave cat..his name is mimingcur...what i really liked about him is when he takes a nap, he is really like garlfield, cuddly and soft..he is likje the king of his own cat kingdom...and when he finds me sleeping..he would stand on my stomach and make something like massages..haha..i so mised him..but he's gone..i dont know where...2 years that i havent seen!!but he is so adorable
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@Seattle2007 (344)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Hi most unforgettable cat was Tyson who I recently lost to chronic renal failure 4 days after Christmas. He was was with me from the age of 4 weeks young when he was abandoned in a log pile infested by termites to 17.5 years. He never had a mean bone in his body as he was so curious about other cats and dogs and gently giving my pet sugar glider (Australian flying squirrel) piggy back rides. I fondly recall him saddling himself behind my neck whenever we would drive around in the convertible and on the back of my motorcyle in his backpack for cats. Whenever people would come over he would sit politely at shoulder level on a couch and tap people's shoulder to ask for permission for attention. My favourite thing I truly miss is his gentle taps between my eyes to wake me up in the morning to feed him breakfast.
@trouble4u2avoid (2915)
• United States
1 Feb 07
I took in two kittens at the same time right before I had my son. Their names were Gizmo and Stripe. Little did I know at the time how fitting their names were. Gizmo would always sit on top my pregnant belly and everytime my son would move or kick she would look up at me with concern. The first time she sat on my lap after my son was born, she looked so concerned and was gently patty my tummy. She loved water, she would freak me out when I was showering because she would literallt jump in and start acting crazy (playing)She had this weird thing for match books too! She would play with them all the time. She would fetch them. I woke up many times covered in match books. She lived to be 16 years old. It's been 4 years since she's been gone. I couldn't keep her brother Stripe, he was bad! He actually scared the crap out of me. He would be all happy and content sitting on my lap and than he would start hissing at me out of the blue. One day he ripped a slice of ham out of my hands and when I went to yell at him, he attacked. I was like okay, don't mess with an animal and their food. I don't know why he was so mean, I was so loving to him, but he just seemed to get nastier by the day. I had choice by to get rid of him when he attacked me when I was rocking my son. My son didn't get hurt but i got pretty scratched up. I locked him in my bathroom and cried. My best friends brother took him and for whatever reason they bonded. It just broke my heart that he didn't like me.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
28 Jan 07
My most unforgettable cat that I owned was named after my dad. for some reason we named him after my dad because my dad passed away when I was 12 years old. I have had dogs, hamsters, guinea pigs and you name it, but for some reason we named a cat after dad instead. Why? I have no clue. It wasn't like it was my dads favorite pet or something.
@aarongriffin81 (83)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I adopted a stray tom once and tokk care of him and tamed him. I took him to the vet for a checkup and get him nuetered and the vet found out that he had 'kitty aids'. He said it was fairly common in strays and would be best to put him to sleep so he couldnt spread it to other cats. So thats what I did. He wasnt my pet for long but I will always remember him.
@cockadoodledoo (337)
• Australia
28 Jan 07
When I was about 12, we bought a little white bundle of fur. We didnt realise at the time but the little kitten was deaf. He was the funniest, cutest but naughtiest cat that I have ever known. We called him Spike. We only had Spike with us for 2 years because the miserable next door neighbour ran him over and just left him in the gutter. If he told us when he did it, he couldve been saved.
@Bizziebod (3497)
28 Jan 07
My fave cat of all time was Pickles, she was a long haired farm cat and the most beautiful kitten you have ever seen. She was such a lazy cat and once had to remove her off the bonnet of my car as she wouldn't move even after I had driven up the driveway! She would also tag along when I went for walks with the dogs! Unfortunately she passed away a couple of years ago and I have two more cats now but she'll never be forgotten!
@kerjostalit (196)
• United States
1 Feb 07
I will never forget my first cat Fluffy. He was my best friend. He would sleep curled up in my arms under my covers. My sister would tourture him so he always clung to me for protection.
I also have my cat Rascal who has such a personality that when he goes he will be most unforgetable.
@ScarletAlston (2693)
• United States
28 Jan 07
there are two cats I can think of..there was one that wasn't really mine but I was the one he would come to in the house..his name was Tiger..he was the orangest cat I ever seen and had greyish stripes..thats how he got his name..he kind of got me through a real hard time while I was growing up..I don't really know what ever happened to him since I got older and moved..there was also another cat that belonged to my step mother..this cat had to be the craziest cat I ever seen..his name was Rico and he basically spent all of his days attacking could be at the table eating and he would just charge at you and wrap himself around your leg..and just start to bite and chew on it! He jumped off the 3rd floor porch one day and never came back...
@umair2hot (1220)
• India
28 Jan 07
Yes i had . My cats offsripng now he is not with us :s he was so crazy devil every time did fun with humans or every human not only with me..he had 5 siblings but all 5 went out side i dont know where but that one was so nice...
once a time he went out side unfortunately fir playing i dont knew abt it . den a car came and thats why he is not with us but he was so nice i cant forget him or their funny habbitss...well i miss him ..
Have fun !!
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
28 Jan 07
When I was little I had a cat name Bo-Bo. There was this old couple that lived across the street from me. Bo Bo had 2 homes, they fed him and we did
I could call my his name and he would run across the street to me. He was a outdoor cat, He did come in not often though. I would wake up early in the mornings and watch him run around fighting the birds...Yes the birds swooped down on him to peck him. He would run around fighting them. He also loved just resting on the roof of the car which was under a car port. It would rain so hard sometimes, and he would be under the car port waiting and watching...
The husband of the older couple across the street, passed away, and Bo Bo never tried to go in their home until he didn't see him for some while...I think he was sad himself.
Bo Bo lived along time. One morning we found him on the side of the house...It took me a long time to get over him...Still to this day when I see a cat like him I think of him...
That was the one and only cat I have ever had...
@sanmiguel (38)
• Philippines
28 Jan 07
My most unforgettable cat was perhaps Sylvester. He really looked like sylvester and I think he was as sly as the the cartoon character was.. The only physical trait he lacked to be a true sylvester is the red nose. It was too bad that one day he never came home.. I guess I gave him too much freedom..
@archiee (322)
• India
28 Jan 07
i really feel sad for your cats.. that had this serious accidents with them.. even i had two cats. they were russian furs. one was named nasheman and other named roxy. they both were given to me by my friends uncle to me. as soon as both the cats came in my house. nasheman was dissappeared the second day itself. and this cat of mine roxy was so cute it liked to sleep near me at nights. and would eat only when i would eat sitting beside her once we even drank milk from same plate. my mom did scold me for that but. i liked her one day she left me due too tumor...