where do you stand?
By epenner
@epenner (162)
United States
January 28, 2007 11:23pm CST
The state of California has proposed to ban spanking. Anyone caught spanking their child will risk facing fines and even jail time. Do you think this is right? Or is this just another way for the government to take away people's had earned money?
Law's are getting outrageous. I'm not saying that I beat my children, but I can remember spanking my oldest a few times. It is a last resort.
If all these parents get put in jail, what will happen to the children? The will end up being wards of the state, and when their parents get released they end up paying back all the money it cost to take care of them for whatever period of time they were in a foster home.
What's next, taking away our naughty chairs too? What is happening to our world?
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50 responses
@HeavenUnaware (1757)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I live in California so I'm all too aware of this being proposed as a law here.
I agree with you completely. Lord knows our system is already over-crowded with unwanted children or children who were abused. I believe this is only going to cause a bigger issue. What's to stop someone from calling in a complaint just for a simple spanking and having that child taken away from their family!? I think it's outrageous and politician's need to worry about bigger issues than this.
I spanked my son when he was smaller and there is a HUGE difference between a spanking and a beating.
Children already use this as a power trip when their parents are threatening to punish them saying "I'll all CPS on you" - this will only make it 110% worse. I use to tell my son that if he ever said that to me, I'd gladly call CPS for him. See if he thinks living with strangers who might do God knows what to you would be a better option.
My parents spanked me and I know I deserved it. I love them with all my heart and have never held any ill feelings towards them for doing what they needed to do. My son feels the same way about his father and I.
He's also not a bully or abusive towards others - I'm so tired of hearing the argument that children who are spanked will grow up thinking it's o.k. to hit others. Give me a break. The kids we know that hit or beat up other kids are the ones that do not have any clue what it feels like to be spanked themselves. They also know that no one can touch them, so they do as they please without an direction of threat of punishment from their parents. I'll take my well behaved son who was spanked over any of these non-spanked brats any day.
Just my opinion of course :)
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@mjgarcia (725)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I have spanked my kids when I felt that the situation warranted it. I didn't have to do it often and as they got older, I haven't had to do it at all. Now grounding is something that they can understand. I don't like the government getting so involved in how we raise our kids. I don't believe in beating a child and I know that there are times when they need to be removed from the home. But the "rights" of a child are getting out of hand. If it takes a village to raise a child - then where would they learn family ties? Parents are afraid to be real parents nowdays.
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@ice_babe (71)
• India
29 Jan 07
I know its tough to control kids now a days. But, Its also a fact that spanking does not help much. I myself have been spanked quite a lot in my childhood. belive me, It used to make me more arrogant and aggresssive. It made me do things which my parents don,t want me to do. I became care free.I started having a " don give damn" attitude. I believe its more omportant for parents to understand their kids first. Then try to become their friend. Talk out thing, talking settles down things more than spanking on any day.
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@epenner (162)
• United States
29 Jan 07
One thing I would like to add. NEVER try to be your child's friend. Your children will go through thousands of friends in their life. You are their only parents and you need to act like it. children need authority they don't need more friends. Becoming your child's friend shows less that you care for their wellbeing.
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
29 Jan 07
I don't believe in spaking at all. I think the authorities are going ot have to re-think their spanking law. I agree there should be a law, but you bring up a good point.
To spank = parents might get arrested, where will the kids go?
No law against spanking = kids will have parents, but they will be stuck in homes where they are PHYSICALLY HIT!!!
Where does one compromise?
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@epenner (162)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I believe their is a big difference when a child is spanked and when they are beat. I agree that people who beat their children deserve jail time. But when you have gone through all the measures of trying to descipline them and nothing has worked, or they did something so extreme, it may take more than talking to them, grounding them, or taking their favorite toy away to do the trick. Can I ask how many children have you raised?
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I think that idea is really dumb. As parents, we have a hard enough time raising our children without having to worry that every little thing we do might be reported so that we would end up losing our kids. It's crazy how involved our government is in family life. Parents get in trouble for some of the stupidest stuff. We aren't allowed to parent the way that we think is best, but then when our children misbehave, who gets in trouble? Not the kids, but the parents.
Kids here are taught from an early age that if your parents discipline you that is wrong. If they want you to do something you don't want to do, you don't have to. And then they become teenagers and do whatever they want and get into all kinds of trouble because they aren't used to having to face consequences. And when teenagers do bad stuff, people always say "Why didn't their parents teach them better than that?" But it's getting to the point where parents aren't allowed to teach their kids much of anything.
I actually know this guy, that got his kids taken away from him because he wouldn't give his daughter money for a school lunch and packed her lunch instead. The state said he was neglecting her needs because she threw away her lunch and claimed he wouldn't let her eat.
I think that parents should be able to parent the way they want to, within reason of course. There is a big difference between spanking a child, and abusing one. But taking away parents' rights isn't going to help anyone.
@wicked1977 (21)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I agree with everyone! They are just truong to take away our rights! But I don't see how putting a ban on spanking our kids is going to solve anything. I think it will just cause more child abuse issues in the long run. My brother had actually called the police on my parents when we were kids. And the police came out and told us that our parents could spank us all they wanted as long as they didn;t leave a mark. I am a firm beleiver that you should be able to spank your kids when they do something that is very wrong like playing with matches or something that can hurt them or someone else.I think that actually if more parents did spank theur kids then maybe there would be more kids that obey rules and don't get into as much trouble.
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@MissRissa74 (472)
• United States
29 Jan 07
In my opinion, it's the government slowly trying to take away all of our rights. Now, we can't even discipline our own children, and then they wonder why the kids nowadays are so bad. Maybe they should think about what they're doing instead of worrying about us. I mean, I realize that child abuse is a totally different story...I'm against that as well. However, spanking a child, if done rationally, isn't a horrible thing. Since when does the government have the right to tell us, as parents, how to raise our children?
@aling_tindera (259)
• Philippines
29 Jan 07
Personally, I don't think spanking should be banned. In our country, it's common for kids to get spanked just as long as it is not abusive. There is a huge difference with spanking and torturing a child. And I think that generally, kids here in the Philippines are much more well-mannered than American kids who could really be brats (no offense meant). What I mean is that, I have heard of stories, that American kids could be very naughty and threatening (most specially to their teachers) because they know that they are protected by a law. They tend to abuse it.
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@epenner (162)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I totally agree, there is a huge difference between spanking a child for doing something wrong, and beating them. Maybe what they need to do is start investigating a little further parents who are actually beating their children, I know way to many parents like that. It's a shame that we have to see children treated that way.
And I also agree that a lot American children are brats. Children from other countries grow up with respect to their parents. American children are influenced so much from society that it makes it so hard to raise a "perfect" child.
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@inspired_prodigy (89)
• India
29 Jan 07
spanking is a choice parents have to make. abusive hitting should be banned, not spanking.
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@grammabean (74)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I am now a grandmother.
When my three children were little, they were spanked. They were not beat. And I NEVER disciplined them when I was angry.
I sat down next to them and explained why they were getting a spanking. Then they got the spanking. And then I sat next to them and 95% of the time, I cried right along with them. You see, it hurt my heart just as much to have to spank them as they needed the discipline in the first place.
Today they each are grown, and are pleasures to spend time with! I do not regret my method of discipline.
I only pray that the government will not pass the law to do away with spanking. Otherwise, I agree 100% that it will cost the country more.
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@monkeygirl17 (167)
• United States
29 Jan 07
That just goes to show how controlling the American government is getting. It is not about preventing child abuse. Children have been spanked since the beginning of time in all cultures and it never was a problem. Now that children aren't being disciplined, look at all the problems we have in our country. Children have never been more violent than now! So what does that have to say about spanking? It obviously does NOT lead to violent behavior.
@avonrep1 (1862)
• United States
29 Jan 07
In my opinion from living in CA myself for awhile, if you have kids, move out of the state.
Okay now I got to tell you my experience with CPS there. My ex-husband when we were married, shock my 4 year old daughter. I freaked out on him and punched him for it and called the MP's (we lived on a military base at the time. Kicked his butt out of the house.
Nine days later as I was making arrangements to come back to my home town, so I could divorce him (yep there is no second change with me if you hurt my children)CPS came in and took my kids, saying that I should have know he would shake her.
Yeah thats right, I suppose to know the future. Lucky I am very smart and was able to get the Civil Liberties Union to help me get a lawyer, because I had did nothing wrong, I did everything I should have and they were able to get my kids returned with-in 9 days to me. They also filed a law suit against the state.
After the suit was filed, the records of CPS having them have dissappeared, they now say they never had my children and I must be imagning that they were there. I guess, I imagnied the paper work I was given and still have. (so when we finally get to court I have my proof.)
Living in CA and having kids, don't mix, unless you are rich and educated.
@destinycole (827)
29 Jan 07
This is ridiculous! I know a teacher in the UK who lost his job because he spanked or chastised his daughter when they where at the dentist!
Sometimes a quick sharp spank on the leg from Mom or Mum is necessary to check a child. Dads or Men in general should be more gentle because their hand is heavier and the slap is harder.
Governments across the world are slowly taking away our freedom of choice :( and making it harder to be a good parent because parents have no idea whats right or wrong any more.
I would never condone slapping a child across the head, and yes I have seen this happen, or the face, but a gentle spank on the leg, or a gentle tap on the hand followed a sharp rebuke "naughty" or "no!" is sometimes required to get kids to understand especially when something is dangerous.
Did you know in England you can not say a child is "naughty" in school???
@chixiethepixie (9)
29 Jan 07
lol in the uk you have to say that the child has 'issues' or has been 'excitable'
its rediculous as you cant send a child to their room, remove their belongings ie the tv or games console,you arent allowed to smack so whats next?
There is a culture of yobs and i,for one,am dreading what the next generation of children will be like as they will be more out of control than the ones we have now that terrorise the streets and destroy everything and anything that they like
sometimes i look at them and think 'you could have done with a smack or two when you were little'
and yes there is a difference between punishing a child by a smack on the leg to a beating with a shoe,etc and why should we be subjected to a future of ill mannered thugs just because some 'human rights' group have decided that smacking is wrong.perhaps they would like to live in the areas that the yobs hang out in
@tenzen (114)
• Philippines
29 Jan 07
I think that law is just plain stupid. And what do you use to punish your kids, then? I'm not saying its OK to beat them up (unless, of course, its very necessary).
Parents these days already don't have the time of day to research the latest "parenting" techniques, and then they sign this kind of law. Wish they presented other alternatives to spanking first.
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@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
29 Jan 07
It is ridiculous! I do spank my kids and they know it. Because of this, I am told my kids are very respectful and have wonderful manners. Don't get me wrong, they are rowdy and rotten and get loud and act like kids, but when it is something serious that they know they should or shouldn't do, they WILL get spanked! I only use my hands becasue using things such as paddles and belts--in my opinion--you can't gauge how hard you are actually spatting them. I also only spank the behind...never the arms or head.
Outlawing things like this is so far out there! This is what is wrong with kids these days. They are protected to such a limit, that we, as parents, have to rights to control them anymore. I am NOT for beating or abuse...just a parents right to control their children. I have tried time outs and talking and all with my son and it doesn't work...just a THREAT to get a spanking (which is 2 or 3 spats on the rear) is enough to straighten him up most times.
I think the lawmakers should spend more time and money on catching the REAL abusers and the REAL people who hurt kids and not the good parents who are just trying to raise nice and well mannered kids.
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@nkife52 (207)
• Canada
29 Jan 07
Spanking seems like a very lazy and unintelligent way to punish a child. I don't think it should be banned, though. Parents just need to be more educated on how to raise their children and confront them when they do something wrong.
I was spanked when I was younger and I don't hate my parents for it, but I can see how it can be abused (no pun intended) by parents who don't know any better.
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@Lemongrass18 (313)
• Singapore
29 Jan 07
I guess the State must have its reasons for passing a law to prevent kids spanking. Guess its neither right nor wrong. I suppose the State will impose the law only if a child is seriously hurt via spanking otherwise I do see any reasons the State would want to put the parent/s in jail. The State need to consider the welfare of the kids too when the parent/s is/are in jail.
@valmiki9 (1171)
• India
29 Jan 07
It shows that slowly you are moving from democracy to autocracy of state. Government cannot supervise every home .it will have to become big brother like George Orwells 1984. Slowly the democracies are turning into that. what i notice is the absence of great thinkers in the last part of 20th century
Parliaments have become places for mediocre people who cannot thing on a long term basis. Foolish people are around who believe that problems can be solved by legislation or even amending the constitution. So we will have to wait for the renaissance of thinkers.
@grievingbeauty (94)
• United States
30 Jan 07
it is simply government liberals trying to control you...spanking should be mandatory and you wouldn't hear so many screaming brats in stores and resturants..
@pd_davies (149)
• India
29 Jan 07
i feel the government has no right to interfere between parents and their children, when spanking is done for the betterment of the child i think is correct, as it is the duty of the parents to discipline their children.
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@iamiramadnama (421)
• Canada
29 Jan 07
Spanking is controversial, because although there are some people who use it successfuly as a parenting tool, there are others who abuse it. I spank my kids. If they do something exceptionally bad, I give them a loving swat on the butt, and they get the picture, but I NEVER spank my kids in anger, and a lot of people do, and a lot of people go overboard.
Spanking is abuse if certain critera are met.. if you use an object other than your hand to spank, I believe it's abuse. If you leave a mark when you spank, I believe it's abuse. If you spank bare skin, I believe it's abuse.
There are very few people that use spanking the right way, and I for one, will gladly stop swatting my child, I will give up the right to do that if it prevents another child from being abused at the hands of parents who don't use spanking right, or abuse their children.