Children - To have or not to have, that is the question.
By dmillman
@dmillman (2273)
United States
January 27, 2007 2:15pm CST
OK, I'm pretty sure that this discussion will open the floodgates, but I'll do it any ways. How do you feel about having children? Do you feel that you have to have children? Do people realize that not everyone has children? Also, there are some of those that don't have children have actually chosen not to. most assume that they can't, but it's not always true. Do you think that there's something wrong with married people that don't have children? I want honest answers (and let's be nice about it, OK). This is a touchy subject so please respect each other's posts. Thank you!
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62 responses
@mikeyr6000le (2123)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I personally am glad to see most people think it's the individual couples choice. I see a few saying no and a few saying you must have kids. I myself would like to remain childfree if I ever get married. The way things are going I doubt that will ever happen so I won't have to worry about it.
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@jess1874 (1021)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I personally love kids but as long as their not mine. I don't have any. I'm only 19 my fiance wants kids but i personally don't. I want to live my life with out any worries besides my family, me, and my fiance. I just can't picture myself with a child. I'm sure i will change my mind later on though.
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@dmillman (2273)
• United States
29 Jan 07
Well, I think that you and your fiancee' need to have a nice long chat about this before you get married. You shouldn't have to have kids just because he wants them. It is your body ya know. You could compromise and adopt or something. But don't do it just because he wants you to. You'll end up living to regret it, and possibly him, and that's not the kind of environment to raise a kid in.
@masterminds (352)
• India
28 Jan 07
I am also in the view that it all depends on parents to have a child in any way they want. But I think I will prefer my own child in future instead of adopting.
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@davishuang88 (187)
• China
28 Jan 07
children can take many happiness to their parents, on the other hand, their parent must spend time, money and other thing on them. so my opininion is, many people will want to have children, but for some reason they can't have children: no money, no time to born child or other reason.
@debny711 (264)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I always said that I didn't want kids. Now I have 4 beautiful sons and I don't know what I would do without them. People don't know what they are missing. Kids are hard work but they are so worth it. I know alot of people who are married and don't have kids. Most of them Can not have kids for medical reasons. A friend of mine always said no kids but then she had a son. He is 10 years old. She says that she is glad that she had a baby but she will have no more. What I can't stand is people who have kids and dumped them in garbage cans or in the street right after they are born. I also hate people who have kids and abuse them. If you don't want them give them up for adoption when they are born or just be careful.
@fredatedino (50)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Having children means committing at least 18 years of your life to raising that child and a lifetime of worrying about that child. It also means that the other person will be in your life forever, regardless of your relationship with them, because they are part of that child. If after considering these facts, you still want children, then you should have them. I think it's more acceptable now not to have children (I have many friends that don't and won't), even if you're married. Having a child is a big decision (although some people don't put the thought into that they should) and a decision that can only be made by the two people involved.
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@dmillman (2273)
• United States
27 Jan 07
WOW! I wish that more people could understand that one. My aunt continues to ask me if we'll be next (meaning having children). I remind her that we're not having children and she goes, "Oh yeah, I forgot. You still feel that way?". Get a clue people!
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Haveing a child means more than commiting 18 years of your life. It means commiting the rest of your life to them in one form or another. you raise them for maybe 20 years if you are lucky these days. after the children are grown and (hopefully) leave the nest there are the grandchildren.
@Stiletto (4579)
28 Jan 07
I don't think you have to have children. In fact there are unfortunately a great many people who should not have children because they are not fit to have them. I think it's something that too many people do without giving it any serious thought at all. I don't assume that there's something wrong with married people who don't have children - I know quite a lot of couples who have consciously decided that parenthood is not for them.
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@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I didn't get married until I was 39 so I decided not to have children this late. I never really wanted to have children anyway because I didn't think I would be a responsible parent. I suffer from depression and didn't get treatment until the last few years. That may be why I didn't feel up to the task.
@dmillman (2273)
• United States
29 Jan 07
Good to hear that you know your boundaries and didn't feel pressured into having children just because you got married and it's the thing to do. Also great that you realized that you might not be physically/mentally up to such a task. Too bad everyone didn't think about these things beforehand.
@spiritwolf52 (2300)
28 Jan 07
When I was younger, I didn't want kids. Now tha I am older and married, my opinions have changed. Now, it is too late for me because of my age. But, I am not sorry or think that I am missing out or not worthy just because I don't have kids. They are a big responsibility and you really need the money and the time to take care of them. Some of us just can't afford to have kids. I have no regrets.
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@smints8985 (1594)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I would definitely want to have children in the near future, I definitely consider it one of my ultimate goals in life.
I actually don't understand why there are people that choose not to have kids. I don't get how things work for them, I mean I don't know what goes through their mind how come they prefer not to have children.
Is it because they hate kids? Or they simply would prefer not having their own? I am not sure if there's something wrong them, basically cause I don't know what their reason is why they don't want kids.
But I believe they have their reason, I just don't know what.. maybe hearing from people who has that thinking (no plans of having kids) would help shed some light on us who don't understand.
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@dmillman (2273)
• United States
29 Jan 07
Not a problem. At least you're willing to hear their side of things. Go to and read the stories they have there about why people choose not to have children. That should give you some perspective and some insight into why people choose to not have children. Let me know what you think after you read the stories!
@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
27 Jan 07
I think it is a personal choice. I always wanted kids and was devestated when I was told I wouldn't get pregnant. Fortunately God had other plans and blessed me with two beautiful kids even though my pregnancies and births were hard. Now, I woul dlove to have 1 or 2 more, BUT with how hard my pregnancies were (esp my 2nd) I won't have more...I won't risk it. Some people (men and women) want to concentrate on their careers...some don't really "like" children...some don't think they could give enough of themselves to a child. All of these are good excsues not to have children. There are so many unwanted kids and mistreated kids in this world. These are born to people who don't want kids. I think that if people don't want them, then they should take precautions to NOT have them. I see nothing wrong with not wanting kids. To each his/her own. :)
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@shangsyndrome (814)
• Philippines
28 Jan 07
me and my husband are very eager to have our own child. it is the fruit of our love. and not everyone is blessed wiht it. & that blessing is what we wanted to have. having a child is the best way we can show GOD and people how we trully love HIM and our family
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@Llisak03 (2)
27 Jan 07
I have 2 children, and yes they get on my nerves but i wudn't be without them.I respect people who choose not 2 have children as it's there choice.But just 2 say yes kids get on your nerves, yes u might not know how 2 talk 2 them , but when u have your own u both learn 2gether.No 1 hands out a book about parent hood,
@Savingsibes (175)
• United States
27 Jan 07
My husband and I made the decision not to have kids. I am 35 years old, and have been involved with animal rescue for many years, and that keeps me very busy. There are times in my life that I have felt perhaps we made the wrong decision, and mostly I think it was because I didn't have enough going on in my life at the time. I try to do as much as I can for people who did decide to have kids and are struggling to make ends meet. I firmly believe that if you give enough of yourself, whether it is to your own children, someone else's child, animals or whatever your cause or purpose in life is, you won't regret your decisions.
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@dmillman (2273)
• United States
27 Jan 07
You hit the nail right on the head, so I had to give you the best response. That's exactly how I feel. There are so many people that have kids because they feel that they had to and now they reget it, treat the kids bad or ignore them. I feel bad for those children that are born to parents that didn't want them but felt they had to have them. I know some of them, and it sucks to be them.
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@istanto (8548)
• Indonesia
27 Jan 07
I feel important to have children, I must have children to continues my blood path. for married people but don't have children looks weird for me. children can make family more happy why married if not have child? maybe you can control at when you want to have children. for me I must have.
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@liudvikas (85)
• Lithuania
28 Jan 07
This world already has to much people, so best we can do is give birth to less children.
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@dmillman (2273)
• United States
29 Jan 07
Sometimes it's not just other countries. There are tons of barefoot and pregnant women around here who just keep popping kids out like that's all there is to do. Then they get all of these great benefits for having the kids. So instead of getting a job, they have more kids and collect more money. This is one very messed up way to do things.
@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
27 Jan 07
I don't want any children. I don't have the patience, time, inclination or desire to have children. I don't like children all that much - I don't know how to talk to them and they get on my nerves very quickly. That life just isn't for me. I made that decision a very long time ago and I've never looked back. I don't need a child to make my life complete. That's just not for me. I have great respect for anyone who does want children and is able to have them and raise them well, but it just isn't for me. And that's okay. It's a very personal decision that I don't think anyone else has a right to weigh in on.
I've had complete strangers tell me I'm a traitor to women, I'm selfish, I'm deluding myself and that I'm not a 'real' woman unless I have a child. And I can't understand that. I don't go around telling women with children that they've ruined their lives, that they're sheep or drones to social constructs or anything else derogatory and false. Why should they tell me things that are derogatory and false?
Everyone wants something different out of life. And that's okay.
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@dmillman (2273)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Yes, I totally agree with you that it's up to the couple to decide. I'm not good with kids. My husband is great with kids. I've decided that I refuse to have a child medically (in other words, I won't be pregnant). I've explained why and he's cool with that. Adoption? Maybe some time in the future, but not now. A lot of people I know just don't understand our desicion.
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
27 Jan 07
I have a child. I don't think this means that everyone else should. The fact that I changed my mind about wanting to have a child doesn't mean that everyone will change theirs.
I've never understood the idea that everyone has to have children. Does everyone else also have to have the same type of relationship, the same career, the same hobbies? Are we all just exact copies of one another?
I know plenty of people who have totally fulfilling lives without having children. I also know people who gave in to social and/or family pressures and had children they didn't want. They are miserable and their children are miserable.
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@smurfettewv (359)
• United States
31 Jan 07
I have four children and every parent will tell you there are days you try to remember when it was just you and a spouse no kids lol Some people dont want kids and that is a okay thing we are not all cut out to be parents.i think a married couple should wait 2 to 5 years before having kids that way they have time for them selves as a romantic couple. I know that I had kids in a first year and it strains a marriage it does.I love my kids and am so glad they are here with us.
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@jessicamquick (57)
• United States
2 Feb 07
The whole purpose to any life, whether it's human, insect or reptile or what ever is reproduction!!! I don't understand why someone would opt not to have a child, I feel that in a way that that's kind of selfish. I know this one couple who were married for 15 years and they never had kids, the woman always wanted them and they eventualy got a divorce when she was 39, she's now 45 and going through "the change". She really hates her x husband now and feels like her life has been a waste. I really don't understand, what's the point of getting married? If you are religious, isn't that god's plan? Isn't that the purpose of marriage? I just don't understand people like that.