do you think kids today are more disrespectful?

United States
January 27, 2007 8:51pm CST
I was walking in just minding my own business and i turn the corner at this covienent store and this little kid was cursing out his mom like she was trash or something. i don't know about you but if i even thought about talking back to my folks i would get the most hardcore beating ever. kids are growing way to fast becoming way to disrespectful lazy and even worst common sense is at a downward spiral with them also. now i know im generalizing here but im also being observant of the fact. i see more incedents like these then i do of kids being respectful. and really i can't think of why's all on how kids are being raise. also kids are protected in the fact that they can do just about anything and the punishement would be a verbal "hey dont do that" most of time ... man my father once broke a broom over my head once for cutting school and not taking out the trash... i never cut school and i took out trash everyday after that...haha. i don't come from an abusive family by the way.
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68 responses
• United States
28 Jan 07
Yes I think kids these days are very disrespectful! The problem is that kids are having kids and they don't know how to raise the children. I also hold the parents at fault for how their children are acting. I'm with you, if I thought about saying or doing something wrong around my parents...well let's just say that I wouldn't be typing this comment to you now because my parents possibly would have killed me in more times!
• United States
28 Jan 07
Haha, I agree with you...again, i speak for today's children. Oddly enough, I am very observant and see the very things you speak of in other folks' children. Peoplel raise kids with little or no guidance. These children pick up what they can from others who are receiving no guidance. ITs a horrible chain, and its creating a group of people with little respect for others,especially elders.
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@NucknFutz (180)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I must say..i do not think kids today are more disrespectful.... i KNOW they are more disrespectful. I know i speak of my own generation when i write, but i must agree with you. Kids today seldom display manners, even if they have them. Morals, tact, and manners were three things my mother and father instilled in me since i was old enough to talk. My friends parents are AMAZED when i call them by their last name. I hold doors, pull out chairs, the whole nine yards. I give up seats for women, and say please and thank you. Not because i know what people will think, but because it is what is right. That is one sect of my life where i can say i do my best.
@weezy250m (1892)
• United States
28 Jan 07
It is true that a lot of the kids today are very disrespectful to their parents compared back then. Today, most of the kids are growing spoiled and brats. As a result, they abuse the kindness of their parents. A lot of kids today are really growing fast and liberated. I think this generation is the generation of the rebels. Kids that rebels against their parents for no reason. And it is the fact. I think most parents should raise their child on the "old school" way. So they can develop respect and discipline.
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@minerc (1373)
• United States
28 Jan 07
yeah I think most kids are disrespectful, having taught and being around all ages of kids I use to ask them what would there parents say or do if they heard what you were saying to me or there friend, the answer I got would be that they would get in trouble. But it didnt stop it's like they didnt care as long as there parents didnt find out.
@alaguc (61)
• India
28 Jan 07
well this could be due to the fact that the image of the parent is changing....before no1 would do anything without the parents blessings and it seems the other way round....but then again if love and caring are given along with a firm and reasoning hand...a better generation than ever before would be takes discipline,humility and courage all in a delicate balance......
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@Alexc123 (126)
28 Jan 07
you cant reall say that kids in general are disrespectful. it depends mainly on the upbringing of the child, if they are brought up well then most of the time they wouldnt dream of acting the way soem people do. of course there are some exceptions where it is not the parents fault and it is just the way the child is. i dont think the problem is kids becoming more disrespectfull, i think itparents becoming less strict.
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@aretha (2538)
• United States
29 Jan 07
Yes very well put. Parents are getting just as disrespectful any more.
@RebeccaLynn (2256)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Too many parents allow their children to "rule the roost" now. Spankings are almost illegal, which in my mind, is ridiculous! If parents aren't disciplining their children then how can the children be expected to have enough respect for their elders to listen to them long enough to learn any common sense? The government and too many nosey people have gotten involved in the way we raise our children. As a result, parents have basically given up for fear of having the police called for spanking their child. Fortunately some of us parents have and will continue to ignore the government and the busy bodies. We raise our children the way that God commands. Our children use their manners and are required to say "MA'AM" and "SIR". When the misbehave, the punishment fits the crime. If a spanking is required, then they get a spanking. This country is heading for a whole lot of trouble with this generation. Disrespectful,ignorant adults are what we are looking forward to.
@emarie (5441)
• United States
28 Jan 07
i think certian parents are too easy on their children. i would never tolerate my child bad mouthing me like that. in my opinion some parents either don't know how, lazy, or scared to dicipline their children. and now they want to bann spanking a child under 3 in california?!? if that passes there's going to be a lot more scared parents and routy kids. i never got spanked but my siblings did. i don't like doing it, i think after a certian age you shouldn't spank anymore but find other punishments. but if a child acts like that...then they deserve a little pat on the butt
• United States
28 Jan 07
Being the kid that was smacked on the a** i must look back and be appreciative. I NOW realize that that was simple direction away from behavior that is looked down upon in a social, and even private setting. It is no excuse for children to "not know any better" That is simply a lack of control from the parent. Kids need to be guided..sometimes physically.
@hellboi (661)
• Philippines
29 Jan 07
with all the liberties they enjoy and all the media crap they are exposed to, i bet they have become disrespectful these days. so it is a very big responsibility for the parents to keep an eye and be informed of what their kids are into. as much as possible your home must have a healthy flow of communication wherein you get to ask from your kids and your kids get to ask you freely and honestly. that way you will develop trust towards one another. most importantly show them that you love them and care for them. if only you are right with parenting there's no reason why your kids would not respect you
• United States
28 Jan 07
Great topic and it is soooooo true. Kids now a days get away with so much more and that is the reason you are seeing this disrespect all the time. 20 years ago if that same kid would have talked to his mother like that you would also have witnessed his head spin because she would have back handed him. This would have been the correct thing to do then. He would have deserved it and he would not have done it again (this is not abuse). But parents are afraid of their kids now instead of kids having that respect fear of their parents. It really is sad and that is why children are having so many problems in the world today. How can we expect them to learn to have respect for themselves if we never teach them respect for us. The also do not respect their teachers, etc because they know they can't be touched and its really give them too much control.
• United States
28 Jan 07
the thing IS kids have way too much freedom to do whatever they want...when i went to school parents would come in the classroom and demand that the teacher spank their own kid if he/she fail to listen. sometime parents would come in to school just to spank their kid. it was ok. it wasn't abuse some kid need it trust me. but now i see kids come up to adults and curse them out a complete stranger. and that BS adults in general are scared to discipline any kid. parents are to protective and worried about having their kids grow up hard. tough love is replaced by over-sensitive love. kidS need to learn the hard and they DEFINITELY NEED TO KNOW WHO BOSS!! fearis a good thing. I TOTALLY AGREE with your comment. thank you for your comment
• United States
28 Jan 07
I agree that kids are very disrespectful these days and I can only attribute that to both parents having to work, the way the world is today with more shown and said on TV and radio, etc. I will never blame a parent totally for that lack of respect or the TV or radio. I do not believe that a song or a TV show can make a kid go kill or rob someone. BUT...I believe children need a parent there constantly to remind them right from wrong. Unfortunatley, these days a lot of people HAVE to work...both parents gone so the kid is home alone a lot or with a babysitter. Plus, as you said, the parents only say "now, johnny, that's not nice!" i have 2 small kids and I am all for giving your kids a chance to explain and to try to explain things to the kids instead of just saying "because i said so". BUT...there are times when a good old fashioned spanking is needed. Time outs and taking things away will work too. I think a lot of parents work too much and want to be their kids friend when they are home. I know that I worked after my son was born and I wanted to hold him and talk to him every second I was home...I can imagine a lot of parents go thru that guilt and just overcompensate.
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@firoafame (359)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
28 Jan 07
well i think kids have their own problem. and adults treat kids problems as silly as they are kids. this could lead to stress and violence in kids
• United States
28 Jan 07
i agree that kids have their own problems and yes some adults see it as silly. at the same time you can't just say yeah kids should be treated more like adults because of that. i think we give to much freedom to kids now-a-days which makes them believe they shouldn't be told what to do or be disciplined at all. that is bs adults are there to guide and influences kids on how they should handle stress. when i look back at the things i used to think was stressful as kid a laugh because it nothing to be stressed over about. we baby kids to much give to much freedom we don't consider the fact that they have to find out things on their own how to cope with things...if becomes to much that what adults are there for. but im not going to hold my kids hand forever. they will learn the hard way because sometimes thats the only way. they will learn respect one way or another
• United States
28 Jan 07
well if you think about it, you have to watch who your kids hang out with, friends influence friends to do bad things, its natural, but other than that the music, television, movies, posters, and even video games are very influental on how a child acts. My family isnt very abusive either but i will admit i had my fair share of beatings as a child.
• Germany
28 Jan 07
I think it's a problem that often father and mother work in these days and noone fells really responsible in raising the kids. Of course, I don't want to generalize but I think it has a negative effect on the children.
• United States
29 Jan 07
i too if i had disrespected my folks i would have been picking my self up from acroos the street!!, its all in the home, parents dont have time to discipline their kids. unfortuannaly there r single parents out there that have to work and they have what u call "LATCHKEY KIDS" this mean they stay home while mom/dad is at work, therefore givng them free reigns over quite a bit. also parents dont watch who their kids r hanging with. if ione kid sees someone else do it and not get inot trouble, then they try it and sometimes parents r too busy to pay attention as to what they kids r doing
@jahvo6 (623)
• Peru
28 Jan 07
Yes i've noticed that too, it's because of the influence the get from many shows like The Simpsons, or bad education at school and at home, parents don't tell kids the right way to talk behave with grownups.
• Philippines
29 Jan 07
Ive been seeing alot of kids like that lately too! I think parents shouldnt let their kids do that to them. They're the only ones who can control them and if they cant, then the kid would go around cursing everybody.
• United States
29 Jan 07
Kids most definitely are. I remember growing up I wouldn't think twice about sassing my mom or dad. For fear that I would have the switch or belt taken to my hide.
@hijas007 (1386)
• India
28 Jan 07
you are right....children now became disrespectful....not all...may be due to effect of tv,internet.
• United States
28 Jan 07
Yes, I definitely do think that kids are more disrespectful now then when I was growing up. I think some parents are trying to be their kids friends and are so concerned about their kids liking them instead of respecting them. Shows like The Nanny amaze me where parents allow their kids to hit them, or call them names and then they cry about it. That would be the day that my mother would allow any of her kids to hit her, never mind call her names and then cry about it. If anyone would be crying it would be one of us kids. I think too many parents are buying into not spanking their kids if they need one. Compared to today's standards, my parents would have been looked at as abusive parents which they weren't.
@voytek (1)
• United States
29 Jan 07
sure we are disrespectful. Kids these days have too much things, and still they want more. These thigs like IPOD's, computers, TV have spoiled the kids, and now the only activity they have left to do is annoy their parrents, by cursing them out or even becoming violent.