When did your water break?

@CatEyes (2448)
United States
January 29, 2007 12:13pm CST
When and where did your water break or you went into labour. Was it what you expected or a total suprise? Did it go fast or take forever. Did you go to the hospital immediatly or did you stay at home for a while. Mine did not break, the doctor had to break mine and all it did was hurt worse, did not speed things up at all, but I remember my husband say "it's a gusher"
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57 responses
@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
29 Jan 07
My first one...water broke while on the toilet. Didn't make it to the hospital. Had an 8 pound baby at home. My second one...thought I was in labor so the doctor said to come in. They broke the water since my daughter was coming anyway bag and all. No problem, laid the floor of bathroom and had her. My third one....in the car on the way to the hospital and water broke in the car and 10 baby boy came into this world. So you see haven't had a baby in a bed yet. Think that I am done! Barring surprises!
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
29 Jan 07
Wow! You had some big babies! :) I'm like you in the terms of, if my water would have broke at home, I would have never made it to the hospital!! I swore with child number 6 I was not going to make it. And when I did get to the hospital, my doctor informed me that I too was going to give birth bag and all if he hadn't popped it. It was a matter of walking in and they stopped me as I climbed in the bed on my side. I gave birth laying on my side!!! How insane is that??? Doctor...lay down...nevermind, just push. It's a girl! My partner just walked in from parking the car to see her come out! He almost missed it! Oh that was so much fun! LOL
@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
29 Jan 07
that should have been 10 pound baby boy!!!
• United States
29 Jan 07
Wow I can't imagine having a child at home! And then in the car?! Wow that is amazing. I thought the car thing only happened in the movies! lol. Wow you are a brave, brave soul!! :)
• India
29 Jan 07
now thats a question that makes me laugh as it remindes me how naive i was ...well my expected date was near but i had no pain so i didn t expect any thing to happen as in my 1st i had a hell lot of pain.my husband was awy at wek n it was past 11 at night n as i switched the tv off n got up to drink some water i felt water runnin down my legs ... iwas shocked i thought did my muscles just relax that im peeing without realizin!n it kept happenin for a while n i called my hubby he askd me to call a cab n reach the hospital , but i consoled him n said ats ok, i'll ssleep. but he askd me to ring up my gyno n ask n i did then she askd me to rush to the hosipital! n there i was stuck in that stupid situation reasonin that i was peein in my pants while my water broke!
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@CatEyes (2448)
• United States
30 Jan 07
Hee hee, I can see how you would think that. It is very easy to do so. Unless it's not straw colored like it's supposed to be.
@tildy12 (760)
• United States
30 Jan 07
My expected due date was August 25th 2006.My water broke June 4th .I was in the Hospital for almost two weeks before I gave birth to my Daughter.
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@missyd79 (3438)
• United States
31 Jan 07
i had my water broke by my doctor also. and it actually sped up my labor, i was 3 and half cm dialated when they broke my water and 4 hours and 15 minutes later i had my baby boy in my arms.
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• United States
31 Jan 07
i was 15 when i got pregnant and didnt know until i was 3 months along. I went into labor with my son early and then it stoped so i got sent home well i went back the next day and was in labor for 3 days and the fr finally broke my water .. I was only 7 months along. I had him at 4 in the afternoon
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• United States
31 Jan 07
I was a week late with my daughter and I never had had even one contraction. My water broke early in the morning when i was asleep, and it woke me up. It felt like the inside of a water cooler when you get a cup of water. I could feel the bubbles of air going in as the fluid came out. It was so strange. My mom was there and I woke her up and told her and she called the hospital while I went to the bathroom. I came back out and laid down to gop back to sleep and she said "no! we have to go!" I tried to convince her to wait a few hours, but I started having contractions a few minutes later and by the time we got to the hospital they hurt alot.
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• United States
30 Jan 07
My water was broken in the delivery room. I was in labor for 17 1/2 hours, and my hands and legs were tied down. It was awful.
@patgalca (18426)
• Orangeville, Ontario
30 Jan 07
Oh my goodness! You were tied down? That sounds awful. Why in the world were you tied down?
@sunshinecup (7871)
30 Jan 07
I was so goofy with my first child. For 5 days, I had pains, which I did not know what they were. When I called the Dr. she said they were not steady and could not be labor pains. So I thought they we gas pains. Then on the 5th day I called her and told her that my panties were wet but I didn't know if I had tinkled a bit from the pains. She said with an attitude, if I was so worried to go to the hospital. So I did, one hour later I had my baby! Turns out it was labor pains, my water had broke, just not all the way and when I arrived in the emergency room I was 8 centimeters dilated. My labor pains were never steady and quite irregular through the whole darn thing. BTW I never seen THAT doctor again, she sent her associate to the hospital! After I was released, I found a new doctor fast.
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@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
30 Jan 07
Well, I went through 38 hours of serious Labor pains... My water didn't break until about the 20th hours, it was a gusher as well and YESSSS it hurts like hell after that even more.. The whole experience had me soo puzzled because I went 38 hours of painful, frustrating, drained-out labor for only about 30 or 35 minutes of pushing and WAAAA-LAAA, my son was born... Til this day, I believe that's why I have one child...lol It scared me so much for so much pain for all them hours , to have it to all go away after about a half an hour...lol I commend you women who have more than one child :)
• United States
30 Jan 07
your post is exactly why i am only child as well as your son!!! my mom said she wasnt going through that pain again. i had 24hr labor with my first child with a faulty epidural that i didnt even get until 19hrs later anyways. even though it was agony, i didnt want my daughter to be an only child like i was, sooooo 9 weeks ago, my 2nd daughter was born and it was a breeze! yeah it hurt, but i had the best epidural ever and 4 pushes and that baby was out and crying!! i might even be willing to have another one day!
• United States
30 Jan 07
My labor was induced at the hospital. The doctor broke mine. It was a weird feeling and it did indeed feel like I was peeing all over myself. Im glad that I knew when it was going to happen instead of it sneeking up on me, lol.
@CatEyes (2448)
• United States
30 Jan 07
Mine was like that too. I don't think I would have minded if mine had broke in public, people would have been out of my (actulay running I am sure) and I would have a ride to the hospital.
• United States
30 Jan 07
The Dr. had to break mine too. I always told my Dr. that I wouldn't know when my water broke & he was like yes you will. We'll I went into labor at 11:00 @ Night & stayed at my house until 11:45-my contractions were like 3 1/2 minutes apart but my water didn't break. Then we get to the hospital 15 minutes later I'm @ a 7 cm & my Dr. was like did your water break? I'm like, I don't think so, I don't know. & so he was going to go ahead and break it for me-- he was like " I think your water did break & then he said-- oh, no it didn't--it's right here" I was laughing under neath all the pain--because I was like-- see-- you weren't even sure if it broke or not :)
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• United States
29 Jan 07
I was in bed, it was 2:30 in the morning and I got up to go to the restroom. I layed back down and I heard a little "pop" (no joke, i heard it!) and water gushed out. I stood up and turned on the light to wake up my fiance. By the time we got in the car the contractions were coming one on top of the other and very very painful. I couldn't walk or talk! There was no "easing" into labor for me... it hit like a freight train!! 10 hours and an epidural later, I had my new little baby boy!!
• United States
30 Jan 07
I know exactly what you mean. I heard the loud popping noise too.
@CatEyes (2448)
• United States
30 Jan 07
OK, so I am not insane here. There is a popping sound. I asked my doctor about this, becuase the day before I heard a poping noise and then a little trickle, not much. So I called him and he said you would know if your water broke, it would hurt. Well I was convinced it was. So, come to find out (per a nurse and another doctor who checked me) said that I had my bag break, but that it resealed it's self, but when my reg. came in he said no you did not. Hmm. He made a lot of mistakes anyway, so I tend to believe the other specialists over him.
@mommycrat (148)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I delivered at home with mifwives, so they let it go until it broke on it's own. It didn't break until I literally *pushed* it out. It was actually really fun and felt *great*! I could feel it coming, then all of a sudden *woosh*!
@CatEyes (2448)
• United States
30 Jan 07
Cool. wish I had mine at home. probrobly would have had better care than a doctor who realy did not.
• United States
29 Jan 07
That should be midwives, not mifwives...typing one-handed.
@imsilver (1665)
• Canada
30 Jan 07
lol... I was in the back of an ambulance going 1 1/2hrs to the closest town with my third child. I had just finished explaining to the paramedic that with the first two I had had problems and my water leaked there was no real "water breaking" experience and I probably wouldn't know it if it happened. Then it happened and boy did I know it... lol... lost my favorite pair of maternity pants that night. But since she was my last I guess that isn't a big deal :)
@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I remember when my water broke, it was 2 in the morning and I went to the bathroom to pee. It felt weird and it didn't sound like I peed at all. So, I did not worry about it at all. I went back to bed. Around 4 in the morning it really started to hurt, so I woke up my husbnd. He was acting so crazy and I was telling him that it was ok, the baby wasn't coming anytime soon. He didn't believe me off course and at 5 in the morning, my contractions were five minutes apart. He started to throw my clothing at me and tells me to get dress because he didn't want to have to deliver the baby. My water was breaking slowly, it was with every contraction more water came out. I got my stuff ready and got done dressing up. We got to the car and got to the hospital five minutes later at this point, it was 5:40 AM. When we got to the hospital everything was going so fast, I didn't keep track anymore. They got me a wheelchair went up to 4th floor, the birthing center and it didn't take long for the baby to get here. By 6:15 AM, my daughter came and it was a very fast, painful delivery if you asked me.
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
29 Jan 07
That's so mean..."it's a gusher". I would have told him that is what got me in that condition in the first place! ha ha Just playing. I have had seven children...and would you believe none of those times did my water break on it's own? They even thinned the membranes out and it still didn't break without doctor assistance! As for speeding up or not...oops! Yup! It sure did. I had it timed! When I felt my labor and the pain was strong, I went into the hospital and told the doctor to break my water and I would deliver in 15 minutes! It didn't matter how far along I was dilated. If my water broke, I was ready to push within 15 minutes! Once, a doctor didn't believe me and left after breaking my water. And I was in a room that was only for labor. MISTAKE! The nurse came back 5 minutes later and I told her that I had to push. She didn't believe me either because he just broke my water and I was only 3cm! It took a couple minutes of me starting to yell at her that I had to push that by the time she looked, he was crowning! She immediately started pushing my bed out the door but got it stuck in the doorway. Thank goodness the nurse's desk was there because I couldn't hold him back and was trying to tell someone that he was not waiting. The nurse ran around and yanked the cover off me to see his head out and a little hand waving! hahahah Just then...one more push and he was laing on the bed! I gave birth without a catcher...except the bed...and half in the hallway for everyone to see!!!! Well, after that, the doctors never doubted me and stuck with me because it never took more than 15 minutes after breaking me water. One doctor even timed me and when my daughter was born, he told me that I had time to spare!!! The butthead! LOL
@CatEyes (2448)
• United States
30 Jan 07
Wow, I hope you got a discount for that one, since the doctor was not there. I would have at least tried. Wish mine had been like that, but I think that I waited too long and his head was like 14. something. They say it was a big head, but one has to wonder. I have a prolapsed uteris now. They tried to get me to have a hystrectomy! It was not even a bad prolapse at that. Any way, I am glad yours were quick.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
30 Jan 07
My water didnt break for any of my kids actually...each time it had to be broken for me... LOL "its a gusher" omg my ex did things like that when I was in hard labour..in fact I remember with our oldest he and the doc were talking football during delivery for crying out loud!!
• United States
29 Jan 07
well for me it was sort of expected, i had gone to the doctors preiovus in the day to have my uterus scraped to see if that would speed up the dialting process,it didnt, so when i returned home, my sister, boyfriend,brother in law and nephew were all waiting for meto go on a walk. We walked up the mountain behind my hour for almost 4 hours all pretty much up hill and swamp! they made me carry my nephew half way and the stroller the other half, they were insistng the baby was coming out that night! Well then when we returned home i went and took the hottest shower i could stand along with a bubbling hot bubble bath. then got out of the bath/shower and checked the clock..11pm i was in such a rush to make my boyfriends lucnh for work for the next day i didnt even bother to get fully dressed, i wrapped a towel around meand started making his sandwhiches. i sat down on the chair and ralized i had dripped a puddle on the floor from my hair ( or so i thought) next thing i knew i was cryuing tht i was peeing myself when in reality it was my water. it broke! after the excitment of knowing that it was almost time, i ran to the bedroom to tell my boyfriend and then i pretty much fell to the floor. the contractions came on fast and strong. it hurt so bad,we went to the hospital, my boyfriend didnt have his lisecense at the time, but i was in no shape to drive so we began driving and then he realized e had no gas in the car, we stopped to put enough in to get us to th hospital, but the credit card machine was down and wedidnt have cash on us, the guy behind the counter was an emt called the ambulance, came out to check on me and to stay with me into theambulance came, bought my boyfriend some ciggerettes and paid for our gas! it was a very interesting night.
@CatEyes (2448)
• United States
30 Jan 07
Sounds like you a "ride" of your life. It's nice to hear good deeds people do, is it not?
• United States
30 Jan 07
I was induced with both of my pregnancies and the doc had to break my water manually so I never had any experience with it. From what i have heard, though...very rarely does your water break on it's own as a gusher like you see on TV. at least that's what i read when i was pregnant becuase i was really concerned about it. :)
@mbarryton (1872)
• United States
30 Jan 07
lol my never broke they had to break mine my kids were stubborn...wait..they still are lmao