Do you keep the money you find when doing your family's laundry??

United States
January 29, 2007 12:57pm CST
I am the only one in our house who does the laundry and yes it seems like it's a never ending task. But I was wondering what you do when you find money while doing the laundry whether it's in a pant's pocket or falls out during the drying cycle?? I take whatever I find when doing the laundry and put it into our Family Fun Jar!!!! I figure since I am the one doing the work that I should be able to continue doing what I am doing. Do you think this is wrong?? I mean - we give our kids money when they need it so if when I am washing clothes and I find money in their pockets - I don't give it back to them or tell them that I found any - it's not like they miss it either - guess maybe that's why when they want to do something fun together as a family - I can easily go grab some dough from the jar and off we go!!!!
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128 responses
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
29 Jan 07
I am like you, I keep all of the money and put it in a jar. We just horde it until someone needs some change. Normally, we don't keep any cash around so this is like our petty cash.
3 people like this
• United States
29 Jan 07
Hey cool - that definitely works too!!! As we all know there are those times when change comes in super handy!!!
• India
30 Jan 07
tat's exactly wat we do,it will be very useful when u need change.Colol idea know
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@lols189 (4742)
29 Jan 07
i think thats a gud idea so u can spend that money 4 a family outing
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• United States
29 Jan 07
Great - that is exactly what I was thinking too!!! That since it's not money earned by them - that I would never take from them - but I consider it Family Fun Money which can always come in handy for those rainy days!!!!
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@paulnet (748)
• India
30 Jan 07
yaa its a good idea to spend it with a family
• United States
29 Jan 07
I think that if you find money in someone's pocket that it should be returned to the rightful owner ... I think that it would be dishonest to take something that doesn't belong to you when you know who it does belong to. On the other hand when it comes to loose change and bills in the laundry where there is no clear "owner" I say that you get it because you're the one that is doing the laundry. That's one of the ways that my mom used to bribe us into doing the laundry ourselves as kids.
• United States
29 Jan 07
Well if I were ever to find anything bigger than a single dollar then I would definitely give it back - that I have no problem with at all. But since it is always just loose change and maybe a single every now and then - I immediately toss it into the family fun jar!!! And like I stated this isn't money that our kids have earned - it's money that we gave them to do something when they are out with their friends. Sounds like you had a smart mom by using it to bribe you into doing the laundry yourself - did that actually work?? I could try that - but then we wouldn't have the Family Fun Jar to look forward to anymore!!! And since they are still young - doing their own laundry really isn't as important to me as our family spending quality time together doing something fun - what's better than connecting with your family as much as possible and having fun while doing it!!! It's also another way to promote healthy communication between family members as well as our boys knowing that they can talk to us about anything!!!
@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I keep any money found in the wash. It's a house rule - you find money doing laundry, you keep it. If people want to keep their money, they'll clean out their pockets before taking off their pants/jacket. It's not like the rest of my family doesn't know that I'll keep it - they know. If it's a big bill, though, then I give it back. But a five or a few singles or a ten or something? That goes in my Emergency Jar.
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• United States
29 Jan 07
That's a good way to look at it being a house rule!!! And I agree with you that if the money was that important to them then they would check their clothes before tossing them into the laundry room!!! I haven't come across any big bills so that's not been an issue - just singles and an occasional five.
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• United States
29 Jan 07
Yep, I keep it and it goes in MOMS MAD MONEY jar, having raised three boys and a husband, I have washed a lot of jeans over the years and I do not not.. go through pockets so if you leave it in one you lose it. LMAO I have found some interesting love letters that I have pieced together out of the dryer too!!
• United States
29 Jan 07
Great - I know the feeling too - I have 2 boys so with them as well as hubby - the laundry never ends. Wow how interesting to find love letters - maybe that is what I can expect to find when they get a lil older!!! Just curious as to whether you gave the love letters back to them?? And if so were they embarrassed about them?? That would be funny to find something like that!!!
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• United States
29 Jan 07
ROTFLMAO - that is hilarious and I can just imagine how colorful those letters were!!! Bet you are so right about learning that lesson that you had better check your pockets if you don't want Mom to find your goodies and then show you what she found!!!! Love love love it!!!!
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• United States
29 Jan 07
Oh yes, its a bigger lesson on cleaning out the pockets, to have mom read your love letters, and believe me the older the boys get the more colorful the letters. Losing money was not such a big deal...LMAO also it is so much fun for me putting them on the spot like that.
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@apky12 (769)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I put it in a jar, cash it in at the bank and put it in the kids savings accounts.
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• United States
29 Jan 07
Well that is a super idea to do!!! What an awesome parent you must be and I will bet your kids know how much you truly care about them to do that for them!!!
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
29 Jan 07
The rule in my house is whoever does the laundry gets to keep the money. One day there was a couple dollars in one load so my son said he'd finish the laundry. All that was left was whites so I figured he wouldn't get any money. There was a $5 in there. He was happy!
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• United States
29 Jan 07
Cool Rule there - I guess that so far hasn't worked here in this house - I tried but got no interest - so I guess their loss is the whole family's gain!!! Wow what a great son you must have to have said hey I will finish the laundry for you!!! And how lucky for him to have found that five dollar bill in there - so does he help you with it more often now hoping to find some more dough??
@na2482 (423)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I do the same thing, I'm not the only one who does the laundry in my home, but what i find is mine. Everyone in this house is the same way, whatever is found is theres. I think that keeping a money jar is a excellent idea. I mostly find alot of change when i do laundry. I will start a money jar and see how much i actually find when doing the clothes.
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• United States
29 Jan 07
Cool - nice to know there are others who feel the same way - and that's neat that whoever does the laundry gets to keep what they find - if only that worked with my boys & hubby - it's hard enough getting them to clean their room - let alone help me with the laundry!!! Yes you should start a money jar - could be fun to see how it all adds up and then you can find a fun way to spend it!!!!!
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• United States
29 Jan 07
That is funny - to do it to a younger sibling - but just as a joke!!! And as long as they didn't get mad!!! Must be nice not to have to do laundry!!!
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• Netherlands
29 Jan 07
Wauw, this is a bit hard one i quess. Well, i dont do my familiys's landry. Thats take that at first, and second. It depends, if its like your younger brother or something. I'd worth a try and take it , just as a joke.
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@azriel (2107)
• Philippines
29 Jan 07
sometimes my mom washes my clothes, and when she finds money in it, she keeps it.=) and for me its, not a bad thing. its not as if she doesn't tell me about it. most of the time, i've already forgotten that its there. im not sure about the other people who washes my clothes though.
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• United States
29 Jan 07
Glad to hear you don't think it's a bad thing for your mom to keep the money she finds since you have forgotten about it. Do you thank your mom for doing your laundry?? Sounds like you have a great mom!!!
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• United States
30 Jan 07
I really like that idea of a family fun jar. lol...thats a good one. When we were growing up, my mom always said if we leave and she finds it, in the laundry, we lost it and it was hers. She would keep things for years. You'd forget all about it, whatever it was, and one day she'd give it back to you. LOL...she is funny like that.
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• United States
30 Jan 07
LMAO - how funny for your mom to have kept whatever she found that you guys had forgotten about then all of the sudden to get it back from her!!!! Super Great Mom!!! Thanx for the compliment - we love using the dough in the Family Fun Jar!!! Such great times together!!!
@brihanna (381)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I put it into the lunch money jar. That way, my kids are never asking me for lunch money, and if I need a little pocket change it is there.
• United States
29 Jan 07
Great idea - I would think about doing that too only I make their lunches every morning - I found that it's cheaper to make them than give them money - because both our boys actually would eat breakfast at home and then eat again when they got to school on top of eating lunch at school as well and the only way I found out was I got a bill from the school. Unfortunately here the school doesn't let them pay cash - each student has a meal card and apparently the school just let's them all charge whatever they want so I of course contacted the school and told them to pull those cards!!! I guess my boys have been really sneaky about eating at school which is why I now make their lunches!! There's no way I could afford the way they were eating at school!!!!
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• United States
29 Jan 07
I keep the money but I don't usually spend it on the family I believe that is my "payment" that is owed to me for doing their laundry and I keep it and use it as my own mad money and spend it how I choose!
2 people like this
• United States
29 Jan 07
Sounds like that's what works for you and that's cool too - everyone has a different way of doing things!!! So what do you enjoy spending your mad money on?? Are you a big shopper or just enjoy doing your own things??
• Canada
29 Jan 07
Yes I do. And I do the same thing you do. I keep what I find in the laundry, and in the couch.. and anywhere else in this house while I'm cleaning. And it goes into a family fund. I think it's a great idea.
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• United States
29 Jan 07
Great - so glad you agree with me!!! It has been so much fun for us to know that we have some extra dough set aside so that when we want to do something fun together then we can without worrying that we don't have a lil extra dough!!! Hope you guys enjoy yours as much as we do!!!
• Grand Junction, Colorado
29 Jan 07
Finding money in the laundry and puting it into a Family Fun Jar is a wonderful idea. When I find money in the laundry I usually just put in on top of the machine and if it sits there for a week or so then I just toss it into my purse. I like the idea of the Family Fun Jar, it is a wonderful idea and you are correct the money the children have is the money that we give them. I'm going to implement this right away. Thank you again for the wonderful idea.
• United States
29 Jan 07
You are so welcome - I started this years ago after realizing that I was constantly finding change in the pockets and or in the washer & dryer. And I figured that since I was doing the laundry myself and finding the dough that yes I could have just kept it for myself - but that's just not me!!!! I very rarely spend any money on myself - I always enjoy spending it on others - it's just more fun for me!!! And the boys & hubby have truly enjoyed our Family Fun Jar since we all get to decide what we want to do together!!! And you are right - it's not like it was the kids money to begin with - we did give it to them - they didn't earn it!!!! Hope you have as much fun with doing this as we do!!!! Such a great way to have fun with your own family!!!!
@mr_ilham (1608)
• Indonesia
30 Jan 07
why you message is too long wasting time to read it i am sorry thank you
1 person likes this
• United States
30 Jan 07
Well maybe to you it's too long - but then again I agree with the other person why would you waste time to reply with no opinion that isn't even related to my discussion!!! Moving on to those who actually do have an opinion that relates to the topic at hand!!!!
• Australia
30 Jan 07
If it wasted your time reading it, how much more time was wasted of yours replying to it? mmmmm
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• United States
1 Feb 07
I keep it! Well...sort of, I have an old glass milk bottle I keep above the dryer and any money I find in the laundry goes into that. If I'm ever out of cash and need lunch money for the kids etc I skip happily to the milk bottle. It's my personal home ATM!
• United States
1 Feb 07
Hey that's a cool way to describe it - your own personal ATM at home!!!! Great that you too keep what you find and put it into a jar so when you need it for whatever situation arises - then it's there!!! So have you shared your pin number with the rest of the family??? LOL
• United States
2 Feb 07
Cool Beans - I just may hit up your ATM cause I am so craving a Cherry Slurpee!!!! Yummy!!! So glad to hear that you are definitely a Sharer with others!!!!
• United States
1 Feb 07
The PIN is available to all! I'm much to lazy to run to the ATM everytime somebody wants a slurpee or movie tickets. lol
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@candygurl24 (1880)
• Canada
29 Jan 07
I am the only adult in this house at the moment, but when there is any change in the laundry, it goes into the family night jar like you do. I used to do it the same way when I had a partner..just makes it alot easier than asking who's change was laying in the bottom of the washer/dryer.
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• United States
29 Jan 07
You are so right - I can't imagine having to ask who's quarter, penny, nickel, dime or dollar it was - and can you imagine gee who wouldn't try to claim it!!! Hope you have a Marvelous Monday!!!
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
30 Jan 07
If I asked who the money belonged to, everyone would say it was their's. I wouldn't be able to find out the truth so.... it's mine!
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@mchoneyz (35)
• Australia
29 Jan 07
My fiance keeps his money pretty close to him! So theres never a chance for me to even think about keepin it as its never left in his clothes!!
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• United States
29 Jan 07
Wow sounds like your fiance - is a smart guy!!!! There's nothing better than a man who keeps track of his dough - if only my hubby were so much better with his!!! I have to dig for receipts just to keep track of the dough since I pay all the bills!!!!
@mfpsassy (2827)
• United States
4 Feb 07
I don't let my hubby near his money he'd blow it all on my kids he's a great stepdad but terrible with money
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@rhino1 (14)
• Philippines
29 Jan 07
i would keep it until someone ask for it. if nobody ask for it, i would dunk it in the family piggy bank.
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
29 Jan 07
well, you've got a point there rhino. but i don't find it so right. maybe i am just scared of karma. what comes around, goes around.
• United States
29 Jan 07
Hey cool - that's another way to call it - the Family Piggy Bank - I like that!!! Sounds like you enjoy your family as much as I do!!! Hope your Monday has been Great!!!!
@mfpsassy (2827)
• United States
30 Jan 07
Um yep through 5 years of marriage my husband now calls me if he thinks he forgot to empty his pockets, as for my kids since I share custody with their dad I give them a week to claim it then it's mine as for change it's mine no matter what it goes in the vacation fund and I told my tenant anything less than a $50 is mine
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• United States
30 Jan 07
What a great mom you are - for giving your kids a full week to remember what they might be missing and if not then it's yours to keep!!! And I agree that if it's only change then it is yours to keep - that's no big amount ever!!! Great idea on the Vacation Fund!!!! And nice to know that you have told your tenant that anything less than a 50 dollar bill is yours to keep - so do you do the tenant's laundry for them?? So then the amount less than 50 is like your payment for providing the service to them??
@mfpsassy (2827)
• United States
31 Jan 07
only one tanant's laundry I don't want him to break my machines lol
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