kids and men and women with out food

January 28, 2007 12:24am CST
how many starving people are their in the world, and who do we blame do we blame our goverment or do we blame oursalfs for the food we have and waist it when a poor childo would love to the same food we do, how many of feel guilty for waisting food,when it can go 2 good use, but why should starving people eat our left over they should eat a fresh and healthy meal just like us. why are they poor. and why do sum have no clothes, please think before you cook a meal is it to much or would i waist it, try and cut down on the large emount of food you are cooking so it doesntgo to waist,
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26 responses
• India
29 Jan 07
Noones to blame. Especially the government cause they give The money to the poor by imposing tax but we are not ready to give The tax. Besides poors must exist in my opinion cause if every one is Rich no one will be ready to work or even think. And if so, no intentions would have taken place. Not even electricity
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29 Jan 07
ty for sharing ur throughts with us
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I agree. I think the goverment should make sure that every soul in their country is fed before taking our food somehwere else. Not that we do not want to help others, but take care of your own first. to me, there is no reason or excuse for anyone to go hungry, homeless, or shelterless. i think we should all be treated equally and that no one should have to go without, food, shelter, clothing, etc. There should not be rich, middleclass and the poor. i thought we were all to be united as one. Well I don't think we will ever see it because the government doesn't spend much time on making it happen. It is hard for people in this world to care and love and provide for one another when our own leaders we look up to, don't even make an attempt to do it.
28 Jan 07
very well said 100 % i agree with u ty
@sunsham68 (1376)
• India
29 Jan 07
Its good to feel conscious of wastage and to reduce our food, but the important thing is to actually get what we save to someone in need. It need not be large scale, if we just feed someone around the corner, a beggar, a poor person, a laborer, that is a drop in the ocean but its still a drop.
29 Jan 07
yes it is ty for sharing
@Island_Geko (3759)
• Canada
29 Jan 07
We are all responsible, however we have to look at our nation first, then out side our boarders, But if we are dealing with a or facing a corrupt government of charity organization than the moneys don't make it to who needs it...aslo with the increase in housing cost, food and the lack of jobs in some areas it make it difficult for some families to continually donate to these orgamizations. I try my best to donate to families in need but find that my cheque is not stretching as far anymore. I rarey waste food and share food I can not eat amoungs neighbors family and friends but I still feel the pressure that I am not doing enough and I just want to scream and tell people to back off. I am trying and I am only one person, I think there are to many rich people who don't do there part and they should get the squeeze.
29 Jan 07
ty for sharhing ur thoughts with us
@bhogz13 (126)
• Philippines
28 Jan 07
Reality always shows that this world has a lot of inequality,everything is unfair...But reality also show that this people needs us to show our concern to them and help them..
28 Jan 07
yes very much but are we doing much to help the poor, or are we just teasing them cos we have it easy and they have to work hard just to get s bit of bread,
28 Jan 07
ty for your reply
• Australia
28 Jan 07
This is a very sad situation. I feel very lucky living in Australia but it does happen here too. I like to support charity's when I am able too, but will only donate to charitys in my own country. I have gone without myself sometimes just to be able to feed and clothe my own children.
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@innechen (1318)
• Indonesia
29 Jan 07
good post, i hope your post can awake most people about staving people exist.its sad but true that in all over the world there are lots of people with no food or good clothes to wear, we cant blame anyone but we sure can do something about this, and it can be start from ourselves
29 Jan 07
ty for stating it, also i agree with u 100% ty for sharhing
• United States
29 Jan 07
Believe it or not, America has this problem as well. Why we, Americans, have this problem is beyond me?
29 Jan 07
who know ty for sharing
@cuddiluk (1523)
• Philippines
29 Jan 07
yeah your right, I practiced cooking that is only meant for the number of people that will going to eat. I don't prepare too much when I think it will turn to waste after meal. I regretted and felt guilty so much after seeing so many leftover on the table. Sometimes, when it has what I did is that I ate those left or recooked it to the next meal that I am going to prepare. Like rice, if it has left over I cooked it like in other way around such as to be fried rice which vegetable mixed and fresh fried egg and fried sausages. Everytime I see those leftover I realize that so many of less fortunate can't afford to eat the kind of food we intake. Thus, I'm very much strict when cooking food and to those people who eats.
29 Jan 07
ty for sharing we do the very same here in my house , if we dont eat from what we cooked with reheat it the next day
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
28 Jan 07
i always hate it when people just take everything and then do not finish their food, as a child we were thought to finish our food and we are not allowed to stand up until we eat up to the last drop in our plates. its become a habit now and we give importance to the food at the table. i just hope everyone share the same values with me when it comes to food.
28 Jan 07
i agree with you as that was how i wasbrought that if i didnt eat my food i would have to sit their until i did, ty for sharing
• India
29 Jan 07
There are lot n lots of poor people in the world who do not have source to arrange food and other necessities of life. But its neither government nor other rich people who should be blamed, its the poor people themselves who do not wish to do some meaningful work through which they can earn a living. They prefer being a beggar than working as a labourer.
29 Jan 07
do not just blame the poor. so say for one day upu became poor and starving would u blame ur self for putting ur salf their. ty for sharing ur thoughts with us
@ritak3 (52)
• India
29 Jan 07
wasting food is something not respecting food. its so difficult to get food. i know people are starving and at the sametime somebody is wasting food. if you buying it you need to pay and get it, and if you cooking it unless you cook it properly, take time to cook it you cannot ear it. but people those who are starving they dont have either of those options. who is responsible. its not the person who is wasting it but its the government who has not shared a proper discipline among his people. so government should do something about it.
29 Jan 07
i agree with u ty for sharing
• United States
28 Jan 07
That is why people who have plenty should give some to charity to try and help other people who don't have enough. I'm not rich by any means, heck I'm officially classified as lower class in terms of income. But, I do give things to charity to try and do my part. I'm a BIG coupon clipper so what I do is this: If there is a food or health product that is free with a coupon, I get it. If its something I don't care for/can't use, I donate it to a local charity. The charity is delighted to get things they need and it costs me nothing other than the time to clip the coupon, toss the item in my cart, and a few minutes to make a trip with donations every few months. Can you imagine how many people could be helped if everyone who could spare a litte would give to charity???
28 Jan 07
very true well done for ur support ty for ur relpy
• India
29 Jan 07
it is samefull for all of us , we can't bleme on government only, this is social work, so rich people come forward for help, we all of us with our best try for them , those are hunger.
29 Jan 07
ty for sharhing ur thoughts
@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
Personally I think the governments need to do more. They need to supply people with housing and food and the necessites of life. I think that there will be waste in every family...sometimes you can't help that...but people should be given the means to eat...
28 Jan 07
yes i agree the goverment should do more for their people or their wouldnt be so manny starving children and family in this world
• India
28 Jan 07
There are persons in this world like this. To overcome this problem the government must take appropriate steps to come out of this and also the public must come forward to help these peoples a lot out
28 Jan 07
yes very much indeed ty for sharing
@alaguc (61)
• India
28 Jan 07
i agree with should be cooked in the correct quantity...i mean no1's telling you to cook so little where everyone doesn't get....cook such that every1 gets yet none is the right quantity is an art that should be all....think of those who dont have and dont waste what is given to you...
28 Jan 07
i agree ty for sharing ur thoughts
• India
28 Jan 07
It is true .one must think twice before even filling the plate we see in every party lot of stuff is taken in the plate then people leave it ,I have a strong belief that when ever you take more than you require,more costly ,superflous like a costly peg of scotch,perhaps unknowingly you eat or drink some poor's share.
28 Jan 07
very well said i agree with your statment ty
• India
28 Jan 07
Without food they live for some days but after a time they will die .
28 Jan 07
very true but we should find a way for the children and for family not 2 go with out food so they wont die, ty for reply, but why should the goverment have their ppl live without food... do u think their goverment is hungry and starving i doubt it, i bet he has maids and slave cooking and cleaning for him. andthey feed the poor with left overs not a very good goverment if he does this to his people,
@stiggy (24)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Wasting food that is left over isn't food that would be going to an impoverished nation. There is plenty of food just laying around that could go to starving areas, we shouldn't worry about the little that we don't finish
28 Jan 07
yes we should worrie about what waist coz the little we waist a poor person would be greatful to finish off what we leave ty for reply