What are you doing when you are ANGRY?
By ready2earn
@ready2earn (435)
16 responses
@ownado (1679)
• Portugal
29 Jan 07
Well, I don't remember the last time I got angry because I try to live my life in peace without getting in troubles with other people but just try to be moderated about it if you can... sorry but there's no other advice I can give you about this.
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@stutiaquarian (394)
• India
4 Feb 07
but i get angry to the worse of stituations and i start shouting out of no reson on anyone whose in front of me
@rubininidhish (567)
• India
7 Feb 07
i too have tis problem. i will throw whatever i am having in my hand to who ever i front of me.but nowadays i am trying to control that,not talking anyboby while i am angry.
@manlynux (271)
• Romania
6 Feb 07
when i`m angry.. i prefer not to go and look for trouble... i sometimes throw something in the wall :P , but many times i dress up , i buy a bottle of mineral water and i take a walk in the park, in the city or in places where are not so many people... anger can be controlled ;)
@poppoppop111 (5731)
• Canada
6 Feb 07
I have a hard time controlling my anger as well. i find as soon as i get angry i start to yell. the way i try to control it as much as possible is walk away. i try to find a quiet place to calm down. if i'm at home i go take a nice hot bath to calm down.
@xXmeganxX (4420)
2 Feb 07
when i get angry i fight with my boyfriend because it's mostly his fault why i get angry or i scream at whoever it is! i don't like getting angry it makes too many problems for me! :(
@babyhar (1335)
• Canada
1 Feb 07
I will give you the best advice that I possibly can. Because I know how difficult it can be at certain times to control one's anger. The best thing I can tell you to do is try to discipline yourself. I know it's a lot harder then it sounds but once you find a way that works for you.. It actually is quite beneficial in the long run not only for yourself, but for the people around you.
You could try firstly by taking a few deep breaths before reacting or before even saying something in response to what that other person may have said. And sometimes some people find just walking away is the best thing to do before you are about to get mad & say something you may end up regretting later on. Sometimes you have to be the bigger person & just realize that at times it's best just to walk from a situation..
Try to as well recognize your triggers. What do people say or what do people do to trigger this anger within you. Once you have identified what it is that has helped to trigger this anger.. Try to work on a relaxation technique. And then once you've figured out what technique works try to master it as well to the best of your ability!
You could also do something like purchasing a punching bag. Sometimes they can do wonders. Or enroll in classes such as karate, or Tae Kwon Do. Try to help focus your anger on something that is much more positive!
You could also try talking yourself out of situations.. Such as saying things before you are about to get angry.. For example.. "I am going to keep my cool.. I can't allow this person to trouble me or upset me.. It's just not worth it.." Sometimes it helps a person to not get so angry or it helps to talk them out of being angry in general.. I know I've had to do this a few times in the past & it sometimes truly does work.
You could also go to the gym or get weights.. Sometimes working out can really help to control one's anger. Or you could try to write down your feelings on paper instead of blowing up at someone..
Other then that.. All I can say is.. If you find that your anger is to out of control & none of these suggestions are helping you at all.. You may want to turn to.. Going to anger management. They will teach you ways to control your anger & to turn it in to something much more positive.. You may want to look in to this if you find nothing else out there is working for you.
In conclusion.. Sometimes you need to ask yourself.. Why should you waste your time & energy on people who just try to get a rise out of you? You need to realize sometimes that life is to short. And that anger does indeed take a lot of energy & sometimes you need to realize that you have better things to do with your time.. Then have to stoop to there level. I wish you all the best of luck.
Thanks for allowing me to share! xx
@iamiramadnama (421)
• Canada
5 Feb 07
When I get angry, I tend to want to yell and scream. So, when I get mad, and feel that coming on, I walk away. I go into another room or I take a walk. I find that leaving the situation, even temporarily helps me calm down and not be so angry.
@xavier_sh (222)
• Nepal
5 Feb 07
i do not know if it is applicable for all or not but when i get angry i either close yself to a room and cry until i feel light or go to some peaceful plce or began to write wich is troubling me. try it
@dreamdistrict (33)
• United States
5 Feb 07
I pump up some Matrix type music and fight an invisible enemy and sometimes do it in slow motion. Because of the amusment of fighting in slow motion, I usually end up laughing and eventually forget what I was angry about.
@jenalyn (675)
• United States
30 Jan 07
It can be hard to control sometimes and other times not as hard. It depends on what is making yo angry. Sometimes when I feel angry I leave the situation and come back after I have cooled off. If I can't leave, I tell myself that I am not going to do or say anything for 5 seconds and count to myself silently. Then I stay focused on counting instead of what or who ever is making me mad. When I am in traffic and people are driving like idiots, then I distract myself from how annoyed I am by switching through radio stations to focus on something on the radio. Those work for me, I just focus on something else and make myself ignore the reason I am getting angry. After a while you can get used to not reacting angry or feeling angry immediately. It takes a while though, so if you try it, do it more than once.
I don't feel I get angry very much anymore, I found it is exhausting.
@ladyjava (1184)
• Malaysia
30 Jan 07
Anger... it's a terrible thing to feel. I know it will upset my whole day if i continue to think abt it. So when i feel angry.. i would count to 10... analyze the situation, think on how i can change the situation or make the situation better.. if i can't do anything about it.. so be it.. anger or being angry is a state of mind.. ur mind.. only u can change ur mind.. so change it..